;;; **********************************************************************
;;; This code was written as part of the Spice Lisp project at
;;; Carnegie-Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
;;; Spice Lisp is currently incomplete and under active development.
;;; If you want to use this code or any part of Spice Lisp, please contact
;;; Scott Fahlman (FAHLMAN@CMUC). 
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; Spice Lisp Function-Encapsulation functions
;;;    Being a mechanism for temorary re-defining of functions such that
;;;      tracing and similar activities shall be made more pleasing to the
;;;      implementor and the user alike.
;;; Written by Jim Large.
;;; Currently maintained by Skef Wholey, I guess.
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; (Encapsulate symbol type body) => symbol
;;;  Saves the current definition of symbol, and replaces it with a new
;;;    function which returns the result of evaluating the body form.
;;;    Type is used as a tag which identifies a particular class of 
;;;    encapsulation.  Types will always be compared with EQ.
;;;  When the new function is called, several LOCAL variables will be bound
;;;    while the body is evaled:
;;;    argument-list:     A list of values
;;;      The arguments which the function is currently being applied to.
;;;    basic-definition:  A function object
;;;      Argument-list may be applied to basic-definition to call the
;;;      encapsulated function.
;;; (Unencapsulate symbol type) => flag
;;;   Undoes the effect of the most recent active encapsulation of symbol.
;;;   Only encapsulations of the specified type are affected.  Returns ()
;;;   if the symbol is not currently encapsulated.  Returns T otherwise.
;;; (encapsulated-p symbol type) => flag
;;;   Returns T if the symbol has an encapsulation of the specified type.
;;;   Returns () otherwise.
;;; (fset symbol function &optional (carefully T))
;;;   Sets the definition of a symbol.  When carefully is T ,the default,
;;;   encapsulations are preserved.  Otherwise all encapsulations of the
;;;   symbol are destroyed.
;;; (symbol-function symbol &optional (carefully T))
;;;   Returns the function definition of symbol.  When carefully is T, the
;;;   basic definition will be returned.  Otherwise, the outermost
;;;   encapsulating function will be returned.
;;; Encapsulate

(defun encapsulate (symbol type body)
  "Saves symbol's old definition, & inserts a new function which evals body
   See *no-documentation* for details."

  (let ((old-def (symbol-function symbol))
	(old-encaps (get symbol 'encapsulated-definition))
	(old-e-type (get symbol 'encapsulation-type))
	(new-def ())
	(new-encaps (make-symbol (symbol-name symbol))))

    (if (not (functionp old-def))
	(error "~S is not a valid function." symbol))

    ;;compute the new function from the body.
    ;; ** TEMPORARY ** this will only work for exprs & subrs right now.
    ;; ** needs to be fixed for macros & fexprs later.
    (setq new-def
       `(lambda (&rest argument-list)
	  (let ((basic-definition (symbol-function ',new-encaps)))

    ;;transfer the existing encapsulation to new-encaps
    (fset new-encaps old-def)
    (if old-encaps (setf (get new-encaps 'encapsulated-definition) old-encaps))
    (if old-e-type (setf (get new-encaps 'encapsulation-type) old-e-type))

    ;;encapsulate the symbol (everything works by the time we get here)
    (fset symbol new-def)
    (setf (get symbol 'encapsulated-definition) new-encaps)
    (setf (get symbol 'encapsulation-type) type)

    ;;return symbol as the value
;;; Unencapsulate

(defun unencapsulate (symbol type)
  "Removes symbol's most recent encapsulation of the specified type."

  (do ((sym symbol (get sym 'encapsulated-definition)))
      ((eq (get sym 'encapsulation-type) type)

       ;;sym is the proper symbol to unencapsulate.
       (let* ((cur-encaps (get sym 'encapsulated-definition))
	      (prev-encaps (get cur-encaps 'encapsulated-definition))
	      (prev-e-type (get cur-encaps 'encapsulation-type)))

	 ;;make the previous encapsulation be the current encapsulation.
	 (fset sym (symbol-function cur-encaps))
	 (if prev-encaps
	     (setf (get sym 'encapsulated-definition) prev-encaps)
	     (remprop sym 'encapsulated-definition))
	 (if prev-e-type
	     (setf (get sym 'encapsulation-type) prev-e-type)
	     (remprop sym 'encapsulation-type)))

       T)						;return success

    ;;if we run out of encapsulated-definitions while searching, return ().
    (if (null sym) (return ()))))

;;; encapsulated-p

(defun encapsulated-p (symbol type)
  "Returns T if symbol has an encapsulation of the given type.  () otherwise."
  (do ((sym symbol (get sym 'encapsulated-definition)))
      ((null sym) ())
    (if (eq (get sym 'encapsulation-type) type)
	(return T))))
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; This code was written as part of the Spice Lisp project at
;;; Carnegie-Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
;;; Spice Lisp is currently incomplete and under active development.
;;; If you want to use this code or any part of Spice Lisp, please contact
;;; Scott Fahlman (FAHLMAN@CMUC). 
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; Spice Lisp Function Tracer.
;;; Written by Jim Large
;;; **********************************************************************

(declare (special
	  *Trace-output*        ;The stream where all traced output goes.
	  Trace-in-trouble-p  ;used to detect infinite recursion due to tracing
	  trace-went-deeper   ;decides whether ok to print result on same line.
;	  trace-level         ;how many levels deep are the traced calls.
	  *print-level*       ;so we can twiddle it.
	  *print-length*      ;ditto.

(defvar trace-level ())	      ;Gad, I seem to have to bind this.

(defvar *traced-function-list* ()
  "A list of the names of all functions which are being traced.")

(defvar *Max-trace-indentation* 40
  "The maximum number of spaces for trace to indent.")

(defvar *trace-print-length* ()
  "*Print-length* will be bound to this value when trace is printing.")

(defvar *trace-print-level* ()
  "*Print-level* will be bound to this value when trace is printing.")

;;; Marked-Function-Caller

;;; The marked-function-caller is like apply, but it takes a third parameter,
;;;  a variable to increment before the call, and decrement after the call.
;;;  Marked-function-caller is used to encapsulate functions which have been
;;;  marked by Trace-function-mark

(defun marked-function-caller (function variable args)
  (set variable (1+ (symbol-value variable)))
  (unwind-protect (apply function args)
		  (set variable (1- (symbol-value variable)))))

;;; Trace-Function-Mark

;;; Trace-function-mark returns an uninterned symbol which will be incremented
;;;  every time the marked function is entered, and decremented every time
;;;  the function exits.  The symbol and the number of times the function
;;;  has been "marked" are stored as a cons (symbol . times) on the function-
;;;  name's trace-recursion-counter property.

(defun trace-function-mark (function-name)
  "Returns a symbol which the function will 1+ on entry and 1- on exit."

  ;;If the symbol already has the encapsulation,
  (cond ((encapsulated-p function-name 'trace-recursion-counter)

	 ;;update the number of times marked,
 	 (setf (get function-name 'trace-recursion-counter) 
	       (cons (car (get function-name 'trace-recursion-counter))
		     (1+ (cdr (get function-name 'trace-recursion-counter)))))
	 ;;and return the symbol which is already in the property list.
	 (car (get function-name 'trace-recursion-counter)))

	;;Otherwise, Make a new uninterned symbol,
	(T (let ((uninterned-symbol (make-symbol (symbol-name function-name))))

	     ;;encapsulate the function with the marked-function-caller,
	     (encapsulate function-name 'trace-recursion-counter
	      `(marked-function-caller basic-definition

	     ;;put (uninterned-symbol . 1) on function-name's plist,
	     (setf (get function-name 'Trace-recursion-counter) 
		   (cons uninterned-symbol 1))

	     ;;and initialize the counter to 0.
	     (set uninterned-symbol 0)
;;; Trace-Function-Unmark

;;; Trace-function-unmark informs the function that we are no longer using the
;;;  counter provided by trace-function-mark.  It does not necessarily turn
;;;  the feature, because other functions may be looking at the same symbol.

(defun trace-function-unmark (function-name)
  "Informs function that caller is no longer using trace-function-mark feature."
  ;;Get the trace-recursion-counter (symbol . times-marked)
  (let ((trc (get function-name 'trace-recursion-counter)))

    ;;if the number of times marked is < 2,
    (cond ((< (cdr trc) 2)

	   ;;unencapsulate the function and remove the nasty property
	   (unencapsulate function-name 'trace-recursion-counter)
	   (remprop function-name 'trace-recursion-counter))

	  ;;otherwise decrement the number of times marked.
	  (T (setf (get function-name 'trace-recursion-counter) 
		   (cons (car trc) (1- (cdr trc))))))

;;; Trace-Aux-Print & Trace-Indent

;;; Trace-indent takes a level and prints out useful looking indentation
;;;  text on a fresh line.

(defun trace-indent (level)
  (write-string "
		(+ 2 (min (* level 2) *max-trace-indentation*)))
  (princ level *trace-output*))

;;; Trace-aux-print takes a list of forms, and prints the value of each one
;;;   after calling trace-indent to indent a fresh line.

(defun trace-aux-print (forms level)
  (do ((flist forms (cdr flist)))
      ((null flist) ())
    (trace-indent level)
    (princ "* " *trace-output*)
    (prin1 (eval (car flist)) *trace-output*)))
;;; Trace Call

;;; Trace-call is similar to apply except that it prints out debugging info
;;;   on function entry & exit.  On entry, it prints NAME and ARGS and the
;;;   value of each of the forms in the list PRINT, iff the form
;;;   CONDITION evals to non-nil.  On exit it prints the result (or results
;;;   if multiple values) of the function call and the result of evaluating
;;;   each of the forms in the list PRINT-AFTER, iff CONDITION evaled to non-
;;;   nil before the call.

(defun trace-call (function name condition break break-after
			    print print-after args)

  ;;If trace-in-trouble-p untrace the thing & abort.
  (cond ((and (boundp 'trace-in-trouble-p) trace-in-trouble-p)
	 (untrace-1 name)
	 (error "Could not trace ~s." name))
	(T ()))

  ;;So that our caller will know we have been printing stuff.
  (setq trace-went-deeper T)

  ;;Some local variables bound for rest of this function
  (let* ((trace-in-trouble-p T)
	 (trace-went-deeper ())
	 (print-p (if condition (eval condition) 'T))
	  (if print-p					;level gets incremented
	      (if (and (boundp 'trace-level)		; iff we are printing
		       (numberp trace-level))
		  (1+ trace-level)

    ;;if printing, print the args while binding *print-level* & *print-length*.
    (if print-p
	(let ((*print-level* *trace-print-level*)
	      (*print-length* *trace-print-length*))
	  (trace-indent trace-level)
	  (princ ": " *trace-output*)
	  (prin1 (cons name args) *trace-output*)
	  (if print (trace-aux-print print trace-level))))

    ;;Turn off trace-in-trouble-p temporarily while we call the original funct,
    ;;  and optionaly while we are in the break loop.
    ;;  Function may return multiple values.
    (setq trace-in-trouble-p ())
    (if (eval break) (break "Trace entry"))
    (let ((result (multiple-value-list (apply function args))))
      (if (eval break-after) (break "Trace exit"))
      (setq trace-in-trouble-p T)

      ;;if printing, bind *print-level* & *print-length*, & do hairy print.
      (if print-p
	  (let ((*print-level* *trace-print-level*)
		(*print-length* *trace-print-length*))
	    (trace-indent trace-level)
	    (princ ": returned" *trace-output*)
	    (do ((res result (cdr res)))		;do loop prints all the
		((null res) ())				;values separated by
	      (princ " " *trace-output*)			;spaces
	      (prin1 (car res) *trace-output*))
	    (if print-after (trace-aux-print print-after trace-level))))

      ;;return multiple values or single value according to result.
      (if (cdr result)
	  (values-list result)
	  (car result)))))
;;; Trace-1

;;; Puts a trace encapsulation around the specified function.  If the function
;;;  is already traced, all of the old options will be canceled.
;;;  FUNCTION-NAME is the name of the function to trace.
;;; If an option is () then it is ignored.
;;;  CONDITION form to eval at each entry  Controls printing of trace info.
;;;  BREAK -- a form to eval at each entry.  If T, call break loop.
;;;  BREAK-AFTER -- same, but happens afterward.
;;;  WHEREIN list of function names.  Trace only when inside call to one.
;;;  PRINT is a list of forms to eval & print at start of each call.
;;;  PRINT-AFTER  forms to eval & print at end of each call.

(defun trace-1 (function-name condition break break-after
			      wherein print print-after)

  "Called by TRACE to put a trace encapsulation around a function."

  (untrace-1 function-name)	            ;cancel any existing trace options.

  ;;make form which returns non-() iff evaled inside any of the wherein funs.
  ;;Trace-function-mark returns a variable which is plusp iff inside function
  (let ((wherein-form
	 (case (length wherein)
	   ((0) ())				    ;trivial case always false.

	   ;;one function.  form tests variable for plusp
	   ((1) `(plusp ,(trace-function-mark (car wherein))))

	   ;;more than one, form or's one function cases
	   (T `
	    (or ,@(do ((names wherein (cdr names))
		       (result () (cons
				   `(plusp ,(trace-function-mark (car names)))
		       ((null names) result)))))))

    ;;If wherein was provided, save wherein list on plist for untrace,
    (cond (wherein
	    (setf (get function-name 'trace-only-within) wherein)

	    ;;and make a new condition form combining old one with wherein.
	    (setq condition (if condition
				`(and ,condition ,wherein-form)
	  (T ()))

    ;;Encapsulate the function with a trace-call.
    (encapsulate function-name 'trace
     `(trace-call basic-definition		     ;defined by encapsulate.
		  argument-list)))		     ;defined by encapsulate.
  ;;save the name of the function for untrace-all, and return name.
  (push function-name *traced-function-list*)

;;; Untrace-1

;;; Untrace-1 will untrace the specified function.  If the function was not 
;;;  already traced, nothing special will happen.  Because untrace-1 can be
;;;  called due to trace-in-trouble-p, we must ALWAYS unencapsulate first, 
;;;  and clean up later.

(defun untrace-1 (function-name)
  "Turns off tracing for the specified function."
  (unencapsulate function-name 'trace)

  ;;Be polite, and unmark all of the functions which we are traced wherein.
  (let ((wherein (get function-name 'trace-only-within)))
    (cond (wherein
	   (do ((funct wherein (cdr funct)))
	       ((null funct) ())
	     (trace-function-unmark (car funct)))
	   (remprop function-name 'trace-only-within))
	  (T ())))

  ;;Remove function-name from who's who.
  (setq *Traced-function-list*
	(remove function-name *traced-function-list*))

  ;;And return function-name.
;;; TRACE

;;; Trace parses a list of specs, and if they survive some type checking, it 
;;;  returns a progn which will call trace-1 once for each spec.  If anything
;;;  fails, No tracing will be done.
;;; A spec is either a function name, or a list of a function name followed by
;;;  keywords and arguments.

(defmacro trace (&rest specs)
  "For simple use, specs are function names.  Undo with Untrace."
   (do ((name ())			   ;name of function this iteration
	(options ())			   ;list of keywords & options for name
	(trace-1-forms ())		   ;list of calls to trace-1
	(name-list ())			   ;list of names so we can fboundp
	(spec-list specs (cdr spec-list)))

       ;;return a form which trace-1's all the functions iff all are fboundp.
       ((null spec-list)
	`(do ((names ',name-list (cdr names)))
	     ((null names) ,@trace-1-forms)
	   (if (not (fboundp (car names)))
	       (error "No such function:  ~s." (car names)))))

     ;;LOOP BODY stuffs one form into Trace-1-forms on each pass.

     ;;first, separate the name & the list of options
     (typecase (car spec-list)
       (symbol (setq name (car spec-list))
	       (setq options ()))
	(if (not (symbolp (caar spec-list)))
	    (error "Illegal function name:  ~s." (caar spec-list)))
	(if (eq (caar spec-list) 'quote)
	    (error "I bet you don't want to trace QUOTE."))
	(setq options (cdar spec-list))
	(setq name (caar spec-list)))
       (T (error "Illegal trace spec:  ~s." (car spec-list))))

     ;;parse the options list.
     (with-keywords options
       ((:condition condition ())
	(:break break ())
	(:break-after break-after ())
	(:break-all break-all ())
        (:wherein wherein ())
        (:print print ())
        (:print-after print-after ())
	(:print-all print-all ()))
      (when break-all (setq break (setq break-after break-all)))
      (when print-all (setq print (setq print-after print-all)))

      ;;Make sure wherein spec is a list of symbols or ()
      (setq wherein
	(typecase wherein
	 (null ())
	 (symbol (list wherein))
	 (list (do ((funs wherein (cdr funs)))
		   ((null funs) wherein)
		 (if (not (symbolp (car funs)))
			     "Illegal function name, ~s, in :wherein."
			     (car funs)))))
	 (T (error "Illegal :wherein option:  ~s." wherein))))

      ;;make sure print and print-after are lists.
      (if (not (listp print))
	  (error "Illegal form list, ~s, for :print."
      (if (not (listp print-after))
	  (error "Illegal form list, ~s, for :print-after."
      (push `(trace-1 ',name ',condition ',break ',break-after
		      ',wherein ',print ',print-after)
      (push name name-list)))

   ;; if (not specs)

;;; Untrace checks to see that its args are all symbols.  If they are, it
;;; returns a form which will untrace each one.  Otherwise, it signals an
;;; error, and none of the forms are untraced.
;;; with no args, untraces all traced functions.

(defmacro untrace (&rest names)
  "Removes tracing from the functions named.  With no args, untraces all functions."

  (if (null names) (setq names *traced-function-list*))

  (do ((untrace-1-forms ())
       (name-list names (cdr name-list)))
      ((null name-list)
       `(progn ,@untrace-1-forms))

    (if (symbolp (car name-list))
	(push `(untrace-1 ',(car name-list)) untrace-1-forms)
	(error "Illegal function name:  ~s." (car name-list)))))