;;; ********************************************************************** ;;; This code was written as part of the Spice Lisp project at ;;; Carnegie-Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain. ;;; Spice Lisp is currently incomplete and under active development. ;;; If you want to use this code or any part of Spice Lisp, please contact ;;; Scott Fahlman (FAHLMAN@CMUC). ;;; ********************************************************************** ;;; ;;; Spice Lisp Function Stepper ;;; these functions are part of the standard Spice Lisp environment. ;;; ;;; Written by Jim Large ;;; ;;; Maintained by Steven Handerson ;;; ;;; ********************************************************************** (proclaim '(special *evalhook* ;function which subs for eval Step-state ;On, off (aborted), or sleeping step-indentation-level ;# of spaces to indent step output )) (defvar *step-print-level* 4 "*Print-level* is bound to this when stepper prints forms.") (defvar *step-print-length* 5 "*Print-length* is bound to this when stepper prints forms.") (defvar *max-step-indentation* 40 "The maximum number of spaces that step output may be indented.") (defvar *terminal-line-mode* nil "When nil, step will not require a terminating end-of-line for commands.") (defvar step-state nil "Step's memory. Nil means off, T means on. A list of functions is a search list. A non-symbol means step is asleep.") (defvar step-indentation-level 0 "Makes the step facilities prinout nicer.") (eval-when (compile eval) (defmacro step-off-p () '(null step-state)) (defmacro step-on-p () '(eq step-state t)) (defmacro awaken-stepper () '(setq step-state t *evalhook* #'step-command-loop step-indentation-level 0)) (defmacro abort-stepper () '(setq Step-state nil)) (defmacro sleep-stepper (&optional (functions 0)) `(setq step-state ,functions *evalhook* #'step-command-loop step-indentation-level 0)) (defmacro step-search-list () `(and (listp step-state) step-state)) ) ;;; Flushes whitespace. (eval-when (compile load) (defmacro step-get-char-CR () `(do ((char (read-char *query-io*) (read-char *query-io*))) ((not (member char '(#\return #\tab #\space #\linefeed))) char)))) #-perq (defmacro step-get-char () '(step-get-char-CR)) #+perq (defmacro step-get-char () `(cond (*terminal-line-mode* (step-get-char-CR)) (t (finish-output *standard-output*) (multiple-value-bind (ignore char) (get-event 2) (declare (ignore ignore)) (terpri *standard-output*) char)))) (defmacro step-step-form (form environment) `(let ((results (multiple-value-list (apply #'evalhook ,form #'step-command-loop () ,environment)))) (step-print-values results) (values-list results))) (defmacro step-eval-form (form environment) `(let ((results (multiple-value-list (apply #'*eval ,form ,environment)))) (step-print-values results) (values-list results))) ;;; Step-Help ;;; ;;; Usage of return, linefeed differs from that of maclisp. ;;; Step help is called to print a help message on the console. (defun step-help () (princ " Commands are single characters. If you don't like (linmode nil), then (setq *terminal-line-mode* t). N (next) also space evaluate current expression in step mode. S (skip) CR, tab '' '' '' without stepping. M (macro) steps a macroexpansion, signaled by a :: prompt. Q (quit) linefeed finish evaluation, but turn stepper off. P (print) print current exp (ignore *step-print-level* & *step-print-length*.) ↑P pretty-print current exp B (break) enter break loop. E (eval) evaluate an arbitrary expression, in the current environment. ? (help) print this text. R (return) prompt for an arbitrary value to return as result of current exp. G throw to top level. " *standard-output*)) ;;; Step-Print ;;; Step-print is called to print a form according to the current indentation ;;; level, and according to *step-print-level* and *step-print-length*. (defun step-print (form) (do ((*print-level* *step-print-level*) (*print-length* *step-print-length*) (i (min step-indentation-level *max-step-indentation*) (1- i))) ((zerop i) (prin1 form *standard-output*)) (princ " " *standard-output*))) ;;; Step-print-values is called to print a list of values which were returned ;;; from an evaluation. (defun step-print-values (value-list) (fresh-line *standard-output*) ;In case of prints. (if (not (null value-list)) (step-print (car value-list))) (do ((*print-level* *step-print-level*) (*print-length* *step-print-length*) (vlist (cdr value-list) (cdr vlist))) ((null vlist) (terpri *standard-output*)) (princ " " *standard-output*) (prin1 (car vlist) *standard-output*))) ;;; Step-Command-Loop ;;; ;;; Step-command-loop is a substitute for *eval. It prints the form, and ;;; then enters a command loop. The commands are read as single characters ;;; from the terminal. If the stepper has subsequently been turned off, ;;; do the equivalent of the s command without printing. (defun step-command-loop (form &rest environment) (cond ;; If aborted, just eval it. ((step-off-p) (apply #'*eval form environment)) ((or (step-on-p) (And (listp form) (member (car form) (step-search-list)))) ;;Otherwise, bind indent level, print form, and enter command loop. (let ((step-indentation-level (1+ step-indentation-level))) (cond ((or (symbolp form) (constantp form)) ;Could be quoted. (step-print form) (princ " = " *standard-output*) (prog1 (prin1 (apply #'*eval form environment) *standard-output*) (terpri *standard-output*))) (t (prog () TOP (step-print form) NO-PRINT (if (and (listp form) (macrop (car form))) (princ " :: " *standard-output*) ;Notify the user for expansion. (princ " : " *standard-output*)) NO-PROMPT (case (step-get-char) ((#\m #\M) (return (step-step-form form environment))) ((#\n #\N #\space) (cond ((and (listp form) (macrop (car form))) (setq form (macroexpand form environment)) (go TOP)) (t (return (step-step-form form environment))))) ((#\s #\S #\return #\tab) (return (step-eval-form form environment))) ((#\q #\Q #\linefeed) (abort-stepper) (return (apply #'*eval form environment))) ((#\p) (prin1 form *standard-output*) (go NO-PRINT)) ((#\P) (pprint form *standard-output*) (go NO-PRINT)) ((#\b #\B) (break "Step") (terpri *standard-output*)) ((#\e #\E) (princ "eval: " *query-io*) (let ((*evalhook* ())) (prin1 (apply #'*eval (read *query-io*) environment) *standard-output*) (terpri *standard-output*))) ((#\?) (step-help)) ((#\r #\R) (princ "return: " *standard-output*) (let* ((*evalhook* ()) (results (multiple-value-list (apply #'*eval (read) environment)))) (step-print-values results) (return (values-list results)))) ((#\g #\G) (throw 'top-level-catcher ())) (T (princ "Type ? for help. " *standard-output*) (clear-input *standard-output*) (go NO-PROMPT))) (go TOP)))))) ;; Haven't found one yet. (t (apply #'evalhook form #'step-command-loop () environment)))) ;;; Step ;;; Nice to know, but not an error. (defun step-parse-functions (list) "Picks out functions from the list, and tells the user about those that weren't." (do* ((list list (Cdr list)) (functions ()) (non-functions ())) ((null list) (if non-functions (format *error-output* "Non-functions ignored - ~S" non-functions)) functions) (if (and (symbolp (car list)) (fboundp (Car list))) (setq functions (cons (car list) functions)) (setq non-functions (cons (car list) non-functions))))) ;;; (Step form) is a special form which "invokes the stepper". ;;; If no form, set up the stepper for being turned on inside a break loop. ;;; If form is T, turn the stepper on, ;;; (), '' '' '' off, ;;; (step &rest functions) looks for any of the functions and steps on them. ;;; (Defun step fexpr (forms) "With arg T or (), turns stepper on or off. (Step) at top-level lets a (step t) in a break loop turn on stepping globally. With a list of functions, turns on stepping when any are called. Otherwise, the arg is evaled with stepper bound on." (cond ((null forms) (sleep-stepper) T) ((equal forms '(nil)) (abort-stepper) nil) ((equal forms '(t)) (awaken-stepper) T) ((symbolp (car forms)) ;Check if function (let ((functions (step-parse-functions forms))) (sleep-stepper functions) functions)) (T (let ((*evalhook* #'step-command-loop) (step-state t) (step-indentation-level 0)) (eval (car forms))))))