;;; This is a -*-Lisp-*- file.

;;; **********************************************************************
;;; This code was written as part of the Spice Lisp project at
;;; Carnegie-Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
;;; Spice Lisp is currently incomplete and under active development.
;;; If you want to use this code or any part of Spice Lisp, please contact
;;; Scott Fahlman (FAHLMAN@CMUC). 
;;; **********************************************************************

;;; Spice Lisp Preliminary Sharp Macro
;;; Written by David Dill
;;; Runs in the standard Spice Lisp environment.
;;; This uses the special std-lisp-readtable, which is internal to READER.SLISP

;;; ****************************************************************
;;; declared in READ.SLISP

(proclaim '(special *read-suppress* std-lisp-readtable *bq-vector-flag*))

(defun sharp-backslash (stream backslash ignore)
  (unread-char backslash stream)
  (let* ((*readtable* std-lisp-readtable)
	 (bitnames ())
	 (charstring (read-extended-token stream)))
    (declare (simple-string charstring))
    (when *read-suppress* (return-from sharp-backslash nil))
    ;;find bit name prefixes
    (do ((i (position #\- charstring) (position #\- charstring)))
	((or (null i) (zerop i)))
      (let ((bitname (string-upcase (subseq charstring 0 i))))
	(setq charstring (subseq charstring (1+ i)))
	;;* symbols in alist are a kludge to circumvent xc bogosity.
	(let ((expansion (cdr (assoc bitname '(("C" . CONTROL)
					       ("M" . META)
					       ("H" . HYPER)
					       ("S" . SUPER))
				     :test #'equal))))
	  (if expansion (setq bitname (symbol-name expansion)))
	  (cond ((member bitname '("CONTROL" "META" "HYPER" "SUPER")
			 :test #'EQUAL)
		 (if (not (member bitname bitnames :test #'EQUAL))
		     (push bitname bitnames)
			     "Redundant bit name in character name: ~A"
		(t (error
			   "Meaningless bit name in character name: ~A"
    ;;build un-hyphenated char, add specified bits:
    (let ((char (if (= (length charstring) 1)
		    (char charstring 0)
		    (name-char charstring))))
      (cond (char
	     (if (member "CONTROL" bitnames :test #'EQUAL)
		 (setq char (set-char-bit char :control t)))
	     (if (member "META" bitnames :test #'EQUAL)
		 (setq char (set-char-bit char :meta t)))
	     (if (member "HYPER" bitnames :test #'EQUAL)
		 (setq char (set-char-bit char :hyper t)))
	     (if (member "SUPER" bitnames :test #'EQUAL)
		 (setq char (set-char-bit char :super t)))
	    (t (error "Meaningless character name ~A"
(defun sharp-quote (stream ignore ignore)
  ;; 4th arg tells read that this is a recrusive call.
  `(function ,(read stream () () t)))

(defun sharp-left-paren (stream ignore length)
  (declare (special *backquote-count*))
  (let* ((list (read-list stream nil))
	 (listlength (length list)))
    (cond (*read-suppress*)
	  ((zerop *backquote-count*)
	   (if length
	       (cond ((> listlength length)
		       "Vector longer than specified length: #~S~S"
		       length list))
		      (fill (replace (make-vector length) list)
			    (car (last list)) :start listlength)))
	       (coerce list 'vector)))
	  (t (cons *bq-vector-flag* list)))))

(defun sharp-star (stream ignore numarg)
  (multiple-value-bind (bstring escape-appearedp)
		       (read-extended-token stream)
    (cond (*read-suppress*)
	   (error "Escape character appeared after #*"))
	  ((or (null numarg) (>= numarg (length bstring)))
	   (let* ((len1 (length bstring))
		  (last1 (1- len1))
		  (len2 (or numarg len1))
		  (bvec (make-vector len2
				     :element-type '(mod 2)
				     ;;* kludge to get around array bug.
				     :initial-element 0)))
	     (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
		  (char ()))
		 ((= i len2))
	       (setq char (elt bstring (if (< i len1) i last1)))
	       (setf (elt bvec i)
		     (cond ((char= char #\0) 0)
			   ((char= char #\1) 1)
				    "Illegal element given for ~
					  bitvector #~A*~A"
				    numarg bstring)))))
		   "Bit vector is longer than specified length #~A*~A"
		   numarg bstring)))))

(defun sharp-colon (stream ignore ignore)
  (when *read-suppress*
	(read stream () () t)
	(return-from sharp-colon nil))
  (let ((token (read-extended-token stream)))
    (cond (*read-suppress*)
	  ((find #\: token)
	   (error "Symbol following #: contains a #\: ~S" token))
	  (t (make-symbol token)))))
(defun sharp-dot (stream ignore ignore)
  (let ((token (read stream () () t)))
    (unless *read-suppress*  (eval token))))

(defun sharp-comma (stream ignore ignore)
  (let ((token (read stream () () t)))
    (unless *read-suppress*  (eval token))))
(defun sharp-R (stream ignore radix)
  (multiple-value-bind (token escape-appearedp)
		       (read-extended-token stream)
    (declare (simple-string token))
    (when *read-suppress* (return-from sharp-R nil))
    (let ((numval 0) (denval 0) (resttok 0) (toklength (length token))
		     (sign 1))
      (if escape-appearedp
	  (error "Escape character appears in number."))
      ;;look for leading sign
      (let ((firstchar (elt token 0)))
	(cond ((char= firstchar #\-)
	       (setq sign -1)
	       (setq resttok 1))
	      ((char= firstchar #\+)
	       (setq resttok 1))))
      ;;read numerator
      (do ((position resttok (1+ position))
	   (dig ()))
	  ((or (>= position toklength)
	       (not (setq dig (digit-char-p (elt token position) radix))))
	   (setq resttok position))
	(setq numval (+ (* numval radix) dig)))
      ;;see if we're at the end.
      (cond ((>= resttok toklength)
	     ;;just return numerator -- that's all there is.
	     (* numval sign))
	    ((char= (elt token resttok) #\/)
	     ;;it's a ratio.
	     (do ((position (1+ resttok) (1+ position))
		  (dig ())
		  (retval ()))
		 ((cond ((>= position toklength)
			 (setq retval (/ (* numval sign) denval)))
			((not (setq dig (digit-char-p (elt token position)
			 ;;there's bogus stuff at the end
				 "Illegal digits ~S for radix ~S" token radix)
			 (setq retval (/ (* numval sign) denval)))
			;;continue looping
			(t nil))
	       (setq denval (+ (* denval radix) dig))))
	    ;;it's bogus
	    (t (error
		       "Illegal digits ~S for radix ~S" token radix)))))))

(defun sharp-B (stream ignore ignore)
  (sharp-r stream nil 2))

(defun sharp-O (stream ignore ignore)
  (sharp-r stream nil 8))

(defun sharp-X (stream ignore ignore)
  (sharp-r stream nil 16))

(defun sharp-A (stream ignore dimensions)
  (when *read-suppress*
	(read stream () () t)
	(return-from sharp-A nil))
  (if dimensions
      (if (and (integerp dimensions) (>= dimensions 0))
	  (let ((dlist (make-list dimensions))
		 (if (char= (read-char stream t) #\( )
		     (read-list stream nil)
		     (error "Array values must be a list."))))
	    (do ((dl dlist (cdr dl))
		 (il init-list (car il)))
		;; I think the nreverse is causing the problem.
		((null dl))
	      (if (listp il)
		  (rplaca dl (length il))
			  "Initial contents for #A is inconsistent with ~
			   dimensions: #~SA~S" dimensions init-list)))
	    (make-array dlist :initial-contents init-list))
		  "Dimensions argument to #A not a positive integer: ~S"
      (error "No dimensions argument to #A."))))

(defun sharp-S (stream ignore ignore)
  ;;this needs to know about defstruct implementation
  (when *read-suppress*
	(read stream () () t)
	(return-from sharp-S nil))
  (let ((body
	 (if (char= (read-char stream t) #\( )
	     (read-list stream nil)
	     (error "Non-list following #S"))))
    (cond ((listp body)
	   (let* ((description (get (car body) 'defstruct-description))
		   (defstruct-description-constructor description))
		   (defstruct-description-slot-numbers description)))
	     (cond (constructor
		    (let ((struct (eval `(,constructor))))
		      (do ((l (cdr body) (cddr l)))
			  ((null (cdr l)))
			(let ((slot-num (cdr (assoc (car l) slot-numbers))))
			  (setf (elt (the simple-vector struct) slot-num)
				(cadr l))))
		   (t (error
			      "No constructor macro for structure in #S: ~S"
	  (t (error "Non-list following #S: ~S" body))))))

(defmacro int-subst-array (new old array rank var-list)
  (if (> rank (array-rank array))
      (let ((new-list (nreverse var-list)))
       `(if (eq ,old (aref ,array ,@new-list))
	    (setf (aref ,array ,@new-list) ,new)))
       (let ((newvar (gensym)))
	   `(dotimes (,newvar (array-dimension ,array ,rank))
	      (int-subst-array ,new ,old ,array (1+ ,rank)
			       (push ,newvar ,var-list))))))

(defmacro subst-array (new old array)
  `(int-subst-array ,new ,old ,array 0 nil))

(defvar sharp-cons-table ()
  "Holds the cons cells seen already by circle-subst")

;; This function is the same as nsubst, except that it checks for circular
;; lists. the first arg is an alist of the things to be replaced assoc'd with
;; the things to replace them.
(defun circle-subst (old-new-alist tree)
  (if (atom tree)
      (let ((pair (assq tree old-new-alist)))
	(if pair (cdr pair) tree))
      (unless (gethash tree sharp-cons-table)
	      (setf (gethash tree sharp-cons-table) t)
	      (let ((a (circle-subst old-new-alist (car tree)))
		    (d (circle-subst old-new-alist (cdr tree))))
		(if (eq a (car tree))
		    (rplaca tree a))
		(if (eq d (cdr tree))
		    (rplacd tree d))))))

;; Sharp-equal works as follows.  When a label is assigned
;; (ie when #= is called) a symbol (ref) is gensym'd and
;; a cons cell whose car is the label, and cdr is the symbol
;; is put on the sharp-sharp alist.  When sharp-sharp encounters
;; a reference to a label it returns the symbol assoc'd with the label.
;; When an object has been read then a cons cell whose car is the symbol
;; and cdr is the object is pushed onto the sharp-sharp-alist.  Then
;; for each cons cell on the sharp-sharp-alist, the current object is searched
;; and where a symbol eq to the car of the current cons cell is found,
;; the object is substituted in.
(defun sharp-equal (stream ignore label &aux (ref (gensym)))
  (declare (special sharp-equal-alist sharp-sharp-alist))
  (when *read-suppress* (return-from sharp-equal (values)))
  (unless (integerp label)
	  (error "non-integer label #~S=" label))
  (push (cons label ref) sharp-sharp-alist)
  (let ((obj (read stream)))
    (push (cons ref obj) sharp-equal-alist)
    (cond ((listp obj)
	   ;; circle-subst takes an alist.
	   (setq obj (circle-subst sharp-equal-alist obj)))
	  ;; vectorp ??
	  ((vectorp obj)
	   (dolist (x sharp-equal-alist obj)
	     (setq obj (nsubstitute (cdr x) (car x) obj :test #'eq))))
	  (t (error "Illegal object after #= ~S" obj)))))

(defun sharp-sharp (ignore ignore label)
  (declare (special sharp-equal-alist sharp-sharp-alist))
  (when *read-suppress* (return-from sharp-sharp nil))
  (if (integerp label)
      (let ((pair (assoc label sharp-sharp-alist)))
	(if pair
	    (cdr pair)
	    (error "Object is not labelled #~S#" label)))
	      "Non-integer label #~S#" label)))

(defun sharp-plus (stream ignore ignore)
  (cond (*read-suppress*
	 (read stream () () t)
	((featurep (read stream () () t))
	 (read stream () () t))
	(t (let ((*read-suppress* t))
	     (read stream () () t)

(defun sharp-minus (stream ignore ignore)
  (cond (*read-suppress*
	 (read stream () () t)
	((not (featurep (read stream () () t)))
	 (read stream () () t))
	(t (let ((*read-suppress* t))      
	     (read stream () () t)

(defun sharp-C (stream ignore ignore)
  ;;next thing better be a list of two numbers.
  (let ((cnum (read stream () () t)))
    (when *read-suppress* (return-from sharp-c nil))
    (if (= (length cnum) 2)
	(complex (car cnum) (cadr cnum))
	(error "Illegal complex number format" cnum))))

(defun sharp-vertical-bar (stream ignore1 ignore2)
  (declare (ignore ignore1 ignore2))
  (prepare-for-fast-read-char stream
    (do ((level 1)
	 (prev (fast-read-char) char)
	 (char (fast-read-char) (fast-read-char)))
      (cond ((and (char= prev #\|) (char= char #\#))
	     (setq level (1- level))
	     (when (zerop level)
	       (return (values)))
	     (setq char (fast-read-char)))
	    ((and (char= prev #\#) (char= char #\|))
	     (setq char (fast-read-char))
	     (setq level (1+ level)))))))

(defun sharp-illegal (ignore sub-char ignore)
  (error "Illegal sharp character ~S" sub-char))

(defun sharp-init ()
  (declare (special std-lisp-readtable))
  (setq sharp-cons-table (make-hash-table :size 50))
  (let ((*readtable* std-lisp-readtable))
    (make-dispatch-macro-character #\#)
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\\ #'sharp-backslash)
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\' #'sharp-quote)
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\( #'sharp-left-paren)
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\* #'sharp-star)
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\: #'sharp-colon)
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\. #'sharp-dot)
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\, #'sharp-comma)
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\R #'sharp-R)
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\r #'sharp-R)
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\B #'sharp-B)
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\b #'sharp-B)
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\O #'sharp-O)
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\o #'sharp-O)
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\X #'sharp-X)  
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\x #'sharp-X)
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\A #'sharp-A)    
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\a #'sharp-A)    
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\S #'sharp-S)    
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\s #'sharp-S)    
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\= #'sharp-equal)    
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\# #'sharp-sharp)    
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\+ #'sharp-plus)    
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\- #'sharp-minus)    
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\C #'sharp-C)
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\c #'sharp-C)
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\| #'sharp-vertical-bar)
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\tab #'sharp-illegal)
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\  #'sharp-illegal)
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\) #'sharp-illegal)
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\< #'sharp-illegal)
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\form #'sharp-illegal)
    (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\return #'sharp-illegal)))