;;; This is a -*-Lisp-*- file.
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; This code was written as part of the Spice Lisp project at
;;; Carnegie-Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
;;; Spice Lisp is currently incomplete and under active development.
;;; If you want to use this code or any part of Spice Lisp, please contact
;;; Scott Fahlman (FAHLMAN@CMUC). 
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; Functions to random number functions for Spice Lisp 
;;; Written by David Adam.
;;; The random number functions are part of the standard Spicelisp environment.
;;; **********************************************************************
(defconstant random-const-a 8373)
(defconstant random-const-c 101010101)
(defconstant random-upper-bound 134217726)
(defconstant random-max 54)
(defvar rand-seed 0)
(defvar *random-state*)

(defstruct (random-state (:constructor make-random-object))
  (j 24 :type integer)
  (k 0 :type integer)
  (seed (make-array (1+ random-max) :initial-contents
		    (do ((list-rands () (cons (rand1) list-rands))
			 (i 0 (1+ i)))
			((> i random-max) list-rands)))
	:type '(simple-vector * fixnum)))

;;; Generates a random number from rand-seed.
(defun rand1 ()
   (setq rand-seed (mod (+ (* rand-seed random-const-a) random-const-c)
			(1+ random-upper-bound))))
;;; rand3  --  Internal
;;; This function generates fixnums between 0 and random-upper-bound, 
;;; inclusive For the algorithm to work random-upper-bound must be an 
;;; even positive fixnum.  State is the random state to use.
(defun rand3 (state)
  (let ((seed (random-state-seed state))
	(j (random-state-j state))
	(k (random-state-k state)))
    (declare (fixnum j k) (type (simple-vector * fixnum) seed))
    (setf (svref seed k)
	  (let ((a (- random-upper-bound
		      (svref seed
			      (setf (random-state-j state)
				    (if (= j 0) random-max (1- j))))
		      (svref seed
			      (setf (random-state-k state)
				    (if (= k 0) random-max (1- k)))))))
	    (if (minusp a) (- a) (- random-upper-bound a))))))

(defun random-init ()
  (setq *random-state*
	(make-random-object :seed
	 (make-array (1+ random-max) :initial-contents
		     '(45117816 133464727 86324180 99419799 68851957 87250180
		      52971860 84081967 30854110 121122797 70449044 18801152
		      45149898 15881380 27398356 117706009 49915564 80620628
		      120974070 98193932 43883764 53717012 100954825 82579490
		      17280729 118523949 42282975 127220348 6288263 56575578
		      2474156 47934425 561006 21989698 74046730 105055318
		      113363907 48749716 78183593 109613585 37323232 65101428
		      46453209 76906562 5371267 86544820 33922642 60765033
		      41889257 77176406 38775255 78514879 72553872 66916641

(defun copy-state (cur-state)
  (let ((state (make-random-object
		:seed (make-array 55)
		:j (random-state-j cur-state)
		:k (random-state-k cur-state))))
    (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))((= i 55) state)
      (setf (aref (random-state-seed  state) i)
	    (aref (random-state-seed cur-state) i)))))

(defun make-random-state (&optional state)
  "Make a random state object.  If State is not supplied, return a copy
  of the default random state.  If State is a random state, then return a
  copy of it.  If state is T then return a random state generated from
  the universal time."
  (cond ((not state) (copy-state *random-state*))
	((random-state-p state) (copy-state state))
	((eq state t) (setq rand-seed (get-universal-time))
	(t (error "Bad argument, ~A, for RANDOM-STATE." state))))

(declare (ftype (function (t) fixnum) rand3))
(defun random (arg &optional (state *random-state*))
  "Generate a uniformly distributed pseudo-random number between zero
  and Arg.  State, if supplied, is the random state to use."
  (typecase arg
     (unless (plusp (the fixnum arg))
       (error "Non-positive argument, ~A, to RANDOM." arg))     
     (multiple-value-bind (q r) (truncate (rand3 state) (the fixnum arg))
     (unless (plusp arg)
       (error "Non-positive argument, ~A, to RANDOM." arg))
     (let ((arg-length (typecase arg
			 (short-float %short-float-mantissa-length)
			 (single-float %single-float-mantissa-length)
			 (double-float %double-float-mantissa-length)
			 (long-float %long-float-mantissa-length))))
       (* arg (/ (random (ash 2 arg-length) state)
		 (ash 2 arg-length)))))
     (unless (plusp arg)
       (error "Non-positive argument, ~A, to RANDOM." arg))
     (do ((tot (rand3 state) (+ (ash tot %fixnum-length) (rand3 state)))
	  (end (ash arg (- %fixnum-length))
	       (ash end (- %fixnum-length))))
	 ((zerop end) (mod tot arg))))
    (t (error "Wrong type argument, ~A, to RANDOM." arg))))