;;; -*- Lisp -*- ;;; ;;; ********************************************************************** ;;; This code was written as part of the Spice Lisp project at ;;; Carnegie-Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain. ;;; Spice Lisp is currently incomplete and under active development. ;;; If you want to use this code or any part of Spice Lisp, please contact ;;; Scott Fahlman (FAHLMAN@CMUC). ;;; ********************************************************************** ;;; ;;; Spice Lisp pretty printer. ;;; Written by Skef Wholey. ;;; ;;; This package provides the following functions: ;;; ;;; (PPRIN1 Object &Optional Output-Stream) [EXPR] ;;; Analog of PRIN1. Prettily prints the object to the given stream ;;; with special characters slashified. ;;; ;;; (PPRINC Object &Optional Output-Stream) [EXPR] ;;; Analog of PRINC. Special characters are not slashified. ;;; ;;; (PPRINT Object &Optional Output-Stream) [EXPR] ;;; Analog of PRINT. TERPRI + PPRIN1 + SPACE. ;;; ;;; (GRINDEF Function-Name) [MACRO] ;;; Prettily prints the definition of the function named by Function-Name. ;;; ;;; (DEFPRINT Function-Name Definiton) [MACRO] ;;; Defines how lists whose CAR is Function-Name will be printed. ;;; Pretty printing is done in two steps: ;;; 1] Converting the lisp object to a PP-Obj structure, and ;;; 2] Printing that structure in some pretty fashion. ;;; ;;; There are 3 levels of "prettiness" that are used in printing an object: ;;; 1] Basic grinding: formatting according to a handful of simple ;;; parameters. This is done by the function Basically-Grind. ;;; 2] Simple, common ways of formating Defuns, Dos, etc. The ;;; specifications for how an object is printed this way are either ;;; positive integers specifying the number of "special arguments" or ;;; negative integers specifying the number of "first line arguments". ;;; This is done by Specially-Grind. ;;; 3] Arbitraily hairy formatting conventions can be specified and are ;;; ground by Hairily-Grind. Prog, for example, is specified this way. ;;; The PP-Obj structure holds stringified objects and their lengths. The Type ;;; slot holds SIMPLE, COMPLEX, STRING, or SPACE. If it is SIMPLE, then Object ;;; contains an index into the PPrint-Buffer. If it is COMPLEX, Object holds ;;; a list of PP-Objs; if it is STRING, then Object has a string representation ;;; of the object, and if it is SPACE, the PP-Obj is a marker for a possible ;;; line break. The Callish slot holds what might be a function name from the ;;; original form. (defstruct (pp-obj (:type vector) (:constructor slow-crufty-make-pp-obj)) (type 'simple :read-only t) (length () :read-only t :type fixnum) (object () :read-only t) (callish () :read-only t)) ;;; This here macro is preferable to calling the keyword-parsing function. (defmacro make-pp-obj (&key (type ''simple) length object callish) `(vector ,type ,length ,object ,callish)) ;;; Pre-computed pp-objs for quicker printing: (defparameter pp-space-obj ()) (defparameter pp-open-paren-obj ()) (defparameter pp-close-paren-obj ()) (defparameter pp-sharp-open-paren-obj ()) (defparameter pp-sharp-open-angle-obj ()) (defparameter pp-close-angle-obj ()) (defparameter pp-dot-obj ()) (defparameter pp-dotdotdot-obj ()) (defparameter pp-starstar-obj ()) (defparameter pp-nil-obj ()) (defparameter pp-sharp-angle-array-rank-obj ()) (defparameter pp-sharp-obj ()) (defparameter pp-a-obj ()) (defparameter pp-dotdotdot-close-paren-obj ()) (defvar pprint-buffer-stream) (defun pprint-init () "Initializes the pretty printer." (setq pp-space-obj (make-pp-obj :type 'space :length 1) pp-open-paren-obj (make-pp-obj :type 'string :length 1 :object "(") pp-close-paren-obj (make-pp-obj :type 'string :length 1 :object ")") pp-sharp-open-paren-obj (make-pp-obj :type 'string :length 2 :object "#(") pp-sharp-open-angle-obj (make-pp-obj :type 'string :length 2 :object "#<") pp-close-angle-obj (make-pp-obj :type 'string :length 1 :object ">") pp-dot-obj (make-pp-obj :type 'string :length 1 :object ".") pp-dotdotdot-obj (make-pp-obj :type 'string :length 3 :object "...") pp-starstar-obj (make-pp-obj :type 'string :length 2 :object "**") pp-nil-obj (make-pp-obj :type 'string :length 3 :object "NIL") pp-sharp-angle-array-rank-obj (make-pp-obj :type 'string :length 14 :object "#<Array, rank ") pp-sharp-obj (make-pp-obj :type 'string :length 1 :object "#") pp-a-obj (make-pp-obj :type 'string :length 1 :object "A") pp-dotdotdot-close-paren-obj (make-pp-obj :type 'string :length 4 :object "...)") pprint-buffer-stream (make-string-output-stream))) ;;; PP-Line-Length is bound by the top level pprinting functions to an appropriate ;;; thing. (defvar pp-line-length () "What PPRINT thinks is the number of characters that will fit on a line.") ;;; A macro that helps putting stuff on the end of lists. (defmacro end-cons (splice value) `(setq ,splice (cdr (rplacd ,splice (list ,value))))) ;;; Indentation returns the number of spaces to output after a newline as ;;; defined by the description of Indent-Style in Basically-Grind. (defun indentation (components indent-style charpos) (declare (fixnum charpos)) (cond ((numberp indent-style) (+ charpos (the fixnum indent-style))) ((eq indent-style 'normal) (+ charpos (pp-obj-length (car components)))) ((eq indent-style 'past-name) (+ charpos (pp-obj-length (car components)) (pp-obj-length (cadr components)) 1)) (t (error "Flaming PPrint death!")))) ;;; Tab-Over prints the specified number of spaces on *Standard-Output*. (defconstant maximum-pp-indentation 70) (defconstant pp-indentation-string (make-string 70 :initial-element #\space)) (defun tab-over (indent-pos) (write-string pp-indentation-string *standard-output* 0 (min indent-pos maximum-pp-indentation))) ;;; Converting the lisp object to a PP-Obj structure: (defun pp-objify (object &optional (currlevel 0)) (declare (fixnum currlevel)) "Returns a PP-Obj structure which is used to prettily print the Object." (if (and *print-level* (> currlevel (the fixnum *print-level*))) pp-starstar-obj (typecase object (string (pp-objify-atom object)) (vector (pp-objify-vector object currlevel)) (array (pp-objify-array object currlevel)) (list (pp-objify-list object currlevel)) (t (pp-objify-atom object))))) (defun pp-objify-atom (object) "Makes a PP-Obj for an atom." (let ((start (string-output-stream-index pprint-buffer-stream))) (output-object object) (make-pp-obj :length (- (string-output-stream-index pprint-buffer-stream) start) :object start))) (defun pp-objify-vector (object currlevel) (declare (fixnum currlevel)) "Makes a PP-Obj for a vector." (do* ((index 0 (1+ index)) (terminus (length (the vector object))) (total-length 2) (result (list pp-sharp-open-paren-obj)) (splice result)) ((or (and *print-length* (>= index *print-length*)) (= index terminus)) (cond ((/= index terminus) (end-cons splice pp-dotdotdot-obj) (setq total-length (+ 3 total-length)))) (end-cons splice pp-close-paren-obj) (make-pp-obj :type 'complex :length (1+ total-length) :object result)) (declare (fixnum index total-length terminus)) (cond ((> index 0) (end-cons splice pp-space-obj) (setq total-length (1+ total-length)))) (end-cons splice (pp-objify (aref object index) (1+ currlevel))))) (defun pp-objify-array (object currlevel) "Makes a PP-Obj for an array." (let ((rank-obj (pp-objify (array-rank object) currlevel))) (if (not *print-array*) (make-pp-obj :type 'complex :length (+ 14 (pp-obj-length rank-obj) 1) :object (list pp-sharp-angle-array-rank-obj rank-obj pp-close-angle-obj)) (let ((result (list nil))) (pretty-array-guts (%sp-svref object %array-data-slot) (array-dimensions object) currlevel 0 result) (make-pp-obj :type 'complex :length (+ 1 (pp-obj-length rank-obj) 1 (do ((total 0) (stuff (cdr result) (cdr stuff))) ((null stuff) total) (setq total (+ total (pp-obj-length (car stuff)))))) :object (list* pp-sharp-obj rank-obj pp-a-obj (cdr result))))))) (defun pretty-array-guts (array dimensions currlevel index splice) (cond ((null dimensions) (end-cons splice (pp-objify (%sp-svref array index))) (values splice (1+ index))) ((and (not (null *print-level*)) (>= currlevel *print-level*)) (end-cons splice pp-sharp-obj) (values splice index)) (t (end-cons splice pp-open-paren-obj) (do ((index index) (times 0 (1+ times)) (limit (pop dimensions))) ((or (= times limit) (and (not (null *print-length*)) (= times *print-length*))) (if (not (= times limit)) (end-cons splice pp-dotdotdot-close-paren-obj) (end-cons splice pp-close-paren-obj)) (values splice index)) (if (not (zerop times)) (end-cons splice pp-space-obj)) (multiple-value-setq (splice index) (pretty-array-guts array dimensions (1+ currlevel) index splice)))))) (defun pp-objify-list (object currlevel) (declare (fixnum currlevel)) "Makes a PP-Obj for a list." (cond ((null object) pp-nil-obj) ((and (symbolp (car object)) (get (car object) 'simple-read-macro) (listp (cdr object)) (cadr object) (null (cddr object))) (let ((argument (pp-objify (cadr object) currlevel)) (macro (get (car object) 'simple-read-macro))) (make-pp-obj :type 'complex :length (+ (pp-obj-length argument) (pp-obj-length macro)) :object (cons macro (if (eq (pp-obj-type argument) 'complex) (pp-obj-object argument) (list argument))) :callish (pp-obj-callish argument)))) (t (do* ((object object (cdr object)) (callish (if (and (symbolp (car object)) (or (fboundp (car object)) (eq (car object) 'lambda))) (car object))) (currlength 0 (1+ currlength)) (total-length 1) (result (list pp-open-paren-obj)) (splice result)) ((or (and *print-length* (>= currlength (the fixnum *print-length*))) (null object)) (cond (object (end-cons splice pp-dotdotdot-obj) (setq total-length (+ total-length 3)))) (end-cons splice pp-close-paren-obj) (make-pp-obj :type 'complex :length (1+ total-length) :object result :callish callish)) (declare (fixnum currlength total-length)) (cond ((> currlength 0) (end-cons splice pp-space-obj) (setq total-length (1+ total-length)))) (end-cons splice (pp-objify (car object) (1+ currlevel))) (setq total-length (+ (pp-obj-length (car splice)) total-length)) (cond ((not (listp (cdr object))) (end-cons splice pp-space-obj) (end-cons splice pp-dot-obj) (end-cons splice pp-space-obj) (end-cons splice (pp-objify (cdr object) (1+ currlevel))) (setq total-length (+ total-length 3 (pp-obj-length (car splice)))) (setq object ()))))))) ;;; Printing the PP-Obj: ;;; Break-Always = T causes newlines at every SPACE. Many-On-a-Line = T ;;; causes as many objects as possible to be put on a line if the whole object ;;; won't fit on a line. If Many-On-a-Line is (), then each component will ;;; be put on a separate line if the whole object won't fit on a line. ;;; An Indent-Style = NORMAL causes components on successive lines to line ;;; up with the column following the end of the first component (e.g. a left ;;; paren). An Indent-Style = PAST-NAME causes components on successive ;;; lines to line up with the first column of the third component (e.g. the ;;; first argument to a function.) A fixnum Indent-Style causes components ;;; to be indented that many spaces past the first column of the first ;;; component. Charpos is the column we believe we're starting to print ;;; in. (defun basically-grind (object break-always many-on-a-line indent-style charpos) (declare (fixnum charpos)) "Prints out an object constructed by PP-Objify." (if (or break-always (and (null many-on-a-line) (> (+ (pp-obj-length object) charpos) pp-line-length))) (break-always-grind (pp-obj-object object) indent-style charpos) (break-sometimes-grind (pp-obj-object object) indent-style charpos))) (defun break-always-grind (object indent-style charpos) (declare (fixnum charpos)) "Prints each component of the Object on its own line." (do ((components object (cdr components)) (indent-pos (indentation object indent-style charpos))) ((null components)) (cond ((eq (pp-obj-type (car components)) 'space) (write-char #\newline) (tab-over indent-pos) (setq charpos indent-pos)) (t (master-grind (car components) charpos) (setq charpos (+ charpos (pp-obj-length (car components)))))))) (defun break-sometimes-grind (object indent-style charpos) (declare (fixnum charpos)) "Prints as many components as possible on each line." (do* ((components object (cdr components)) (early-indent-pos (indentation object 1 charpos)) (late-indent-pos (indentation object indent-style charpos)) (indent-pos early-indent-pos)) ((null components)) (declare (fixnum indent-pos)) (cond ((eq (pp-obj-type (car components)) 'space) (cond ((> (+ charpos (pp-obj-length (cadr components))) pp-line-length) (write-char #\newline) (tab-over indent-pos) (setq charpos indent-pos)) (t (setq indent-pos late-indent-pos) (write-char #\space) (setq charpos (1+ charpos))))) (t (master-grind (car components) charpos) (setq charpos (+ charpos (pp-obj-length (car components)))))))) ;;; Specially grind acts on the Specially-Grind property of the Callish slot ;;; of the given object, which must be an integer. If this number is ;;; positive, that many SPACE PP-Objs following the function name indent ;;; ala PAST-NAME. The following forms are indented 2 in and given ;;; separate lines. If the number is negative, minus that many SPACE PP-Objs ;;; simply space over, and the rest are again indented 2 on separate lines. (defun specially-grind (object charpos) (let ((spec (get (pp-obj-callish object) 'specially-grind))) (if (plusp spec) (special-arg-grind (pp-obj-object object) spec charpos) (top-line-grind (pp-obj-object object) (- spec) charpos)))) (defun special-arg-grind (object spec charpos) (do ((components object (cdr components)) (body-indent) (indent-pos charpos)) ((or (null components) (eq (pp-obj-type (car components)) 'space)) (when components (write-char #\space) (setq components (cdr components)) (setq indent-pos (+ indent-pos 1)) (dotimes (i spec) (cond ((eq (pp-obj-type (car components)) 'complex) (break-always-grind (pp-obj-object (car components)) 1 indent-pos)) ((eq (car components) pp-nil-obj) (write-string "()")) (t (master-grind (car components) indent-pos))) (setq components (cdr components))) (if components (break-always-grind components 1 body-indent)))) (master-grind (car components) charpos) (setq indent-pos (+ indent-pos (pp-obj-length (car components)))) (if (eq (car components) pp-open-paren-obj) (setq body-indent indent-pos)))) (defun top-line-grind (object spec charpos) (do ((components object (cdr components)) (spaces-seen 0) (body-indent) (indent-pos charpos)) ((or (null components) (= spaces-seen spec)) (when components (break-always-grind components 1 (or body-indent (+ charpos 1))))) (cond ((eq (pp-obj-type (car components)) 'space) (setq spaces-seen (1+ spaces-seen)) (write-char #\space) (setq indent-pos (1+ indent-pos))) (t (master-grind (car components) charpos) (setq indent-pos (+ indent-pos (pp-obj-length (car components)))) (if (and (null body-indent) (eq (car components) pp-open-paren-obj)) (setq body-indent indent-pos)))))) ;;; Hairily-Grind isn't implemented: (defun hairily-grind (&rest ignore) (error "I'm not yet implemented.")) ;;; Master-Grind dispatches to grinders various levels of intelligence ;;; by looking at the PP-Obj handed to it. (defun master-grind (object charpos) (cond ((eq (pp-obj-type object) 'simple) (let ((start (pp-obj-object object))) (write-string (string-output-stream-string pprint-buffer-stream) *standard-output* start (+ start (pp-obj-length object))))) ((eq (pp-obj-type object) 'string) (write-string (pp-obj-object object))) ((pp-obj-callish object) (cond ((get (pp-obj-callish object) 'specially-grind) (specially-grind object charpos)) ((get (pp-obj-callish object) 'hairily-grind) (hairily-grind object charpos)) (t (basically-grind object () t 'past-name charpos)))) (t (basically-grind object () t 'normal charpos)))) ;;; The exported functions: (defun output-pretty-object (object) "Prettily outputs the Object to *Standard-Output*, like Output-Object." (setf (string-output-stream-index pprint-buffer-stream) 0) (let ((pp-line-length (or (line-length) 80))) (master-grind (let ((*standard-output* pprint-buffer-stream)) (pp-objify object)) (or (charpos) 0)))) (defun pprin1 (object &optional (*standard-output* *standard-output*)) "Prettily outputs the Object to the Stream slashifying special characters." (setup-printer-state) (let ((*print-escape* t)) (output-pretty-object object))) (defun pprinc (object &optional (*standard-output* *standard-output*)) "Prettily outputs the Object to the Stream without slashifying." (setup-printer-state) (let ((*print-escape* ())) (output-pretty-object object))) (defun pprint (object &optional (*standard-output* *standard-output*)) "Prettily outputs the Object preceded by a newline and followed by a space." (write-char #\newline) (pprin1 object) (write-char #\space) (values)) (defun pretty-lambda-to-defun (name lambda &optional arglist) `(defun ,name ,(or arglist (cadr lambda)) ,@(if (and (null (cdddr lambda)) (listp (caddr lambda)) (eq (caaddr lambda) 'block)) (cddr (caddr lambda)) (cddr lambda)))) (defmacro grindef (function-name) "Prettily prints the definition of the function whose name is Function-Name." (if (and (symbolp function-name) (fboundp function-name)) (let ((stuff (symbol-function function-name))) (if (and (listp stuff) (listp (cdr stuff))) (case (car stuff) (lambda `(pprint ',(pretty-lambda-to-defun function-name stuff))) (macro `(pprint ',(pretty-lambda-to-defun function-name (cdr stuff) '(&rest **macroarg**)))) (t `(pprint '(setf (symbol-function ,function-name) ',stuff)))) `(pprint '(setf (symbol-function ,function-name) ',stuff)))) nil)) (defmacro defprint (function-name way) "Defines a Way for PPrint to print a call to the function named by Function-Name. See ??? for details." (if (listp way) `(%put ',function-name ',(car way) ',(cadr way)) `(%put ',function-name 'specially-grind ',way))) ;;; DefPrints for some common things: (defprint block 1) (defprint case -1) (defprint catch 1) (defprint catch-all 2) (defprint cond 0) (defprint defmacro -2) (defprint defun -2) (defprint do 2) (defprint do* 2) (defprint do-all-symbols -1) (defprint do-external-symbols -1) (defprint do-internal-symbols -1) (defprint do-symbols -1) (defprint dolist -1) (defprint dotimes -1) (defprint flet 1) (defprint function (simple-read-macro #(string 2 "#'" nil))) (defprint labels 1) (defprint lambda 1) (defprint let 1) (defprint let* 1) (defprint macrolet 1) (defprint multiple-value-setq -1) (defprint multiple-value-bind -2) (defprint mvcall -1) (defprint prog 1) ; eventually hairier (defprint prog* 1) (defprint prog1 0) (defprint prog2 0) (defprint progn 0) (defprint progv 2) (defprint quote (simple-read-macro #(string 1 "'" nil))) (defprint throw 2) (defprint typecase -1) (defprint unless -1) (defprint unwind-all 2) (defprint unwind-protect 2) (defprint when -1)