;;; -*- Mode:Lisp -*-
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; This code was written as part of the Spice Lisp project at
;;; Carnegie-Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
;;; Spice Lisp is currently incomplete and under active development.
;;; If you want to use this code or any part of Spice Lisp, please contact
;;; Scott Fahlman (FAHLMAN@CMUC). 
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; Spice Lisp interface to the name server
;;; Written by Daniel Aronson
;;; **********************************************************************

(proclaim '(special *name-server-port*))

(defvar name-server-reply-port ()
  "The port that we get messages back from the nameserver on.")

;;; Return codes:

(defconstant rc-ns-name-not-found 1001)
(defconstant rc-ns-checkin-failed 1000)

;;; CHECKIN  
(defvar to-checkin)
(def-alien-structure to-checkin
  (msg-simplep (selection () t) 0 2 :constant ())
  (msg-size unsigned-integer 2 6 :constant 124)
  (msg-type (selection 'normal-message 'emergency-message)
	    6 10
	    :constant 'normal-message)
  (msg-local-port port 10 14 :constant name-server-reply-port)
  (msg-remote-port port 14 18 :constant *name-server-port*)
  (msg-id unsigned-integer 18 22 :constant 1000)
  (tt1-1 unsigned-integer 22 24 :constant 2056)
  (tt1-2 unsigned-integer 24 26 :constant 4177)
  (portsname perq-string 26 108)
  (tt2-1 unsigned-integer 108 110 :constant 8198)
  (tt2-2 unsigned-integer 110 112 :constant 4097)
  (signature port 112 116)
  (tt3-1 unsigned-integer 116 118 :constant 8198)
  (tt3-2 unsigned-integer 118 120 :constant 4097)
  (portsid port 120 124)

(defvar from-checkin)
(def-alien-structure from-checkin
  (msg-size unsigned-integer 2 6 :constant 28)
  (msg-local-port port 10 14 :constant name-server-reply-port)
  (rc unsigned-integer 26 28 :direction read)

;;; Checkin allows a process to check in a port to the name server.  PORTSNAME
;;; is the string associated with the port, SIGNATURE is a port that
;;; provides some security (NULL-PORT provides no security), PORTSID is the
;;; port to check in.

(defun checkin (portsname signature portsid)
  "Checkin allows a process to check in a port to the name server.  PORTSNAME
  is the string associated with the port, SIGNATURE is a port that
  provides some security (NULL-PORT provides no security), PORTSID is the
  port to check in.  Returns T if checkin is successful, or NIL if not."
  (multiple-alien-setq-to-checkin to-checkin
				  (:portsname portsname)
				  (:signature signature)
				  (:portsid portsid))
  (simple-send to-checkin)
  (simple-receive from-checkin)
  (= (from-checkin-rc from-checkin) rc-success))

(defvar to-lookup)
(def-alien-structure to-lookup
  (msg-simplep (selection () t) 0 2 :constant t)
  (msg-size unsigned-integer 2 6 :constant 108)
  (msg-type (selection 'normal-message 'emergency-message)
	    6 10
	    :constant 'normal-message)
  (msg-local-port port 10 14 :constant name-server-reply-port)
  (msg-remote-port port 14 18 :constant *name-server-port*)
  (msg-id unsigned-integer 18 22 :constant 1001)
  (tt1-1 unsigned-integer 22 24 :constant 2056)
  (tt1-2 unsigned-integer 24 26 :constant 4177)
  (portsname perq-string 26 108)

(defvar from-lookup)
(def-alien-structure from-lookup
  (msg-size unsigned-integer 2 6 :constant 36)
  (msg-local-port port 10 14 :constant name-server-reply-port)
  (rc unsigned-integer 26 28 :direction read)
  (portsid port 32 36 :direction read)

;;; Lookup returns the port registered with the nameserver under the name 

(defun lookup (portsname)
  "Lookup returns the port registered with the nameserver under the name 
  PORTSNAME, or NIL if there is no such port."
  (setf (to-lookup-portsname to-lookup) portsname)
  (simple-send to-lookup)
  (simple-receive from-lookup)
  (cond ((= (from-lookup-rc from-lookup) rc-success)
	 (from-lookup-portsid from-lookup))
	((= (from-lookup-rc from-lookup) rc-ns-name-not-found)
	 (error "RC = ~a." (from-lookup-rc from-lookup)))))


(defvar to-checkout)
(def-alien-structure to-checkout
  (msg-simplep (selection () t) 0 2 :constant ())
  (msg-size unsigned-integer 2 6 :constant 116)
  (msg-type (selection 'normal-message 'emergency-message)
	    6 10
	    :constant 'normal-message)
  (msg-local-port port 10 14 :constant name-server-reply-port)
  (msg-remote-port port 14 18 :constant *name-server-port*)
  (msg-id unsigned-integer 18 22 :constant 1002)
  (tt1-1 unsigned-integer 22 24 :constant 2056)
  (tt1-2 unsigned-integer 24 26 :constant 4177)
  (portsname perq-string 26 108)
  (tt2-1 unsigned-integer 108 110 :constant 8198)
  (tt2-2 unsigned-integer 110 112 :constant 4097)
  (signature port 112 116)

(defvar from-checkout)
(def-alien-structure from-checkout
  (msg-size unsigned-integer 2 6 :constant 28)
  (msg-local-port port 10 14 :constant name-server-reply-port)
  (rc unsigned-integer 26 28 :direction read)

;;; Checkout allows you to check a port out of the name server.  SIGNATURE must
;;; be the same as what the port was checked in with.

(defun checkout (portsname signature)
  "Checkout allows you to check a port out of the name server.  SIGNATURE must
  be the same as what the port was checked in with."
  (multiple-alien-setq-to-checkout to-checkout
				   (:portsname portsname)
				   (:signature signature))
  (simple-send to-checkout)
  (simple-receive from-checkout)
  (if (/= (from-checkout-rc from-checkout) rc-success)
      (error "RC = ~a." (from-checkout-rc from-checkout)))

(defun msgn-init ()
  (setq name-server-reply-port (allocate-port 0))
  (setq to-checkin (make-to-checkin))
  (setq from-checkin (make-from-checkin))
  (Setq to-lookup (make-to-lookup))
  (setq from-lookup (make-from-lookup))
  (setq to-checkout (make-to-checkout))
  (setq from-checkout (make-from-checkout))