;;; **********************************************************************
;;; This code was written as part of the Spice Lisp project at
;;; Carnegie-Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain.
;;; Spice Lisp is currently incomplete and under active development.
;;; If you want to use this code or any part of Spice Lisp, please contact
;;; Scott Fahlman (FAHLMAN@CMUC). 
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; Ugly pathname functions for Spice Lisp.
;;;    these functions are part of the standard Spice Lisp environment.
;;; Written by Jim Large
;;; **********************************************************************
;;; Pathname structure

;;; *Default-Pathname-defaults* has all values unspecified except for the
;;;  host.  All pathnames must have a host.  "DEFAULT" is the default device
;;;  for spice.
(defvar *default-pathname-defaults* ())
(defvar *make-pathname-default-pathname* ())
(defun filesys-init ()
  (setq *default-pathname-defaults* 
	(%make-pathname "Spice" nil nil nil nil nil))
  (setq *make-pathname-default-pathname* *default-pathname-defaults*))

;;; The pathname type is defined with a defstruct.
;;; This declaration implicitly defines the common lisp functions
;;; pathname-host, pathname-device ... pathname-version.

(defstruct (pathname
	    (:conc-name %pathname-)
	    (:print-function %print-pathname)
	     %make-pathname (host device directory name type version))
	    (:predicate pathnamep))

(defun %print-pathname (s stream d)
  (declare (ignore d))
  (format stream "#.(pathname ~S)" (namestring s)))

(defun make-pathname (&key (defaults *make-pathname-default-pathname*)
			   (host (%pathname-host defaults))
			   (device (%pathname-device defaults))
			   (directory (%pathname-directory defaults))
			   (name (%pathname-name defaults))
			   (type (%pathname-type defaults))
			   (version (%pathname-version defaults)))
  "Create a pathname from :host, :device, :directory, :name, :type and :version.
  If any field is ommitted, it is obtained from :defaults as though by 
  (when (stringp directory)
    (setq directory (%pathname-directory (parse-namestring directory))))
  (%make-pathname host device directory name type version))

;;; These can not be done by the accessors because the pathname arg may be
;;;  a string or a symbol or etc.

(defun pathname-host (pathname)
  "Returns the host slot of pathname.  Pathname may be a string, symbol, or stream."
  (setq pathname (pathname pathname))
  (%pathname-host pathname))

(defun pathname-device (pathname)
  "Returns the device slot of pathname.  Pathname may be a string, symbol, or stream."
  (setq pathname (pathname pathname))
  (%pathname-device pathname))

(defun pathname-directory (pathname)
  "Returns the directory slot of pathname.  Pathname may be a string, symbol, or stream."
  (setq pathname (pathname pathname))
  (%pathname-directory pathname))

(defun pathname-name (pathname)
  "Returns the name slot of pathname.  Pathname may be a string, symbol, or stream."
  (setq pathname (pathname pathname))
  (%pathname-name pathname))

(defun pathname-type (pathname)
  "Returns the type slot of pathname.  Pathname may be a string, symbol, or stream."
  (setq pathname (pathname pathname))
  (%pathname-type pathname))

(defun pathname-version (pathname)
  "Returns the version slot of pathname.  Pathname may be a string, symbol, or stream."
  (setq pathname (pathname pathname))
  (%pathname-version pathname))
;;;; FSM Compiler

;;; These two macros are called by the code emitted by deflex.  They refer
;;; to local vars in the defined function.

(defmacro fsm-scan ()
    (incf pointer)
    (setq current-char (if (>= pointer end)
			   (char string pointer)))))

(defmacro fsm-emit (flag)
    (vector-push-extend ,flag *deflex-tokens*)
    (vector-push-extend (subseq buffer 0 buffer-index) *deflex-tokens*)
    (setq buffer-index 0)))

(defvar *deflex-buffer* (make-string 100))
(defvar *deflex-tokens* (make-array 20 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))

(eval-when (compile eval)
(defun deflex-arc (arc)
  (do ((set (nth 0 arc))
       (new-state (nth 2 arc))
       (actions (nth 3 arc) (if (eq (car actions) 'emit)
				(cddr actions)
				(cdr actions)))
	(cons (case (car actions)
		(accumulate '(progn 
			      (setf (schar buffer buffer-index) current-char)
			      (incf buffer-index)))
		(scan '(fsm-scan))
		(emit `(fsm-emit ,(nth 1 actions)))
		(t (error "Illegal action ~s" (car actions))))
      ((null actions)
       `(when ,(cond ((characterp set) `(char= current-char ,set))
		     ((eq set ':end) `(eq current-char ,set))
		     ((eq set T) T)
		     (T `(find current-char (the simple-string ,set))))
	  ,@(nreverse action-forms)
	  (go ,new-state)))))

(eval-when (compile eval)
(defun deflex-state (state)
  (do ((state-name (car state))
       (arc-list (cdr state) (cdr arc-list))
       (form-list () (cons (deflex-arc (car arc-list)) form-list)))
      ((null arc-list)
	 ,@(nreverse form-list)
	 (go JAM)))))

(eval-when (compile eval)
(defmacro deflex (name &rest states)
  (do ((states states (cdr states))
       (body-forms () (append body-forms (deflex-state (car states)))))
      ((null states)
       `(defun ,(concat-pnames 'lex- name)
	       (string &optional (start 0) (end (length string)))
	  (declare (simple-string string))
	  (setf (fill-pointer *deflex-tokens*) 0)
	  (prog ((current-char (if (> end start)
				   (char string start) :end))
		 (pointer start)
		 (buffer *deflex-buffer*)
		 (buffer-index 0))
	    (declare (simple-string buffer))
	    WIN (return (values T pointer))
	    JAM (return (values NIL pointer)))))

;;; Functions for parsing Sesame file specs

(defconstant ses-name-char
  "The set of non special characters in a sesame file name")

(defconstant ses-name-digit "0123456789")

(defconstant fs-whitespace ;whitespace in filenames

;;; Lex-ses-file-spec separates a sesame file name into its components
;;;  STRING -- the string containing the file spec.
;;; &optional
;;;  START  -- the first character to look at (defaults to 0)
;;;  END    -- 1+ the last character to look at (defaluts to (length STRING))
;;; Returns multiple values.
;;;  1st -- () for failure or a list of tokens.
;;;  2nd -- the index of the character that stopped the parse
;;;    Tokens are represented by a keyword and a string in
;;; *deflex-tokens*.  The first token is of type :logical-name (string
;;; is log name), :relative, :colon or  :absolute.  Subsequent tokens
;;; are of type :name, and the string is a pathname component.  The
;;; last token may be either :numeric-version (string of digits),
;;; :wild-version (anything else), or :no-version.  The last :name
;;; token is the file name.  It may be a :no-name token instead  in
;;; which case, the name was not specified.
(deflex ses-file-spec
  ;;S1 waits for the first non whitespace character
  (S1 (fs-whitespace --> S1 (SCAN))
      (#\: --> S1a (EMIT :colon SCAN))
      (#\< --> S1b (SCAN))
      (#\> --> S1a (EMIT :absolute SCAN))
      (#\' --> S5 (EMIT :relative ACCUMULATE SCAN))
      (#\; --> S7 (EMIT :relative EMIT :no-name SCAN))
      (:end --> WIN (EMIT :relative EMIT :no-name EMIT :no-version))
      (ses-name-char --> S4 (EMIT :relative ACCUMULATE SCAN)))

  ;;S1a waits for first char of pathname component after > or :
  (S1a (#\' --> S5 (ACCUMULATE SCAN))
       (#\; --> S7 (EMIT :no-name SCAN))
       (:end --> WIN (EMIT :no-name EMIT :no-version))
       (ses-name-char --> S4 (ACCUMULATE SCAN))
       (fs-whitespace --> S10 (EMIT :no-name EMIT :no-version SCAN)))

  ;;S1b waits for first char of logical name after <
  (S1b (#\' --> S3 (ACCUMULATE SCAN))
       (ses-name-char --> S2 (ACCUMULATE SCAN)))

  ;;S2 waits for a logical name can only end on >
  (S2 (#\' --> S3 (ACCUMULATE SCAN))
      (#\> --> S6 (EMIT :logical-name SCAN))
      (ses-name-char --> S2 (ACCUMULATE SCAN)))

  ;;S3 waits for 'td char in logical name.
  (S3 (:end --> JAM)
      (T --> S2 (ACCUMULATE SCAN)))

  ;;S4 waits for a pathname component
  (S4 (#\> --> S6 (EMIT :name SCAN))
      (#\; --> S7 (EMIT :name SCAN))
      (#\' --> S5 (ACCUMULATE SCAN))
      (ses-name-char --> S4 (ACCUMULATE SCAN))
      (:end --> WIN (EMIT :name EMIT :no-version))
      (fs-whitespace --> S10 (EMIT :name EMIT :no-version SCAN)))

  ;;S5 waits for 'td char of pathname component
  (S5 (:end --> JAM)
      (T --> S4 (ACCUMULATE SCAN)))

  ;;S6 waits for start of next pathname component after > :end allowed
  (S6 (#\' --> S5 (ACCUMULATE SCAN))
      (#\; --> S7 (EMIT :no-name SCAN))
      (ses-name-char --> S4 (ACCUMULATE SCAN))
      (:end --> WIN (EMIT :no-name EMIT :no-version))
      (fs-whitespace --> S10 (EMIT :no-name EMIT :no-version SCAN)))

  ;;S7 waits for start of version part of file name
  (S7 (ses-name-digit --> S8 (ACCUMULATE SCAN))
      (ses-name-char --> S9 (ACCUMULATE SCAN))
      (:end --> WIN (EMIT :no-version))
      (fs-whitespace --> S10 (EMIT :no-version SCAN)))

  ;;S8 waits for digits in a numeric file version
  (S8 (ses-name-digit --> S8 (ACCUMULATE SCAN))
      (:end --> WIN (EMIT :numeric-version))
      (fs-whitespace --> S10 (EMIT :numeric-version SCAN)))

  ;;S9 waits for name chars in a wild version
  (S9 (ses-name-char --> S9 (ACCUMULATE SCAN))
      (:end --> WIN (EMIT :wild-version))
      (fs-whitespace --> S10 (EMIT :wild-version SCAN)))
  ;;S10 Eats trailing whitespace.
  (S10 (fs-whitespace --> S10 (SCAN))
       (:end --> WIN)
       (T --> JAM)))
;;; ses-tokens->pathname converts the contents of *deflex-tokens* into a
;;;  pathname.  If *deflex-tokens* is zero-length then nil is returned.
(defun ses-tokens->pathname ()
  (let* ((tokens *deflex-tokens*)
	 (length (length tokens))
	 (index 2)
	 device directory name type version)
    (when (zerop length)
      (return-from ses-tokens->pathname nil))
    ;; Do the device.
    (setq device
	  (case (aref tokens 0)
	    (:absolute :absolute)
	    (:logical-name (aref tokens 1))
	    (:colon "Dev")
	    (:relative nil)))
    ;; Make the directories.  There are always three less than the number
    ;; of tokens, since there is a lead token and two trailers.
    (let ((num (- (ash length -1) 3)))
      (unless (zerop num)
	(setq directory (make-array num))
	(dotimes (i num)
	  (incf index)
	  (setf (svref directory i) (aref tokens index))
	  (incf index))))
    ;; If there is no name there is no type.  If there is a name, then
    ;; the part after the last dot is the type.
    (unless (eq (aref tokens index) :no-name)
      (let* ((all (aref tokens (1+ index)))
	     (last-dot (position #\. all :from-end T))
	     (end (length all)))
	(declare (simple-string all))
	(cond (last-dot
	       (setq name (subseq all 0 last-dot))
	       (setq type (subseq all (1+ last-dot) end)))
	       (setq name all)))))
    (incf index 2)
    ;; Do the version.
    (let ((key (aref tokens index))
	  (string (aref tokens (1+ index))))
      (setq version
	    (case key
	      (:no-version ())
	      (:numeric-version (parse-integer string))
	       (cond ((string-equal string "NEW") :newest)
		     ((string-equal string "HIGH") :newest)
		     ((string-equal string "LOW") :oldest)
		     ((string-equal string "ALL") :wild)
		     ((string-equal string "*") :wild))))))
    (%make-pathname "Spice" device directory name type version)))
;;; Parse-Namestring  --  Public
;;;    Just lex the thing and flame out if it can't be done. 
(defun parse-namestring (thing &optional host 
			       (defaults *default-pathname-defaults*)
			       &key (start 0) end (junk-allowed nil))
  "Parses a string representation of a pathname into a pathname. For
  details on the other silly arguments see the manual."
  (unless host (setq host (%pathname-host defaults)))
  (typecase thing
    (string (setq thing (coerce thing 'simple-string)))
    (pathname (return-from parse-namestring (values thing start)))
    (file-stream (setq thing (file-stream-filename thing)))
    (symbol (setq thing (symbol-name thing)))
     (error "This thing is a bad thing for parse-namestring: ~S" thing)))

  (unless end (setq end (length (the simple-string thing))))
  (multiple-value-bind (won next-field)
		       (lex-ses-file-spec thing start end)
    (unless (or won junk-allowed)
      (error "There's junk in this thing that you gave to parse-namestring:~%~
	  ~4T\"~A\"~%~0,1,V,'.@A" thing (+ next-field 5) #\↑))
    (values (ses-tokens->pathname) next-field)))

;;; Pathname  --  Public
;;;    Call parse-namestring, doo dah, doo dah...
(defun pathname (thing)
  "Turns Thing into a pathname.  Thing may be a string, symbol, stream,
  or pathname."
  (values (parse-namestring thing)))
;;; Merge-Pathnames  --  Public
;;; Returns a new pathname whose fields are the same as the fields in PATHNAME
;;;  except that () fields are filled in from defaults.  Type and Version field
;;;  are only done if name field has to be done (see manual for explanation).
(defun merge-pathnames (pathname &optional
				 (defaults *default-pathname-defaults*)
  "Fills in unspecified slots of Pathname from Defaults (defaults to
  *default-pathname-defaults*).  If the version remains unspecified,
  gets it from Default-Version."
  ;; finish hairy argument defaulting
  (setq pathname (pathname pathname))
  (setq defaults (pathname defaults))
  (when (%pathname-version defaults)
    (setq default-version (%pathname-version defaults)))
  ;; make a new pathname
  (let ((host (%pathname-host pathname))
	(device (%pathname-device pathname))
	(directory (%pathname-directory pathname))
	(name (%pathname-name pathname))
	(type (%pathname-type pathname))
	(version (%pathname-version pathname)))
     (or host (%pathname-host defaults))
     (or device (%pathname-device defaults))
     (or directory (%pathname-directory defaults))
     (or name (%pathname-name defaults))
     (or type (%pathname-type defaults))
     (if (or name version) version default-version))))
;;; Namestring & Friends

;;; %Dirstring  --  Internal
;;; %Dirstring converts a vector of the form #("foo" "bar" ... "baz") into a
;;;  string of the form "foo>bar> ... >baz>"
(defun %dirstring (dirlist)
  (concatenate 'string (reduce #'(lambda (a b)
				   (concatenate 'string a ">" b))

(defun %version-string (version)
  (if (integerp version)
      (write-to-string version :prinradix nil :base 10)
      (case version
	(:wild "All")
	(:newest "New")
	(:oldest "Low")
	(t (error "Strange version ~s." version)))))

(defun %device-string (device)
  (cond ((eq device :absolute) ">")
	(device (concatenate 'simple-string "<"
			     (the simple-string device) ">"))
	(T "")))

(defun namestring (pathname)
  "Returns the full form of PATHNAME as a string."
  (setq pathname (pathname pathname))
  (let* ((directory (%pathname-directory pathname))
	 (name (%pathname-name pathname))
	 (type (%pathname-type pathname))
	 (version (%pathname-version pathname))
	 (result (%device-string (%pathname-device pathname))))
    (declare (simple-string result))
    (when directory
      (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result
				(the simple-string (%dirstring directory)))))
    (when name
      (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result 
				(the simple-string name))))
    (when type
      (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result "."
				(the simple-string type))))
    (when version
      (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result ";" 
				(the simple-string (%version-string version)))))

(defun %ses-namestring (pathname)
  "Returns the full form of PATHNAME as a string, nuking any version,
  since sesamoid chokes when a version is specified."
  (setq pathname (pathname pathname))
  (let* ((directory (%pathname-directory pathname))
	 (name (%pathname-name pathname))
	 (type (%pathname-type pathname))
	 (result (%device-string (%pathname-device pathname))))
    (declare (simple-string result))
    (when directory
      (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result
				(the simple-string (%dirstring directory)))))
    (when name
      (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result 
				(the simple-string name))))
    (when type
      (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result "."
				(the simple-string type))))

;;; %SES-GET-USEFUL-NAME is used to get the filename without the logical
;;; prefix (if there is one).

(defun %ses-get-useful-name (pathname)
  "Returns the full form of PATHNAME as a string, nuking any version, and logical
  (setq pathname (pathname pathname))
  (let* ((directory (%pathname-directory pathname))
	 (name (%pathname-name pathname))
	 (type (%pathname-type pathname))
	 (result ""))
    (declare (simple-string result))
    (when directory
      (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result
				(the simple-string (%dirstring directory)))))
    (when name
      (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result 
				(the simple-string name))))
    (when type
      (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result "."
				(the simple-string type))))

(defun file-namestring (pathname)
  "Returns the name, type, and version of PATHNAME as a string."
  (setq pathname (pathname pathname))
  (let* ((name (%pathname-name pathname))
	 (type (%pathname-type pathname))
	 (version (%pathname-version pathname))
	 (result (or name "")))
    (declare (simple-string result))
    (when type
      (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result "."
				(the simple-string type))))
    (when version
      (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result ";" 
				(the simple-string (%version-string version)))))

(defun directory-namestring (pathname)
  "Returns the device & directory parts of PATHNAME as a string."
  (setq pathname (pathname pathname))
  (let* ((directory (%pathname-directory pathname))
 	 (result (%device-string (%pathname-device pathname))))
    (declare (simple-string result))
    (when directory
      (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result
				(the simple-string (%dirstring directory)))))

(defun host-namestring (pathname)
  "Returns the host part of PATHNAME as a string."
  (setq pathname (pathname pathname))
  (%pathname-host pathname))
;;; Enough-Namestring

(defun enough-namestring (pathname &optional
				   (defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
  "Returns a string which uniquely identifies PATHNAME w.r.t. DEFAULTS." 
  (setq pathname (pathname pathname))
  (setq defaults (pathname defaults))
  (let* ((device (%pathname-device pathname))
	 (directory (%pathname-directory pathname))
	 (name (%pathname-name pathname))
	 (type (%pathname-type pathname))
	 (version (%pathname-version pathname))
	 (result ""))
    (declare (simple-string result))
    (when (and device (string-not-equal device (%pathname-device defaults)))
      (setq result (%device-string device)))
    (when (and directory
	       (not (equalp directory (%pathname-directory defaults))))
      (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result
				(the simple-string (%dirstring directory)))))
    (when (and name (string-not-equal name (%pathname-name defaults)))
      (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result 
				(the simple-string name))))
    (when (and type (string-not-equal type (%pathname-type defaults)))
      (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result "."
				(the simple-string type))))
    (when (and version (not (eql version (%pathname-version defaults))))
      (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result ";"
				(the simple-string (%version-string version)))))
;;;; TRUENAME and other stuff that deals with the real world.

;;; Truename  --  Public
;;;    Another silly file function trivially different from another function.
(defun truename (pathname)
  "Return the pathname for the actual file described by the pathname
  An error is signalled if no such file exists."
  (let ((result (probe-file pathname)))
    (unless result
      (error "The file ~S does not exist." (namestring pathname)))

;;;; ### Beginning of bogus stuff:
;;;    When the environment manager stuff is cleaned up this can be also...

;;; Probe-File  --  Public
;;;    This isn't very right, but I don't have time to fix it now.
;;; We ought to handle dots and do logical names right, for some
;;; value of right.  We ought to error if the return code is anything
;;; other than name-not-found for an absolute pathname.

(defun probe-file (pathname)
  (setq pathname (pathname pathname))
  (let ((log-name (%pathname-device pathname)))
    (unless log-name (setq log-name "DEFAULT"))

    (if (eq log-name :absolute)
	 (rc file-name) (sub-test-name (%ses-namestring pathname))
	 (if (= rc rc-success) (parse-namestring file-name)
	 (rc file-name) (find-path-name (%ses-get-useful-name pathname) log-name)
	 (if (= rc rc-success) (parse-namestring file-name)
;;; Predict-name
;;;    Predict-Name is a function used by Open to get an absolute pathname 
;;; for a file being opened.  Returns the truename of the file and
;;; whether it really exists or not.
(defun predict-name (file-name for-input)
  (let* ((pathname (pathname file-name))
	 (device (%pathname-device pathname))
	 (truename (probe-file pathname)))
    (cond ((eq device :absolute)
	   (values (%ses-namestring pathname) (not (null truename))))
	  ((and for-input truename)
	   (values (%ses-namestring truename) t))
	   (let* ((search-list (resolve-search-list device t))
		  (result (concatenate 'simple-string
				       (car search-list)
				       (%ses-get-useful-name pathname))))
	     (values result (= (sub-test-name result) rc-success))))
	   (let* ((search-list (resolve-search-list "default" t))
		  (result (concatenate 'simple-string
				       (car search-list)
				       (%ses-get-useful-name pathname))))
	     (values result (= (sub-test-name result) rc-success)))))))

;;; User-Homedir-Pathname
;;; We can't find a user name in accent yet, so just return <DEFAULT>
(defun user-homedir-pathname (&optional host)
  "Returns the home directory of the logged in user as a pathname."
  (declare (ignore host))
  (make-pathname :device "default"))