;;; ********************************************************************** ;;; This code was written as part of the Spice Lisp project at ;;; Carnegie-Mellon University, and has been placed in the public domain. ;;; Spice Lisp is currently incomplete and under active development. ;;; If you want to use this code or any part of Spice Lisp, please contact ;;; Scott Fahlman (FAHLMAN@CMUC). ;;; ********************************************************************** ;;; ;;; Ugly pathname functions for Spice Lisp. ;;; these functions are part of the standard Spice Lisp environment. ;;; ;;; Written by Jim Large ;;; ;;; ********************************************************************** ;;; Pathname structure ;;; *Default-Pathname-defaults* has all values unspecified except for the ;;; host. All pathnames must have a host. "DEFAULT" is the default device ;;; for spice. (defvar *default-pathname-defaults* ()) (defvar *make-pathname-default-pathname* ()) (defun filesys-init () (setq *default-pathname-defaults* (%make-pathname "Spice" nil nil nil nil nil)) (setq *make-pathname-default-pathname* *default-pathname-defaults*)) ;;; The pathname type is defined with a defstruct. ;;; This declaration implicitly defines the common lisp functions ;;; pathname-host, pathname-device ... pathname-version. (defstruct (pathname (:conc-name %pathname-) (:print-function %print-pathname) (:constructor %make-pathname (host device directory name type version)) (:predicate pathnamep)) host device directory name type version) (defun %print-pathname (s stream d) (declare (ignore d)) (format stream "#.(pathname ~S)" (namestring s))) (defun make-pathname (&key (defaults *make-pathname-default-pathname*) (host (%pathname-host defaults)) (device (%pathname-device defaults)) (directory (%pathname-directory defaults)) (name (%pathname-name defaults)) (type (%pathname-type defaults)) (version (%pathname-version defaults))) "Create a pathname from :host, :device, :directory, :name, :type and :version. If any field is ommitted, it is obtained from :defaults as though by merge-pathname-defaults." (when (stringp directory) (setq directory (%pathname-directory (parse-namestring directory)))) (%make-pathname host device directory name type version)) ;;; These can not be done by the accessors because the pathname arg may be ;;; a string or a symbol or etc. (defun pathname-host (pathname) "Returns the host slot of pathname. Pathname may be a string, symbol, or stream." (setq pathname (pathname pathname)) (%pathname-host pathname)) (defun pathname-device (pathname) "Returns the device slot of pathname. Pathname may be a string, symbol, or stream." (setq pathname (pathname pathname)) (%pathname-device pathname)) (defun pathname-directory (pathname) "Returns the directory slot of pathname. Pathname may be a string, symbol, or stream." (setq pathname (pathname pathname)) (%pathname-directory pathname)) (defun pathname-name (pathname) "Returns the name slot of pathname. Pathname may be a string, symbol, or stream." (setq pathname (pathname pathname)) (%pathname-name pathname)) (defun pathname-type (pathname) "Returns the type slot of pathname. Pathname may be a string, symbol, or stream." (setq pathname (pathname pathname)) (%pathname-type pathname)) (defun pathname-version (pathname) "Returns the version slot of pathname. Pathname may be a string, symbol, or stream." (setq pathname (pathname pathname)) (%pathname-version pathname)) ;;;; FSM Compiler ;;; These two macros are called by the code emitted by deflex. They refer ;;; to local vars in the defined function. (defmacro fsm-scan () '(progn (incf pointer) (setq current-char (if (>= pointer end) :end (char string pointer))))) (defmacro fsm-emit (flag) `(progn (vector-push-extend ,flag *deflex-tokens*) (vector-push-extend (subseq buffer 0 buffer-index) *deflex-tokens*) (setq buffer-index 0))) (defvar *deflex-buffer* (make-string 100)) (defvar *deflex-tokens* (make-array 20 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)) (eval-when (compile eval) (defun deflex-arc (arc) (do ((set (nth 0 arc)) (new-state (nth 2 arc)) (actions (nth 3 arc) (if (eq (car actions) 'emit) (cddr actions) (cdr actions))) (action-forms () (cons (case (car actions) (accumulate '(progn (setf (schar buffer buffer-index) current-char) (incf buffer-index))) (scan '(fsm-scan)) (emit `(fsm-emit ,(nth 1 actions))) (t (error "Illegal action ~s" (car actions)))) action-forms))) ((null actions) `(when ,(cond ((characterp set) `(char= current-char ,set)) ((eq set ':end) `(eq current-char ,set)) ((eq set T) T) (T `(find current-char (the simple-string ,set)))) ,@(nreverse action-forms) (go ,new-state))))) ) (eval-when (compile eval) (defun deflex-state (state) (do ((state-name (car state)) (arc-list (cdr state) (cdr arc-list)) (form-list () (cons (deflex-arc (car arc-list)) form-list))) ((null arc-list) `(,state-name ,@(nreverse form-list) (go JAM))))) ) (eval-when (compile eval) (defmacro deflex (name &rest states) (do ((states states (cdr states)) (body-forms () (append body-forms (deflex-state (car states))))) ((null states) `(defun ,(concat-pnames 'lex- name) (string &optional (start 0) (end (length string))) (declare (simple-string string)) (setf (fill-pointer *deflex-tokens*) 0) (prog ((current-char (if (> end start) (char string start) :end)) (pointer start) (buffer *deflex-buffer*) (buffer-index 0)) (declare (simple-string buffer)) ,@body-forms WIN (return (values T pointer)) JAM (return (values NIL pointer))))) )) ) ;;; Functions for parsing Sesame file specs (defconstant ses-name-char "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789←-$.*%" "The set of non special characters in a sesame file name") (defconstant ses-name-digit "0123456789") (defconstant fs-whitespace ;whitespace in filenames " ") ;;; Lex-ses-file-spec separates a sesame file name into its components ;;; ;;; STRING -- the string containing the file spec. ;;; &optional ;;; START -- the first character to look at (defaults to 0) ;;; END -- 1+ the last character to look at (defaluts to (length STRING)) ;;; ;;; Returns multiple values. ;;; 1st -- () for failure or a list of tokens. ;;; 2nd -- the index of the character that stopped the parse ;;; ;;; Tokens are represented by a keyword and a string in ;;; *deflex-tokens*. The first token is of type :logical-name (string ;;; is log name), :relative, :colon or :absolute. Subsequent tokens ;;; are of type :name, and the string is a pathname component. The ;;; last token may be either :numeric-version (string of digits), ;;; :wild-version (anything else), or :no-version. The last :name ;;; token is the file name. It may be a :no-name token instead in ;;; which case, the name was not specified. ;;; (deflex ses-file-spec ;;S1 waits for the first non whitespace character (S1 (fs-whitespace --> S1 (SCAN)) (#\: --> S1a (EMIT :colon SCAN)) (#\< --> S1b (SCAN)) (#\> --> S1a (EMIT :absolute SCAN)) (#\' --> S5 (EMIT :relative ACCUMULATE SCAN)) (#\; --> S7 (EMIT :relative EMIT :no-name SCAN)) (:end --> WIN (EMIT :relative EMIT :no-name EMIT :no-version)) (ses-name-char --> S4 (EMIT :relative ACCUMULATE SCAN))) ;;S1a waits for first char of pathname component after > or : (S1a (#\' --> S5 (ACCUMULATE SCAN)) (#\; --> S7 (EMIT :no-name SCAN)) (:end --> WIN (EMIT :no-name EMIT :no-version)) (ses-name-char --> S4 (ACCUMULATE SCAN)) (fs-whitespace --> S10 (EMIT :no-name EMIT :no-version SCAN))) ;;S1b waits for first char of logical name after < (S1b (#\' --> S3 (ACCUMULATE SCAN)) (ses-name-char --> S2 (ACCUMULATE SCAN))) ;;S2 waits for a logical name can only end on > (S2 (#\' --> S3 (ACCUMULATE SCAN)) (#\> --> S6 (EMIT :logical-name SCAN)) (ses-name-char --> S2 (ACCUMULATE SCAN))) ;;S3 waits for 'td char in logical name. (S3 (:end --> JAM) (T --> S2 (ACCUMULATE SCAN))) ;;S4 waits for a pathname component (S4 (#\> --> S6 (EMIT :name SCAN)) (#\; --> S7 (EMIT :name SCAN)) (#\' --> S5 (ACCUMULATE SCAN)) (ses-name-char --> S4 (ACCUMULATE SCAN)) (:end --> WIN (EMIT :name EMIT :no-version)) (fs-whitespace --> S10 (EMIT :name EMIT :no-version SCAN))) ;;S5 waits for 'td char of pathname component (S5 (:end --> JAM) (T --> S4 (ACCUMULATE SCAN))) ;;S6 waits for start of next pathname component after > :end allowed (S6 (#\' --> S5 (ACCUMULATE SCAN)) (#\; --> S7 (EMIT :no-name SCAN)) (ses-name-char --> S4 (ACCUMULATE SCAN)) (:end --> WIN (EMIT :no-name EMIT :no-version)) (fs-whitespace --> S10 (EMIT :no-name EMIT :no-version SCAN))) ;;S7 waits for start of version part of file name (S7 (ses-name-digit --> S8 (ACCUMULATE SCAN)) (ses-name-char --> S9 (ACCUMULATE SCAN)) (:end --> WIN (EMIT :no-version)) (fs-whitespace --> S10 (EMIT :no-version SCAN))) ;;S8 waits for digits in a numeric file version (S8 (ses-name-digit --> S8 (ACCUMULATE SCAN)) (:end --> WIN (EMIT :numeric-version)) (fs-whitespace --> S10 (EMIT :numeric-version SCAN))) ;;S9 waits for name chars in a wild version (S9 (ses-name-char --> S9 (ACCUMULATE SCAN)) (:end --> WIN (EMIT :wild-version)) (fs-whitespace --> S10 (EMIT :wild-version SCAN))) ;;S10 Eats trailing whitespace. (S10 (fs-whitespace --> S10 (SCAN)) (:end --> WIN) (T --> JAM))) ;;; ses-tokens->pathname converts the contents of *deflex-tokens* into a ;;; pathname. If *deflex-tokens* is zero-length then nil is returned. ;;; (defun ses-tokens->pathname () (let* ((tokens *deflex-tokens*) (length (length tokens)) (index 2) device directory name type version) (when (zerop length) (return-from ses-tokens->pathname nil)) ;; ;; Do the device. (setq device (case (aref tokens 0) (:absolute :absolute) (:logical-name (aref tokens 1)) (:colon "Dev") (:relative nil))) ;; ;; Make the directories. There are always three less than the number ;; of tokens, since there is a lead token and two trailers. (let ((num (- (ash length -1) 3))) (unless (zerop num) (setq directory (make-array num)) (dotimes (i num) (incf index) (setf (svref directory i) (aref tokens index)) (incf index)))) ;; ;; If there is no name there is no type. If there is a name, then ;; the part after the last dot is the type. (unless (eq (aref tokens index) :no-name) (let* ((all (aref tokens (1+ index))) (last-dot (position #\. all :from-end T)) (end (length all))) (declare (simple-string all)) (cond (last-dot (setq name (subseq all 0 last-dot)) (setq type (subseq all (1+ last-dot) end))) (t (setq name all))))) (incf index 2) ;; ;; Do the version. (let ((key (aref tokens index)) (string (aref tokens (1+ index)))) (setq version (case key (:no-version ()) (:numeric-version (parse-integer string)) (:wild-version (cond ((string-equal string "NEW") :newest) ((string-equal string "HIGH") :newest) ((string-equal string "LOW") :oldest) ((string-equal string "ALL") :wild) ((string-equal string "*") :wild)))))) (%make-pathname "Spice" device directory name type version))) ;;; Parse-Namestring -- Public ;;; ;;; Just lex the thing and flame out if it can't be done. ;;; (defun parse-namestring (thing &optional host (defaults *default-pathname-defaults*) &key (start 0) end (junk-allowed nil)) "Parses a string representation of a pathname into a pathname. For details on the other silly arguments see the manual." (unless host (setq host (%pathname-host defaults))) (typecase thing (string (setq thing (coerce thing 'simple-string))) (pathname (return-from parse-namestring (values thing start))) (file-stream (setq thing (file-stream-filename thing))) (symbol (setq thing (symbol-name thing))) (t (error "This thing is a bad thing for parse-namestring: ~S" thing))) (unless end (setq end (length (the simple-string thing)))) (multiple-value-bind (won next-field) (lex-ses-file-spec thing start end) (unless (or won junk-allowed) (error "There's junk in this thing that you gave to parse-namestring:~%~ ~4T\"~A\"~%~0,1,V,'.@A" thing (+ next-field 5) #\↑)) (values (ses-tokens->pathname) next-field))) ;;; Pathname -- Public ;;; ;;; Call parse-namestring, doo dah, doo dah... ;;; (defun pathname (thing) "Turns Thing into a pathname. Thing may be a string, symbol, stream, or pathname." (values (parse-namestring thing))) ;;; Merge-Pathnames -- Public ;;; ;;; Returns a new pathname whose fields are the same as the fields in PATHNAME ;;; except that () fields are filled in from defaults. Type and Version field ;;; are only done if name field has to be done (see manual for explanation). ;;; (defun merge-pathnames (pathname &optional (defaults *default-pathname-defaults*) default-version) "Fills in unspecified slots of Pathname from Defaults (defaults to *default-pathname-defaults*). If the version remains unspecified, gets it from Default-Version." ;; ;; finish hairy argument defaulting (setq pathname (pathname pathname)) (setq defaults (pathname defaults)) (when (%pathname-version defaults) (setq default-version (%pathname-version defaults))) ;; ;; make a new pathname (let ((host (%pathname-host pathname)) (device (%pathname-device pathname)) (directory (%pathname-directory pathname)) (name (%pathname-name pathname)) (type (%pathname-type pathname)) (version (%pathname-version pathname))) (%make-pathname (or host (%pathname-host defaults)) (or device (%pathname-device defaults)) (or directory (%pathname-directory defaults)) (or name (%pathname-name defaults)) (or type (%pathname-type defaults)) (if (or name version) version default-version)))) ;;; Namestring & Friends ;;; %Dirstring -- Internal ;;; ;;; %Dirstring converts a vector of the form #("foo" "bar" ... "baz") into a ;;; string of the form "foo>bar> ... >baz>" ;;; (defun %dirstring (dirlist) (concatenate 'string (reduce #'(lambda (a b) (concatenate 'string a ">" b)) dirlist) ">")) (defun %version-string (version) (if (integerp version) (write-to-string version :prinradix nil :base 10) (case version (:wild "All") (:newest "New") (:oldest "Low") (t (error "Strange version ~s." version))))) (defun %device-string (device) (cond ((eq device :absolute) ">") (device (concatenate 'simple-string "<" (the simple-string device) ">")) (T ""))) (defun namestring (pathname) "Returns the full form of PATHNAME as a string." (setq pathname (pathname pathname)) (let* ((directory (%pathname-directory pathname)) (name (%pathname-name pathname)) (type (%pathname-type pathname)) (version (%pathname-version pathname)) (result (%device-string (%pathname-device pathname)))) (declare (simple-string result)) (when directory (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result (the simple-string (%dirstring directory))))) (when name (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result (the simple-string name)))) (when type (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result "." (the simple-string type)))) (when version (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result ";" (the simple-string (%version-string version))))) result)) (defun %ses-namestring (pathname) "Returns the full form of PATHNAME as a string, nuking any version, since sesamoid chokes when a version is specified." (setq pathname (pathname pathname)) (let* ((directory (%pathname-directory pathname)) (name (%pathname-name pathname)) (type (%pathname-type pathname)) (result (%device-string (%pathname-device pathname)))) (declare (simple-string result)) (when directory (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result (the simple-string (%dirstring directory))))) (when name (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result (the simple-string name)))) (when type (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result "." (the simple-string type)))) result)) ;;; %SES-GET-USEFUL-NAME is used to get the filename without the logical ;;; prefix (if there is one). (defun %ses-get-useful-name (pathname) "Returns the full form of PATHNAME as a string, nuking any version, and logical name." (setq pathname (pathname pathname)) (let* ((directory (%pathname-directory pathname)) (name (%pathname-name pathname)) (type (%pathname-type pathname)) (result "")) (declare (simple-string result)) (when directory (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result (the simple-string (%dirstring directory))))) (when name (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result (the simple-string name)))) (when type (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result "." (the simple-string type)))) result)) (defun file-namestring (pathname) "Returns the name, type, and version of PATHNAME as a string." (setq pathname (pathname pathname)) (let* ((name (%pathname-name pathname)) (type (%pathname-type pathname)) (version (%pathname-version pathname)) (result (or name ""))) (declare (simple-string result)) (when type (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result "." (the simple-string type)))) (when version (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result ";" (the simple-string (%version-string version))))) result)) (defun directory-namestring (pathname) "Returns the device & directory parts of PATHNAME as a string." (setq pathname (pathname pathname)) (let* ((directory (%pathname-directory pathname)) (result (%device-string (%pathname-device pathname)))) (declare (simple-string result)) (when directory (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result (the simple-string (%dirstring directory))))) result)) (defun host-namestring (pathname) "Returns the host part of PATHNAME as a string." (setq pathname (pathname pathname)) (%pathname-host pathname)) ;;; Enough-Namestring (defun enough-namestring (pathname &optional (defaults *default-pathname-defaults*)) "Returns a string which uniquely identifies PATHNAME w.r.t. DEFAULTS." (setq pathname (pathname pathname)) (setq defaults (pathname defaults)) (let* ((device (%pathname-device pathname)) (directory (%pathname-directory pathname)) (name (%pathname-name pathname)) (type (%pathname-type pathname)) (version (%pathname-version pathname)) (result "")) (declare (simple-string result)) (when (and device (string-not-equal device (%pathname-device defaults))) (setq result (%device-string device))) (when (and directory (not (equalp directory (%pathname-directory defaults)))) (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result (the simple-string (%dirstring directory))))) (when (and name (string-not-equal name (%pathname-name defaults))) (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result (the simple-string name)))) (when (and type (string-not-equal type (%pathname-type defaults))) (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result "." (the simple-string type)))) (when (and version (not (eql version (%pathname-version defaults)))) (setq result (concatenate 'simple-string result ";" (the simple-string (%version-string version))))) result)) ;;;; TRUENAME and other stuff that deals with the real world. ;;; Truename -- Public ;;; ;;; Another silly file function trivially different from another function. ;;; (defun truename (pathname) "Return the pathname for the actual file described by the pathname An error is signalled if no such file exists." (let ((result (probe-file pathname))) (unless result (error "The file ~S does not exist." (namestring pathname))) result)) ;;;; ### Beginning of bogus stuff: ;;; ;;; When the environment manager stuff is cleaned up this can be also... ;;; Probe-File -- Public ;;; ;;; This isn't very right, but I don't have time to fix it now. ;;; We ought to handle dots and do logical names right, for some ;;; value of right. We ought to error if the return code is anything ;;; other than name-not-found for an absolute pathname. ;;; (defun probe-file (pathname) (setq pathname (pathname pathname)) (let ((log-name (%pathname-device pathname))) (unless log-name (setq log-name "DEFAULT")) (if (eq log-name :absolute) (multiple-value-bind (rc file-name) (sub-test-name (%ses-namestring pathname)) (if (= rc rc-success) (parse-namestring file-name) nil)) (multiple-value-bind (rc file-name) (find-path-name (%ses-get-useful-name pathname) log-name) (if (= rc rc-success) (parse-namestring file-name) nil))))) ;;; Predict-name ;;; ;;; Predict-Name is a function used by Open to get an absolute pathname ;;; for a file being opened. Returns the truename of the file and ;;; whether it really exists or not. ;;; (defun predict-name (file-name for-input) (let* ((pathname (pathname file-name)) (device (%pathname-device pathname)) (truename (probe-file pathname))) (cond ((eq device :absolute) (values (%ses-namestring pathname) (not (null truename)))) ((and for-input truename) (values (%ses-namestring truename) t)) (device (let* ((search-list (resolve-search-list device t)) (result (concatenate 'simple-string (car search-list) (%ses-get-useful-name pathname)))) (values result (= (sub-test-name result) rc-success)))) (t (let* ((search-list (resolve-search-list "default" t)) (result (concatenate 'simple-string (car search-list) (%ses-get-useful-name pathname)))) (values result (= (sub-test-name result) rc-success))))))) ;;; User-Homedir-Pathname ;;; ;;; We can't find a user name in accent yet, so just return <DEFAULT> ;;; (defun user-homedir-pathname (&optional host) "Returns the home directory of the logged in user as a pathname." (declare (ignore host)) (make-pathname :device "default"))