IRMUPDATE How to use it: This is the system for dumping a copy of the Interlisp Reference manual for use by the HELPSYS and DINFO packages. All one should need to do to do this is: 0 Load IRMUPDATE.DCOM. This will load DInfo and HELPSYS so that it can use their record definitions, and the IM system which converts the IM-format sources files into TEdit textstreams. 1 Set IRM.HOST&DIR to the destination of the new files. I usually set it to {DSK}IRM>. When you are done updating, there will be on this directory the complete set of files used by HELPSYS and DINFO. Check also to see that IM.HOST and IM.DIR are set to the location of the IM source files for the manual. 2 Call (IRM.UPDATE). 3 Wait 4 hours. 4 Test your results by calling DInfo from the background menu and using the Lookup! command. This command should test every aspect of the system. 4 Copy the contents of IRM.HOST&DIR to their final destination. Note that IMTRAN dumps out .IMERR files to your connected directory, so you might also go and delete all of these. Also, sometimes you will find that there are two versions of IRM.HASHFILE. Delete the first one. What it does: IRM.UPDATE dumps the following files: IRM.HASHFILE contains the index entries for the manual. Each entry is a list of IRMREFERENCE records, keyed in the hashfile by their ITEM field. IRM.DINFOGRAPH contains a WRITEFILE of a DINFOGRAPH record. Chap*.TXT are the text files for the manual, one for each chapter. How it works: The main action of IRM.UPDATE is to redefine the function SEND.INFO which is used by the IM formatting system to record index and table of contents entries. SEND info is redefined to IRM.SEND.INFO, which in turn calls HELPSYS.SEND.INFO and DINFO.SEND.INFO depending on whether the info is index or TOC. &HH&$$&MODERN MODERN  - !& . :0Wz