26. INPUT/OUTPUT FUNCTIONS This chapter describes the standard I/O functions used for reading and printing characters and Interlisp expressions on files and other streams. First, the primitive input functions are presented, then the output functions, then functions for random-access operations (such as searching a file for a given stream, or changing the "next-character" pointer to a position in a file). Next, the PRINTOUT statement is documented (page X.XX), which provides an easy way to write complex output operations. Finally, readtables, used to parse characters as Interlisp expressions, are documented. 26.1 Input Functions Most of the functions described below have an argument FILE, which specifies the stream on which the operation is to take place. If FILE is NIL, the primary input stream will be used. Most input functions also have a RDTBL argument, which specifies the read table to be used for input (see page X.XX). If RDTBL is NIL, the primary read table will be used. When reading from the terminal, the input is buffered a line at a time (unless buffering has been inhibited by CONTROL (page X.XX) or the input is being read by READC or PEEKC). Using specified editing characters, the user can erase a character at a time, a word at a time, or the whole line. The keys that perform these editing functions are assignable via SETSYNTAX (page X.XX), with the intial settings chosen to be those most natural for the given operating system: characters are deleted one at a time by Backspace; words are erased by control-W; the whole line is erased by control-Q. On the Interlisp-D display, deleting a character or a line causes the characters to be physically erased from the screen. This action can be modified for other types of terminals display terminals by using DELETECONTROL (page X.XX). When reading from a file, and an end of file is encountered, all input functions generate an error, .END OF FILE Note that this does not close the input file. (READ FILE RDTBL FLG) [Function] Reads one expression from FILE. Atoms are delimited by the break and separator characters as defined in RDTBL. To include a break or separator character in an atom, the character must be preceded by the input escape character %, e.g., AB%(C is the atom AB(C, %% is the atom %, %control-K is the atom control-K. For input from the terminal, an atom containing an interrupt character can be input by typing instead the corresponding alphabetic character preceded by control-V, e.g., ^VD for control-D. Strings are delimited by double quotes. To input a string containing a double quote or a %, precede it by %, e.g., "AB%"C" is the string AB"C. Note that % can always be typed even if next character is not "special", e.g., %A%B%C is read as ABC. If an atom is interpretable as a number, READ creates a number, e.g., 1E3 reads as a floating point number, 1D3 as a literal atom, 1.0 as a number, 1,0 as a literal atom, etc. An integer can be input in octal by terminating it with a Q, e.g., 17Q and 15 read in as the same integer. The setting of RADIX (page X.XX) determines in which base integers are printed. When reading from the terminal, all input is line-buffered to enable the action of the backspacing control characters, unless inhibited by CONTROL (page X.XX). Thus no characters are actually seen by the program until a carriage-return (actually the character with terminal syntax class EOL, see page X.XX), is typed. However, for reading by READ, when a matching right parenthesis is encountered, the effect is the same as though a carriage-return were typed, i.e., the characters are transmitted. To indicate this, Interlisp also prints a carriage-return line-feed on the terminal. The line buffer is also transmitted to READ whenever an IMMEDIATE read macro character is typed (page X.XX). FLG=T suppresses the carriage-return normally typed by READ following a matching right parenthesis. (However, the characters are still given to READ; i.e., the user does not have to type the carriage-return.) (RATOM FILE RDTBL) [Function] Reads in one atom from FILE. Separation of atoms is defined by RDTBL. % is also an escape character for RATOM, and the remarks concerning line-buffering and editing control characters also apply. If the characters comprising the atom would normally be interpreted as a number by READ, that number is returned by RATOM. Note however that RATOM takes no special action for " whether or not it is a break character, i.e., RATOM never makes a string. (RSTRING FILE RDTBL) [Function] Reads characters from FILE up to, but not including, the next break or separator character, and returns them as a string. Backspace, control-W, control-Q, control-V, and % have the same effect as with READ. Note that the break or separator character that terminates a call to RATOM or RSTRING is not read by that call, but remains in the buffer to become the first character seen by the next reading function that is called. If that function is RSTRING, it will return the null string. This is a common source of program bugs. (RATOMS A FILE RDTBL) [Function] Calls RATOM repeatedly until the atom A is read. Returns a list of the atoms read, not including A. (RATEST FLG) [Function] If FLG = T, RATEST returns T if a separator was encountered immediately prior to the atom returned by the last RATOM or READ, NIL otherwise. If FLG = NIL, RATEST returns T if last atom read by RATOM or READ was a break character, NIL otherwise. If FLG = 1, RATEST returns T if last atom read (by READ or RATOM) contained a % (as an escape character, e.g., %[ or %A%B%C), NIL otherwise. (READC FILE RDTBL) [Function] Reads and returns the next character, including %, ", etc, i.e., is not affected by break, separator, or escape character. The action of READC is subject to line-buffering, i.e., READC does not return a value until the line has been terminated even if a character has been typed. Thus, the editing control characters have their usual effect. RDTBL does not directly affect the value returned, but is used as usual in line-buffering, e.g., determining when input has been terminated. If (CONTROL T) has been executed (page X.XX), defeating line-buffering, the RDTBL argument is irrelevant, and READC returns a value as soon as a character is typed (even if the character typed is one of the editing characters, which ordinarily would never be seen in the input buffer). (BIN STREAM) [Function] Returns the next byte from STREAM; thus, this operation is similar to (CHCON1 (READC STREAM)). (PEEKC FILE ---) [Function] Returns the next character, but does not actually read it and remove it from the buffer. If reading from the terminal, the character is echoed as soon as PEEKC reads it, even though it is then "put back" into the system buffer, where a subsequent del before the character is read can clear it, and where subsequent line buffer backspacing could change it. Thus it is possible for the value returned by PEEKC to "disagree" in the first character with a subsequent READ. (LASTC FILE) [Function] Returns the last character read from FILE. READ, RATOM, RATOMS, PEEKC, READC all wait for input if there is none. The only way to test whether or not there is input is to use READP: (READP FILE FLG) [Function] Returns T if there is anything in the input buffer of FILE, NIL otherwise. Note that because of line-buffering, READP may return T, indicating there is input in the buffer, but READ may still have to wait. Frequently, the terminal's input buffer contains a single EOL character left over from a previous input. For most applications, this situation wants to be treated as though the buffer were empty, and so READP returns NIL in this case. However, if FLG=T, READP returns T if there is any character in the input buffer, including a single EOL. (WAITFORINPUT FILE) [Function] Waits until input is available from FILE or from the terminal, i.e. from T. WAITFORINPUT is functionally equivalent to (until (OR (READP T) (READP FILE)) do NIL), except that it does not use up machine cycles while waiting. Returns the device for which input is now available, i.e. FILE or T. FILE can also be an integer, in which case WAITFORINPUT waits until there is input available from the terminal, or until FILE milliseconds have elapsed. Value is T if input is now available, NIL in the case that WAITFORINPUT timed out. (SKREAD FILE REREADSTRING RDTBL) [Function] "Skip Read". It moves the file pointer for FILE ahead as if one call to READ had been performed, without paying the storage and compute cost to really read in the structure. REREADSTRING is for the case where the user has already performed some READC's and RATOM's before deciding to skip this expression. In this case, REREADSTRING should be the material already read (as a string), and SKREAD operates as though it had seen that material first, thus setting up its parenthesis count, double-quote count, etc. The read table RDTBL is used for reading from FILE. SKREAD may have difficulties if unusual read macros (page X.XX) are defined in RDTBL. SKREAD will not recognize read macro characters in REREADSTRING, nor SPLICE or INFIX read macros. This is only a problem if the read macros are defined to parse subsequent input in the file which does not follow the normal parenthesis and string-quote conventions. If RDTBL is NIL, it defaults to the value of FILERDTBL. SKREAD returns %) if the read terminated on an unbalanced closing parenthesis; %] if the read terminated on an unbalanced %], i.e., one which also would have closed any extant open left parentheses; otherwise NIL. (SKIPSEPRS FILE RDTBL) [Function] Advances the file pointer for FILE until it encounters a non-separator character (as defined by RDTBL). The file pointer is left positioned ready to read the character, which is also returned. If no non-separator character is found before the end of file is reached, SKIPSEPRS returns NIL and leaves the pointer positioned at the end of the file. Useful for skipping over "white space" when scanning a file character by character. 26.2 Output Functions Most of the functions described below have an argument FILE, which specifies the name of the stream on which the operation is to take place. If FILE is NIL, the primary output stream is used. Some of the functions have a RDTBL argument, which specifies the read table to be used for output. If RDTBL is NIL, the primary read table is used. Unless otherwise specified by DEFPRINT (page X.XX), pointers other than lists, strings, atoms, or numbers, are printed in the form {DATATYPE} followed by the octal representation of the address of the pointer (regardless of radix). For example, an array pointer might print as {ARRAYP}#43,2760. This printed representation is for compactness of display on the user's terminal, and will not read back in correctly; if the form above is read, it will produce the litatom {ARRAYP}#43,2760. Note: the term "end-of-line" appearing in the description of an output function means the character or characters used to terminate a line in the file system being used by the given implementation of Interlisp. For example, in Interlisp-D end-of-line is indicated by the character carriage-return. (PRIN1 X FILE) [Function] Prints X on FILE. (PRIN2 X FILE RDTBL) [Function] Prints X on FILE with %'s and "'s inserted where required for it to read back in properly by READ, using RDTBL. Both PRIN1 and PRIN2 print lists as well as atoms and strings; PRIN1 is usually used only for explicitly printing formatting characters, e.g., (PRIN1 (QUOTE %[)) might be used to print a left square bracket (the % would not be printed by PRIN1). PRIN2 is used for printing Interlisp expressions which can then be read back into Interlisp with READ; i.e., break and separator characters in atoms will be preceded by %'s. For example, the atom "()" is printed as %(%) by PRIN2. If RADIX=8 (page X.XX), PRIN2 prints a Q after integers but PRIN1 does not (but both print the integer in octal). (PRIN3 X FILE) [Function] (PRIN4 X FILE RDTBL) [Function] PRIN3 and PRIN4 are the same as PRIN1 and PRIN2 respectively, except that they do not increment the horizontal position counter nor perform any linelength checks. They are useful primarily for printing control characters. (BOUT STREAM BYTE) [Function] Outputs a single 8-bit byte to STREAM, i.e., similar to (PRIN3 (CHARACTER BYTE)). (PRINT X FILE RDTBL) [Function] Prints the expression X using PRIN2 followed by an end-of-line. Returns X. (SPACES N FILE) [Function] Prints N spaces. Returns NIL. (TERPRI FILE) [Function] Prints an end-of-line character. Returns NIL. (FRESHLINE STREAM) [Function] Equivalent to TERPRI, except it does nothing if it is already at the beginning of the line. Returns T if it prints an end-of-line, NIL otherwise. (TAB POS MINSPACES FILE) [Function] Prints the appropriate number of spaces to move to position POS. MINSPACES indicates how many spaces must be printed (if NIL, 1 is used). If the current position plus MINSPACES is greater than POS, TAB does a TERPRI and then (SPACES POS). If MINSPACES is T, and the current position is greater than POS, then TAB does nothing. Note: A sequence of PRINT, PRIN2, SPACES, and TERPRI expressions can often be more conveniently coded with a single PRINTOUT statement (page X.XX). (SHOWPRIN2 X FILE RDTBL) [Function] Like PRIN2 except if SYSPRETTYFLG=T, prettyprints X instead. Returns X. (SHOWPRINT X FILE RDTBL) [Function] Like PRINT except if SYSPRETTYFLG=T, prettyprints X instead, followed by an end-of-line. Returns X. SHOWPRINT and SHOWPRIN2 are used by the programmer's assistant (page X.XX) for printing the values of expressions and for printing the history list, by various commands of the break package (page X.XX), e.g. ?= and BT commands, and various other system packages. The idea is that by simply settting or binding SYSPRETTYFLG to T (initially NIL), the user instructs the system when interacting with the user to PRETTYPRINT expressions (page X.XX) instead of printing them. (PRINTBELLS ---) [Function] Used by DWIM (page X.XX) to print a sequence of bells to alert the user to stop typing. Can be advised or redefined for special applications, e.g., to flash the screen on a display terminal. (FORCEOUTPUT STREAM WAITFORFINISH) [Function] Forces any buffered output data in STREAM to be transmitted. If WAITFORFINISH is non-NIL, this doesn't return until the data has been forced out. (POSITION FILE N) [Function] Returns the column number at which the next character will be read or printed. After a end of line, the column number is 0. If N is non-NIL, resets the column number to be N. Note that (POSITION FILE) is not the same as (GETFILEPTR FILE) which gives the position in the file, not on the line. (LINELENGTH N FILE) [Function] Sets the length of the print line for the output file FILE to N; returns the former setting of the line length. FILE defaults to the primary output stream. (LINELENGTH NIL FILE) returns the current setting for FILE. When a file is first opened, its line length is set to the value of the variable FILELINELENGTH. Whenever printing an atom or string would increase a file's position beyond the line length of the file, an end of line is automatically inserted first. This action can be defeated by using PRIN3 and PRIN4 (page X.XX). (SETLINELENGTH N) [Function] Sets the line length for the terminal by doing (LINELENGTH N T). 26.2.1 PRINTLEVEL When using Interlisp one often has to handle large, complicated lists, which are difficult to understand when printed out. PRINTLEVEL allows the user to specify in how much detail lists should be printed. The print functions PRINT, PRIN1, and PRIN2 are all affected by level parameters set by: (PRINTLEVEL CARVAL CDRVAL) [Function] Sets the CAR print level to CARVAL, and the CDR print level to CDRVAL. Returns a list cell whose CAR and CDR are the old settings. PRINTLEVEL is initialized with the value (1000 . -1). In order that PRINTLEVEL can be used with RESETFORM or RESETSAVE, if CARVAL is a list cell it is equivalent to (PRINTLEVEL (CAR CARVAL) (CDR CARVAL)). (PRINTLEVEL N NIL) changes the CAR printlevel without affecting the CDR printlevel. (PRINTLEVEL NIL N) changes the CDR printlevel with affecting the CAR printlevel. (PRINTLEVEL) gives the current setting without changing either. Note: control-P (page X.XX) can be used to change the PRINTLEVEL setting dynamically, even while Interlisp is printing. The CAR printlevel specifies how "deep" to print a list. Specifically, it is the number of unpaired left parentheses which will be printed. Below that level, all lists will be printed as &. If the CAR printlevel is negative, the action is similar except that an end-of-line is inserted after each right parentheses that would be immediately followed by a left parenthesis. The CDR printlevel specifies how "long" to print a list. It is the number of top level list elements that will be printed before the printing is terminated with --. For example, if CDRVAL=2, (A B C D E) will print as (A B --). For sublists, the number of list elements printed is also affected by the depth of printing in the CAR direction: Whenever the sum of the depth of the sublist (i.e. the number of unmatched left parentheses) and the number of elements is greater than the CDR printlevel, -- is printed. This gives a "triangular" effect in that less is printed the farther one goes in either CAR or CDR direction. If the CDR printlevel is negative, then it is the same as if the CDR printlevel were infinite. Examples: After: (A (B C (D (E F) G) H) K L) prints as: (PRINTLEVEL 3 -1) (A (B C (D & G) H) K L) (PRINTLEVEL 2 -1) (A (B C & H) K L) (PRINTLEVEL 1 -1) (A & K L) (PRINTLEVEL 0 -1) & (PRINTLEVEL 1000 2) (A (B --) --) (PRINTLEVEL 1000 3) (A (B C --) K --) (PRINTLEVEL 1 3) (A & K --) PLVLFILEFLG [Variable] Normally, PRINTLEVEL only affects terminal output. Output to all other files acts as though the print level is infinite. However, if PLVLFILEFLG is T (initially NIL), then PRINTLEVEL affects output to files as well. 26.2.2 Printing numbers How the ordinary printing functions (PRIN1, PRIN2, etc.) print numbers can be affected in several ways. RADIX influences the printing of integers, and FLTFMT influences the printing of floating point numbers. The setting of the variable PRXFLG determines how the symbol-manipulation functions handle numbers. The PRINTNUM package permits greater controls on the printed appearance of numbers, allowing such things as left-justification, suppression of trailing decimals, etc. (RADIX N) [Function] Resets the output radix for integers to the absolute value of N. The value of RADIX is its previous setting. (RADIX) gives the current setting without changing it. The initial setting is 10. Note that RADIX affects output only. There is no input radix; on input, numbers are interpreted as decimal unless they end in Q, in which case they are interpreted as octal. Thus READ and PRINT are inverses, independent of any radix setting. RADIX also does not affect the behavior of UNPACK, etc., unless the value of PRXFLG (below) is T; e.g., with (RADIX 8), the value of (UNPACK 9) is (9), not (1 1). (FLTFMT FORMAT) [Function] Resets the output format for floating point numbers to the FLOAT format FORMAT (see PRINTNUM below for a description of FLOAT formats). FORMAT=T specifies the default "free" formatting: some number of significant digits (a function of the implementation) are printed, with trailing zeros suppressed; numbers with sufficiently large or small exponents are instead printed in exponent notation. FLTFMT returns its current setting. (FLTFMT) returns the current setting without changing it. The initial setting is T. Note: In Interlisp-D, FLTFMT ignores the WIDTH and PAD fields of the format (they are implemented only by PRINTNUM). Whether print name manipulation functions (UNPACK, NCHARS, etc.) use the values of RADIX and FLTFMT is determined by the variable PRXFLG: PRXFLG [Variable] If PRXFLG=NIL (the initial setting), then the "PRIN1" name used by PACK, UNPACK, MKSTRING, etc., is computed using base 10 for integers and the system default floating format for floating point numbers, independent of the current setting of RADIX or FLTFMT. If PRXFLG=T, then RADIX and FLTFMT do dictate the "PRIN1" name of numbers. Note that in this case, PACK and UNPACK are not inverses. Examples with (RADIX 8), (FLTFMT '(FLOAT 4 2)): With PRXFLG=NIL, (UNPACK 13) => (1 3) (PACK '(A 9)) => A9 (UNPACK 1.2345) => (1 %. 2 3 4 5) With PRXFLG=T, (UNPACK 13) => (1 5) (PACK '(A 9)) => A11 (UNPACK 1.2345) => (1 %. 2 3) Note that PRXFLG does not effect the radix of "PRIN2" names, so with (RADIX 8), (NCHARS 9 T), which uses PRIN2 names, would return 3, (since 9 would print as 11Q) for either setting of PRXFLG. Warning: Some system functions will not work correctly if PRXFLG is not NIL. Therefore, resetting the global value of PRXFLG is not recommended. It is much better to rebind PRXFLG as a SPECVAR for that part of a program where it needs to be non-NIL. The basic function for printing numbers under format control is PRINTNUM. Its utility is considerably enhanced when used in conjunction with the PRINTOUT package (page X.XX), which implements a compact language for specifying complicated sequences of elementary printing operations, and makes fancy output formats easy to design and simple to program. (PRINTNUM FORMAT NUMBER FILE) [Function] Prints NUMBER on FILE according to the format FORMAT. FORMAT is a list structure with one of the forms described below. If FORMAT is a list of the form (FIX WIDTH RADIX PAD0 LEFTFLUSH), this specifies a FIX format. NUMBER is rounded to the nearest integer, and then printed in a field WIDTH characters long with radix set to RADIX (or 10 if RADIX=NIL; note that the setting of RADIX is not used as the default). If PAD0 and LEFTFLUSH are both NIL, the number is right-justified in the field, and the padding characters to the left of the leading digit are spaces. If PAD0 is T, the character "0" is used for padding. If LEFTFLUSH is T, then the number is left-justified in the field, with trailing spaces to fill out WIDTH characters. The following examples illustrate the effects of the FIX format options on the number 9 (the vertical bars indicate the field width): FORMAT: (PRINTNUM FORMAT 9) prints: (FIX 2) | 9| (FIX 2 NIL T) |09| (FIX 12 8 T) |000000000011| (FIX 5 NIL NIL T) |9 | If FORMAT is a list of the form (FLOAT WIDTH DECPART EXPPART PAD0 ROUND), this specifies a FLOAT format. NUMBER is printed as a decimal number in a field WIDTH characters wide, with DECPART digits to the right of the decimal point. If EXPPART is not 0 (or NIL), the number is printed in exponent notation, with the exponent occupying EXPPART characters in the field. EXPPART should allow for the character E and an optional sign to be printed before the exponent digits. As with FIX format, padding on the left is with spaces, unless PAD0 is T. If ROUND is given, it indicates the digit position at which rounding is to take place, counting from the leading digit of the number. Interlisp-D interprets WIDTH=NIL to mean no padding, i.e., to use however much space the number needs, and interprets DECPART=NIL to mean as many decimal places as needed. The following examples illustrate the effects of the FLOAT format options on the number 27.689 (the vertical bars indicate the field width): FORMAT: (PRINTNUM FORMAT 27.689) prints: (FLOAT 7 2) | 27.69| (FLOAT 7 2 NIL T) |0027.69| (FLOAT 7 2 2) | 2.77E1| (FLOAT 11 2 4) | 2.77E+01| (FLOAT 7 2 NIL NIL 1) | 30.00| (FLOAT 7 2 NIL NIL 2) | 28.00| NILNUMPRINTFLG [Variable] If PRINTNUM's NUMBER argument is not a number and not NIL, a NON-NUMERIC ARG error is generated. If NUMBER is NIL, the effect depends on the setting of the variable NILNUMPRINTFLG. If NILNUMPRINTFLG is NIL, then the error occurs as usual. If it is non-NIL, then no error occurs, and the value of NILNUMPRINTFLG is printed right-justified in the field described by FORMAT. This option facilitates the printing of numbers in aggregates with missing values coded as NIL. 26.2.3 User Defined Printing (DEFPRINT TYPE FN) [Function] TYPE is a type name (see page X.XX). Whenever a printing function (PRINT, PRIN1, PRIN2, etc.) encounters an object of the indicated type, FN is called with the item to be printed as its argument. If it returns NIL, the datum is printed in the manner the system defaults; for user data types, it is printed as {datatype}#nnnnnn. If FN wishes to specify how the datum should be printed, it should return a list of the form (ITEM1 . ITEM2). ITEM1 is printed using PRIN1 (unless it is NIL), and then ITEM2 is printed using PRIN2 (unless it is NIL). No spaces are printed between the two items. Typically, ITEM1 is a read macro character. Note that DEFPRINT also affects internal calls to print from PACK, CONCAT, etc., i.e. any operation that involves obtaining a print name (see page X.XX). A consequence of this fact is that in implementations that do not have reentrant printing code, the user's DEFPRINT function must not call any print name manipulating functions itself, or the results of the whole printing operation are undefined. 26.2.4 Dumping Unusual Data Structures HPRINT (for "Horrible Print") and HREAD provide a mechanism for printing and reading back in general data structures that cannot normally be dumped and loaded easily, such as (possibly re-entrant or circular) structures containing user datatypes, arrays, hash tables, as well as list structures. HPRINT will correctly print and read back in any structure containing any or all of the above, chasing all pointers down to the level of literal atoms, numbers or strings. HPRINT currently cannot handle compiled code arrays, stack positions, or arbitrary unboxed numbers. HPRINT operates by simulating the Interlisp PRINT routine for normal list structures. When it encounters a user datatype (see page X.XX), or an array or hash array, it prints the data contained therein, surrounded by special characters defined as read macro characters (see page X.XX). While chasing the pointers of a structure, it also keeps a hash table of those items it encounters, and if any item is encountered a second time, another read macro character is inserted before the first occurrence (by resetting the file pointer with SETFILEPTR) and all subsequent occurrences are printed as a back reference using an appropriate macro character. Thus the inverse function, HREAD merely calls the Interlisp READ routine with the appropriate read table. (HPRINT EXPR FILE UNCIRCULAR DATATYPESEEN) [Function] Prints EXPR on FILE. If UNCIRCULAR is non-NIL, HPRINT does no checking for any circularities in EXPR (but is still useful for dumping arbitrary structures of arrays, hash arrays, lists, user data types, etc., that do not contain circularities). Specifying UNCIRCULAR as non-NIL results in a large speed and internal-storage advantage. Normally, when HPRINT encounters a user data type for the first time, it outputs a summary of the data type's declaration. When this is read in, the data type is redeclared. If DATATYPESEEN is non-NIL, HPRINT will assume that the same data type declarations will be in force at read time as were at HPRINT time, and not output declarations. HPRINT is intended primarily for output to random access files, since the algorithm depends on being able to reset the file pointer. If FILE is not a random access file (and UNCIRCULAR = NIL), a temporary file, HPRINT.SCRATCH, is opened, EXPR is HPRINTed on it, and then that file is copied to the final output file and the temporary file is deleted. (HREAD FILE) [Function] Reads and returns an HPRINT-ed expression from FILE. (HCOPYALL X) [Function] Copies data structure X. X may contain circular pointers as well as arbitrary structures. Note: HORRIBLEVARS and UGLYVARS (page X.XX) are two file package commands for dumping and reloading circular and re-entrant data structures. They provide a convenient interface to HPRINT and HREAD. When HPRINT is dumping a data structure that contains an instance of an Interlisp datatype, the datatype declaration is also printed onto the file. Reading such a data structure with HREAD can cause problems if it redefines a system datatype. Redefining a system datatype will almost definitely cause serious errors. The Interlisp system datatypes do not change very often, but there is always a possibility when loading in old files created under an old Interlisp release. To prevent accidental system crashes, HREAD will NOT redefine datatypes. Instead, it will cause an error "attempt to read DATATYPE with different field specification than currently defined". Continuing from this error will redefine the datatype. 26.3 Random Access File Operations For most applications, files are read starting at their beginning and proceeding sequentially, i.e., the next character read is the one immediately following the last character read. Similarly, files are written sequentially. However, it is also possible to read/write characters at arbitrary positions in a file, essentially treating the file as a large block of auxiliary storage. For example, one application might involve writing an expression at the beginning of the file, and then reading an expression from a specified point in its middle. This particular example requires the file be open for both input and output. However, random file input or output can also be performed on files that have been opened for only input or only output. Associated with each file is a "file pointer" that points to the location where the next character is to be read from or written to. The file pointer to a file is automatically advanced after each input or output operation. This section describes functions which can be used to reposition the file pointer on those files that can be randomly accessed. A file used in this fashion is much like an array in that it has a certain number of addressable locations that characters can be put into or taken from. However, unlike arrays, files can be enlarged. For example, if the file pointer is positioned at the end of a file and anything is written, the file "grows." It is also possible to position the file pointer beyond the end of file and then to write. (If the program attempts to read beyond the end of file, an END OF FILE error occurs.) In this case, the file is enlarged, and a "hole" is created, which can later be written into. Note that this enlargement only takes place at the end of a file; it is not possible to make more room in the middle of a file. In other words, if expression A begins at position 1000, and expression B at 1100, and the program attempts to overwrite A with expression C, which is 200 characters long, part of B will be altered. The address of a character (byte) is the number of characters (bytes) that precede it in the file, i.e., 0 is the address of the beginning of the file. However, the user should be careful about computing the space needed for an expression, since end-of-line may be represented by a different number of characters in different implementations, even though NCHARS only counts it as one. Output functions may also introduce end-of-line's as a result of LINELENGTH considerations. (GETFILEPTR FILE) [Function] Returns the current position of the file pointer for FILE, i.e., the byte address at which the next input/output operation will commence. (SETFILEPTR FILE ADR) [Function] Sets the file pointer for FILE to the position ADR; returns ADR. The special value ADR=-1 is interpreted to mean the address of the end of file. Note: If a file is opened for output only, the end of file is initially zero, even if an old file by the same name had existed (see OPENSTREAM, page X.XX). If a file is opened for both input and output, the initial file pointer is the beginning of the file, but (SETFILEPTR FILE -1) will set it to the end of the file. If the file had been opened in append mode by (OPENSTREAM FILE 'APPEND), the file pointer right after opening would be set to the end of the existing file, in which case a SETFILEPTR to position the file at the end would be unnecessary. (GETEOFPTR FILE) [Function] Returns the byte address of the end of file, i.e., the number of bytes in the file. Equivalent to performing (SETFILEPTR FILE -1) and returning (GETFILEPTR FILE) except that it does not change the current file pointer. (EOFP FILE) [Function] Returns T if the file pointer to FILE is pointing to the end of file; NIL otherwise. FILE must be open for (at least) input, or an error is generated, FILE NOT OPEN. (RANDACCESSP FILE) [Function] Returns FILE if FILE is randomly accessible, NIL otherwise. The file T is not randomly accessible, nor are certain network file connections in Interlisp-D. FILE must be open or an error is generated, FILE NOT OPEN. (COPYBYTES SRCFIL DSTFIL START END) [Function] Copies bytes (characters) from SRCFIL to DSTFIL, starting from position START and up to but not including position END. Both SRCFIL and DSTFIL must be open. Returns T. If END=NIL, START is interpreted as the number of bytes to copy (starting at the current position). If START is also NIL, bytes are copied until the end of the file is reached. (COPYCHARS SRCFIL DSTFIL START END) [Function] Like COPYBYTES except that it performs the proper conversion if the EOL conventions of SRCFIL and DSTFIL are not the same. START and END are interpreted as byte specifications in SRCFIL. The number of bytes actually output to DSTFIL might be more or less than the number of bytes specified by START and END, depending on what the EOL conventions are. In the case where the EOL conventions happen to be the same, COPYCHARS simply calls COPYBYTES. (FILEPOS PATTERN FILE START END SKIP TAIL CASEARRAY) [Function] Analogous to STRPOS (page X.XX), but searches a file rather than a string. FILEPOS searches FILE for the string PATTERN. Search begins at START (or the current position of the file pointer, if START=NIL), and goes to END (or the end of FILE, if END=NIL). Returns the address of the start of the match, or NIL if not found. SKIP can be used to specify a character which matches any character in the file. If TAIL is T, and the search is successful, the value is the address of the first character after the sequence of characters corresponding to PATTERN, instead of the starting address of the sequence. In either case, the file is left so that the next i/o operation begins at the address returned as the value of FILEPOS. CASEARRAY should be a "case array" that specifies that certain characters should be transformed to other characters before matching. Case arrays are returned by CASEARRAY or SEPRCASE below. CASEARRAY=NIL means no transformation will be performed. A case array is an implementation-dependent object that is logically an array of character codes with one entry for each possible character. FILEPOS maps each character in the file "through" CASEARRAY in the sense that each character code is transformed into the corresponding character code from CASEARRAY before matching. Thus if two characters map into the same value, they are treated as equivalent by FILEPOS. CASEARRAY and SETCASEARRAY provide an implementation-independent interface to case arrays. For example, to search without regard to upper and lower case differences, CASEARRAY would be a case array where all characters map to themselves, except for lower case characters, whose corresponding elements would be the upper case characters. To search for a delimited atom, one could use " ATOM " as the pattern, and specify a case array in which all of the break and separator characters mapped into the same code as space. For applications calling for extensive file searches, the function FFILEPOS is often faster than FILEPOS. (FFILEPOS PATTERN FILE START END SKIP TAIL CASEARRAY) [Function] Like FILEPOS, except much faster in most applications. FFILEPOS is an implementation of the Boyer-Moore fast string searching algorithm. This algorithm preprocesses the string being searched for and then scans through the file in steps usually equal to the length of the string. Thus, FFILEPOS speeds up roughly in proportion to the length of the string, e.g., a string of length 10 will be found twice as fast as a string of length 5 in the same position. Because of certain fixed overheads, it is generally better to use FILEPOS for short searches or short strings. (CASEARRAY OLDARRAY) [Function] Creates and returns a new case array, with all elements set to themselves, to indicate the identity mapping. If OLDARRAY is given, it is reused. (SETCASEARRAY CASEARRAY FROMCODE TOCODE) [Function] Modifies the case array CASEARRAY so that character code FROMCODE is mapped to character code TOCODE. (GETCASEARRAY CASEARRAY FROMCODE) [Function] Returns the character code that FROMCODE is mapped to in CASEARRAY. (SEPRCASE CLFLG) [Function] Returns a new case array suitable for use by FILEPOS or FFILEPOS in which all of the break/separators of FILERDTBL are mapped into character code zero. If CLFLG is non-NIL, then all CLISP characters will be mapped into this character as well. This is useful for finding a delimited atom in a file. For example, if PATTERN is " FOO ", and (SEPRCASE T) is used for CASEARRAY, then FILEPOS will find "(FOO_". UPPERCASEARRAY [Variable] Value is a case array in which every lowercase character is mapped into the corresponding uppercase character. Useful for searching text files. 26.4 PRINTOUT Interlisp provides many facilities for controlling the format of printed output. By executing various sequences of PRIN1, PRIN2, TAB, TERPRI, SPACES, PRINTNUM, and PRINTDEF, almost any effect can be achieved. PRINTOUT implements a compact language for specifying complicated sequences of these elementary printing functions. It makes fancy output formats easy to design and simple to program. PRINTOUT is a CLISP word (like FOR and IF) for interpreting a special printing language in which the user can describe the kinds of printing desired. The description is translated by DWIMIFY to the appropriate sequence of PRIN1, TAB, etc., before it is evaluated or compiled. PRINTOUT printing descriptions have the following general form: (PRINTOUT FILE PRINTCOM1 ... PRINTCOMN) FILE is evaluated to obtain the name of the file to which the output from this specification is directed. The PRINTOUT commands are strung together, one after the other without punctuation, after FILE. Some commands occupy a single position in this list, but many commands expect to find arguments following the command name in the list. The commands fall into several logical groups: one set deals with horizontal and vertical spacing, another group provides controls for certain formatting capabilities (font changes and subscripting), while a third set is concerned with various ways of actually printing items. Finally, there is a command that permits escaping to a simple Lisp evaluation in the middle of a PRINTOUT form. The various commands are described below. The following examples give a general flavor of how PRINTOUT is used: Example 1: Suppose the user wanted to print out on the terminal the values of three variables, X, Y, and Z, separated by spaces and followed by a carriage return. This could be done by: (PRIN1 X T) (SPACES 1 T) (PRIN1 Y T) (SPACES 1 T) (PRIN1 Z T) (TERPRI T) or by the more concise PRINTOUT form: (PRINTOUT T X , Y , Z T) Here the first T specifies output to the terminal, the commas cause single spaces to be printed, and the final T specifies a TERPRI. The variable names are not recognized as special PRINTOUT commands, so they are printed using PRIN1 by default. Example 2: Suppose the values of X and Y are to be pretty-printed lined up at position 10, preceded by identifying strings. If the output is to go to the primary output stream, the user could write either: (PRIN1 "X =") (PRINTDEF X 10 T) (TERPRI ) (PRIN1 "Y =") (PRINTDEF Y 10 T) (TERPRI) or the equivalent: (PRINTOUT NIL "X =" 10 .PPV X T "Y =" 10 .PPV Y T) Since strings are not recognized as special commands, "X =" is also printed with PRIN1 by default. The positive integer means TAB to position 10, where the .PPV command causes the value of X to be prettyprinted as a variable. By convention, special atoms used as PRINTOUT commands are prefixed with a period. The T causes a carriage return, so the Y information is printed on the next line. Example 3. As a final example, suppose that the value of X is an integer and the value of Y is a floating-point number. X is to be printed right-flushed in a field of width 5 beginning at position 15, and Y is to be printed in a field of width 10 also starting at position 15 with 2 places to the right of the decimal point. Furthermore, suppose that the variable names are to appear in the font class named BOLDFONT and the values in font class SMALLFONT. The program in ordinary Interlisp that would accomplish these effects is too complicated to include here. With PRINTOUT, one could write: (PRINTOUT NIL .FONT BOLDFONT "X =" 15 .FONT SMALLFONT .I5 X T .FONT BOLDFONT "Y =" 15 .FONT SMALLFONT .F10.2 Y T .FONT BOLDFONT) The .FONT commands do whatever is necessary to change the font on a multi-font output device. The .I5 command sets up a FIX format for a call to the function PRINTNUM (page X.XX) to print X in the desired format. The .F10.2 specifies a FLOAT format for PRINTNUM. 26.4.1 Horizontal Spacing Commands The horizontal spacing commands provide convenient ways of calling TAB and SPACES. In the following descriptions, N stands for a literal positive integer. N Used for absolute spacing. It results in a TAB to position N (literally, a (TAB N)). If the line is currently at position N or beyond, the file will be positioned at position N on the next line. .TAB POS Specifies TAB to position (the value of) POS. This is one of several commands whose effect could be achieved by simply escaping to Lisp, and executing the corresponding form. It is provided as a separate command so that the PRINTOUT form is more concise and is prettyprinted more compactly. Note that .TAB N and N, where N is an integer, are equivalent. .TAB0 POS Like .TAB except that it can result in zero spaces (i.e. the call to TAB specifies MINSPACES=0). -N Negative integers indicate relative (as opposed to absolute) spacing. Translates as (SPACES |N|). , ,, ,,, Provides a short-hand way of specifying 1, 2 or 3 spaces, i.e., these commands are equivalent to -1, -2, and -3, respectively. .SP DISTANCE Translates as (SPACES DISTANCE). Note that .SP N and -N, where N is an integer, are equivalent. .RESET Resets the current line by causing a carriage-return to be printed without a line-feed. Useful for overprinting, or for regaining control of a line on which characters have been printed in a variable pitched font. 26.4.2 Vertical Spacing Commands Vertical spacing is obtained by calling TERPRI or printing form-feeds. The relevant commands are: T Translates as (TERPRI). This command is functionally equivalent to the integer command 0; they both move to position 0 (= column 1) of the next line. To print the letter T, use the string "T". .SKIP LINES Equivalent to a sequence of LINES (TERPRI)'s. The .SKIP command allows for skipping large constant distances and for computing the distance to be skipped. .PAGE Puts a form-feed (control-L) out on the file. Care is taken to make sure that Interlisp's view of the current line position is correctly updated. 26.4.3 Special Formatting Controls There are a small number of commands for invoking some of the formatting capabilities of multi-font output devices. The available commands are: .FONT FONTSPEC Changes printing to the font FONTSPEC, which can be a font descriptor, a font class (page X.XX), a "font list" such as '(MODERN 10), an image stream (coerced to its current font), or a windows (coerced to the current font of its display stream). See fonts (page X.XX) for more information. FONTSPEC may also be a positive integer N, which is taken as an abbreviated reference to the font class named FONTN (e.g. 1 => FONT1). .SUP Specifies superscripting. All subsequent characters are printed above the base of the current line. Note that this is absolute, not relative: a .SUP following a .SUP is a no-op. .SUB Specifies subscripting. Subsequent printing is below the base of the current line. As with superscripting, the effect is absolute. .BASE Moves printing back to the base of the current line. Un-does a previous .SUP or .SUB; a no-op, if printing is currently at the base. 26.4.4 Printing Specifications The value of any expression in a PRINTOUT form that is not recognized as a command itself or as a command argument is printed using PRIN1 by default. For example, title strings can be printed by simply including the string as a separate PRINTOUT command, and the values of variables and forms can be printed in much the same way. Note that a literal integer, say 51, cannot be printed by including it as a command, since it would be interpreted as a TAB; the desired effect can be obtained by using instead the string specification "51", or the form (QUOTE 51). For those instances when PRIN1 is not appropriate, e.g., PRIN2 is required, or a list structures must be prettyprinted, the following commands are available: .P2 THING Causes THING to be printed using PRIN2; translates as (PRIN2 THING). .PPF THING Causes THING to be prettyprinted at the current line position via PRINTDEF (page X.XX). The call to PRINTDEF specifies that THING is to be printed as if it were part of a function definition. That is, SELECTQ, PROG, etc., receive special treatment. .PPV THING Prettyprints THING as a variable; no special interpretation is given to SELECTQ, PROG, etc. .PPFTL THING Like .PPF, but prettyprints THING as a tail, that is, without the initial and final parentheses if it is a list. Useful for prettyprinting sub-lists of a list whose other elements are formatted with other commands. .PPVTL THING Like .PPV, but prettyprints THING as a tail. Paragraph Format Interlisp's prettyprint routines are designed to display the structure of expressions, but they are not really suitable for formatting unstructured text. If a list is to be printed as a textual paragraph, its internal structure is less important than controlling its left and right margins, and the indentation of its first line. The .PARA and .PARA2 commands allow these parameters to be conveniently specified. .PARA LMARG RMARG LIST Prints LIST in paragraph format, using PRIN1. Translates as (PRINTPARA LMARG RMARG LIST) (see page X.XX). Example: (PRINTOUT T 10 .PARA 5 -5 LST) will print the elements of LST as a paragraph with left margin at 5, right margin at (LINELENGTH)-5, and the first line indented to 10. .PARA2 LMARG RMARG LIST Print as paragraph using PRIN2 instead of PRIN1. Translates as (PRINTPARA LMARG RMARG LIST T). Right-Flushing Two commands are provided for printing simple expressions flushed-right against a specified line position, using the function FLUSHRIGHT (page X.XX). They take into account the current position, the number of characters in the print-name of the expression, and the position the expression is to be flush against, and then print the appropriate number of spaces to achieve the desired effect. Note that this might entail going to a new line before printing. Note also that right-flushing of expressions longer than a line (e.g. a large list) makes little sense, and the appearance of the output is not guaranteed. .FR POS EXPR Flush-right using PRIN1. The value of POS determines the position that the right end of EXPR will line up at. As with the horizontal spacing commands, a negative position number means |POS| columns from the current position, a positive number specifies the position absolutely. POS=0 specifies the right-margin, i.e. is interpreted as (LINELENGTH). .FR2 POS EXPR Flush-right using PRIN2 instead of PRIN1. Centering Commands for centering simple expressions between the current line position and another specified position are also available. As with right flushing, centering of large expressions is not guaranteed. .CENTER POS EXPR Centers EXPR between the current line position and the position specified by the value of POS. A positive POS is an absolute position number, a negative POS specifies a position relative to the current position, and 0 indicates the right-margin. Uses PRIN1 for printing. .CENTER2 POS EXPR Centers using PRIN2 instead of PRIN1. Numbering The following commands provide FORTRAN-like formatting capabilities for integer and floating-point numbers. Each command specifies a printing format and a number to be printed. The format specification translates into a format-list for the function PRINTNUM (see page X.XX). .IFORMAT NUMBER Specifies integer printing. Translates as a call to the function PRINTNUM with a FIX format-list constructed from FORMAT. The atomic format is broken apart at internal periods to form the format-list. For example, .I5.-8.T yields the format-list (FIX 5 -8 T), and the command sequence (PRINTOUT T .I5.-8.T FOO) will translate as (PRINTNUM '(FIX 5 -8 T) FOO). It will cause the value of FOO to be printed with radix -8 right-flushed in a field of width 5, with 0's used for padding on the left. Internal NIL's may be omitted, e.g. the commands .I5..T and .I5.NIL.T are equivalent. .FFORMAT NUMBER Specifies floating-number printing. Like the .I format command, except translates with a FLOAT format-list. .N FORMAT NUMBER The .I and .F commands specify calls to PRINTNUM with quoted format specifications. The .N command translates as (PRINTNUM FORMAT NUMBER), i.e., it permits the format to be the value of some expression. Note that, unlike the .I and .F commands, FORMAT is a separate element in the command list, not part of an atom beginning with .N. 26.4.5 Escaping to Lisp There are many reasons for taking control away from PRINTOUT in the middle of a long printing expression. Common situations involve temporary changes to system printing parameters (e.g. LINELENGTH), conditional printing (e.g. print FOO only if FIE is T), or lower-level iterative printing within a higher-level print specification. # FORM The escape command. FORM is an arbitrary Lisp expression that is evaluated within the context established by the PRINTOUT form, i.e., FORM can assume that the primary output stream has been set to be the FILE argument to PRINTOUT. Note that nothing is done with the value of FORM; any printing desired is accomplished by FORM itself, and the value is discarded. Note: Although PRINTOUT logically encloses its translation in a RESETFORM (page X.XX) to change the primary output file to the FILE argument (if non-NIL), in most cases it can actually pass FILE (or a locally bound variable if FILE is a non-trivial expression) to each printing function. Thus, the RESETFORM is only generated when the # command is used, or user-defined commands (below) are used. If many such occur in repeated PRINTOUT forms, it may be more efficient to embed them all in a single RESETFORM which changes the primary output file, and then specify FILE=NIL in the PRINTOUT expressions themselves. 26.4.6 User-Defined Commands The collection of commands and options outlined above is aimed at fulfilling all common printing needs. However, certain applications might have other, more specialized printing idioms, so a facility is provided whereby the user can define new commands. This is done by adding entries to the global list PRINTOUTMACROS to define how the new commands are to be translated. PRINTOUTMACROS [Variable] PRINTOUTMACROS is an association-list whose elements are of the form (COMM FN). Whenever COMM appears in command position in the sequence of PRINTOUT commands (as opposed to an argument position of another command), FN is applied to the tail of the command-list (including the command). After inspecting as much of the tail as necessary, the function must return a list whose CAR is the translation of the user-defined command and its arguments, and whose CDR is the list of commands still remaining to be translated in the normal way. For example, suppose the user wanted to define a command "?", which will cause its single argument to be printed with PRIN1 only if it is not NIL. This can be done by entering (? ?TRAN) on PRINTOUTMACROS, and defining the function ?TRAN as follows: (DEFINEQ (?TRAN (COMS) (CONS (SUBST (CADR COMS) 'ARG '(PROG ((TEMP ARG)) (COND (TEMP (PRIN1 TEMP))))) (CDDR COMS))] Note that ?TRAN does not do any printing itself; it returns a form which, when evaluated in the proper context, will perform the desired action. This form should direct all printing to the primary output file. 26.4.7 Special Printing Functions The paragraph printing commands are translated into calls on the function PRINTPARA, which may also be called directly: (PRINTPARA LMARG RMARG LIST P2FLAG PARENFLAG FILE) [Function] Prints LIST on FILE in line-filled paragraph format with its first element beginning at the current line position and ending at or before RMARG, and with subsequent lines appearing between LMARG and RMARG. If P2FLAG is non-NIL, prints elements using PRIN2, otherwise PRIN1. If PARENFLAG is non-NIL, then parentheses will be printed around the elements of LIST. If LMARG is zero or positive, it is interpreted as an absolute column position. If it is negative, then the left margin will be at |LMARG|+(POSITION). If LMARG=NIL, the left margin will be at (POSITION), and the paragraph will appear in block format. If RMARG is positive, it also is an absolute column position (which may be greater than the current (LINELENGTH)). Otherwise, it is interpreted as relative to (LINELENGTH), i.e., the right margin will be at (LINELENGTH)+|RMARG|. Example: (TAB 10) (PRINTPARA 5 -5 LST T) will PRIN2 the elements of LST in a paragraph with the first line beginning at column 10, subsequent lines beginning at column 5, and all lines ending at or before (LINELENGTH)-5. The current (LINELENGTH) is unaffected by PRINTPARA, and upon completion, FILE will be positioned immediately after the last character of the last item of LIST. PRINTPARA is a no-op if LIST is not a list. The right-flushing and centering commands translate as calls to the function FLUSHRIGHT: (FLUSHRIGHT POS X MIN P2FLAG CENTERFLAG FILE) [Function] If CENTERFLAG=NIL, prints X right-flushed against position POS on FILE; otherwise, centers X between the current line position and POS. Makes sure that it spaces over at least MIN spaces before printing by doing a TERPRI if necessary; MIN=NIL is equivalent to MIN=1. A positive POS indicates an absolute position, while a negative POS signifies the position which is |POS| to the right of the current line position. POS=0 is interpreted as (LINELENGTH), the right margin. 26.5 READFILE and WRITEFILE For those applications where the user simply wants to simply read all of the expressions on a file, and not evaluate them, the function READFILE is available: (READFILE FILE) [Function] Reads successive expressions from file using READ (with FILERDTBL as read table) until the single atom STOP is read, or an end of file encountered. Returns a list of these expressions. (WRITEFILE X FILE) [Function] Inverse of READFILE. Writes a date expression onto FILE, followed by successive expressions from X, using FILERDTBL as a read table. If X is atomic, its value is used. If FILE is not open, it is opened. If FILE is a list, (CAR FILE) is used and the file is left opened. Otherwise, when X is finished, a STOP is printed on FILE and it is closed. Returns FILE. (ENDFILE FILE) [Function] Prints STOP on FILE and closes it. 26.6 Read Tables Many Interlisp input functions treat certain characters in special ways. For example, READ recognizes that the right and left parenthesis characters are used to specify list structures, and that the quote character is used to delimit text strings. The Interlisp input and (to a certain extent) output routines are table driven by read tables. Read tables are objects that specify the syntactic properties of characters for input routines. Since the input routines parse character sequences into objects, the read table in use determines which sequences are recognized as literal atoms, strings, list structures, etc. Most Interlisp input functions take an optional read table argument, which specifies the read table to use when reading an expression. If NIL is given as the read table, the "primary read table" is used. If T is specified, the system terminal read table is used. Some functions will also accept the atom ORIG (not the value of ORIG) as indicating the "original" system read table. Some output functions also take a read table argument. For example, PRIN2 prints an expression so that it would be read in correctly using a given read table. The Interlisp system uses three read tables: T for input/output from terminals, the value of FILERDTBL for input/output from files, and the value of EDITRDTBL for input from terminals while in the editor. These three tables are initially copies of the ORIG read table, with changes made to some of them to provide read macros (page X.XX) that are specific to terminal input or file input. Using the functions described below, the user may further change, reset, or copy these tables. The user can also create new read tables, and either explicitly pass them to input/output functions as arguments, or install them as the primary read table, via SETREADTABLE, and then not specify a RDTBL argument, i.e., use NIL. 26.6.1 Read Table Functions (READTABLEP RDTBL) [Function] Returns RDTBL if RDTBL is a real read table (not T or ORIG), otherwise NIL. (GETREADTABLE RDTBL) [Function] If RDTBL=NIL, returns the primary read table. If RDTBL=T, returns the system terminal read table. If RDTBL is a real read table, returns RDTBL. Otherwise, generates an ILLEGAL READTABLE error. (SETREADTABLE RDTBL FLG) [Function] Sets the primary read table to RDTBL. If FLG=T, SETREADTABLE sets the system terminal read table, T. Note that the user can reset the other system read tables with SETQ, e.g., (SETQ FILERDTBL (GETREADTABLE)). Generates an ILLEGAL READTABLE error if RDTBL is not NIL, T, or a real read table. Returns the previous setting of the primary read table, so SETREADTABLE is suitable for use with RESETFORM (page X.XX). (COPYREADTABLE RDTBL) [Function] Returns a copy of RDTBL. RDTBL can be a real read table, NIL, T, or ORIG (in which case COPYREADTABLE returns a copy of the original system read table), otherwise COPYREADTABLE generates an ILLEGAL READTABLE error. Note that COPYREADTABLE is the only function that creates a read table. (RESETREADTABLE RDTBL FROM) [Function] Copies (smashes) FROM into RDTBL. FROM and RDTBL can be NIL, T, or a real read table. In addition, FROM can be ORIG, meaning use the system's original read table. 26.6.2 Syntax Classes A read table is an object that contains information about the "syntax class" of each character. There are nine basic syntax classes: LEFTPAREN, RIGHTPAREN, LEFTBRACKET, RIGHTBRACKET, STRINGDELIM, ESCAPE, BREAKCHAR, SEPRCHAR, and OTHER, each associated with a primitive syntactic property. In addition, there is an unlimited assortment of user-defined syntax classes, known as "read macros". The basic syntax classes are interpreted as follows: LEFTPAREN (normally left parenthesis) Begins list structure. RIGHTPAREN (normally right parenthesis) Ends list structure. LEFTBRACKET (normally left bracket) Begins list structure. Also matches RIGHTBRACKET characters. RIGHTBRACKET (normally left bracket) Ends list structure. Can close an arbitrary numbers of LEFTPAREN lists, back to the last LEFTBRACKET. STRINGDELIM (normally double quote) Begins and ends text strings. Within the string, all characters except for the one(s) with class ESCAPE are treated as ordinary, i.e., interpreted as if they were of syntax class OTHER. To include the string delimiter inside a string, prefix it with the ESCAPE character. ESCAPE (normally percent sign) Inhibits any special interpretation of the next character, i.e., the next character is interpreted to be of class OTHER, independent of its normal syntax class. BREAKCHAR (None initially) Is a break character, i.e., delimits atoms, but is otherwise an ordinary character. SEPRCHAR (space, carriage return, etc.) Delimits atoms, and is otherwise ignored. OTHER Characters that are not otherwise special belong to the class OTHER. Characters of syntax class LEFTPAREN, RIGHTPAREN, LEFTBRACKET, RIGHTBRACKET, and STRINGDELIM are all break characters. That is, in addition to their interpretation as delimiting list or string structures, they also terminate the reading of an atom. Characters of class BREAKCHAR serve only to terminate atoms, with no other special meaning. In addition, if a break character is the first non-separator encountered by RATOM, it is read as a one-character atom. In order for a break character to be included in an atom, it must be preceded by the ESCAPE character. Characters of class SEPRCHAR also terminate atoms, but are otherwise completely ignored; they can be thought of as logically spaces. As with break characters, they must be preceded by the ESCAPE character in order to appear in an atom. For example, if $ were a break character and * a separator character, the input stream ABC**DEF$GH*$$ would be read by 6 calls to RATOM returning respectively ABC, DEF, $, GH, $, $. Although normally there is only one character in a read table having each of the list- and string-delimiting syntax classes (such as LEFTPAREN), it is perfectly acceptable for any character to have any syntax class, and for more than one to have the same class. Note that a "syntax class" is an abstraction: there is no object referencing a collection of characters called a syntax class. Instead, a read table provides the association between a character and its syntax class, and the input/output routines enforce the abstraction by using read tables to drive the parsing. The functions below are used to obtain and set the syntax class of a character in a read table. CH can either be a character code (a number), or a character (a single-character atom); those Interlisp objects that happen to be both, viz., one-digit numbers, are interpreted as character codes. For example, 1 indicates control-A, and 49 indicates the character 1. Note: Terminal tables, described on page X.XX, also associate characters with syntax classes, and they can also be manipulated with the functions below. The set of read table and terminal table syntax classes are disjoint, so there is never any ambiguity about which type of table is being referred to. (GETSYNTAX CH TABLE) [Function] Returns the syntax class of CH, a character or a character code, with respect to TABLE. TABLE can be NIL, T, ORIG, or a real read table or terminal table. CH can also be a syntax class, in which case GETSYNTAX returns a list of the character codes in TABLE that have that syntax class. (SETSYNTAX CHAR CLASS TABLE) [Function] Sets the syntax class of CHAR, a character or character code, in TABLE. TABLE can be either NIL, T, or a real read table or terminal table. SETSYNTAX returns the previous syntax class of CHAR. CLASS can be any one of the following: · The name of one of the basic syntax classes. · A list, which is interpreted as a read macro (see page X.XX). · NIL, T, ORIG, or a real read table or terminal table, which means to give CHAR the syntax class it has in the table indicated by CLASS. For example, (SETSYNTAX '%( 'ORIG TABLE) gives the left parenthesis character in TABLE the same syntax class that it has in the original system read table. · A character code or character, which means to give CHAR the same syntax class as the character CHAR in TABLE. For example, (SETSYNTAX '{ '%[ TABLE) gives the left brace character the same syntax class as the left bracket. (SYNTAXP CODE CLASS TABLE) [Function] CODE is a character code; TABLE is NIL, T, or a real read table or terminal table. Returns T if CODE has the syntax class CLASS in TABLE; NIL otherwise. CLASS can also be a read macro type (MACRO, SPLICE, INFIX), or a read macro option (FIRST, IMMEDIATE, etc.), in which case SYNTAXP returns T if the syntax class is a read macro with the specified property. Note: SYNTAXP will not accept a character as an argument, only a character code. For convenience in use with SYNTAXP, the atom BREAK may be used to refer to all break characters, i.e., it is the union of LEFTPAREN, RIGHTPAREN, LEFTBRACKET, RIGHTBRACKET, STRINGDELIM, and BREAKCHAR. For purely symmetrical reasons, the atom SEPR corresponds to all separator characters. However, since the only separator characters are those that also appear in SEPRCHAR, SEPR and SEPRCHAR are equivalent. Note that GETSYNTAX never returns BREAK or SEPR as a value although SETSYNTAX and SYNTAXP accept them as arguments. Instead, GETSYNTAX returns one of the disjoint basic syntax classes that comprise BREAK. BREAK as an argument to SETSYNTAX is interpreted to mean BREAKCHAR if the character is not already of one of the BREAK classes. Thus, if %( is of class LEFTPAREN, then (SETSYNTAX '%( 'BREAK) doesn't do anything, since %( is already a break character, but (SETSYNTAX '%( 'BREAKCHAR) means make %( be just a break character, and therefore disables the LEFTPAREN function of %(. Similarly, if one of the format characters is disabled completely, e.g., by (SETSYNTAX '%( 'OTHER), then (SETSYNTAX '%( 'BREAK) would make %( be only a break character; it would not restore %( as LEFTPAREN. The following functions provide a way of collectively accessing and setting the separator and break characters in a read table: (GETSEPR RDTBL) [Function] Returns a list of separator character codes in RDTBL. Equivalent to (GETSYNTAX 'SEPR RDTBL). (GETBRK RDTBL) [Function] Returns a list of break character codes in RDTBL. Equivalent to (GETSYNTAX 'BREAK RDTBL). (SETSEPR LST FLG RDTBL) [Function] Sets or removes the separator characters for RDTBL. LST is a list of charactors or character codes. FLG determines the action of SETSEPR as follows: If FLG=NIL, makes RDTBL have exactly the elements of LST as separators, discarding from RDTBL any old separator characters not in LST. If FLG=0, removes from RDTBL as separator characters all elements of LST. This provides an "UNSETSEPR". If FLG=1, makes each of the characters in LST be a separator in RDTBL. If LST=T, the separator characters are reset to be those in the system's read table for terminals, regardless of the value of FLG, i.e., (SETSEPR T) is equivalent to (SETSEPR (GETSEPR T)). If RDTBL is T, then the characters are reset to those in the original system table. Returns NIL. (SETBRK LST FLG RDTBL) [Function] Sets the break characters for RDTBL. Similar to SETSEPR. As with SETSYNTAX to the BREAK class, if any of the list- or string-delimiting break characters are disabled by an appropriate SETBRK (or by making it be a separator character), its special action for READ will not be restored by simply making it be a break character again with SETBRK. However, making these characters be break characters when they already are will have no effect. The action of the ESCAPE character (normally %) is not affected by SETSEPR or SETBRK. It can be disabled by setting its syntax to the class OTHER, and other characters can be used for escape on input by assigning them the class ESCAPE. As of this writing, however, there is no way to change the output escape character; it is "hardwired" as %. That is, on output, characters of special syntax that need to be preceded by the ESCAPE character will always be preceded by %, independent of the syntax of % or which, if any characters, have syntax ESCAPE. The following function can be used for defeating the action of the ESCAPE character or characters: (ESCAPE FLG RDTBL) [Function] If FLG=NIL, makes characters of class ESCAPE behave like characters of class OTHER on input. Normal setting is (ESCAPE T). ESCAPE returns the previous setting. 26.6.3 Read Macros Read macros are user-defined syntax classes that can cause complex operations when certain characters are read. Read macro characters are defined by specifying as a syntax class an expression of the form: (TYPE OPTION1 ... OPTIONN FN) where TYPE is one of MACRO, SPLICE, or INFIX, and FN is the name of a function or a lambda expression. Whenever READ encounters a read macro character, it calls the associated function, giving it as arguments the input stream and read table being used for that call to READ. The interpretation of the value returned depends on the type of read macro: MACRO This is the simplest type of read macro. The result returned from the macro is treated as the expression to be read, instead of the read macro character. Often the macro reads more input itself. For example, in order to cause ~EXPR to be read as (NOT EXPR), one could define ~ as the read macro: [MACRO (LAMBDA (FL RDTBL) (LIST 'NOT (READ FL RDTBL] SPLICE The result (which should be a list or NIL) is spliced into the input using NCONC. For example, if $ is defined by the read macro: (SPLICE (LAMBDA NIL (APPEND FOO))) and the value of FOO is (A B C), then when the user inputs (X $ Y), the result will be (X A B C Y). INFIX The associated function is called with a third argument, which is a list, in TCONC format (page X.XX), of what has been read at the current level of list nesting. The function's value is taken as a new TCONC list which replaces the old one. For example, the infix operator + could be defined by the read macro: (INFIX (LAMBDA (FL RDTBL Z) (RPLACA (CDR Z) (LIST (QUOTE IPLUS) (CADR Z) (READ FL RDTBL))) Z)) If an INFIX read macro character is encountered not in a list, the third argument to its associated function is NIL. If the function returns NIL, the read macro character is essentially ignored and reading continues. Otherwise, if the function returns a TCONC list of one element, that element is the value of the READ. If it returns a TCONC list of more than one element, the list is the value of the READ. The specification for a read macro character can be augmented to specify various options OPTION1 ... OPTIONN, e.g., (MACRO FIRST IMMEDIATE FN). The following three disjoint options specify when the read macro character is to be effective: ALWAYS The default. The read macro character is always effective (except when preceded by the escape character), and is a break character, i.e., a member of (GETSYNTAX 'BREAK RDTBL). FIRST The character is interpreted as a read macro character only when it is the first character seen after a break or separator character; in all other situations, the character is treated as having class OTHER. The read macro character is not a break character. For example, the quote character is a FIRST read macro character, so that DON'T is read as the single atom DON'T, rather than as DON followed by (QUOTE T). ALONE The read macro character is not a break character, and is interpreted as a read macro character only when the character would have been read as a separate atom if it were not a read macro character, i.e., when its immediate neighbors are both break or separator characters. Making a FIRST or ALONE read macro character be a break character (with SETBRK) disables the read macro interpretation, i.e., converts it to syntax class BREAKCHAR. Making an ALWAYS read macro character be a break character is a no-op. The following two disjoint options control whether the read macro character is to be protected by the ESCAPE character on output: ESCQUOTE or ESC The default. When printed with PRIN2, the read macro character will be preceded by the output escape character (%). NOESCQUOTE or NOESC The read macro character will be printed without an escape, e.g., ' is a NOESCQUOTE character. Unless you are very careful what you are doing, read macro characters in FILERDTBL should never be NOESCQUOTE, since symbols that happen to contain the read macro character will not read back in correctly. The following two disjoint options control when the macro's function is actually executed: IMMEDIATE or IMMED The read macro character is immediately activated, i.e., the current line is terminated, as if an EOL had been typed, a carriage-return line-feed is printed, and the entire line (including the macro character) is passed to the input function. IMMEDIATE read macro characters enable the user to specify a character that will take effect immediately, as soon as it is encountered in the input, rather than waiting for the line to be terminated. Note that this is not necessarily as soon as the character is typed. Characters that cause action as soon as they are typed are interrupt characters (see page X.XX). Note that since an IMMEDIATE macro causes any input before it to be sent to the reader, characters typed before an IMMEDIATE read macro character cannot be erased by control-A or control-Q once the IMMEDIATE character has been typed, since they have already passed through the line buffer. However, an INFIX read macro can still alter some of what has been typed earlier, via its third argument. NONIMMEDIATE or NONIMMED The default. The read macro character is a normal character with respect to the line buffering, and so will not be activated until a carriage-return or matching right parenthesis or bracket is seen. Making a read macro character be both ALONE and IMMEDIATE is a contradiction, since ALONE requires that the next character be input in order to see if it is a break or separator character. Thus, ALONE read macros are always NONIMMEDIATE, regardless of whether or not IMMEDIATE is specified. Read macro characters can be "nested". For example, if = is defined by (MACRO (LAMBDA (FL RDTBL) (EVAL (READ FL RDTBL)))) and ! is defined by (SPLICE (LAMBDA (FL RDTBL) (READ FL RDTBL))) then if the value of FOO is (A B C), and (X =FOO Y) is input, (X (A B C) Y) will be returned. If (X !=FOO Y) is input, (X A B C Y) will be returned. Note: If a read macro's function calls READ, and the READ returns NIL, the function cannot distinguish the case where a RIGHTPAREN or RIGHTBRACKET followed the read macro character, (e.g. "(A B ')"), from the case where the atom NIL (or "()") actually appeared. In Interlisp-D, a READ inside of a read macro when the next input character is a RIGHTPAREN or RIGHTBRACKET reads the character and returns NIL, just as if the READ had not occurred inside a read macro. If a call to READ from within a read macro encounters an unmatched RIGHTBRACKET within a list, the bracket is simply put back into the buffer to be read (again) at the higher level. Thus, inputting an expression such as (A B '(C D] works correctly. (INREADMACROP) [Function] Returns NIL if currently not under a read macro function, otherwise the number of unmatched left parentheses or brackets. (READMACROS FLG RDTBL) [Function] If FLG=NIL, turns off action of read macros in read table RDTBL. If FLG=T, turns them on. Returns previous setting. The following read macros are standardly defined in Interlisp in the T and EDITRDTBL read tables: ' (single-quote) Returns the next expression, wrapped in a call to QUOTE; e.g., 'FOO reads as (QUOTE FOO). The macro is defined as a FIRST read macro, so that the quote character has no effect in the middle of a symbol. The macro is also ignored if the quote character is immediately followed by a separator character. control-Y Defined in T and EDITRDTBL. Returns the result of evaluating the next expression. For example, if the value of FOO is (A B), then (LIST 1 control-YFOO 2) is read as (LIST 1 (A B) 2). Note that no structure is copied; the third element of that input expression is still EQ to the value of FOO. Control-Y can thus be used to read structures that ordinarily have no read syntax. For example, the value returned from reading (KEY1 control-Y(ARRAY 10)) has an array as its second element. Control-Y can be thought of as an "un-quote" character. The choice of character to perform this function is changeable with SETTERMCHARS (page X.XX). ` (back-quote) Back-quote makes it easier to write programs to construct complex data structures. Back-quote is like quote, except that within the back-quoted expression, forms can be evaluated. The general idea is that the back-quoted expression is a "template" containing some constant parts (as with a quoted form) and some parts to be filled in by evaluating something. Within the back-quoted expression, the character "," (comma) introduces a form to be evaluated. A form preceded by ".," is to be spliced in, using APPEND. Unlike control-Y, however, the evaluation occurs not at the time the form is read, but at the time the back-quoted expression is evaluated. That is, the back-quote macro returns an expression which, when evaluated, produces the desired structure. For example, if the value of FOO is (1 2 3 4), then the form `(A ,(CAR FOO) .,(CDDR FOO) D E) evaluates to (A 1 3 4 D E); it is logically equivalent to writing (CONS 'A (CONS (CAR FOO) (APPEND (CDDR FOO) '(D E)))) . Back-quote is particularly useful for writing macros. For example, `(COND ((FIXP ,(CAR X)) ,(CADR X)) (T .,(CDDR X))) is equivalent to writing (LIST 'COND (LIST (LIST 'FIXP (CAR X)) (CADR X)) (CONS 'T (CDDR X))) Note that comma does not have any special meaning outside of a back-quote context. For users without a back-quote character on their keyboards, back-quote can also be written as |' (vertical-bar, quote). ? Implements the ?= command for on-line help regarding the function currently being "called" in the typein (see page X.XX). | (vertical bar) When followed by ' (quote), is a synonym for back-quote; followed by certain other characters, it is used by HPRINT and HREAD to print and read in unusual expressions; otherwise is ignored, i.e., treated as a separator character, enabling the editor's CHANGECHAR feature (page X.XX). Copyright (c) 1985 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.