(PRIN1 (QUOTE " WRITEFILE OF {DSK}<LISPFILES>IRM>IRM.DINFOGRAPH;1 MADE BY CUTTING ON 13-Sep-85 05:00:10 ")T) NIL ((32-8 The% SYSQUEUE% mechanism ChapEther.TXT 90045 NIL 32 NIL NIL 32-7 NIL) (32-7 Support% for% Other% Level% One% Protocols ChapEther.TXT 84042 90045 32 NIL 32-8 32-6-4 NIL) (32-6-4 NS% Debugging% Aids ChapEther.TXT 83540 84042 32-6 NIL 32-7 32-6-3 NIL) (32-6-3 Sending% and% Receiving% XIPs ChapEther.TXT 82221 83540 32-6 NIL 32-6-4 32-6-2 NIL) (32-6-2 NS% Sockets ChapEther.TXT 80953 82221 32-6 NIL 32-6-3 32-6-1 NIL) (32-6-1 Creating% and% Managing% XIPs ChapEther.TXT 80160 80953 32-6 NIL 32-6-2 32-6 NIL) (32-6 NS% Level% One% Functions ChapEther.TXT 79538 80160 32 (32-6-4 32-6-3 32-6-2 32-6-1) 32-6-1 32-5-6 NIL) (32-5-6 PUP% Debugging% Aids ChapEther.TXT 70675 79538 32-5 NIL 32-6 32-5-5 NIL) (32-5-5 Miscellaneous% PUP% Utilities ChapEther.TXT 69010 70675 32-5 NIL 32-5-6 32-5-4 NIL) (32-5-4 Pup% Routing% Information ChapEther.TXT 67485 69010 32-5 NIL 32-5-5 32-5-3 NIL) (32-5-3 Sending% and% Receiving% Pups ChapEther.TXT 66169 67485 32-5 NIL 32-5-4 32-5-2 NIL) (32-5-2 Sockets ChapEther.TXT 63989 66169 32-5 NIL 32-5-3 32-5-1 NIL) (32-5-1 Creating% and% Managing% Pups ChapEther.TXT 62744 63989 32-5 NIL 32-5-2 32-5 NIL) (32-5 PUP% Level% One% Functions ChapEther.TXT 62445 62744 32 (32-5-6 32-5-5 32-5-4 32-5-3 32-5-2 32-5-1) 32-5-1 32-4 NIL) (32-4 Level% One% Ether% Packet% Format ChapEther.TXT 59819 62445 32 NIL 32-5 32-3-6-3-4 NIL) (32-3-6-3-4 Courier% Subfunctions% for% Data% Transfer ChapEther.TXT 57370 59819 32-3-6-3 NIL 32-4 32-3-6-3-3 NIL) (32-3-6-3-3 Using% Bulk% Data% Transfer ChapEther.TXT 53843 57370 32-3-6-3 NIL 32-3-6-3-4 32-3-6-3-2 NIL) (32-3-6-3-2 Expanding% Ring% Broadcast ChapEther.TXT 51435 53843 32-3-6-3 NIL 32-3-6-3-3 32-3-6-3-1 NIL) (32-3-6-3-1 Expedited% Procedure% Call ChapEther.TXT 50323 51435 32-3-6-3 NIL 32-3-6-3-2 32-3-6-3 NIL) (32-3-6-3 Performing% Courier% Transactions ChapEther.TXT 46373 50323 32-3-6 (32-3-6-3-4 32-3-6-3-3 32-3-6-3-2 32-3-6-3-1) 32-3-6-3-1 32-3-6-2-3 NIL) (32-3-6-2-3 User% Extensions% to% the% Type% Language ChapEther.TXT 43561 46373 32-3-6-2 NIL 32-3-6-3 32-3-6-2-2 NIL) (32-3-6-2-2 Constructed% Types ChapEther.TXT 40426 43561 32-3-6-2 NIL 32-3-6-2-3 32-3-6-2-1 NIL) (32-3-6-2-1 Pre-defined% Types ChapEther.TXT 39117 40426 32-3-6-2 NIL 32-3-6-2-2 32-3-6-2 NIL) (32-3-6-2 Courier% Type% Definitions ChapEther.TXT 38212 39117 32-3-6 (32-3-6-2-3 32-3-6-2-2 32-3-6-2-1) 32-3-6-2-1 32-3-6-1 NIL) (32-3-6-1 Defining% Courier% Programs ChapEther.TXT 35224 38212 32-3-6 NIL 32-3-6-2 32-3-6 NIL) (32-3-6 Courier% Remote% Procedure% Call% Protocol ChapEther.TXT 34220 35224 32-3 (32-3-6-3 32-3-6-2 32-3-6-1) 32-3-6-1 32-3-5 NIL) (32-3-5 SPP% Stream% Interface ChapEther.TXT 28671 34220 32-3 NIL 32-3-6 32-3-4 NIL) (32-3-4 NS% Filing ChapEther.TXT 25846 28671 32-3 NIL 32-3-5 32-3-3 NIL) (32-3-3 NS% Printing ChapEther.TXT 24917 25846 32-3 NIL 32-3-4 32-3-2 NIL) (32-3-2 Clearinghouse% Functions ChapEther.TXT 19199 24917 32-3 NIL 32-3-3 32-3-1 NIL) (32-3-1 Name% and% Address% Conventions ChapEther.TXT 15488 19199 32-3 NIL 32-3-2 32-3 NIL) (32-3 Higher-level% NS% Protocol% Functions ChapEther.TXT 15053 15488 32 (32-3-6 32-3-5 32-3-4 32-3-3 32-3-2 32-3-1) 32-3-1 32-2 NIL) (32-2 Higher-level% PUP% Protocol% Functions ChapEther.TXT 11279 15053 32 NIL 32-3 32-1-7 NIL) (32-1-7 References ChapEther.TXT 10437 11279 32-1 NIL 32-2 32-1-6 NIL) (32-1-6 Addressing% Conflicts% with% Level% Zero% Mediums ChapEther.TXT 9323 10437 32-1 NIL 32-1-7 32-1-5 NIL) (32-1-5 Connecting% Networks:% % Routers% and% Gateways ChapEther.TXT 8265 9323 32-1 NIL 32-1-6 32-1-4 NIL) (32-1-4 Higher% Level% Protocols ChapEther.TXT 7569 8265 32-1 NIL 32-1-5 32-1-3 NIL) (32-1-3 Level% One% Protocols ChapEther.TXT 6058 7569 32-1 NIL 32-1-4 32-1-2 NIL) (32-1-2 Level% Zero% Protocols ChapEther.TXT 4473 6058 32-1 NIL 32-1-3 32-1-1 NIL) (32-1-1 Protocol% Layering ChapEther.TXT 1677 4473 32-1 NIL 32-1-2 32-1 NIL) (32-1 Ethernet% Protocols ChapEther.TXT 1004 1677 32 (32-1-7 32-1-6 32-1-5 32-1-4 32-1-3 32-1-2 32-1-1) 32-1-1 32 NIL) (32 Ethernet ChapEther.TXT 3 1004 IRM.TOP (32-8 32-7 32-6 32-5 32-4 32-3 32-2 32-1) 32-1 31-7 NIL) (31-7 Miscellaneous% Terminal% I/O ChapTerminal.TXT 47673 NIL 31 NIL 32 31-6 NIL) (31-6 Display% Screen ChapTerminal.TXT 44537 47673 31 NIL 31-7 31-5 NIL) (31-5 Keyboard% Interpretation ChapTerminal.TXT 40127 44537 31 NIL 31-6 31-4-5 NIL) (31-4-5 Low% Level% Mouse% Functions ChapTerminal.TXT 38284 40127 31-4 NIL 31-5 31-4-4 NIL) (31-4-4 Mouse% Button% Testing ChapTerminal.TXT 35859 38284 31-4 NIL 31-4-5 31-4-3 NIL) (31-4-3 Cursor% Position ChapTerminal.TXT 34676 35859 31-4 NIL 31-4-4 31-4-2 NIL) (31-4-2 Flashing% Bars% on% the% Cursor ChapTerminal.TXT 33024 34676 31-4 NIL 31-4-3 31-4-1 NIL) (31-4-1 Changing% the% Cursor% Image ChapTerminal.TXT 28524 33024 31-4 NIL 31-4-2 31-4 NIL) (31-4 Cursor% and% Mouse ChapTerminal.TXT 27706 28524 31 (31-4-5 31-4-4 31-4-3 31-4-2 31-4-1) 31-4-1 31-3 NIL) (31-3 Dribble% Files ChapTerminal.TXT 26316 27706 31 NIL 31-4 31-2-3 NIL) (31-2-3 Line-Buffering ChapTerminal.TXT 18273 26316 31-2 NIL 31-3 31-2-2 NIL) (31-2-2 Terminal% Control% Functions ChapTerminal.TXT 13044 18273 31-2 NIL 31-2-3 31-2-1 NIL) (31-2-1 Terminal% Syntax% Classes ChapTerminal.TXT 10296 13044 31-2 NIL 31-2-2 31-2 NIL) (31-2 Terminal% Tables ChapTerminal.TXT 8395 10296 31 (31-2-3 31-2-2 31-2-1) 31-2-1 31-1 NIL) (31-1 Interrupt% Characters ChapTerminal.TXT 1177 8395 31 NIL 31-2 31 NIL) (31 Terminal% Input/Output ChapTerminal.TXT 3 1177 IRM.TOP (31-7 31-6 31-5 31-4 31-3 31-2 31-1) 31-1 30-1 NIL) (30-1 Low-level% Hardcopy% Variables ChapHardcopy.TXT 9499 NIL 30 NIL 31 30 NIL) (30 Hardcopy% Facilities ChapHardcopy.TXT 3 9499 IRM.TOP (30-1) 30-1 29-6-4 NIL) (29-6-4 Window% Properties% Of% Attached% Windows ChapWindows.TXT 108554 NIL 29-6 NIL 30 29-6-3 NIL) (29-6-3 Window% Operations% And% Attached% Windows ChapWindows.TXT 102109 108554 29-6 NIL 29-6-4 29-6-2 NIL) (29-6-2 Attached% Prompt% Windows ChapWindows.TXT 100931 102109 29-6 NIL 29-6-3 29-6-1 NIL) (29-6-1 Attaching% Menus% To% Windows ChapWindows.TXT 98544 100931 29-6 NIL 29-6-2 29-6 NIL) (29-6 Attached% Windows ChapWindows.TXT 92037 98544 29 (29-6-4 29-6-3 29-6-2 29-6-1) 29-6-1 29-5-3 NIL) (29-5-3 Examples% of% Menu% Use ChapWindows.TXT 89208 92037 29-5 NIL 29-6 29-5-2 NIL) (29-5-2 Miscellaneous% Menu% Functions ChapWindows.TXT 87786 89208 29-5 NIL 29-5-3 29-5-1 NIL) (29-5-1 Menu% Fields ChapWindows.TXT 80918 87786 29-5 NIL 29-5-2 29-5 NIL) (29-5 Menus ChapWindows.TXT 76426 80918 29 (29-5-3 29-5-2 29-5-1) 29-5-1 29-4-15 NIL) (29-4-15 Example:% A% Scrollable% Window ChapWindows.TXT 70850 76426 29-4 NIL 29-5 29-4-14 NIL) (29-4-14 Miscellaneous% Window% Properties ChapWindows.TXT 68548 70850 29-4 NIL 29-4-15 29-4-13 NIL) (29-4-13 Miscellaneous% Window% Functions ChapWindows.TXT 64883 68548 29-4 NIL 29-4-14 29-4-12 NIL) (29-4-12 The% TTY% Process% and% the% Caret ChapWindows.TXT 62425 64883 29-4 NIL 29-4-13 29-4-11 NIL) (29-4-11 Terminal% I/O% and% Page% Holding ChapWindows.TXT 59774 62425 29-4 NIL 29-4-12 29-4-10 NIL) (29-4-10 Mouse% Activity% in% Windows ChapWindows.TXT 56230 59774 29-4 NIL 29-4-11 29-4-9 NIL) (29-4-9 Coordinate% Systems,% Extents,% And% Scrolling ChapWindows.TXT 46239 56230 29-4 NIL 29-4-10 29-4-8 NIL) (29-4-8 Shrinking% Windows% Into% Icons ChapWindows.TXT 41336 46239 29-4 NIL 29-4-9 29-4-7 NIL) (29-4-7 Exposing% and% Burying% Windows ChapWindows.TXT 40296 41336 29-4 NIL 29-4-8 29-4-6 NIL) (29-4-6 Moving% Windows ChapWindows.TXT 37115 40296 29-4 NIL 29-4-7 29-4-5 NIL) (29-4-5 Reshaping% Windows ChapWindows.TXT 31617 37115 29-4 NIL 29-4-6 29-4-4 NIL) (29-4-4 Redisplaying% Windows ChapWindows.TXT 30371 31617 29-4 NIL 29-4-5 29-4-3 NIL) (29-4-3 Opening% and% Closing% Windows ChapWindows.TXT 28314 30371 29-4 NIL 29-4-4 29-4-2 NIL) (29-4-2 Creating% Windows ChapWindows.TXT 26163 28314 29-4 NIL 29-4-3 29-4-1 NIL) (29-4-1 Window% Properties ChapWindows.TXT 24265 26163 29-4 NIL 29-4-2 29-4 NIL) (29-4 Windows ChapWindows.TXT 22356 24265 29 (29-4-15 29-4-14 29-4-13 29-4-12 29-4-11 29-4-10 29-4-9 29-4-8 29-4-7 29-4-6 29-4-5 29-4-4 29-4-3 29-4-2 29-4-1) 29-4-1 29-3 NIL) (29-3 Interactive% Display% Functions ChapWindows.TXT 14321 22356 29 NIL 29-4 29-2 NIL) (29-2 Changing% Window% Command% Menus ChapWindows.TXT 11062 14321 29 NIL 29-3 29-1 NIL) (29-1 Using% The% Window% System ChapWindows.TXT 2420 11062 29 NIL 29-2 29 NIL) (29 Windows% and% Menus ChapWindows.TXT 3 2420 IRM.TOP (29-6 29-5 29-4 29-3 29-2 29-1) 29-1 28-17 NIL) (28-17 Implementation% of% Image% Streams ChapGraphics.TXT 82122 NIL 28 NIL 29 28-16-4 NIL) (28-16-4 Copying% Image% Objects% Between% Windows ChapGraphics.TXT 79837 82122 28-16 NIL 28-17 28-16-3 NIL) (28-16-3 Reading% and% Writing% Image% Objects% on% Files ChapGraphics.TXT 78365 79837 28-16 NIL 28-16-4 28-16-2 NIL) (28-16-2 Registering% Image% Objects ChapGraphics.TXT 76308 78365 28-16 NIL 28-16-3 28-16-1 NIL) (28-16-1 IMAGEFNS% Methods ChapGraphics.TXT 69631 76308 28-16 NIL 28-16-2 28-16 NIL) (28-16 Image% Objects ChapGraphics.TXT 65905 69631 28 (28-16-4 28-16-3 28-16-2 28-16-1) 28-16-1 28-15 NIL) (28-15 Font% Profiles ChapGraphics.TXT 60307 65905 28 NIL 28-16 28-14 NIL) (28-14 Font% Classes ChapGraphics.TXT 60307 60307 28 NIL 28-15 28-13 NIL) (28-13 Font% Files% and% Font% Directories ChapGraphics.TXT 59130 60307 28 NIL 28-14 28-12 NIL) (28-12 Fonts ChapGraphics.TXT 47269 59130 28 NIL 28-13 28-11 NIL) (28-11 Previewing% Hardcopy% on% the% Display ChapGraphics.TXT 45936 47269 28 NIL 28-12 28-10 NIL) (28-10 Display% Streams ChapGraphics.TXT 41515 45936 28 NIL 28-11 28-9 NIL) (28-9 Drawing% and% Shading% Grids ChapGraphics.TXT 38990 41515 28 NIL 28-10 28-8 NIL) (28-8 Miscellaneous% Drawing% and% Printing% Operations ChapGraphics.TXT 36173 38990 28 NIL 28-9 28-7 NIL) (28-7 Drawing% Curves ChapGraphics.TXT 31919 36173 28 NIL 28-8 28-6 NIL) (28-6 Drawing% Lines ChapGraphics.TXT 29607 31919 28 NIL 28-7 28-5 NIL) (28-5 Moving% Bits% Between% Bitmaps% With% BITBLT ChapGraphics.TXT 25509 29607 28 NIL 28-6 28-4 NIL) (28-4 Setting% the% Current% Position% of% an% Image% Stream ChapGraphics.TXT 23912 25509 28 NIL 28-5 28-3 NIL) (28-3 Accessing% Image% Stream% Fields ChapGraphics.TXT 18886 23912 28 NIL 28-4 28-2 NIL) (28-2 Opening% Image% Streams ChapGraphics.TXT 13610 18886 28 NIL 28-3 28-1-4 NIL) (28-1-4 Textures ChapGraphics.TXT 11764 13610 28-1 NIL 28-2 28-1-3 NIL) (28-1-3 Bitmaps ChapGraphics.TXT 3830 11764 28-1 NIL 28-1-4 28-1-2 NIL) (28-1-2 Regions ChapGraphics.TXT 1318 3830 28-1 NIL 28-1-3 28-1-1 NIL) (28-1-1 Positions ChapGraphics.TXT 929 1318 28-1 NIL 28-1-2 28-1 NIL) (28-1 Primitive% Graphics% Concepts ChapGraphics.TXT 703 929 28 (28-1-4 28-1-3 28-1-2 28-1-1) 28-1-1 28 NIL) (28 Graphics% Output% Operations ChapGraphics.TXT 3 703 IRM.TOP (28-17 28-16 28-15 28-14 28-13 28-12 28-11 28-10 28-9 28-8 28-7 28-6 28-5 28-4 28-3 28-2 28-1) 28-1 27-5-4 NIL) (27-5-4 Special% Prettyprint% Controls ChapUserIO.TXT 106363 NIL 27-5 NIL 28 27-5-3 NIL) (27-5-3 Converting% Comments% to% Lower% Case ChapUserIO.TXT 103834 106363 27-5 NIL 27-5-4 27-5-2 NIL) (27-5-2 Comment% Pointers ChapUserIO.TXT 99201 103834 27-5 NIL 27-5-3 27-5-1 NIL) (27-5-1 Comment% Feature ChapUserIO.TXT 95863 99201 27-5 NIL 27-5-2 27-5 NIL) (27-5 Prettyprint ChapUserIO.TXT 90268 95863 27 (27-5-4 27-5-3 27-5-2 27-5-1) 27-5-1 27-4-12 NIL) (27-4-12 Display% Types ChapUserIO.TXT 88001 90268 27-4 NIL 27-5 27-4-11 NIL) (27-4-11 Special% Responses ChapUserIO.TXT 86526 88001 27-4 NIL 27-4-12 27-4-10 NIL) (27-4-10 Assorted% Flags ChapUserIO.TXT 82136 86526 27-4 NIL 27-4-11 27-4-9 NIL) (27-4-9 Read% Macros ChapUserIO.TXT 78726 82136 27-4 NIL 27-4-10 27-4-8 NIL) (27-4-8 ?=% Handler ChapUserIO.TXT 76902 78726 27-4 NIL 27-4-9 27-4-7 NIL) (27-4-7 EE% Interface ChapUserIO.TXT 75072 76902 27-4 NIL 27-4-8 27-4-6 NIL) (27-4-6 Programming% With% TTYIN ChapUserIO.TXT 67402 75072 27-4 NIL 27-4-7 27-4-5 NIL) (27-4-5 Useful% Macros ChapUserIO.TXT 65669 67402 27-4 NIL 27-4-6 27-4-4 NIL) (27-4-4 Using% TTYIN% for% Lisp% Input ChapUserIO.TXT 64387 65669 27-4 NIL 27-4-5 27-4-3 NIL) (27-4-3 Display% Editing% Commands ChapUserIO.TXT 55499 64387 27-4 NIL 27-4-4 27-4-2 NIL) (27-4-2 Mouse% Commands% %[Interlisp-D% Only%] ChapUserIO.TXT 53569 55499 27-4 NIL 27-4-3 27-4-1 NIL) (27-4-1 Entering% Input% With% TTYIN ChapUserIO.TXT 49985 53569 27-4 NIL 27-4-2 27-4 NIL) (27-4 TTYIN% Display% Typein% Editor ChapUserIO.TXT 49112 49985 27 (27-4-12 27-4-11 27-4-10 27-4-9 27-4-8 27-4-7 27-4-6 27-4-5 27-4-4 27-4-3 27-4-2 27-4-1) 27-4-1 27-3-6 NIL) (27-3-6 Startup% Protocol% and% Typeahead ChapUserIO.TXT 44930 49112 27-3 NIL 27-4 27-3-5 NIL) (27-3-5 Special% Keys ChapUserIO.TXT 42596 44930 27-3 NIL 27-3-6 27-3-4 NIL) (27-3-4 Completing% a% Key ChapUserIO.TXT 38133 42596 27-3 NIL 27-3-5 27-3-3 NIL) (27-3-3 Operation ChapUserIO.TXT 36920 38133 27-3 NIL 27-3-4 27-3-2 NIL) (27-3-2 Options ChapUserIO.TXT 32519 36920 27-3 NIL 27-3-3 27-3-1 NIL) (27-3-1 Format% of% KEYLST ChapUserIO.TXT 28171 32519 27-3 NIL 27-3-2 27-3 NIL) (27-3 ASKUSER ChapUserIO.TXT 24695 28171 27 (27-3-6 27-3-5 27-3-4 27-3-3 27-3-2 27-3-1) 27-3-1 27-2 NIL) (27-2 PROMPTFORWORD ChapUserIO.TXT 18827 24695 27 NIL 27-3 27-1-8 NIL) (27-1-8 INSPECTWs ChapUserIO.TXT 12055 18827 27-1 NIL 27-2 27-1-7 NIL) (27-1-7 Inspect% Macros ChapUserIO.TXT 10411 12055 27-1 NIL 27-1-8 27-1-6 NIL) (27-1-6 Controlling% the% Amount% Displayed% During% Inspection ChapUserIO.TXT 9295 10411 27-1 NIL 27-1-7 27-1-5 NIL) (27-1-5 Interaction% With% the% Display% Break% Package ChapUserIO.TXT 8366 9295 27-1 NIL 27-1-6 27-1-4 NIL) (27-1-4 Inspect% Window% Commands ChapUserIO.TXT 7705 8366 27-1 NIL 27-1-5 27-1-3 NIL) (27-1-3 Inspect% Windows ChapUserIO.TXT 5339 7705 27-1 NIL 27-1-4 27-1-2 NIL) (27-1-2 Multiple% Ways% of% Inspecting ChapUserIO.TXT 3755 5339 27-1 NIL 27-1-3 27-1-1 NIL) (27-1-1 Calling% the% Inspector ChapUserIO.TXT 2144 3755 27-1 NIL 27-1-2 27-1 NIL) (27-1 Inspector ChapUserIO.TXT 984 2144 27 (27-1-8 27-1-7 27-1-6 27-1-5 27-1-4 27-1-3 27-1-2 27-1-1) 27-1-1 27 NIL) (27 User% Input/Output% Packages ChapUserIO.TXT 3 984 IRM.TOP (27-5 27-4 27-3 27-2 27-1) 27-1 26-6-3 NIL) (26-6-3 Read% Macros ChapIO.TXT 68949 NIL 26-6 NIL 27 26-6-2 NIL) (26-6-2 Syntax% Classes ChapIO.TXT 59686 68949 26-6 NIL 26-6-3 26-6-1 NIL) (26-6-1 Read% Table% Functions ChapIO.TXT 58331 59686 26-6 NIL 26-6-2 26-6 NIL) (26-6 Read% Tables ChapIO.TXT 56427 58331 26 (26-6-3 26-6-2 26-6-1) 26-6-1 26-5 NIL) (26-5 READFILE% and% WRITEFILE ChapIO.TXT 55557 56427 26 NIL 26-6 26-4-7 NIL) (26-4-7 Special% Printing% Functions ChapIO.TXT 53432 55557 26-4 NIL 26-5 26-4-6 NIL) (26-4-6 User-Defined% Commands ChapIO.TXT 51843 53432 26-4 NIL 26-4-7 26-4-5 NIL) (26-4-5 Escaping% to% Lisp ChapIO.TXT 50493 51843 26-4 NIL 26-4-6 26-4-4-4 NIL) (26-4-4-4 Numbering ChapIO.TXT 49112 50493 26-4-4 NIL 26-4-5 26-4-4-3 NIL) (26-4-4-3 Centering ChapIO.TXT 48540 49112 26-4-4 NIL 26-4-4-4 26-4-4-2 NIL) (26-4-4-2 Right-Flushing ChapIO.TXT 47473 48540 26-4-4 NIL 26-4-4-3 26-4-4-1 NIL) (26-4-4-1 Paragraph% Format ChapIO.TXT 46598 47473 26-4-4 NIL 26-4-4-2 26-4-4 NIL) (26-4-4 Printing% Specifications ChapIO.TXT 45105 46598 26-4 (26-4-4-4 26-4-4-3 26-4-4-2 26-4-4-1) 26-4-4-1 26-4-3 NIL) (26-4-3 Special% Formatting% Controls ChapIO.TXT 44013 45105 26-4 NIL 26-4-4 26-4-2 NIL) (26-4-2 Vertical% Spacing% Commands ChapIO.TXT 43357 44013 26-4 NIL 26-4-3 26-4-1 NIL) (26-4-1 Horizontal% Spacing% Commands ChapIO.TXT 41914 43357 26-4 NIL 26-4-2 26-4 NIL) (26-4 PRINTOUT ChapIO.TXT 37935 41914 26 (26-4-7 26-4-6 26-4-5 26-4-4 26-4-3 26-4-2 26-4-1) 26-4-1 26-3 NIL) (26-3 Random% Access% File% Operations ChapIO.TXT 29094 37935 26 NIL 26-4 26-2-4 NIL) (26-2-4 Dumping% Unusual% Data% Structures ChapIO.TXT 25511 29094 26-2 NIL 26-3 26-2-3 NIL) (26-2-3 User% Defined% Printing ChapIO.TXT 24403 25511 26-2 NIL 26-2-4 26-2-2 NIL) (26-2-2 Printing% numbers ChapIO.TXT 18256 24403 26-2 NIL 26-2-3 26-2-1 NIL) (26-2-1 PRINTLEVEL ChapIO.TXT 15576 18256 26-2 NIL 26-2-2 26-2 NIL) (26-2 Output% Functions ChapIO.TXT 10147 15576 26 (26-2-4 26-2-3 26-2-2 26-2-1) 26-2-1 26-1 NIL) (26-1 Input% Functions ChapIO.TXT 624 10147 26 NIL 26-2 26 NIL) (26 Input/Output% Functions ChapIO.TXT 3 624 IRM.TOP (26-6 26-5 26-4 26-3 26-2 26-1) 26-1 25-17-5 NIL) (25-17-5 Sequential% vs.% Random% Access% Files ChapFiles.TXT 48937 NIL 25-17 NIL 26 25-17-4 NIL) (25-17-4 Caveats ChapFiles.TXT 48009 48937 25-17 NIL 25-17-5 25-17-3 NIL) (25-17-3 Abnormal% Conditions ChapFiles.TXT 45822 48009 25-17 NIL 25-17-4 25-17-2 NIL) (25-17-2 Logging% In ChapFiles.TXT 43995 45822 25-17 NIL 25-17-3 25-17-1 NIL) (25-17-1 File% Server% File% Names ChapFiles.TXT 41452 43995 25-17 NIL 25-17-2 25-17 NIL) (25-17 File% Servers ChapFiles.TXT 40572 41452 25 (25-17-5 25-17-4 25-17-3 25-17-2 25-17-1) 25-17-1 25-16 NIL) (25-16 Manipulating% File% Directories ChapFiles.TXT 36310 40572 25 NIL 25-17 25-15 NIL) (25-15 Connecting% to% Directories ChapFiles.TXT 34248 36310 25 NIL 25-16 25-14 NIL) (25-14 Deleting,% Copying,% and% Renaming% Files ChapFiles.TXT 32959 34248 25 NIL 25-15 25-13 NIL) (25-13 Future% Changes% and% Efficiency% Issues ChapFiles.TXT 30646 32959 25 NIL 25-14 25-12 NIL) (25-12 Using% File% Names% Instead% of% Streams ChapFiles.TXT 28626 30646 25 NIL 25-13 25-11 NIL) (25-11 Using% Files% with% Processes ChapFiles.TXT 28249 28626 25 NIL 25-12 25-10 NIL) (25-10 End% Of% Line% Convention ChapFiles.TXT 27590 28249 25 NIL 25-11 25-9 NIL) (25-9 Temporary% Files% and% the% CORE% Device ChapFiles.TXT 25366 27590 25 NIL 25-10 25-8 NIL) (25-8 I/O% Operations% With% Strings ChapFiles.TXT 24293 25366 25 NIL 25-9 25-7 NIL) (25-7 Closing% and% Reopening% Files ChapFiles.TXT 20651 24293 25 NIL 25-8 25-6 NIL) (25-6 File% Attributes ChapFiles.TXT 17815 20651 25 NIL 25-7 25-5 NIL) (25-5 File% Naming% and% Recognition ChapFiles.TXT 11792 17815 25 NIL 25-6 25-4 NIL) (25-4 File% Names ChapFiles.TXT 8777 11792 25 NIL 25-5 25-3 NIL) (25-3 Opening% and% Closing% File% Streams ChapFiles.TXT 3659 8777 25 NIL 25-4 25-2 NIL) (25-2 Primary% Input/Output% Streams ChapFiles.TXT 2571 3659 25 NIL 25-3 25-1 NIL) (25-1 Terminal% Input/Output% Streams ChapFiles.TXT 2130 2571 25 NIL 25-2 25 NIL) (25 Streams% and% Files ChapFiles.TXT 3 2130 IRM.TOP (25-17 25-16 25-15 25-14 25-13 25-12 25-11 25-10 25-9 25-8 25-7 25-6 25-5 25-4 25-3 25-2 25-1) 25-1 24-9 NIL) (24-9 Non-Process% Compatibility ChapProcesses.TXT 36335 NIL 24 NIL 25 24-8 NIL) (24-8 Process% Status% Window ChapProcesses.TXT 34189 36335 24 NIL 24-9 24-7 NIL) (24-7 Keeping% the% Mouse% Alive ChapProcesses.TXT 32696 34189 24 NIL 24-8 24-6-2 NIL) (24-6-2 Handling% of% Interrupts ChapProcesses.TXT 30252 32696 24-6 NIL 24-7 24-6-1 NIL) (24-6-1 Switching% the% TTY% Process ChapProcesses.TXT 24698 30252 24-6 NIL 24-6-2 24-6 NIL) (24-6 Typein% and% the% TTY% Process ChapProcesses.TXT 23380 24698 24 (24-6-2 24-6-1) 24-6-1 24-5 NIL) (24-5 Global% Resources ChapProcesses.TXT 19367 23380 24 NIL 24-6 24-4 NIL) (24-4 Monitors ChapProcesses.TXT 14797 19367 24 NIL 24-5 24-3 NIL) (24-3 Events ChapProcesses.TXT 12668 14797 24 NIL 24-4 24-2 NIL) (24-2 Process% Control% Constructs ChapProcesses.TXT 9303 12668 24 NIL 24-3 24-1 NIL) (24-1 Creating% and% Destroying% Processes ChapProcesses.TXT 2100 9303 24 NIL 24-2 24 NIL) (24 Processes ChapProcesses.TXT 3 2100 IRM.TOP (24-9 24-8 24-7 24-6 24-5 24-4 24-3 24-2 24-1) 24-1 23-7 NIL) (23-7 Using% %"Fast%"% and% %"Destructive%"% Functions ChapPerformance.TXT 29398 NIL 23 NIL 24 23-6 NIL) (23-6 Using% Incomplete% File% Names ChapPerformance.TXT 28041 29398 23 NIL 23-7 23-5 NIL) (23-5 Using% Data% Types% Instead% of% Records ChapPerformance.TXT 26604 28041 23 NIL 23-6 23-4 NIL) (23-4 GAINSPACE ChapPerformance.TXT 23763 26604 23 NIL 23-5 23-3-1 NIL) (23-3-1 BREAKDOWN ChapPerformance.TXT 18038 23763 23-3 NIL 23-4 23-3 NIL) (23-3 Performance% Measuring ChapPerformance.TXT 14823 18038 23 (23-3-1) 23-3-1 23-2 NIL) (23-2 Variable% Bindings ChapPerformance.TXT 10076 14823 23 NIL 23-3 23-1 NIL) (23-1 Storage% Allocation% and% Garbage% Collection ChapPerformance.TXT 561 10076 23 NIL 23-2 23 NIL) (23 Performance% Issues ChapPerformance.TXT 3 561 IRM.TOP (23-7 23-6 23-5 23-4 23-3 23-2 23-1) 23-1 22-9 NIL) (22-9 CLISP% Internal% Conventions ChapCLISP.TXT 62987 NIL 22 NIL 23 22-8 NIL) (22-8 Miscellaneous% Functions% and% Variables ChapCLISP.TXT 57994 62987 22 NIL 22-9 22-7 NIL) (22-7 CLISPIFY ChapCLISP.TXT 52441 57994 22 NIL 22-8 22-6 NIL) (22-6 DWIMIFY ChapCLISP.TXT 43214 52441 22 NIL 22-7 22-5 NIL) (22-5 CLISP% Translations ChapCLISP.TXT 39372 43214 22 NIL 22-6 22-4 NIL) (22-4 CLISP% Operation ChapCLISP.TXT 33488 39372 22 NIL 22-5 22-3 NIL) (22-3 Declarations ChapCLISP.TXT 27822 33488 22 NIL 22-4 22-2 NIL) (22-2 CLISP% Character% Operators ChapCLISP.TXT 15681 27822 22 NIL 22-3 22-1 NIL) (22-1 CLISP% Interaction% with% User ChapCLISP.TXT 13434 15681 22 NIL 22-2 22 NIL) (22 CLISP ChapCLISP.TXT 3 13434 IRM.TOP (22-9 22-8 22-7 22-6 22-5 22-4 22-3 22-2 22-1) 22-1 21-7-5 NIL) (21-7-5 Spelling% Corrector% Functions% and% Variables ChapDWIM.TXT 45473 NIL 21-7 NIL 22 21-7-4 NIL) (21-7-4 Spelling% Corrector% Algorithm ChapDWIM.TXT 40239 45473 21-7 NIL 21-7-5 21-7-3 NIL) (21-7-3 Generators% for% Spelling% Correction ChapDWIM.TXT 38870 40239 21-7 NIL 21-7-4 21-7-2 NIL) (21-7-2 Spelling% Lists ChapDWIM.TXT 33665 38870 21-7 NIL 21-7-3 21-7-1 NIL) (21-7-1 Synonyms ChapDWIM.TXT 32585 33665 21-7 NIL 21-7-2 21-7 NIL) (21-7 Spelling% Correction ChapDWIM.TXT 29235 32585 21 (21-7-5 21-7-4 21-7-3 21-7-2 21-7-1) 21-7-1 21-6 NIL) (21-6 DWIM% Functions% and% Variables ChapDWIM.TXT 26343 29235 21 NIL 21-7 21-5 NIL) (21-5 DWIMUSERFORMS ChapDWIM.TXT 22616 26343 21 NIL 21-6 21-4-3 NIL) (21-4-3 Undefined% Function% in% APPLY ChapDWIM.TXT 21266 22616 21-4 NIL 21-5 21-4-2 NIL) (21-4-2 Undefined% CAR% of% Form ChapDWIM.TXT 18115 21266 21-4 NIL 21-4-3 21-4-1 NIL) (21-4-1 DWIM% Correction:% Unbound% Atoms ChapDWIM.TXT 15469 18115 21-4 NIL 21-4-2 21-4 NIL) (21-4 DWIM% Operation ChapDWIM.TXT 13486 15469 21 (21-4-3 21-4-2 21-4-1) 21-4-1 21-3 NIL) (21-3 U.D.F.% T% Errors% Protocol ChapDWIM.TXT 10940 13486 21 NIL 21-4 21-2 NIL) (21-2 Parentheses% Errors% Protocol ChapDWIM.TXT 9747 10940 21 NIL 21-3 21-1 NIL) (21-1 Spelling% Correction% Protocol ChapDWIM.TXT 6909 9747 21 NIL 21-2 21 NIL) (21 DWIM ChapDWIM.TXT 3 6909 IRM.TOP (21-7 21-6 21-5 21-4 21-3 21-2 21-1) 21-1 20-9 NIL) (20-9 Implementation% Notes ChapMasterScope.TXT 50031 NIL 20 NIL 21 20-8 NIL) (20-8 Noticing% Changes% that% Require% Recompiling ChapMasterScope.TXT 48800 50031 20 NIL 20-9 20-7 NIL) (20-7 Masterscope% Entries ChapMasterScope.TXT 43164 48800 20 NIL 20-8 20-6 NIL) (20-6 Data% Base% Updating ChapMasterScope.TXT 42563 43164 20 NIL 20-7 20-5 NIL) (20-5 Affecting% Masterscope% Analysis ChapMasterScope.TXT 35827 42563 20 NIL 20-6 20-4 NIL) (20-4 Macro% Expansion ChapMasterScope.TXT 34712 35827 20 NIL 20-5 20-3 NIL) (20-3 Error% Messages ChapMasterScope.TXT 33929 34712 20 NIL 20-4 20-2 NIL) (20-2 SHOW% PATHS ChapMasterScope.TXT 29131 33929 20 NIL 20-3 20-1-6 NIL) (20-1-6 Conjunctions% of% Sets ChapMasterScope.TXT 27903 29131 20-1 NIL 20-2 20-1-5 NIL) (20-1-5 Set% Types ChapMasterScope.TXT 25697 27903 20-1 NIL 20-1-6 20-1-4 NIL) (20-1-4 Set% Determiners ChapMasterScope.TXT 25012 25697 20-1 NIL 20-1-5 20-1-3 NIL) (20-1-3 Set% Specifications ChapMasterScope.TXT 19600 25012 20-1 NIL 20-1-4 20-1-2 NIL) (20-1-2 Relations ChapMasterScope.TXT 13896 19600 20-1 NIL 20-1-3 20-1-1 NIL) (20-1-1 Commands ChapMasterScope.TXT 6236 13896 20-1 NIL 20-1-2 20-1 NIL) (20-1 Command% Language ChapMasterScope.TXT 4578 6236 20 (20-1-6 20-1-5 20-1-4 20-1-3 20-1-2 20-1-1) 20-1-1 20 NIL) (20 Masterscope ChapMasterScope.TXT 3 4578 IRM.TOP (20-9 20-8 20-7 20-6 20-5 20-4 20-3 20-2 20-1) 20-1 19-13 NIL) (19-13 Compiler% Error% Messages ChapCompiler.TXT 49417 NIL 19 NIL 20 19-12-2 NIL) (19-12-2 Block% Compiling% Functions ChapCompiler.TXT 44533 49417 19-12 NIL 19-13 19-12-1 NIL) (19-12-1 Block% Declarations ChapCompiler.TXT 37915 44533 19-12 NIL 19-12-2 19-12 NIL) (19-12 Block% Compiling ChapCompiler.TXT 36690 37915 19 (19-12-2 19-12-1) 19-12-1 19-11 NIL) (19-11 Compiler% Functions ChapCompiler.TXT 26890 36690 19 NIL 19-12 19-10 NIL) (19-10 Compiling% CLISP ChapCompiler.TXT 23892 26890 19 NIL 19-11 19-9 NIL) (19-9 COMPILETYPELST ChapCompiler.TXT 22734 23892 19 NIL 19-10 19-8 NIL) (19-8 Open% Functions ChapCompiler.TXT 21912 22734 19 NIL 19-9 19-7 NIL) (19-7 FUNCTION% and% Functional% Arguments ChapCompiler.TXT 20303 21912 19 NIL 19-8 19-6 NIL) (19-6 Compiling% Function% Calls ChapCompiler.TXT 17064 20303 19 NIL 19-7 19-5 NIL) (19-5 Constants ChapCompiler.TXT 13875 17064 19 NIL 19-6 19-4 NIL) (19-4 Local% Variables% and% Special% Variables ChapCompiler.TXT 8923 13875 19 NIL 19-5 19-3 NIL) (19-3 Global% Variables ChapCompiler.TXT 7391 8923 19 NIL 19-4 19-2 NIL) (19-2 Writing% Machine-Dependent% Functions ChapCompiler.TXT 6557 7391 19 NIL 19-3 19-1 NIL) (19-1 Compiler% Printout ChapCompiler.TXT 4424 6557 19 NIL 19-2 19 NIL) (19 Compiler ChapCompiler.TXT 3 4424 IRM.TOP (19-13 19-12 19-11 19-10 19-9 19-8 19-7 19-6 19-5 19-4 19-3 19-2 19-1) 19-1 18-11-3 NIL) (18-11-3 File% Maps ChapFP.TXT 114594 NIL 18-11 NIL 19 18-11-2 NIL) (18-11-2 Functions% Used% Within% Source% Files ChapFP.TXT 112672 114594 18-11 NIL 18-11-3 18-11-1 NIL) (18-11-1 Copyright% Notices ChapFP.TXT 109458 112672 18-11 NIL 18-11-2 18-11 NIL) (18-11 Symbolic% File% Format ChapFP.TXT 103485 109458 18 (18-11-3 18-11-2 18-11-1) 18-11-1 18-10 NIL) (18-10 Functions% for% Manipulating% File% Command% Lists ChapFP.TXT 99690 103485 18 NIL 18-11 18-9-3 NIL) (18-9-3 Defining% New% File% Package% Commands ChapFP.TXT 93740 99690 18-9 NIL 18-10 18-9-2 NIL) (18-9-2 FileVars ChapFP.TXT 92512 93740 18-9 NIL 18-9-3 18-9-1 NIL) (18-9-1 Exporting% Definitions ChapFP.TXT 88914 92512 18-9 NIL 18-9-2 18-9 NIL) (18-9 File% Package% Commands ChapFP.TXT 65398 88914 18 (18-9-3 18-9-2 18-9-1) 18-9-1 18-8-2 NIL) (18-8-2 Defining% New% File% Package% Types ChapFP.TXT 60047 65398 18-8 NIL 18-9 18-8-1 NIL) (18-8-1 Functions% for% Manipulating% Typed% Definitions ChapFP.TXT 49795 60047 18-8 NIL 18-8-2 18-8 NIL) (18-8 File% Package% Types ChapFP.TXT 45260 49795 18 (18-8-2 18-8-1) 18-8-1 18-7 NIL) (18-7 Distributing% Change% Information ChapFP.TXT 43522 45260 18 NIL 18-8 18-6 NIL) (18-6 Noticing% Files ChapFP.TXT 39909 43522 18 NIL 18-7 18-5 NIL) (18-5 Marking% Changes ChapFP.TXT 35359 39909 18 NIL 18-6 18-4 NIL) (18-4 Loading% Files% in% a% Distributed% Environment ChapFP.TXT 33523 35359 18 NIL 18-5 18-3 NIL) (18-3 Remaking% a% Symbolic% File ChapFP.TXT 29728 33523 18 NIL 18-4 18-2 NIL) (18-2 Storing% Files ChapFP.TXT 18547 29728 18 NIL 18-3 18-1 NIL) (18-1 Loading% Files ChapFP.TXT 9729 18547 18 NIL 18-2 18 NIL) (18 File% Package ChapFP.TXT 3 9729 IRM.TOP (18-11 18-10 18-9 18-8 18-7 18-6 18-5 18-4 18-3 18-2 18-1) 18-1 17-19 NIL) (17-19 Time% Stamps ChapEditor.TXT 144128 NIL 17 NIL 18 17-18 NIL) (17-18 Editor% Functions ChapEditor.TXT 124806 144128 17 NIL 17-19 17-17 NIL) (17-17 EDITDEFAULT ChapEditor.TXT 120866 124806 17 NIL 17-18 17-16 NIL) (17-16 Undo ChapEditor.TXT 117391 120866 17 NIL 17-17 17-15 NIL) (17-15 Edit% Macros ChapEditor.TXT 112498 117391 17 NIL 17-16 17-14 NIL) (17-14 Commands% That% Test ChapEditor.TXT 108507 112498 17 NIL 17-15 17-13 NIL) (17-13 Commands% That% Evaluate ChapEditor.TXT 104967 108507 17 NIL 17-14 17-12 NIL) (17-12 Miscellaneous% Commands ChapEditor.TXT 100950 104967 17 NIL 17-13 17-11 NIL) (17-11 History% commands% in% the% editor ChapEditor.TXT 99620 100950 17 NIL 17-12 17-10 NIL) (17-10 Manipulating% Predicates% and% Conditional% Expressions ChapEditor.TXT 98160 99620 17 NIL 17-11 17-9 NIL) (17-9 Manipulating% the% Characters% of% an% Atom% or% String ChapEditor.TXT 96540 98160 17 NIL 17-10 17-8 NIL) (17-8 Nested% Calls% to% Editor ChapEditor.TXT 95067 96540 17 NIL 17-9 17-7 NIL) (17-7 Commands% for% Leaving% the% Editor ChapEditor.TXT 91615 95067 17 NIL 17-8 17-6 NIL) (17-6 Commands% That% Print ChapEditor.TXT 89442 91615 17 NIL 17-7 17-5-8 NIL) (17-5-8 The% R% Command ChapEditor.TXT 84754 89442 17-5 NIL 17-6 17-5-7 NIL) (17-5-7 TO% and% THRU ChapEditor.TXT 80627 84754 17-5 NIL 17-5-8 17-5-6 NIL) (17-5-6 Commands% That% Move% Parentheses ChapEditor.TXT 77004 80627 17-5 NIL 17-5-7 17-5-5 NIL) (17-5-5 The% MOVE% Command ChapEditor.TXT 73408 77004 17-5 NIL 17-5-6 17-5-4 NIL) (17-5-4 Extract% and% Embed ChapEditor.TXT 69208 73408 17-5 NIL 17-5-5 17-5-3 NIL) (17-5-3 Form% Oriented% Editing% and% the% Role% of% UP ChapEditor.TXT 66779 69208 17-5 NIL 17-5-4 17-5-2 NIL) (17-5-2 The% A,% B,% and% :% Commands ChapEditor.TXT 60865 66779 17-5 NIL 17-5-3 17-5-1 NIL) (17-5-1 Implementation ChapEditor.TXT 56996 60865 17-5 NIL 17-5-2 17-5 NIL) (17-5 Commands% That% Modify% Structure ChapEditor.TXT 54685 56996 17 (17-5-8 17-5-7 17-5-6 17-5-5 17-5-4 17-5-3 17-5-2 17-5-1) 17-5-1 17-4 NIL) (17-4 Commands% That% Save% and% Restore% the% Edit% Chain ChapEditor.TXT 51629 54685 17 NIL 17-5 17-3-3 NIL) (17-3-3 Location% Specification ChapEditor.TXT 44311 51629 17-3 NIL 17-4 17-3-2 NIL) (17-3-2 Search% Commands ChapEditor.TXT 39622 44311 17-3 NIL 17-3-3 17-3-1 NIL) (17-3-1 Search% Algorithm ChapEditor.TXT 36682 39622 17-3 NIL 17-3-2 17-3 NIL) (17-3 Commands% That% Search ChapEditor.TXT 33296 36682 17 (17-3-3 17-3-2 17-3-1) 17-3-1 17-2 NIL) (17-2 Local% Attention-Changing% Commands ChapEditor.TXT 25642 33296 17 NIL 17-3 17-1-8 NIL) (17-1-8 DEdit% Parameters ChapEditor.TXT 22773 25642 17-1 NIL 17-2 17-1-7 NIL) (17-1-7 DEdit% Idioms ChapEditor.TXT 18406 22773 17-1 NIL 17-1-8 17-1-6 NIL) (17-1-6 Multiple% Commands ChapEditor.TXT 17383 18406 17-1 NIL 17-1-7 17-1-5 NIL) (17-1-5 DEdit% Commands ChapEditor.TXT 10373 17383 17-1 NIL 17-1-6 17-1-4 NIL) (17-1-4 Copy-Selection ChapEditor.TXT 9570 10373 17-1 NIL 17-1-5 17-1-3 NIL) (17-1-3 Typing% Characters% to% DEdit ChapEditor.TXT 8527 9570 17-1 NIL 17-1-4 17-1-2 NIL) (17-1-2 Selecting% Objects% and% Lists ChapEditor.TXT 6906 8527 17-1 NIL 17-1-3 17-1-1 NIL) (17-1-1 Calling% DEdit ChapEditor.TXT 3102 6906 17-1 NIL 17-1-2 17-1 NIL) (17-1 DEdit ChapEditor.TXT 1997 3102 17 (17-1-8 17-1-7 17-1-6 17-1-5 17-1-4 17-1-3 17-1-2 17-1-1) 17-1-1 17 NIL) (17 List% Structure% Editor ChapEditor.TXT 3 1997 IRM.TOP (17-19 17-18 17-17 17-16 17-15 17-14 17-13 17-12 17-11 17-10 17-9 17-8 17-7 17-6 17-5 17-4 17-3 17-2 17-1) 17-1 16-2-2 NIL) (16-2-2 Advise% Functions ChapBreaking.TXT 19012 NIL 16-2 NIL 17 16-2-1 NIL) (16-2-1 Implementation% of% Advising ChapBreaking.TXT 17468 19012 16-2 NIL 16-2-2 16-2 NIL) (16-2 Advising ChapBreaking.TXT 15502 17468 16 (16-2-2 16-2-1) 16-2-1 16-1 NIL) (16-1 Breaking% Functions% and% Debugging ChapBreaking.TXT 657 15502 16 NIL 16-2 16 NIL) (16 Breaking,% Tracing,% and% Advising ChapBreaking.TXT 3 657 IRM.TOP (16-2 16-1) 16-1 15-10 NIL) (15-10 Error% List ChapErrors.TXT 53473 NIL 15 NIL 16 15-9 NIL) (15-9 Changing% and% Restoring% System% State ChapErrors.TXT 45489 53473 15 NIL 15-10 15-8 NIL) (15-8 Error% Handling% by% Error% Type ChapErrors.TXT 42595 45489 15 NIL 15-9 15-7 NIL) (15-7 Error% Functions ChapErrors.TXT 36989 42595 15 NIL 15-8 15-6 NIL) (15-6 BREAK1 ChapErrors.TXT 30033 36989 15 NIL 15-7 15-5 NIL) (15-5 Break% Window% Variables ChapErrors.TXT 27679 30033 15 NIL 15-6 15-4 NIL) (15-4 Controlling% When% to% Break ChapErrors.TXT 23991 27679 15 NIL 15-5 15-3 NIL) (15-3 Break% Commands ChapErrors.TXT 7950 23991 15 NIL 15-4 15-2 NIL) (15-2 Break% Windows ChapErrors.TXT 4556 7950 15 NIL 15-3 15-1 NIL) (15-1 Breaks ChapErrors.TXT 1608 4556 15 NIL 15-2 15 NIL) (15 Errors% and% Breaks ChapErrors.TXT 3 1608 IRM.TOP (15-10 15-9 15-8 15-7 15-6 15-5 15-4 15-3 15-2 15-1) 15-1 14-7 NIL) (14-7 The% Editor% and% the% Programmer's% Assistant ChapExec.TXT 90617 NIL 14 NIL 15 14-6 NIL) (14-6 Programmer's% Assistant% Functions ChapExec.TXT 73692 90617 14 NIL 14-7 14-5 NIL) (14-5 Format% and% Use% of% the% History% List ChapExec.TXT 63674 73692 14 NIL 14-6 14-4-3 NIL) (14-4-3 UNDONLSETQ% and% RESETUNDO ChapExec.TXT 61523 63674 14-4 NIL 14-5 14-4-2 NIL) (14-4-2 SAVESET ChapExec.TXT 58437 61523 14-4 NIL 14-4-3 14-4-1 NIL) (14-4-1 Undoing% Out% of% Order ChapExec.TXT 56728 58437 14-4 NIL 14-4-2 14-4 NIL) (14-4 Undoing ChapExec.TXT 52297 56728 14 (14-4-3 14-4-2 14-4-1) 14-4-1 14-3 NIL) (14-3 Changing% The% Programmer's% Assistant ChapExec.TXT 43355 52297 14 NIL 14-4 14-2-3 NIL) (14-2-3 P.A.% Commands% Applied% to% P.A.% Commands ChapExec.TXT 39995 43355 14-2 NIL 14-3 14-2-2 NIL) (14-2-2 Commands ChapExec.TXT 15253 39995 14-2 NIL 14-2-3 14-2-1 NIL) (14-2-1 Event% Specification ChapExec.TXT 9779 15253 14-2 NIL 14-2-2 14-2 NIL) (14-2 Programmer's% Assistant% Commands ChapExec.TXT 8902 9779 14 (14-2-3 14-2-2 14-2-1) 14-2-1 14-1 NIL) (14-1 Input% Formats ChapExec.TXT 5683 8902 14 NIL 14-2 14 NIL) (14 Interlisp% Executive ChapExec.TXT 3 5683 IRM.TOP (14-7 14-6 14-5 14-4 14-3 14-2 14-1) 14-1 13 NIL) (13 Introduction% to% the% Interlisp-D% Environment ChapIntroEnv.TXT 3 NIL IRM.TOP NIL 14 12-7-8 NIL) (12-7-8 Examples ChapMisc.TXT 61210 NIL 12-7 NIL 13 12-7-7 NIL) (12-7-7 Reconstruction ChapMisc.TXT 59960 61210 12-7 NIL 12-7-8 12-7-6 NIL) (12-7-6 Replacements ChapMisc.TXT 58525 59960 12-7 NIL 12-7-7 12-7-5 NIL) (12-7-5 Place-Markers ChapMisc.TXT 57365 58525 12-7 NIL 12-7-6 12-7-4 NIL) (12-7-4 Assignments ChapMisc.TXT 55944 57365 12-7 NIL 12-7-5 12-7-3 NIL) (12-7-3 Segment% Patterns ChapMisc.TXT 52373 55944 12-7 NIL 12-7-4 12-7-2 NIL) (12-7-2 Element% Patterns ChapMisc.TXT 49742 52373 12-7 NIL 12-7-3 12-7-1 NIL) (12-7-1 Pattern% Elements ChapMisc.TXT 49267 49742 12-7 NIL 12-7-2 12-7 NIL) (12-7 Pattern% Matching ChapMisc.TXT 45636 49267 12 (12-7-8 12-7-7 12-7-6 12-7-5 12-7-4 12-7-3 12-7-2 12-7-1) 12-7-1 12-6-4 NIL) (12-6-4 Saving% Resources% in% a% File ChapMisc.TXT 44720 45636 12-6 NIL 12-7 12-6-3 NIL) (12-6-3 Macros% for% Accessing% Resources ChapMisc.TXT 43229 44720 12-6 NIL 12-6-4 12-6-2 NIL) (12-6-2 Trade-offs% in% More% Complicated% Cases ChapMisc.TXT 41559 43229 12-6 NIL 12-6-3 12-6-1 NIL) (12-6-1 A% Simple% Example ChapMisc.TXT 37547 41559 12-6 NIL 12-6-2 12-6 NIL) (12-6 Resources ChapMisc.TXT 35351 37547 12 (12-6-4 12-6-3 12-6-2 12-6-1) 12-6-1 12-5 NIL) (12-5 Timers% and% Duration% Functions ChapMisc.TXT 28593 35351 12 NIL 12-6 12-4 NIL) (12-4 Date% And% Time% Functions ChapMisc.TXT 23520 28593 12 NIL 12-5 12-3 NIL) (12-3 Saving% Virtual% Memory% State ChapMisc.TXT 12487 23520 12 NIL 12-4 12-2 NIL) (12-2 Idle% Mode ChapMisc.TXT 7037 12487 12 NIL 12-3 12-1 NIL) (12-1 Greeting% and% Initialization% Files ChapMisc.TXT 24 7037 12 NIL 12-2 12 NIL) (12 Miscellaneous ChapMisc.TXT 3 24 IRM.TOP (12-7 12-6 12-5 12-4 12-3 12-2 12-1) 12-1 11-7 NIL) (11-7 Possibilities% Lists ChapStack.TXT 39407 NIL 11 NIL 12 11-6 NIL) (11-6 Coroutines ChapStack.TXT 36413 39407 11 NIL 11-7 11-5 NIL) (11-5 Generators ChapStack.TXT 32840 36413 11 NIL 11-6 11-4 NIL) (11-4 The% Push-Down% List% and% the% Interpreter ChapStack.TXT 27994 32840 11 NIL 11-5 11-3 NIL) (11-3 Releasing% and% Reusing% Stack% Pointers ChapStack.TXT 24943 27994 11 NIL 11-4 11-2 NIL) (11-2 Stack% Functions ChapStack.TXT 9499 24943 11 NIL 11-3 11-1 NIL) (11-1 The% Spaghetti% Stack ChapStack.TXT 3355 9499 11 NIL 11-2 11 NIL) (11 Variable% Bindings% and% the% Interlisp% Stack ChapStack.TXT 3 3355 IRM.TOP (11-7 11-6 11-5 11-4 11-3 11-2 11-1) 11-1 10-5-1 NIL) (10-5-1 Interpreting% Macros ChapFnDef.TXT 49034 NIL 10-5 NIL 11 10-5 NIL) (10-5 Macros ChapFnDef.TXT 41990 49034 10 (10-5-1) 10-5-1 10-4 NIL) (10-4 Functional% Arguments ChapFnDef.TXT 36457 41990 10 NIL 10-5 10-3 NIL) (10-3 Function% Evaluation ChapFnDef.TXT 23369 36457 10 NIL 10-4 10-2 NIL) (10-2 Function% Definition ChapFnDef.TXT 16887 23369 10 NIL 10-3 10-1-6 NIL) (10-1-6 Function% Type% Functions ChapFnDef.TXT 12501 16887 10-1 NIL 10-2 10-1-5 NIL) (10-1-5 Compiled% Functions ChapFnDef.TXT 12066 12501 10-1 NIL 10-1-6 10-1-4 NIL) (10-1-4 Nlambda-Nospread% Functions ChapFnDef.TXT 11082 12066 10-1 NIL 10-1-5 10-1-3 NIL) (10-1-3 Lambda-Nospread% Functions ChapFnDef.TXT 9451 11082 10-1 NIL 10-1-4 10-1-2 NIL) (10-1-2 Nlambda-Spread% Functions ChapFnDef.TXT 7340 9451 10-1 NIL 10-1-3 10-1-1 NIL) (10-1-1 Lambda-Spread% Functions ChapFnDef.TXT 5513 7340 10-1 NIL 10-1-2 10-1 NIL) (10-1 Function% Types ChapFnDef.TXT 3088 5513 10 (10-1-6 10-1-5 10-1-4 10-1-3 10-1-2 10-1-1) 10-1-1 10 NIL) (10 Function% Definition,% Manipulation,% and% Evaluation ChapFnDef.TXT 3 3088 IRM.TOP (10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1) 10-1 9-8-7 NIL) (9-8-7 Defining% New% Iterative% Statement% Operators ChapControlFns.TXT 36668 NIL 9-8 NIL 10 9-8-6 NIL) (9-8-6 Errors% in% Iterative% Statements ChapControlFns.TXT 35004 36668 9-8 NIL 9-8-7 9-8-5 NIL) (9-8-5 Miscellaneous% Hints% on% I.S.Oprs ChapControlFns.TXT 31274 35004 9-8 NIL 9-8-6 9-8-4 NIL) (9-8-4 Other% I.s.oprs ChapControlFns.TXT 28994 31274 9-8 NIL 9-8-5 9-8-3 NIL) (9-8-3 Condition% I.s.oprs ChapControlFns.TXT 27959 28994 9-8 NIL 9-8-4 9-8-2 NIL) (9-8-2 Iteration% Variable% I.s.oprs ChapControlFns.TXT 20502 27959 9-8 NIL 9-8-3 9-8-1 NIL) (9-8-1 I.s.types ChapControlFns.TXT 17729 20502 9-8 NIL 9-8-2 9-8 NIL) (9-8 The% Iterative% Statement ChapControlFns.TXT 15529 17729 9 (9-8-7 9-8-6 9-8-5 9-8-4 9-8-3 9-8-2 9-8-1) 9-8-1 9-7 NIL) (9-7 PROG% and% Associated% Control% Functions ChapControlFns.TXT 11672 15529 9 NIL 9-8 9-6 NIL) (9-6 Selection% Functions ChapControlFns.TXT 9442 11672 9 NIL 9-7 9-5 NIL) (9-5 The% IF% Statement ChapControlFns.TXT 7199 9442 9 NIL 9-6 9-4 NIL) (9-4 The% COND% Conditional% Function ChapControlFns.TXT 5407 7199 9 NIL 9-5 9-3 NIL) (9-3 Logical% Predicates ChapControlFns.TXT 4098 5407 9 NIL 9-4 9-2 NIL) (9-2 Equality% Predicates ChapControlFns.TXT 2293 4098 9 NIL 9-3 9-1 NIL) (9-1 Data% Type% Predicates ChapControlFns.TXT 451 2293 9 NIL 9-2 9 NIL) (9 Conditionals% and% Iterative% Statements ChapControlFns.TXT 3 451 IRM.TOP (9-8 9-7 9-6 9-5 9-4 9-3 9-2 9-1) 9-1 8-9 NIL) (8-9 Built-In% and% User% Data% Types ChapRecordPackage.TXT 40055 NIL 8 NIL 9 8-8 NIL) (8-8 Changetran ChapRecordPackage.TXT 33054 40055 8 NIL 8-9 8-7 NIL) (8-7 Record% Manipulation% Functions ChapRecordPackage.TXT 30543 33054 8 NIL 8-8 8-6 NIL) (8-6 Defining% New% Record% Types ChapRecordPackage.TXT 29828 30543 8 NIL 8-7 8-5-2 NIL) (8-5-2 Optional% Record% Specifications ChapRecordPackage.TXT 25890 29828 8-5 NIL 8-6 8-5-1 NIL) (8-5-1 Record% Types ChapRecordPackage.TXT 14492 25890 8-5 NIL 8-5-2 8-5 NIL) (8-5 Record% Declarations ChapRecordPackage.TXT 12433 14492 8 (8-5-2 8-5-1) 8-5-1 8-4 NIL) (8-4 WITH ChapRecordPackage.TXT 11147 12433 8 NIL 8-5 8-3 NIL) (8-3 TYPE? ChapRecordPackage.TXT 9998 11147 8 NIL 8-4 8-2 NIL) (8-2 CREATE ChapRecordPackage.TXT 6835 9998 8 NIL 8-3 8-1 NIL) (8-1 FETCH% and% REPLACE ChapRecordPackage.TXT 2915 6835 8 NIL 8-2 8 NIL) (8 Record% Package ChapRecordPackage.TXT 3 2915 IRM.TOP (8-9 8-8 8-7 8-6 8-5 8-4 8-3 8-2 8-1) 8-1 7-5 NIL) (7-5 Other% Arithmetic% Functions ChapNumbers.TXT 17548 NIL 7 NIL 8 7-4 NIL) (7-4 Floating% Point% Arithmetic ChapNumbers.TXT 14234 17548 7 NIL 7-5 7-3 NIL) (7-3 Logical% Arithmetic% Functions ChapNumbers.TXT 9860 14234 7 NIL 7-4 7-2 NIL) (7-2 Integer% Arithmetic ChapNumbers.TXT 6011 9860 7 NIL 7-3 7-1 NIL) (7-1 Generic% Arithmetic ChapNumbers.TXT 4239 6011 7 NIL 7-2 7 NIL) (7 Numbers% and% Arithmetic% Functions ChapNumbers.TXT 3 4239 IRM.TOP (7-5 7-4 7-3 7-2 7-1) 7-1 6-2 NIL) (6-2 User-Specified% Hashing% Functions ChapHashArrays.TXT 6906 NIL 6 NIL 7 6-1 NIL) (6-1 Hash% Overflow ChapHashArrays.TXT 5321 6906 6 NIL 6-2 6 NIL) (6 Hash% Arrays ChapHashArrays.TXT 3 5321 IRM.TOP (6-2 6-1) 6-1 5 NIL) (5 Arrays ChapArrays.TXT 3 NIL IRM.TOP NIL 6 4 NIL) (4 Strings ChapStrings.TXT 3 NIL IRM.TOP NIL 5 3-11 NIL) (3-11 Other% List% Functions ChapLists.TXT 29743 NIL 3 NIL 4 3-10 NIL) (3-10 Sorting% Lists ChapLists.TXT 26005 29743 3 NIL 3-11 3-9 NIL) (3-9 Association% Lists% and% Property% Lists ChapLists.TXT 22372 26005 3 NIL 3-10 3-8 NIL) (3-8 Substitution% Functions ChapLists.TXT 19581 22372 3 NIL 3-9 3-7 NIL) (3-7 Searching% Lists ChapLists.TXT 18799 19581 3 NIL 3-8 3-6 NIL) (3-6 Logical% Operations ChapLists.TXT 17027 18799 3 NIL 3-7 3-5 NIL) (3-5 Counting% List% Cells ChapLists.TXT 15211 17027 3 NIL 3-6 3-4 NIL) (3-4 Extracting% Tails% of% Lists ChapLists.TXT 13605 15211 3 NIL 3-5 3-3 NIL) (3-3 Copying% Lists ChapLists.TXT 12821 13605 3 NIL 3-4 3-2 NIL) (3-2 Building% Lists% From% Left% to% Right ChapLists.TXT 8795 12821 3 NIL 3-3 3-1 NIL) (3-1 Creating% Lists ChapLists.TXT 6836 8795 3 NIL 3-2 3 NIL) (3 Lists ChapLists.TXT 3 6836 IRM.TOP (3-11 3-10 3-9 3-8 3-7 3-6 3-5 3-4 3-3 3-2 3-1) 3-1 2-5 NIL) (2-5 Character% Code% Functions ChapLitatoms.TXT 21748 NIL 2 NIL 3 2-4 NIL) (2-4 Print% Names ChapLitatoms.TXT 13035 21748 2 NIL 2-5 2-3 NIL) (2-3 Property% Lists ChapLitatoms.TXT 8324 13035 2 NIL 2-4 2-2 NIL) (2-2 Function% Definition% Cells ChapLitatoms.TXT 8079 8324 2 NIL 2-3 2-1 NIL) (2-1 Using% Litatoms% as% Variables ChapLitatoms.TXT 2533 8079 2 NIL 2-2 2 NIL) (2 Litatoms ChapLitatoms.TXT 3 2533 IRM.TOP (2-5 2-4 2-3 2-2 2-1) 2-1 1-5 NIL) (1-5 References ChapIntro.TXT 21080 NIL 1 NIL 2 1-4 NIL) (1-4 How% to% Use% this% Manual ChapIntro.TXT 18044 21080 1 NIL 1-5 1-3 NIL) (1-3 Interlisp% Philosophy ChapIntro.TXT 13298 18044 1 NIL 1-4 1-2 NIL) (1-2 Interlisp% as% an% Interactive% Environment ChapIntro.TXT 5876 13298 1 NIL 1-3 1-1 NIL) (1-1 Interlisp% as% a% Programming% Language ChapIntro.TXT 1936 5876 1 NIL 1-2 1 NIL) (1 Introduction ChapIntro.TXT 3 1936 IRM.TOP (1-5 1-4 1-3 1-2 1-1) 1-1 0-4 NIL) (0-4 References ChapAck.TXT 9564 NIL 0 NIL 1 0-3 NIL) (0-3 Acknowledgements ChapAck.TXT 6136 9564 0 NIL 0-4 0-2 NIL) (0-2 Interlisp% Implementations ChapAck.TXT 4488 6136 0 NIL 0-3 0-1 NIL) (0-1 A% Brief% History% of% Interlisp ChapAck.TXT 41 4488 0 NIL 0-2 0 NIL) (0 Background% and% Acknowledgements ChapAck.TXT 3 41 IRM.TOP (0-4 0-3 0-2 0-1) 0-1 IRM.TOP NIL) (IRM.TOP "IRM Top" IRM-TOP.TXT NIL NIL NIL (32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0) 0 NIL NIL)) IRM.TOP NIL NIL NIL (CLEARGET T PARALOOKS (PARALEADING 5 POSTPARALEADING 5 QUAD JUSTIFIED)) DINFO.IRM.LOOKUP NIL NIL STOP