Numerical atoms, or simply numbers, do not have value cells, function definition cells, property lists, or explicit print names.  There are four different types of numbers in Interlisp: small integers, large integers, bignums (arbitrary-size integers), and floating point numbers.  Small integers are those integers that can be directly stored within a pointer value (implementation-dependent).  Large integers and floating point numbers are full-word quantities that are stored by "boxing" the number (see below).  Bignums are "boxed" as a series of words.
Large integers and floating point numbers can be any full word quantity.  In order to distinguish between those full word quantities that represent large integers or floating point numbers, and other Interlisp pointers, these numbers are "boxed":  When a large integer or floating point number is created (via an arithmetic operation or by READ), Interlisp gets a new word from "number storage" and puts the large integer or floating point number into that word.  Interlisp then passes around the pointer to that word, i.e., the "boxed number", rather than the actual quantity itself.  Then when a numeric function needs the actual numeric quantity, it performs the extra level of addressing to obtain the "value" of the number.  This latter process is called "unboxing".  Note that unboxing does not use any storage, but that each boxing operation uses one new word of number storage.  Thus, if a computation creates many large integers or floating point numbers, i.e., does lots of boxes, it may cause a garbage collection of large integer space, or of floating point number space.
Note:  Different implementations of Interlisp may use different boxing strategies.  Thus, while lots of arithmetic operations may lead to garbage collections, this is not necessarily always the case.
The following functions can be used to distinguish the different types of numbers:
(SMALLP X)  	[Function]
Returns X, if X is a small integer;  NIL otherwise.  Does not generate an error if X is not a number.

(FIXP X)  	[Function]
Returns X, if X is an integer; NIL otherwise.  Note that FIXP is true for small integers, large integers, and bignums.  Does not generate an error if X is not a number.

(FLOATP X)  	[Function]
Returns X if X is a floating point number;  NIL otherwise.  Does not give an error if X is not a number.

(NUMBERP X)  	[Function]
Returns X, if X is a number of any type (FIXP or FLOATP);  NIL otherwise.  Does not generate an error if X is not a number.
Note that if (NUMBERP X) is true, then either (FIXP X) or (FLOATP X) is true.

Each small integer has a unique representation, so EQ may be used to check equality.  Note that EQ should not be used for large integers, bignums, or floating point numbers, EQP, IEQP, or EQUAL must be used instead.
(EQP X Y)  	[Function]
Returns T, if X and Y are EQ, or equal numbers; NIL otherwise.  Note that EQ may be used if X and Y are known to be small integers.  EQP does not convert X and Y to integers, e.g., (EQP 2000 2000.3)  =>  NIL, but it can be used to compare an integer and a floating point number, e.g., (EQP 2000 2000.0)  =>  T.  EQP does not generate an error if X or Y are not numbers.
Note:  EQP can also be used to compare stack pointers (page X.XX) and compiled code objects (page X.XX).

The action taken on division by zero and floating point overflow is determined with the following function:
(OVERFLOW FLG)  	[Function]
Sets a flag that determines the system response to arithmetic overflow (for floating point arithmetic) and division by zero; returns the previous setting.
For integer arithmetic:  If FLG=T, an error occurs on division by zero.  If FLG=NIL or 0, integer division by zero returns zero.  Integer overflow cannot occur, because small integers are converted to bignums (page X.XX).
For floating point arithmetic:  If FLG=T, an error occurs on floating overflow or floating division by zero.  If FLG=NIL or 0, the largest (or smallest) floating point number is returned as the result of the overflowed computation or floating division by zero.
The default value for OVERFLOW is T, meaning to cause an error on division by zero or floating overflow.

7.1  	Generic Arithmetic

The functions in this section are "generic" arithmetic functions.  If any of the arguments are floating point numbers (page X.XX), they act exactly like floating point functions, and float all arguments, and return a floating point number as their value.  Otherwise, they act like the integer functions (page X.XX).  If given a non-numeric argument, they generate an error, NON-NUMERIC ARG.
(PLUS X1 X2 ... XN)  	[NoSpread Function]
X1 + X2 + ... + XN.

(MINUS X)  	[Function]
- X

(DIFFERENCE X Y)  	[Function]
X - Y

(TIMES X1 X2 ... XN)  	[NoSpread Function]
X1 * X2 * ... * XN

(QUOTIENT X Y)  	[Function]
If X and Y are both integers, returns the integer division of X and Y.  Otherwise, converts both X and Y to floating point numbers, and does a floating point division.
The results of division by zero and floating point overflow is determined by the function OVERFLOW (page X.XX).

(REMAINDER X Y)  	[Function]
If X and Y are both integers, returns (IREMAINDER X Y), otherwise (FREMAINDER X Y).

(GREATERP X Y)  	[Function]
T, if X > Y, NIL otherwise.

(LESSP X Y)  	[Function]
T if X < Y, NIL otherwise.

(GEQ X Y)  	[Function]
T, if X >= Y, NIL otherwise.

(LEQ X Y)  	[Function]
T, if X <= Y, NIL otherwise.

(ZEROP X)  	[Function]
(EQP X 0).

(MINUSP X)  	[Function]
T, if X is negative; NIL otherwise.  Works for both integers and floating point numbers.

(MIN X1 X2 ... XN)  	[NoSpread Function]
Returns the minimum of X1, X2, ..., XN.  (MIN) returns the value of MAX.INTEGER (page X.XX).

(MAX X1 X2 ... XN)  	[NoSpread Function]
Returns the maximum of X1, X2, ..., XN.  (MAX) returns the value of MIN.INTEGER (page X.XX).

(ABS X)  	[Function]
X if X > 0, otherwise -X.  ABS uses GREATERP and MINUS (not IGREATERP and IMINUS).

7.2  	Integer Arithmetic

The input syntax for an integer is an optional sign (+ or -) followed by a sequence of digits, followed by an optional Q, and terminated by a delimiting character.  If the Q is present, the digits are interpreted in octal, otherwise in decimal, e.g. 77Q and 63 both correspond to the same integers, and in fact are indistinguishable internally since no record is kept of how integers were created.
The setting of RADIX (page X.XX), determines how integers are printed: signed or unsigned, octal or decimal.
Integers are created by PACK and MKATOM when given a sequence of characters observing the above syntax, e.g. (PACK '(1 2 Q))  =>  10.  Integers are also created as a result of arithmetic operations.
The range of integers of various types is implementation-dependent.  This information is accessable to the user through the following variables:
MIN.SMALLP  	[Variable]
MAX.SMALLP  	[Variable]
The smallest/largest possible small integer.

MIN.FIXP  	[Variable]
MAX.FIXP  	[Variable]
The smallest/largest possible large integer.

MIN.INTEGER  	[Variable]
MAX.INTEGER  	[Variable]
The smallest/largest possible integers.  For some algorithms, it is useful to have an integer that is larger than any other integer.  Therefore, the values of MAX.INTEGER and MIN.INTEGER are two special bignums; the value of MAX.INTEGER is GREATERP than any other integer, and the value of MIN.INTEGER is LESSP than any other integer. Trying to do arithmetic using these special bignums, other than comparison, will cause an error.

All of the functions described below work on integers.  Unless specified otherwise, if given a floating point number, they first convert the number to an integer by truncating the fractional bits, e.g., (IPLUS 2.3 3.8)=5; if given a non-numeric argument, they generate an error, NON-NUMERIC ARG.
(IPLUS X1 X2 ... XN)  	[NoSpread Function]
Returns the sum X1 + X2 + ... + XN.  (IPLUS)=0.

(IMINUS X)  	[Function]

(IDIFFERENCE X Y)  	[Function]
X - Y

(ADD1 X)  	[Function]
X + 1

(SUB1 X)  	[Function]
X - 1

(ITIMES X1 X2 ... XN)  	[NoSpread Function]
Returns the product X1 * X2 * ... * XN.  (ITIMES)=1.

(IQUOTIENT X Y)  	[Function]
X / Y truncated.  Examples:
(IQUOTIENT 3 2)  =>  1
(IQUOTIENT -3 2)  =>  -1
If Y is zero, the result is determined by the function OVERFLOW (page X.XX).

(IREMAINDER X Y)  	[Function]
Returns the remainder when X is divided by Y.  Example:
(IREMAINDER 3 2)  =>  1

(IMOD X N)  	[Function]
Computes the integer modulus; this differs from IREMAINDER in that the result is always a non-negative integer in the range [0,N).

(IGREATERP X Y)  	[Function]
T, if X > Y; NIL otherwise.

(ILESSP X Y)  	[Function]
T, if X < Y; NIL otherwise.

(IGEQ X Y)  	[Function]
T, if X >= Y; NIL otherwise.

(ILEQ X Y)  	[Function]
T, if X <= Y; NIL otherwise.

(IMIN X1 X2 ... XN)  	[NoSpread Function]
Returns the minimum of X1, X2, ..., XN.  (IMIN) returns the largest possible large integer, the value of MAX.INTEGER.

(IMAX X1 X2 ... XN)  	[NoSpread Function]
Returns the maximum of X1, X2, ..., XN. (IMAX) returns the smallest possible large integer, the value of MIN.INTEGER.

(IEQP X Y)  	[Function]
Returns T if X and Y are EQ or equal integers; NIL otherwise.  Note that EQ may be used if X and Y are known to be small integers.  IEQP converts X and Y to integers, e.g., (IEQP 2000 2000.3)  =>  T.  Causes NON-NUMERIC ARG error if either X or Y are not numbers.

(FIX N)  	[Function]
If N is an integer, returns N.  Otherwise, converts N to an integer by truncating fractional bits, e.g., (FIX 2.3)  =>  2, (FIX -1.7)  =>  -1.
Note:  Since FIX is also a programmer's assistant command (page X.XX), typing FIX directly to Interlisp will not cause the function FIX to be called.

(GCD N1 N2)  	[Function]
Returns the greatest common divisor of N1 and N2, e.g., (GCD 72 64)=8.

7.3  	Logical Arithmetic Functions

(LOGAND X1 X2 ... XN)  	[NoSpread Function]
Returns the logical AND of all its arguments, as an integer.  Example:
(LOGAND 7 5 6)  =>  4

(LOGOR X1 X2 ... XN)  	[NoSpread Function]
Returns the logical OR of all its arguments, as an integer.  Example:
(LOGOR 1 3 9)  =>  11

(LOGXOR X1 X2 ... XN)  	[NoSpread Function]
Returns the logical exclusive OR of its arguments, as an integer.  Example:
(LOGXOR 11 5)  =>  14
(LOGXOR 11 5 9) = (LOGXOR 14 9)  =>  7

(LSH X N)  	[Function]
(arithmetic) "Left Shift."  Returns X shifted left N places, with the sign bit unaffected.  X can be positive or negative.  If N is negative, X is shifted right -N places.

(RSH X N)  	[Function]
(arithmetic) "Right Shift."  Returns X shifted right N places, with the sign bit unaffected, and copies of the sign bit shifted into the leftmost bit.  X can be positive or negative.  If N is negative, X is shifted left -N places.
Warning:  Be careful if using RSH to simulate division; RSHing a negative number is not generally equivalent to dividing by a power of two.

(LLSH X N)  	[Function]
(LRSH X N)  	[Function]
"Logical Left Shift" and "Logical Right Shift".  The difference between a logical and arithmetic right shift lies in the treatment of the sign bit.  Logical shifting treats it just like any other bit; arithmetic shifting will not change it, and will "propagate" rightward when actually shifting rightwards.  Note that shifting (arithmetic) a negative number "all the way" to the right yields -1, not 0.
Note:  LLSH and LRSH are currently implemented using mod-2↑32 arithmetic. Passing a bignum to either of these will cause an error.  LRSH of negative numbers will shift in 0s in the high bits.

(INTEGERLENGTH X)  	[Function]
Returns the number of bits needed to represent X (coerced to an integer).  This is equivalent to: 1+floor[log2[abs[X]]].  (INTEGERLENGTH 0) = 0.

(POWEROFTWOP X)  	[Function]
Returns non-NIL if X (coerced to an integer) is a power of two.

(EVENP X Y)  	[NoSpread Function]
If Y is not given, equivalent to (ZEROP (IMOD X 2)); otherwise equivalent to (ZEROP (IMOD X Y)).

(ODDP N MODULUS)  	[NoSpread Function]
Equivalent to (NOT (EVENP N MODULUS)). MODULUS defaults to 2.

(LOGNOT N)  	[Macro]
Logical negation of the bits in N.  Equivalent to (LOGXOR N -1)

(BITTEST N MASK)  	[Macro]
Returns T if any of the bits in MASK are on in the number N.  Equivalent to (NOT (ZEROP (LOGAND N MASK)))

Turns off bits from MASK in N.  Equivalent to (LOGAND N (LOGNOT MASK))

(BITSET N MASK)  	[Macro]
Turns on the bits from MASK in N.  Equivalent to (LOGOR N MASK)

Returns a bit-mask with SIZE one-bits starting with the bit at POSITION.  Equivalent to (LLSH (SUB1 (EXPT 2 SIZE)) POSITION)

Returns a bit-mask with all one bits, except for SIZE bits starting at POSITION.  Equivalent to (LOGNOT (MASK.1'S POSITION SIZE))

(LOADBYTE N POS SIZE)  	[Function]
Extracts SIZE bytes from N, starting at position POS.  Equivalent to (LOGAND (RSH N POS) (MASK.1'S 0 SIZE))

Insert SIZE bits of VAL at position POS into N, returning the result.  Equivalent to
       (LSH (LOGAND VAL (MASK.1'S 0 SIZE))

(ROT X N FIELDSIZE)  	[Function]
"Rotate bits in field". It performs a bitwise left-rotation of the integer X, by N places, within a field of FIELDSIZE bits wide.  Bits being shifted out of the position selected by (EXPT 2 (SUB1 FIELDSIZE)) will flow into the "units" position.

The notions of position and size can be combined to make up a "byte specifier", which is constructed by the macro BYTE [note reversal of arguments as compare with above functions]:
Constructs and returns a "byte specifier" containing SIZE and POSITION.

Returns the SIZE componant of the "byte specifier" BYTESPEC.

Returns the POSITION componant of the "byte specifier" BYTESPEC.

Equivalent to

Equivalent to
             (BYTESIZE BYTESPEC) 

7.4  	Floating Point Arithmetic

A floating point number is input as a signed integer, followed by a decimal point, followed by another sequence of digits called the fraction, followed by an exponent (represented by E followed by a signed integer) and terminated by a delimiter.
Both signs are optional, and either the fraction following the decimal point, or the integer preceding the decimal point may be omitted.  One or the other of the decimal point or exponent may also be omitted, but at least one of them must be present to distinguish a floating point number from an integer.  For example, the following will be recognized as floating point numbers:
5.      5.00    5.01    .3
5E2     5.1E2   5E-3    -5.2E+6
Floating point numbers are printed using the format control specified by the function FLTFMT (page X.XX).  FLTFMT is initialized to T, or free format.  For example, the above floating point numbers would be printed free format as:
5.0     5.0     5.01    .3
500.0   510.0   .005    -5.2E6
Floating point numbers are created by the read program when a "." or an E appears in a number, e.g., 1000 is an integer, 1000. a floating point number, as are 1E3 and 1.E3.  Note that 1000D, 1000F, and 1E3D are perfectly legal literal atoms.  Floating point numbers are also created by PACK and MKATOM, and as a result of arithmetic operations.
PRINTNUM (page X.XX) permits greater controls on the printed appearance of floating point numbers, allowing such things as left-justification, suppression of trailing decimals, etc.
The floating point number range is stored in the following variables:
MIN.FLOAT  	[Variable]
The smallest possible floating point number.

MAX.FLOAT  	[Variable]
The largest possible floating point number.

All of the functions described below work on floating point numbers.  Unless specified otherwise, if given an integer, they first convert the number to a floating point number, e.g., (FPLUS 1 2.3)  <=>  (FPLUS 1.0 2.3)  =>  3.3; if given a non-numeric argument, they generate an error, NON-NUMERIC ARG.
(FPLUS X1 X2 ... XN)  	[NoSpread Function]
X1 + X2 + ... + XN

(FMINUS X)  	[Function]
- X

(FDIFFERENCE X Y)  	[Function]
X - Y

(FTIMES X1 X2 ... XN)  	[NoSpread Function]
X1 * X2 * ... * XN

(FQUOTIENT X Y)  	[Function]
X / Y.
The results of division by zero and floating point overflow is determined by the function OVERFLOW (page X.XX).

(FREMAINDER X Y)  	[Function]
Returns the remainder when X is divided by Y.  Equivalent to:
(FREMAINDER 7.5 2.3)  =>  0.6

(FGREATERP X Y)  	[Function]
T, if X > Y, NIL otherwise.

(FLESSP X Y)  	[Function]
T, if X < Y, NIL otherwise.

(FEQP X Y)  	[Function]
Returns T if N and M are equal floating point numbers; NIL otherwise.  FEQP converts N and M to floating point numbers.Causes NON-NUMERIC ARG error if either N or M are not numbers.

(FMIN X1 X2 ... XN)  	[NoSpread Function]
Returns the minimum of X1, X2, ..., XN. (FMIN) returns the largest possible floating point number, the value of MAX.FLOAT.

(FMAX X1 X2 ... XN)  	[NoSpread Function]
Returns the maximum of X1, X2, ..., XN. (FMAX) returns the smallest possible floating point number, the value of MIN.FLOAT.

(FLOAT X)  	[Function]
Converts X to a floating point number.  Example:
(FLOAT 0)  =>  0.0

7.5  	Other Arithmetic Functions

(EXPT A N)  	[Function]
Returns A↑N.  If A is an integer and N is a positive integer, returns an integer, e.g, (EXPT 3 4)  =>  81, otherwise returns a floating point number.  If A is negative and N fractional, an error is generated, ILLEGAL EXPONENTIATION.  If N is floating and either too large or too small, an error is generated, VALUE OUT OF RANGE EXPT.

(SQRT N)  	[Function]
Returns the square root of N as a floating point number.  N may be fixed or floating point.  Generates an error if N is negative.

(LOG X)  	[Function]
Returns the natural logarithm of X as a floating point number.  X can be integer or floating point.

(ANTILOG X)  	[Function]
Returns the floating point number whose logarithm is X.  X can be integer or floating point.  Example:
(ANTILOG 1)  =  e  =>  2.71828...

(SIN X RADIANSFLG)  	[Function]
Returns the sine of X as a floating point number.  X is in degrees unless RADIANSFLG=T.

(COS X RADIANSFLG)  	[Function]
Similar to SIN.

(TAN X RADIANSFLG)  	[Function]
Similar to SIN.

X is a number between -1 and 1 (or an error is generated).  The value of ARCSIN is a floating point number, and is in degrees unless RADIANSFLG=T.  In other words, if (ARCSIN X RADIANSFLG)=Z then (SIN Z RADIANSFLG)=X.  The range of the value of ARCSIN is -90 to +90 for degrees, -~PI~/2 to ~PI~/2 for radians.

Similar to ARCSIN.  Range is 0 to 180, 0 to ~PI~.

Similar to ARCSIN.  Range is 0 to 180, 0 to ~PI~.

Computes (ARCTAN (FQUOTIENT Y X) RADIANSFLG), and returns a corresponding value in the range -180 to 180 (or -~PI~ to ~PI~), i.e. the result is in the proper quadrant as determined by the signs of X and Y.

(RAND LOWER UPPER)  	[Function]
Returns a pseudo-random number between LOWER and UPPER inclusive, i.e., RAND can be used to generate a sequence of random numbers.  If both limits are integers, the value of RAND is an integer, otherwise it is a floating point number.  The algorithm is completely deterministic, i.e., given the same initial state, RAND produces the same sequence of values.  The internal state of RAND is initialized using the function RANDSET described below.

(RANDSET X)  	[Function]
Returns the internal state of RAND.  If X=NIL, just returns the current state.  If X=T, RAND is initialized using the clocks, and RANDSET returns the new state.  Otherwise, X is interpreted as a previous internal state, i.e., a value of RANDSET, and is used to reset RAND.  For example,
← (for X from 1 to 10 do (PRIN1 (RAND 1 10)))
← (for X from 1 to 10 do (PRIN1 (RAND 1 10)))

Copyright (c) 1985 Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved.