15. ERRORS AND BREAKS Occasionally, while a program is running, an error may occur which stops the computation. Errors can be caused in different ways. A coding mistake may have caused the wrong arguments to be passed to a function, or caused the function to try doing something illegal. For example, PLUS will cause an error if its arguments are not numbers. It is also possible to interrupt a computation at any time by typing one of the "interrupt characters," such as control-D or control-E (the Interlisp-D interrupt characters are listed on page X.XX). Finally, the programmer can specify that certain functions automatically cause an error whenever they are entered (see page X.XX). This facilitates debugging by allowing examination of the context within the computation. When an error occurs, the system can either reset and unwind the stack, or go into a "break", an environment where the user can examine the state of the system at the point of the error, and attempt to debug the program. The mechanism that decides whether to unwind the stack or break can be modified by the user, and is described on page X.XX of this chapter. Within a break, Interlisp offers an extensive set of "break commands" which assist with debugging. This chapter explains what happens when errors occur. It also tells the user how to handle program errors using breaks and break commands. The debugging capabilities of break window facility are described, as well as the variables that control its operation. Finally, advanced facilities for modifying and extending the error mechanism are presented. 15.1 Breaks One of the most useful debugging facilities in Interlisp is the ability to put the system into a "break", stopping a computation at any point and allowing the user to interrogate the state of the world and affect the course of the computation. When a break occurs, a "break window" (see page X.XX) is brought up near the tty window of the process that broke. The break window appears to the user like a top-level executive window, except that the prompt character ":" is used to indicate that the executive is ready to accept input, in the same way that "←" is used at the top-level executive. However, a break saves the environment where the break occurred, so that the user may evaluate variables and expressions in the environment that was broken. In addition, the break program recognizes a number of useful "break commands", which provide an easy way to interrogate the state of the broken computation. Breaks may be entered in several different ways. Some interrupt characters (page X.XX) automatically cause a break to be entered whenever they are typed. Function errors may also cause a break, depending on the depth of the computation (see page X.XX). Finally, Interlisp provides facilities which make it easy to "break" suspect functions so that they always cause a break whenever they are entered, to allow examination and debugging (see page X.XX). Within a break the user has access to all of the power of Interlisp; he can do anything that he can do at the top-level executive. For example, the user can evaluate an expression, see that the value is incorrect, call the editor, change the function, and evaluate the expression again, all without leaving the break. The user can also type in commands to the programmer's assistant (page X.XX), e.g. to redo or undo previously executed events, including break commands. Similarly, the user can prettyprint functions, define new functions or redefine old ones, load a file, compile functions, time a computation, etc. In short, anything that he can do at the top level can be done while inside of the break. In addition the user can examine the stack (see page X.XX), and even force a return back to some higher function via the function RETFROM or RETEVAL. It is important to emphasize that once a break occurs, the user is in complete control of the flow of the computation, and the computation will not proceed without specific instruction from him. If the user types in an expression whose evaluation causes an error, the break is maintained. Similarly if the user aborts a computation initiated from within the break (by typing control-E), the break is maintained. Only if the user gives one of the commands that exits from the break, or evaluates a form which does a RETFROM or RETEVAL back out of BREAK1, will the computation continue. Also, BREAK1 does not "turn off" control-D, so a control-D will force an immediate return back to the top level. 15.2 Break Windows When a break occurs, a break window is brought up near the tty window of the process that broke and the terminal stream switched to it. The title of the break window is changed to give the name of the broken function and the reason for the break. If a break occurs under a previous break, a new break window is created. Note: If a break is caused by a storage full error, the display break package will not try to open a new break window, since this would cause the error to occur repeatedly. While in a break window, the clicking middle button brings up a menu of break commands: !EVAL, EVAL, EDIT, revert, ↑, OK, BT, BT!, and ?=. Clicking on most of these commands is equivalent to typing the corresponding break command (page X.XX). Clicking BT and BT!, however, is different from the typed-in backtrace break commands. The BT and BT! menu commands bring up a backtrace menu beside the break window showing the frames on the stack. BT shows frames for which REALFRAMEP is T; BT! shows all frames. When one of the frames is selected from the backtrace menu, it is grayed and the function name and the variables bound in that frame (including local variables and PROG variables) are printed in the "backtrace frame" window. If the left button is used for the selection, only named variables are printed. If the middle button is used, all variables are printed (variables without names will appear as *var*N). The "backtrace frame" window is an inspect window (see page X.XX). In this window, the left button can be used to select the name of the function, the names of the variables or the values of the variables. For example, below is a picture of a break window with a backtrace menu created by BT. The OPENSTREAM stack frame has been selected, so its variables are shown in an inspect window on top of the break window: After selecting an item, the middle button brings up a menu of commands that apply to the selected item. If the function name is selected, a choice of editing the function or seeing the compiled code with INSPECTCODE (page X.XX) will be given. If the function is edited in this way, the editor is called in the broken process, so variables evaluated in the editor will be in the broken process. If a variable name is selected, the command SET will be offered. Selecting SET will READ a value and set the selected to the value read. (Note: The inspector will only allow the setting of named variables. Even with this restriction it is still possible to crash the system by setting variables inside system frames. It is recommended that you exercise caution in setting variables in other than your own code.) If the item selected is a value, the inspector will be called on the selected value. The internal break variable LASTPOS (page X.XX) is set to the selected frame of the backtrace menu so that the normal break commands EDIT, revert, and ?= work on the currently selected frame. The commands EVAL, revert, ↑, OK, and ?= in the break menu cause the corresponding commands to be "typed in." This means that these break commands will not have the intended effect if characters have already been typed in. Note also that the typed-in break commands BT, BTV, etc. use the value of LASTPOS to determine where to start listing the stack, so selecting a stack frame name in the backtrace menu will effect these commands. 15.3 Break Commands The basic function of the break package is BREAK1. BREAK1 is just another Interlisp function, not a special system feature like the interpreter or the garbage collector. It has arguments, and returns a value, the same as any other function. For more information on the function BREAK1, see page X.XX. The value returned by BREAK1 is called "the value of the break." The user can specify this value explicitly by using the RETURN break command (page X.XX). But in most cases, the value of a break is given implicitly, via a GO or OK command, and is the result of evaluating "the break expression." The break expression, stored in the variable BRKEXP, is an expression equivalent to the computation that would have taken place had no break occurred. For example, if the user breaks on the function FOO, the break expression is the body of the definition of FOO. When the user types OK or GO, the body of FOO is evaluated, and its value returned as the value of the break, i.e., to whatever function called FOO. BRKEXP is set up by the function that created the call to BREAK1. For functions broken with BREAK or TRACE, BRKEXP is equivalent to the body of the definition of the broken function (see page X.XX). For functions broken with BREAKIN, using BEFORE or AFTER, BRKEXP is NIL. For BREAKIN AROUND, BRKEXP is the indicated expression (see page X.XX). BREAK1 recognizes a large set of break commands. These are typed in without parentheses. In order to facilitate debugging of programs that perform input operations, the carriage return that is typed to complete the GO, OK, EVAL, etc. commands is discarded by BREAK1, so that it will not be part of the input stream after the break. GO [Break Command] Evaluates BRKEXP, prints this value, and returns it as the value of the break. Releases the break and allows the computation to proceed. OK [Break Command] Same as GO except that the value of BRKEXP is not printed. EVAL [Break Command] Same as OK except that the break is maintained after the evaluation. The value of this evaluation is bound to the local variable !VALUE, which the user can interrogate. Typing GO or OK following EVAL will not cause BRKEXP to be reevaluated, but simply returns the value of !VALUE as the value of the break. Typing another EVAL will cause reevaluation. EVAL is useful when the user is not sure whether the break will produce the correct value and wishes to examine it before continuing with the computation. RETURN FORM [Break Command] FORM is evaluated, and returned as the value of the break. For example, one could use the EVAL command and follow this with RETURN (REVERSE !VALUE). ↑ [Break Command] Calls ERROR! and aborts the break, making it "go away" without returning a value. This is a useful way to unwind to a higher level break. All other errors, including those encountered while executing the GO, OK, EVAL, and RETURN commands, maintain the break. The following four commands refer to "the broken function." This is the function that caused the break, whose name is stored in the BREAK1 argument BRKFN. !EVAL [Break Command] The broken function is first unbroken, then the break expression is evaluated (and the value stored in !VALUE), and then the function is rebroken. This command is very useful for dealing with recursive functions. !GO [Break Command] Equivalent to !EVAL followed by GO. The broken function is unbroken, the break expression is evaluated, the function is rebroken, and then the break is exited with the value typed. !OK [Break Command] Equivalent to !EVAL followed by OK. The broken function is unbroken, the break expression is evaluated, the function is rebroken, and then the break is exited. UB [Break Command] Unbreaks the broken function. @ [Break Command] Resets the variable LASTPOS, which establishes a context for the commands ?=, ARGS, BT, BTV, BTV*, EDIT, and IN? described below. LASTPOS is the position of a function call on the stack. It is initialized to the function just before the call to BREAK1, i.e., (STKNTH -1 'BREAK1). Note: When control passes from BREAK1, e.g. as a result of an EVAL, OK, GO, REVERT, ↑ command, or via a RETFROM or RETEVAL typed in by the user, (RELSTK LASTPOS) is executed to release this stack pointer. @ treats the rest of the teletype line as its argument(s). It first resets LASTPOS to (STKNTH -1 'BREAK1) and then for each atom on the line, @ searches down the stack for a call to that atom. The following atoms are treated specially: @ Do not reset LASTPOS to (STKNTH -1 'BREAK1) but leave it as it was, and continue searching from that point. a number N If negative, move LASTPOS down the stack N frames. If positive, move LASTPOS up the stack N frames. / The next atom on the line (which should be a number) specifies that the previous atom should be searched for that many times. For example, "@ FOO / 3" is equivalent to "@ FOO FOO FOO". = Resets LASTPOS to the value of the next expression, e.g., if the value of FOO is a stack pointer, "@ = FOO FIE" will search for FIE in the environment specified by (the value of) FOO. For example, if the push-down stack looks like: [9] BREAK1 [8] FOO [7] COND [6] FIE [5] COND [4] FIE [3] COND [2] FIE [1] FUM then "@ FIE COND" will set LASTPOS to the position corresponding to [5]; "@ @ COND" will then set LASTPOS to [3]; and "@ FIE / 3 -1" to [1]. If @ cannot successfully complete a search for function FN, it searches the stack again from that point looking for a call to a function whose name is close to that of FN, in the sense of the spelling corrector (page X.XX). If the search is still unsuccessful, @ types (FN NOT FOUND), and then aborts. When @ finishes, it types the name of the function at LASTPOS, i.e., (STKNAME LASTPOS). @ can be used on BRKCOMS (see page X.XX). In this case, the next command on BRKCOMS is treated the same as the rest of the teletype line. ?= [Break Command] This is a multi-purpose command. Its most common use is to interrogate the value(s) of the arguments of the broken function. For example, if FOO has three arguments (X Y Z), then typing ?= to a break on FOO will produce: :?= X = value of X Y = value of Y Z = value of Z : ?= operates on the rest of the teletype line as its arguments. If the line is empty, as in the above case, it operates on all of the arguments of the broken function. If the user types ?= X (CAR Y), he will see the value of X, and the value of (CAR Y). The difference between using ?= and typing X and (CAR Y) directly to BREAK1 is that ?= evaluates its inputs as of the stack frame LASTPOS, i.e., it uses STKEVAL. This provides a way of examining variables or performing computations as of a particular point on the stack. For example, @ FOO / 2 followed by ?= X will allow the user to examine the value of X in the previous call to FOO, etc. ?= also recognizes numbers as referring to the correspondingly numbered argument, i.e., it uses STKARG in this case. Thus :@ FIE FIE :?= 2 will print the name and value of the second argument of FIE. ?= can also be used on BRKCOMS (page X.XX, in which case the next command on BRKCOMS is treated as the rest of the teletype line. For example, if BRKCOMS is (EVAL ?= (X Y) GO), BRKEXP will be evaluated, the values of X and Y printed, and then the function exited with its value being printed. Note: ?= prints variable values using the function SHOWPRINT (page X.XX), so that if SYSPRETTYFLG=T, the value will be prettyprinted. ?= is a universal mnemonic for displaying argument names and their corresponding values. In addition to being a break command, ?= is an edit macro which prints the argument names and values for the current expression (page X.XX), and a read macro (actually ? is the read macro character) which does the same for the current level list being read. PB [Break Command] Prints the bindings of a given variable. Similar to ?=, except ascends the stack starting from LASTPOS, and, for each frame in which the given variable is bound, prints the frame name and value of the variable (with PRINTLEVEL reset to (2 . 3)), e.g. :PB FOO @ FN1: 3 @ FN2: 10 @ TOP: NOBIND PB is also a programmer's assistant command (page X.XX) that can be used when not in a break. PB is implemented via the function PRINTBINDINGS. BT [Break Command] Prints a backtrace of function names only starting at LASTPOS. The value of LASTPOS is changed by selecting an item from the backtrace menu page X.XX or by the @ command. The several nested calls in system packages such as break, edit, and the top level executive appear as the single entries **BREAK**, **EDITOR**, and **TOP** respectively. BTV [Break Command] Prints a backtrace of function names with variables beginning at LASTPOS. The value of each variable is printed with the function SHOWPRINT (page X.XX), so that if SYSPRETTYFLG=T, the value will be prettyprinted. BTV+ [Break Command] Same as BTV except also prints local variables and arguments to SUBRs. BTV* [Break Command] Same as BTV except prints arguments to local variables and eval blips (see page X.XX). BTV! [Break Command] Same as BTV except prints everything on the stack. BT, BTV, BTV+, BTV*, and BTV! all take optional functional arguments. These arguments are used to choose functions to be skipped on the backtrace. As the backtrace scans down the stack, the name of each stack frame is passed to each of the arguments of the backtrace command. If any of these functions returns a non-NIL value, then that frame is skipped, and not shown in the backtrace. For example, BT EXPRP will skip all functions definied by expr definitions, BTV (LAMBDA (X) (NOT (MEMB X FOOFNS))) will skip all but those functions on FOOFNS. If used on BRKCOMS (page X.XX) the functional argument is no longer optional, i.e., the next element on BRKCOMS must either be a list of functional arguments, or NIL if no functional argument is to be applied. For BT, BTV, BTV+, BTV*, and BTV!, if control-P is used to change a printlevel during the backtrace, the printlevel will be restored after the backtrace is completed. The value of BREAKDELIMITER, initially the carriage return character, is printed to delimit the output of ?= and backtrace commands. This can be reset (e.g. to the comma) for more linear output. ARGS [Break Command] Prints the names of the variables bound at LASTPOS, i.e., (VARIABLES LASTPOS) (page X.XX). For most cases, these are the arguments to the function entered at that position, i.e., (ARGLIST (STKNAME LASTPOS)). REVERT [Break Command] Goes back to position LASTPOS on stack and reenters the function called at that point with the arguments found on the stack. If the function is not already broken, REVERT first breaks it, and then unbreaks it after it is reentered. REVERT can be given the position using the conventions described for @, e.g., REVERT FOO -1 is equivalent to @ FOO -1 followed by REVERT. REVERT is useful for restarting a computation in the situation where a bug is discovered at some point below where the problem actually occurred. REVERT essentially says "go back there and start over in a break." REVERT will work correctly if the names or arguments to the function, or even its function type, have been changed. ORIGINAL [Break Command] For use in conjunction with BREAKMACROS (see page X.XX). Form is (ORIGINAL . COMS). COMS are executed without regard for BREAKMACROS. Useful for redefining a break command in terms of itself. The following two commands are for use only with unbound atoms or undefined function breaks. = FORM [Break Command] Can only be used in a break following an unbound atom error. Sets the atom to the value of FORM, exits from the break returning that value, and continues the computation, e.g., UNBOUND ATOM (FOO BROKEN) := (COPY FIE) sets FOO and goes on. Note: FORM may be given in the form FN[ARGS]. -> EXPR [Break Command] Can be used in a break following either an unbound atom error, or an undefined function error. Replaces the expression containing the error with EXPR (not the value of EXPR), and continues the computation. -> does not just change BRKEXP; it changes the function or expression containing the erroneous form. In other words, the user does not have to perform any additional editing. For example, UNDEFINED CAR OF FORM (FOO1 BROKEN) :-> FOO changes the FOO1 to FOO and continues the computation. EXPR need not be atomic, e.g., UNBOUND ATOM (FOO BROKEN) :-> (QUOTE FOO) For undefined function breaks, the user can specify a function and initial arguments, e.g., UNDEFINED CAR OF FORM MEMBERX (MEMBERX BROKEN) :-> MEMBER X Note that in the case of a undefined function error occurring immediately following a call to APPLY (e.g., (APPLY X Y) where the value of X is FOO and FOO is undefined), or a unbound atom error immediately following a call to EVAL (e.g., (EVAL X), where the value of X is FOO and FOO is unbound), there is no expression containing the offending atom. In this case, -> cannot operate, so ? is printed and no action is taken. EDIT [Break Command] Designed for use in conjunction with breaks caused by errors. Facilitates editing the expression causing the break: NON-NUMERIC ARG NIL (IPLUS BROKEN) :EDIT IN FOO... (IPLUS X Z) EDIT *(3 Y) *OK FOO : and the user can continue by typing OK, EVAL, etc. This command is very simple conceptually, but its implementation is complicated by all of the exceptional cases involving interactions with compiled functions, breaks on user functions, error breaks, breaks within breaks, et al. Therefore, we shall give the following simplified explanation which will account for 90% of the situations arising in actual usage. For those others, EDIT will print an appropriate failure message and return to the break. EDIT begins by searching up the stack beginning at LASTPOS (set by @ command, initially position of the break) looking for a form, i.e., an internal call to EVAL. Then EDIT continues from that point looking for a call to an interpreted function, or to EVAL. It then calls the editor on either the EXPR or the argument to EVAL in such a way as to look for an expression EQ to the form that it first found. It then prints the form, and permits interactive editing to begin. Note that the user can then type successive 0's to the editor to see the chain of superforms for this computation. If the user exits from the edit with an OK, the break expression is reset, if possible, so that the user can continue with the computation by simply typing OK. (Note that evaluating the new BRKEXP will involve reevaluating the form that causes the break, so that if (PUTD (QUOTE (FOO)) BIG-COMPUTATION) were handled by EDIT, BIG-COMPUTATION would be reevaluated.) However, in some situations, the break expression cannot be reset. For example, if a compiled function FOO incorrectly called PUTD and caused the error ARG NOT ATOM followed by a break on PUTD, EDIT might be able to find the form headed by FOO, and also find that form in some higher interpreted function. But after the user corrected the problem in the FOO-form, if any, he would still not have informed EDIT what to do about the immediate problem, i.e., the incorrect call to PUTD. However, if FOO were interpreted, EDIT would find the PUTD form itself, so that when the user corrected that form, EDIT could use the new corrected form to reset the break expression. IN? [Break Command] Similar to EDIT, but just prints parent form, and superform, but does not call the editor, e.g., ATTEMPT TO RPLAC NIL T (RPLACD BROKEN) :IN? FOO: (RPLACD X Z) Although EDIT and IN? were designed for error breaks, they can also be useful for user breaks. For example, if upon reaching a break on his function FOO, the user determines that there is a problem in the call to FOO, he can edit the calling form and reset the break expression with one operation by using EDIT. 15.4 Controlling When to Break When an error occurs, the system has to decide whether to reset and unwind the stack, or go into a break. In the middle of a complex computation, it is usually helpful to go into a break, so that the user may examine the state of the computation. However, if the computation has only proceeded a little when the error occurs, such as when the user mistypes a function name, the user would normally just terminate a break, and it would be more convenient for the system to simply cause an error and unwind the stack in this situatuation. The decision over whether or not to induce a break depends on the depth of computation, and the amount of time invested in the computation. The actual algorithm is described in detail below; suffice it to say that the parameters affecting this decision have been adjusted empirically so that trivial type-in errors do not cause breaks, but deep errors do. (BREAKCHECK ERRORPOS ERXN) [Function] BREAKCHECK is called by the error routine to decide whether or not to induce a break when a error occurs. ERRORPOS is the stack position at which the error occurred; ERXN is the error number. Returns T if a break should occur; NIL otherwise. BREAKCHECK returns T (and a break occurs) if the "computation depth" is greater than or equal to HELPDEPTH. HELPDEPTH is initially set to 7, arrived at empirically by taking into account the overhead due to LISPX or BREAK. If the depth of the computation is less than HELPDEPTH, BREAKCHECK next calculates the length of time spent in the computation. If this time is greater than HELPTIME milliseconds, initially set to 1000, then BREAKCHECK returns T (and a break occurs), otherwise NIL. BREAKCHECK determines the "computation depth" by searching back up the stack looking for an ERRORSET frame (ERRORSETs indicate how far back unwinding is to take place when an error occurs, see page X.XX). At the same time, it counts the number of internal calls to EVAL. As soon as the number of calls to EVAL exceeds HELPDEPTH, BREAKCHECK immediately stops searching for an ERRORSET and returns T. Otherwise, BREAKCHECK continues searching until either an ERRORSET is found or the top of the stack is reached. (Note: If the second argument to ERRORSET is INTERNAL, the ERRORSET is ignored by BREAKCHECK during this search.) BREAKCHECK then counts the number of function calls between the error and the last ERRORSET, or the top of the stack. The number of function calls plus the number of calls to EVAL (already counted) is used as the "computation depth". BREAKCHECK determines the computation time by subtracting the value of the variable HELPCLOCK from the value of (CLOCK 2), the number of milliseconds of compute time (see page X.XX). HELPCLOCK is rebound to the current value of (CLOCK 2) for each computation typed in to LISPX or to a break. The time criterion for breaking can be suppressed by setting HELPTIME to NIL (or a very big number), or by setting HELPCLOCK to NIL. Note that setting HELPCLOCK to NIL will not have any effect beyond the current computation, because HELPCLOCK is rebound for each computation typed in to LISPX and BREAK. The user can suppress all error breaks by setting the top level binding of the variable HELPFLAG to NIL using SETTOPVAL (HELPFLAG is bound as a local variable in LISPX, and reset to the global value of HELPFLAG on every LISPX line, so just SETQing it will not work.) If HELPFLAG=T (the initial value), the decision whether to cause an error or break is decided based on the computation time and the computation depth, as described above. Finally, if HELPFLAG=BREAK!, a break will always occur following an error. 15.5 Break Window Variables The appearance and use of break windows is controlled by the following variables: (WBREAK ONFLG) [Function] If ONFLG is non-NIL, break windows and trace windows are enabled. If ONFLG is NIL, break windows are disabled (break windows do not appear, but the executive prompt is changed to ":" to indicate that the system is in a break). WBREAK returns T if break windows are currently enabled; NIL otherwise. MaxBkMenuWidth [Variable] MaxBkMenuHeight [Variable] The variables MaxBkMenuWidth (default 125) and MaxBkMenuHeight (default 300) control the maximum size of the backtrace menu. If this menu is too small to contain all of the frames in the backtrace, it is made scrollable in both vertical and horizontal directions. AUTOBACKTRACEFLG [Variable] This variable controls when and what kind of backtrace menu is automatically brought up. The value of AUTOBACKTRACEFLG can be one of the following: NIL The backtrace menu is not automatically brought up (the default). T On error breaks the BT menu is brought up. BT! On error breaks the BT! menu is brought up. ALWAYS The BT menu is brought up on both error breaks and user breaks (calls to functions broken by BREAK). ALWAYS! On both error breaks and user breaks the BT! menu is brought up. BACKTRACEFONT [Variable] The backtrace menu is printed in the font BACKTRACEFONT. CLOSEBREAKWINDOWFLG [Variable] The system normally closes break windows after the break is exited. If CLOSEBREAKWINDOWFLG is NIL, break windows will not be closed on exit. Note that in this case, the user must close all break windows. BREAKREGIONSPEC [Variable] Break windows are positioned near the tty window of the broken process, as determined by the variable BREAKREGIONSPEC. The value of this variable is a region (page X.XX) whose LEFT and BOTTOM fields are an offset from the LEFT and BOTTOM of the tty window. The WIDTH and HEIGHT fields of BREAKREGIONSPEC determine the size of the break window. TRACEWINDOW [Variable] The trace window, TRACEWINDOW, is used for tracing functions. It is brought up when the first tracing occurs and stays up until the user closes it. TRACEWINDOW can be set to a particular window to cause the tracing formation to print there. TRACEREGION [Variable] The trace window is first created in the region TRACEREGION. 15.6 BREAK1 The basic function of the break package is BREAK1, which creates a break. A break appears to be a regular executive, with the prompt ":", but BREAK1 also detects and interpretes break commands (page X.XX). (BREAK1 BRKEXP BRKWHEN BRKFN BRKCOMS BRKTYPE ERRORN) [NLambda Function] If BRKWHEN is NIL, BRKEXP is evaluated and returned as the value of BREAK1. Otherwise a break occurs and commands are then taken from BRKCOMS or the terminal and interpreted. All inputs not recognized by BREAK1 are simply passed on to the programmer's assistant. When a break occurs, if ERRORN is a list whose CAR is a number, ERRORMESS is called to print an identifying message. If ERRORN is a list whose CAR is not a number, ERRORMESS1 is called. Otherwise, no preliminary message is printed. Following this, the message (BRKFN broken) is printed. Since BREAK1 itself calls functions, when one of these is broken, an infinite loop would occur. BREAK1 detects this situation, and prints Break within a break on FN, and then simply calls the function without going into a break. The commands GO, !GO, OK, !OK, RETURN and ↑ are the only ways to leave BREAK1. The command EVAL causes BRKEXP to be evaluated, and saves the value on the variable !VALUE. Other commands can be defined for BREAK1 via BREAKMACROS (below). BRKTYPE is NIL for user breaks, INTERRUPT for control-H breaks, and ERRORX for error breaks. For breaks when BRKTYPE is not NIL, BREAK1 will clear and save the input buffer. If the break returns a value (i.e., is not aborted via ↑ or control-D) the input buffer will be restored. The fourth argument to BREAK1 is BRKCOMS, a list of break commands that BREAK1 interprets and executes as though they were keyboard input. One can think of BRKCOMS as another input file which always has priority over the keyboard. Whenever BRKCOMS=NIL, BREAK1 reads its next command from the keyboard. Whenever BRKCOMS is not NIL, BREAK1 takes (CAR BRKCOMS) as its next command and sets BRKCOMS to (CDR BRKCOMS). For example, suppose the user wished to see the value of the variable X after a function was evaluated. He could set up a break with BRKCOMS=(EVAL (PRINT X) OK), which would have the desired effect. Note that if BRKCOMS is not NIL, the value of a break command is not printed. If you desire to see a value, you must print it yourself, as in the above example. The function TRACE (page X.XX) uses BRKCOMS: it sets up a break with two commands; the first one prints the arguments of the function, or whatever the user specifies, and the second is the command GO, which causes the function to be evaluated and its value printed. Note: If an error occurs while interpreting the BRKCOMS commands, BRKCOMS is set to NIL, and a full interactive break occurs. The break package has a facility for redirecting ouput to a file. All output resulting from BRKCOMS will be output to the value of the variable BRKFILE, which should be the name of an open file. Output due to user typein is not affected, and will always go to the terminal. BRKFILE is initially T. BREAKMACROS [Variable] BREAKMACROS is a list of the form ( (NAME1 COM11 ... COM1n) (NAME2 COM21 ... COM2n) ...). Whenever an atomic command is given to BREAK1, it first searches the list BREAKMACROS for the command. If the command is equal to NAMEi, BREAK1 simply appends the corresponding commands to the front of BRKCOMS, and goes on. If the command is not found on BREAKMACROS, BREAK1 then checks to see if it is one of the built in commands, and finally, treats it as a function or variable as before. If the command is not the name of a defined function, bound variable, or LISPX command, BREAK1 will attempt spelling correction using BREAKCOMSLST as a spelling list. If spelling correction is unsuccessful, BREAK1 will go ahead and call LISPX anyway, since the atom may also be a misspelled history command. For example, the command ARGS could be defined by including on BREAKMACROS the form: (ARGS (PRINT (VARIABLES LASTPOS T))) (BREAKREAD TYPE) [Function] Useful within BREAKMACROS for reading arguments. If BRKCOMS is non-NIL (the command in which the call to BREAKREAD appears was not typed in), returns the next break command from BRKCOMS, and sets BRKCOMS to (CDR BRKCOMS). If BRKCOMS is NIL (the command was typed in), then BREAKREAD returns either the rest of the commands on the line as a list (if TYPE=LINE) or just the next command on the line (if TYPE is not LINE). For example, the BT command is defined as (BAKTRACE LASTPOS NIL (BREAKREAD 'LINE) 0 T). Thus, if the user types BT, the third argument to BAKTRACE will be NIL. If the user types BT SUBRP, the third argument will be (SUBRP). BREAKRESETFORMS [Variable] If the user is developing programs that change the way a user and Interlisp normally interact (e.g., change or disable the interrupt or line-editing characters, turn off echoing, etc.), debugging them by breaking or tracing may be difficult, because Interlisp might be in a "funny" state at the time of the break. BREAKRESETFORMS is designed to solve this problem. The user puts on BREAKRESETFORMS expressions suitable for use in conjunction with RESETFORM or RESETSAVE (page X.XX). When a break occurs, BREAK1 evaluates each expression on BREAKRESETFORMS before any interaction with the terminal, and saves the values. When the break expression is evaluated via an EVAL, OK, or GO, BREAK1 first restores the state of the system with respect to the various expressions on BREAKRESETFORMS. When control returns to BREAK1, the expressions on BREAKRESETFORMS are again evaluated, and their values saved. When the break is exited with an OK, GO, RETURN, or ↑ command, by typing control-D, or by a RETFROM or RETEVAL typed in by the user, BREAK1 again restores state. Thus the net effect is to make the break invisible with respect to the user's programs, but nevertheless allow the user to interact in the break in the normal fashion. Note: All user type-in is scanned in order to make the operations undoable as described on page X.XX. At this point, RETFROMs and RETEVALs are also noticed. However, if the user types in an expression which calls a function that then does a RETFROM, this RETFROM will not be noticed, and the effects of BREAKRESETFORMS will not be reversed. As mentioned earlier, BREAK1 detects "Break within a break" situations, and avoids infinite loops. If the loop occurs because of an error, BREAK1 simply rebinds BREAKRESETFORMS to NIL, and calls HELP. This situation most frequently occurs when there is a bug in a function called by BREAKRESETFORMS. Note: SETQ expressions can also be included on BREAKRESETFORMS for saving and restoring system parameters, e.g. (SETQ LISPXHISTORY NIL), (SETQ DWIMFLG NIL), etc. These are handled specially by BREAK1 in that the current value of the variable is saved before the SETQ is executed, and upon restoration, the variable is set back to this value. 15.7 Error Functions (ERRORX ERXM) [Function] The entry to the error routines. If ERXM=NIL, (ERRORN) is used to determine the error-message. Otherwise, (SETERRORN (CAR ERXM) (CADR ERXM)) is performed, "setting" the error number and argument. Thus following either (ERRORX '(10 T)) or (PLUS T), (ERRORN) is (10 T). ERRORX calls BREAKCHECK, and either induces a break or prints the message and unwinds to the last ERRORSET (page X.XX). Note that ERRORX can be called by any program to intentionally induce an error of any type. However, for most applications, the function ERROR will be more useful. (ERROR MESS1 MESS2 NOBREAK) [Function] Prints MESS1 (using PRIN1), followed by a space if MESS1 is an atom, otherwise a carriage return. Then MESS2 is printed (using PRIN1 if MESS2 is a string, otherwise PRINT). For example, (ERROR "NON-NUMERIC ARG" T) prints NON-NUMERIC ARG T and (ERROR 'FOO "NOT A FUNCTION") prints FOO NOT A FUNCTION. If both MESS1 and MESS2 are NIL, the message printed is simply ERROR. If NOBREAK=T, ERROR prints its message and then calls ERROR! (below). Otherwise it calls (ERRORX '(17 (MESS1 . MESS2))), i.e., generates error number 17, in which case the decision as to whether or not to break, and whether or not to print a message, is handled as per any other error. If the value of HELPFLAG (page X.XX) is BREAK!, a break will always occur, irregardless of the value of NOBREAK. Note: If ERROR causes a break, the "break expression" (page X.XX) will be (ERROR MESS1 MESS2 NOBREAK). Using the GO, OK, or EVAL break commands (page X.XX) will simply call ERROR again. It is sometimes helpful to design programs that call ERROR such that if the call to ERROR returns (as the result of using the RETURN break command), the operation is tried again. This allows the use to fix any problems within the break environment, and try to continue the operation. (HELP MESS1 MESS2 BRKTYPE) [Function] Prints MESS1 and MESS2 similar to ERROR, and then calls BREAK1 passing BRKTYPE as the BRKTYPE argument. If both MESS1 and MESS2 are NIL, Help! is used for the message. HELP is a convenient way to program a default condition, or to terminate some portion of a program which the computation is theoretically never supposed to reach. (SHOULDNT MESS) [Function] Useful in those situations when a program detects a condition that should never occur. Calls HELP with the message arguments MESS and "Shouldn't happen!" and a BRKTYPE argument of 'ERRORX. (ERROR!) [Function] Programmable control-E; immediately returns from last ERRORSET or resets. (RESET) [Function] Programmable control-D; immediately returns to the top level. (ERRORN) [Function] Returns information about the last error in the form (NUM EXP) where NUM is the error number (page X.XX) and EXP is the expression which was (would have been) printed out after the error message. For example, following (PLUS T), (ERRORN) would return (10 T). (SETERRORN NUM MESS) [Function] Sets the value returned by ERRORN to (NUM MESS). (ERRORMESS U) [Function] Prints message corresponding to an ERRORN that yielded U. For example, (ERRORMESS '(10 T)) would print NON-NUMERIC ARG T (ERRORMESS1 MESS1 MESS2 MESS3) [Function] Prints the message corresponding to a HELP or ERROR break. (ERRORSTRING X) [Function] Returns as a new string the message corresponding to error number X, e.g., (ERRORSTRING 10)="NON-NUMERIC ARG". (ERRORSET FORM FLAG ---) [Function] Performs (EVAL FORM). If no error occurs in the evaluation of FORM, the value of ERRORSET is a list containing one element, the value of (EVAL FORM). If an error did occur, the value of ERRORSET is NIL. ERRORSET is a lambda function, so its arguments are evaluated before it is entered, i.e., (ERRORSET X) means EVAL is called with the value of X. In most cases, ERSETQ and NLSETQ (below) are more useful. Performance Note: When a call to ERSETQ or NLSETQ is compiled, the form to be evaluated is compiled as a separate function. However, compiling a call to ERRORSET does not compile FORM. Therefore, if FORM performs a lengthy computation, using ERSETQ or NLSETQ can be much more efficient than using ERRORSET. The argument FLAG controls the printing of error messages if an error occurs. Note that if a break occurs below an ERRORSET, the message is printed regardless of the value of FLAG. If FLAG=T, the error message is printed; if FLAG=NIL, the error message is not printed (unless NLSETQGAG is NIL, see below). If FLAG=INTERNAL, this ERRORSET is ignored for the purpose of deciding whether or not to break or print a message (see page X.XX). However, the ERRORSET is in effect for the purpose of flow of control, i.e., if an error occurs, this ERRORSET returns NIL. If FLAG=NOBREAK, no break will occur, even if the time criterion for breaking is met (see page X.XX). Note that FLAG=NOBREAK will not prevent a break from occurring if the error occurs more than HELPDEPTH function calls below the errorset, since BREAKCHECK will stop searching before it reaches the ERRORSET. To guarantee that no break occurs, the user would also either have to reset HELPDEPTH or HELPFLAG (page X.XX). (ERSETQ FORM) [NLambda Function] Performs (ERRORSET 'FORM T), evaluating FORM and printing error messages. (NLSETQ FORM) [NLambda Function] Performs (ERRORSET 'FORM NIL), evaluating FORM without printing error messages. NLSETQGAG [Variable] If NLSETQGAG is NIL, error messages will print, regardless of the FLAG argument of ERRORSET. NLSETQGAG effectively changes all NLSETQs to ERSETQs. NLSETQGAG is initially T. 15.8 Error Handling by Error Type Occasionally the user may want to treat certain types of errors differently from others, e.g., always break, never break, or perhaps take some corrective action. This can be accomplished via ERRORTYPELST: ERRORTYPELST [Variable] ERRORTYPELST is a list of elements of the form (NUM FORM1 ... FORMN), where NUM is one of the error numbers (page X.XX). During an error, after BREAKCHECK has been completed, but before any other action is taken, ERRORTYPELST is searched for an element with the same error number as that causing the error. If one is found, the corresponding forms are evaluated, and if the last one produces a non-NIL value, this value is substituted for the offender, and the function causing the error is reentered. Note: ERRORTYPELST is accessed as a special variable (see page X.XX), so it can be rebound in a function argument list of PROG form to catch errors in a dynamic context. Within ERRORTYPELST entries, the following variables may be useful: ERRORMESS [Variable] CAR is the error number, CADR the "offender", e.g., (10 NIL) corresponds to a NON-NUMERIC ARG NIL error. ERRORPOS [Variable] Stack pointer to the function in which the error occurred, e.g., (STKNAME ERRORPOS) might be IPLUS, RPLACA, INFILE, etc. Note: If the error is going to be handled by a RETFROM, RETTO, or a RETEVAL in the ERRORTYPELST entry, it probably is a good idea to first release the stack pointer ERRORPOS, e.g. by performing (RELSTK ERRORPOS). BREAKCHK [Variable] Value of BREAKCHECK, i.e., T means a break will occur, NIL means one will not. This may be reset within the ERRORTYPELST entry. PRINTMSG [Variable] If T, means print error message, if NIL, don't print error message, i.e., corresponds to second argument to ERRORSET. The user can force or suppress the printing of error messages for various error types by including on ERRORTYPELST an expression which explicitly sets PRINTMSG. For example, putting [10 (AND (NULL (CADR ERRORMESS)) (SELECTQ (STKNAME ERRORPOS) ((IPLUS ADD1 SUB1) 0) (ITIMES 1) (PROGN (SETQ BREAKCHK T) NIL] on ERRORTYPELST would specify that whenever a NON-NUMERIC ARG - NIL error occurred, and the function in question was IPLUS, ADD1, or SUB1, 0 should be used for the NIL. If the function was ITIMES, 1 should be used. Otherwise, always break. Note that the latter case is achieved not by the value returned, but by the effect of the evaluation, i.e., setting BREAKCHK to T. Similarly, (16 (SETQ BREAKCHK NIL)) would prevent END OF FILE errors from ever breaking. ERRORTYPELST is initially ((23 (SPELLFILE (CADR ERRORMESS) NIL NOFILESPELLFLG))), which causes SPELLFILE to be called in case of a FILE NOT FOUND error (see page X.XX). If SPELLFILE is successful, the operation will be reexecuted with the new (corrected) file name. 15.9 Changing and Restoring System State In Interlisp, a computation can be interrupted/aborted at any point due to an error, or more forcefully, because a control-D was typed, causing return to the top level. This situation creates problems for programs that need to perform a computation with the system in a "different state", e.g., different radix, input file, readtable, etc. but want to be able to restore the state when the computation has completed. While program errors and control-E can be "caught" by ERRORSETs, control-D is not. Note that the program could redefine control-D as a user interrupt (page X.XX), check for it, reenable it, and call RESET or something similar. Thus the system may be left in its changed state as a result of the computation being aborted. The following functions address this problem. Note that these functions cannot handle the situation where their environment is exited via anything other than a normal return, an error, or a reset. Therefore, a RETEVAL, RETFROM, RESUME, etc., will never be seen. (RESETLST FORM1 ... FORMN) [NLambda NoSpread Function] RESETLST evaluates its arguments in order, after setting up an ERRORSET so that any reset operations performed by RESETSAVE (see below) are restored when the forms have been evaluated (or an error occurs, or a control-D is typed). If no error occurs, the value of RESETLST is the value of FORMN, otherwise RESETLST generates an error (after performing the necessary restorations). RESETLST compiles open. (RESETSAVE X Y) [NLambda NoSpread Function] RESETSAVE is used within a call to RESETLST to change the system state by calling a function or setting a variable, while specifying how to restore the original system state when the RESETLST is exited (normally, or with an error or control-D). If X is atomic, resets the top level value of X to the value of Y. For example, (RESETSAVE LISPXHISTORY EDITHISTORY) resets the value of LISPXHISTORY to the value of EDITHISTORY, and provides for the original value of LISPXHISTORY to be restored when the RESETLST completes operation, (or an error occurs, or a control-D is typed). Note: If the variable is simply rebound, the RESETSAVE will not affect the most recent binding but will change only the top level value, and therefore probably not have the intended effect. If X is not atomic, it is a form that is evaluated. If Y is NIL, X must return as its value its "former state", so that the effect of evaluating the form can be reversed, and the system state can be restored, by applying CAR of X to the value of X. For example, (RESETSAVE (RADIX 8)) performs (RADIX 8), and provides for RADIX to be reset to its original value when the RESETLST completes by applying RADIX to the value returned by (RADIX 8). In the special case that CAR of X is SETQ, the SETQ is transparent for the purposes of RESETSAVE, i.e. the user could also have written (RESETSAVE (SETQ X (RADIX 8))), and restoration would be performed by applying RADIX, not SETQ, to the previous value of RADIX. If Y is not NIL, it is evaluated (before X), and its value is used as the restoring expression. This is useful for functions which do not return their "previous setting". For example, [RESETSAVE (SETBRK ...) (LIST 'SETBRK (GETBRK] will restore the break characters by applying SETBRK to the value returned by (GETBRK), which was computed before the (SETBRK ...) expression was evaluated. Note that the restoration expression is "evaluated" by applying its CAR to its CDR. This insures that the "arguments" in the CDR are not evaluated again. If X is NIL, Y is still treated as a restoration expression. Therefore, (RESETSAVE NIL (LIST 'CLOSEF FILE)) will cause FILE to be closed when the RESETLST that the RESETSAVE is under completes (or an error occurs or a control-D is typed). Note: RESETSAVE can be called when not under a RESETLST. In this case, the restoration will be performed at the next RESET, i.e., control-D or call to RESET. In other words, there is an "implicit" RESETLST at the top-level executive. RESETSAVE compiles open. Its value is not a "useful" quantity. (RESETVAR VAR NEWVALUE FORM) [NLambda Function] Simplified form of RESETLST and RESETSAVE for resetting and restoring global variables. Equivalent to (RESETLST (RESETSAVE VAR NEWVALUE) FORM). For example, (RESETVAR LISPXHISTORY EDITHISTORY (FOO)) resets LISPXHISTORY to the value of EDITHISTORY while evaluating (FOO). RESETVAR compiles open. If no error occurs, its value is the value of FORM. (RESETVARS VARSLST E1 E2 ... EN) [NLambda NoSpread Function] Similar to PROG, except that the variables in VARSLST are global variables. In a deep bound system (such as Interlisp-D), each variable is "rebound" using RESETSAVE. In a shallow bound system (such as Interlisp-10) RESETVARS and PROG are identical, except that the compiler insures that variables bound in a RESETVARS are declared as SPECVARS (see page X.XX). RESETVARS, like GETATOMVAL and SETATOMVAL (page X.XX), is provided to permit compatibility (i.e. transportablility) between a shallow bound and deep bound system with respect to conceptually global variables. Note: Like PROG, RESETVARS returns NIL unless a RETURN statement is executed. (RESETFORM RESETFORM FORM1 FORM2 ... FORMN) [NLambda NoSpread Function] Simplified form of RESETLST and RESETSAVE for resetting a system state when the corresponding function returns as its value the "previous setting." Equivalent to (RESETLST (RESETSAVE RESETFORM) FORM1 FORM2 ... FORMN). For example, (RESETFORM (RADIX 8) (FOO)). RESETFORM compiles open. If no error occurs, it returns the value returned by FORMN. For some applications, the restoration operation must be different depending on whether the computation completed successfully or was aborted somehow (e.g., by an error or by typing control-D). To facilitate this, while the restoration operation is being performed, the value of RESETSTATE will be bound to NIL, ERROR, RESET, or HARDRESET depending on whether the exit was normal, due to an error, due to a reset (i.e., control-D), or due to call to HARDRESET (page X.XX). As an example of the use of RESETSTATE, (RESETLST (RESETSAVE (INFILE X) (LIST '[LAMBDA (FL) (COND ( (EQ RESETSTATE 'RESET) (CLOSEF FL) (DELFILE FL] X)) FORMS) will cause X to be closed and deleted only if a control-D was typed during the execution of FORMS. When specifying complicated restoring expressions, it is often necessary to use the old value of the saving expression. For example, the following expression will set the primary input file (to FL) and execute some forms, but reset the primary input file only if an error or control-D occurs. (RESETLST (SETQ TEM (INPUT FL)) (RESETSAVE NIL (LIST '(LAMBDA (X) (AND RESETSTATE (INPUT X))) TEM)) FORMS) So that you will not have to explicitely save the old value, the variable OLDVALUE is bound at the time the restoring operation is performed to the value of the saving expression. Using this, the previous example could be recoded as: (RESETLST (RESETSAVE (INPUT FL) '(AND RESETSTATE (INPUT OLDVALUE))) FORMS) As mentioned earlier, restoring is performed by applying CAR of the restoring expression to the CDR, so RESETSTATE and (INPUT OLDVALUE) will not be evaluated by the APPLY. This particular example works because AND is an nlambda function that explicitly evaluates its arguments, so APPLYing AND to (RESETSTATE (INPUT OLDVALUE)) is the same as EVALing (AND RESETSTATE (INPUT OLDVALUE)). PROGN also has this property, so you can use a lambda function as a restoring form by enclosing it within a PROGN. The function RESETUNDO (page X.XX) can be used in conjunction with RESETLST and RESETSAVE to provide a way of specifying that the system be restored to its prior state by undoing the side effects of the computations performed under the RESETLST. 15.10 Error List There are currently fifty-plus types of errors in the Interlisp system. Some of these errors are implementation dependent, i.e., appear in Interlisp-D but may not appear in other Interlisp systems. The error number is set internally by the code that detects the error before it calls the error handling functions. It is also the value returned by ERRORN if called subsequent to that type of error, and is used by ERRORMESS for printing the error message. Most errors will print the offending expression following the message, e.g., NON-NUMERIC ARG NIL is very common. Error number 18 (control-B) always causes a break (unless HELPFLAG is NIL). All other errors cause breaks if BREAKCHECK returns T (see page X.XX). The errors are listed below by error number: 0 SYSTEM ERROR Low-level Interlisp system error. It is quite possible that random programs or data structures might have already been smashed. Unless he is sure he knows what the problem is, the user is best advised to save any important information, and reload the Interlisp system as soon as possible. 1 No longer used. 2 STACK OVERFLOW Occurs when computation is too deep, either with respect to number of function calls, or number of variable bindings. Usually because of a non-terminating recursive computation, i.e., a bug. 3 ILLEGAL RETURN Call to RETURN when not inside of an interpreted PROG. 4 ARG NOT LIST RPLACA called on a non-list. 5 HARD DISK ERROR An error with the local disk drive. 6 ATTEMPT TO SET NIL Via SET or SETQ 7 ATTEMPT TO RPLAC NIL Attempt either to RPLACA or to RPLACD NIL with something other than NIL. 8 UNDEFINED OR ILLEGAL GO GO when not inside of a PROG, or GO to nonexistent label. 9 FILE WON'T OPEN From OPENSTREAM (page X.XX). 10 NON-NUMERIC ARG A numeric function e.g., PLUS, TIMES, GREATERP, expected a number. 11 ATOM TOO LONG Attempted to create a litatom (via PACK, or typing one in, or reading from a file) with too many characters. In Interlisp-D, the maximum number of characters in a litatom is 255. 12 ATOM HASH TABLE FULL No room for any more (new) atoms. 13 FILE NOT OPEN From an I/O function, e.g., READ, PRINT, CLOSEF. 14 ARG NOT LITATOM SETQ, PUTPROP, GETTOPVAL, etc., given a non-atomic arg. 15 TOO MANY FILES OPEN 16 END OF FILE From an input function, e.g., READ, READC, RATOM. After the error occurs, the file will still be left open. Note: It is possible to use an ERRORTYPELST entry (page X.XX) to return a character as the value of the call to ERRORX, and the program will continue, e.g. returning "]" may be used to complete a read operation. 17 ERROR Call to ERROR (page X.XX). 18 BREAK Control-B was typed. 19 ILLEGAL STACK ARG A stack function expected a stack position and was given something else. This might occur if the arguments to a stack function are reversed. Also occurs if user specified a stack position with a function name, and that function was not found on the stack. See page X.XX. 20 FAULT IN EVAL Artifact of bootstrap process. Never occurs after FAULTEVAL is defined. 21 ARRAYS FULL System will first initiate a garbage collection of array space, and if no array space is reclaimed, will then generate this error. 22 FILE SYSTEM RESOURCES EXCEEDED Includes no more disk space, disk quota exceeded, directory full,etc. 23 FILE NOT FOUND File name does not correspond to a file in the corresponding directory. Can also occur if file name is ambiguous. Interlisp is initialized with an entry on ERRORTYPELST (page X.XX) to call SPELLFILE for this error. SPELLFILE will search alternate directories or perform spelling correction on the connected directory. If SPELLFILE fails, then the user will see this error. 24 BAD SYSOUT FILE Date does not agree with date of MAKESYS, or file is not a sysout file at all (see page X.XX). 25 UNUSUAL CDR ARG LIST A form ends in a non-list other than NIL, e.g., (CONS T . 3). 26 HASH TABLE FULL See hash array functions, page X.XX. 27 ILLEGAL ARG Catch-all error. Currently used by PUTD, EVALA, ARG, FUNARG, etc. 28 ARG NOT ARRAY ELT or SETA given an argument that is not a legal array (see page X.XX). 29 ILLEGAL OR IMPOSSIBLE BLOCK (Interlisp-10) Not enough free blocks available (from GETBLK or RELBLK). 30 STACK PTR HAS BEEN RELEASED A released stack pointer was supplied as a stack descriptor for a purpose other than as a stack pointer to be re-used (see page X.XX). 31 STORAGE FULL Following a garbage collection, if not enough words have been collected, and there is no un-allocated space left in the system, this error is generated. 32 ATTEMPT TO USE ITEM OF INCORRECT TYPE Before a field of a user data type is changed, the type of the item is first checked to be sure that it is the expected type. If not, this error is generated (see page X.XX). 33 ILLEGAL DATA TYPE NUMBER The argument is not a valid user data type number (see page X.XX). 34 DATA TYPES FULL All available user data types have been allocated (see page X.XX). 35 ATTEMPT TO BIND NIL OR T In a PROG or LAMBDA expression. 36 TOO MANY USER INTERRUPT CHARACTERS Attempt to enable a user interrupt character when all user channels are currently enabled (see page X.XX). 37 READ-MACRO CONTEXT ERROR (Interlisp-10 only) Occurs when a READ is executed from within a read macro function and the next token is a ) or a ] (see page X.XX). 38 ILLEGAL READTABLE The argument was expected to be a valid read table (see page X.XX). 39 ILLEGAL TERMINAL TABLE The argument was expected to be a valid terminal table (see page X.XX). 40 SWAPBLOCK TOO BIG FOR BUFFER (Interlisp-10) An attempt was made to swap in a function/array which is too large for the swapping buffer. 41 PROTECTION VIOLATION Attempt to open a file that user does not have access to. Also reference to unassigned device. 42 BAD FILE NAME Illegal character in file specification, illegal syntax, e.g. two ;'s etc. 43 USER BREAK Error corresponding to user interrupt character. See page X.XX. 44 UNBOUND ATOM This occurs when a variable (litatom) was used which had neither a stack binding (wasn't an argument to a function nor a PROG variable) nor a top level value. The "culprit" ((CADR ERRORMESS)) is the litatom. Note that if DWIM corrects the error, no error occurs and the error number is not set. However, if an error is going to occur, whether or not it will cause a break, the error number will be set. 45 UNDEFINED CAR OF FORM Undefined function error. This occurs when a form is evaluated whose function position (CAR) does not have a definition as a function. Culprit is the form. 46 UNDEFINED FUNCTION This error is generated if APPLY is given an undefined function. Culprit is (LIST FN ARGS) 47 CONTROL-E The user typed control-E. 48 FLOATING UNDERFLOW Underflow during floating-point operation. 49 FLOATING OVERFLOW Overflow during floating-point operation. 50 OVERFLOW Overflow during integer operation. 51 ARG NOT HARRAY Hash array operations given an argument that is not a hash array. 52 TOO MANY ARGUMENTS Too many arguments given to a lambda-spread, lambda-nospread, or nlambda-spread function. Note that Interlisp-D does not cause an error if more arguments are passed to a function than it is defined with. This argument occurs when more individual arguments are passed to a function than Interlisp-D can store on the stack at once. The limit is currently 80 arguments. In addition, many system functions, e.g., DEFINE, ARGLIST, ADVISE, LOG, EXPT, etc, also generate errors with appropriate messages by calling ERROR (see page X.XX) which causes error number 17. Copyright (c) 1985 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.