{Begin SubSec System Version Information} {Title System Version Information} {Text {index *PRIMARY* System version information} {index *PRIMARY* Version information} Interlisp-D runs on a number of different machines, with many possible hardware configurations. There have been a number of different releases of the Interlisp-D software. These facts make it difficult to answer the important question "what software/hardware environment are you running?" when reporting bugs. The following functions allow the novice to collect this information. {FnDef {Name PRINT-LISP-INFORMATION} {Args STREAM FILESTRING} {Type NOSPREAD} {Text Prints out a summary of the software and hardware environment that Interlisp-D is running in, and a list of all loaded patch files: {lispcode Interlisp-D version KOTO of 10-Sep-85 08:25:46 on 1108, microcode 5658, 8191 pages, machine 222#0.125000.34652#0 on Interlisp-D version 9-Sep-85 18:54:29 Patch files: GCPATCH dated 11-Sep-85 10:56:37} {arg STREAM} is the stream used to print the summary. If not given, it defaults to {lisp T}. {arg FILESTRING} is a string used to determine what loaded files should be listed as "patch files." All file names on {index LOADEDFILELST Var}{var LOADEDFILELST} ({PageRef Var LOADEDFILELST}) that have {arg FILESTRING} as a substring as listed. If {arg FILESTRING} is not given, it defaults to the string "PATCH". }} {FnDef {Name LISP-IMPLEMENTATION-TYPE} {Args } {Text Returns a string identifying the type of Interlisp implementation that is running, e.g., "Interlisp-D". }} {FnDef {Name LISP-IMPLEMENTATION-VERSION} {Args } {Text Returns a string identifying the version of Interlisp that is running. Currently gives the system name and date, e.g., "KOTO of 10-Sep-85 08:25:46". This uses the variables {var MAKESYSNAME} and {var MAKESYSDATE} (below), so it will change if the user uses {fn MAKESYS} ({PageRef Fn MAKESYS}) to create a custom sysout file, or explicitly changes these variables. }} {FnDef {Name SOFTWARE-TYPE} {Args } {Text Returns a string identifying the operating system that Interlisp is running under. Currently returns the string "Interlisp-D". }} {FnDef {Name SOFTWARE-VERSION} {Args } {Text Returns a string identifying the version of the operating system that Interlisp is running under. Currently, this returns the date that the Interlisp-D release was originally created, so it doesn't change over {fn MAKESYS} or {fn SYSOUT}. }} {FnDef {Name MACHINE-TYPE} {Args } {Text Returns a string identifying the type of computer hardware that Interlisp-D is running on, i.e., "1108", "1132", "1186", etc. }} {FnDef {Name MACHINE-VERSION} {Args } {Text Returns a string identifying the version of the computer hardware that Interlisp-D is running on. Currently returns the microcode version and real memory size. }} {FnDef {Name MACHINE-INSTANCE} {Args } {Text Returns a string identifying the particular machine that Interlisp-D is running on. Currently returns the machine's NS address. }} {FnDef {Name SHORT-SITE-NAME} {Args } {Text Returns a short string identifying the site where the machine is located. Currently returns {lisp (ETHERHOSTNAME)} (if non-{lisp NIL}) or the string "unknown". }} {FnDef {Name LONG-SITE-NAME} {Args } {Text Returns a long string identifying the site where the machine is located. Currently returns the same as {fn SHORT-SITE-NAME}. }} {VarDef {Name SYSOUTDATE} {Text Value is set by {fn SYSOUT} ({PageRef Fn SYSOUT}) to the date before generating a virtual memory image file. }} {VarDef {Name MAKESYSDATE} {Text Value is set by {fn MAKESYS} ({PageRef Fn MAKESYS}) to the date before generating a virtual memory image file. }} {VarDef {Name MAKESYSNAME} {Text Value is a litatom identifying the release name of the current Interlisp-D system, e.g., {lisp KOTO}. }} {FnDef {Name SYSTEMTYPE} {Text The {fn SYSTEMTYPE} function is intended to allow programmers to write system-dependent code. {fn SYSTEMTYPE} returns a litatom corresponding to the implementation of Interlisp: {lisp D} (for Interlisp-D), {lisp TOPS-20}, {lisp TENEX}, {lisp JERICO}, or {lisp VAX}. In Interlisp-D (and Interlisp-10), {lisp (SELECTQ (SYSTEMTYPE) {ellipsis})} expressions are expanded at compile time so that this is an effective way to perform conditional compilation. }} {FnDef {Name MACHINETYPE} {Args } {Text Returns the type of machine that Interlisp-D is running on: either {lisp DORADO} (for the Xerox 1132), {lisp DOLPHIN} (for the Xerox 1100), or {lisp DANDELION} (for the Xerox 1108). }} }{End SubSec System Version Information} ?1(DEFAULTFONT 1 (GACHA 10) (GACHA 8) (TERMINAL 8)) ?1(DEFAULTFONT 1 (GACHA 10) (GACHA 8) (TERMINAL 8)) íízº