{Begin SubSec Dribble Files}
{Title Dribble Files}

{note {fn DRIBBLE} was written by D. C.  Lewis.}

{index *PRIMARY* Dribble files}
{index *PRIMARY* Transcript files}

A dribble file is a "transcript" of all of the input and output on a terminal.  In Interlisp-D, {fn DRIBBLE} opens a dribble file for the current process, recording the terminal input and output for that process.  Multiple processes can have separate dribble files open at the same time.

Opens {arg FILE} and begins recording the typescript.  Returns the old dribble file if any, otherwise {lisp NIL}.  If {arg APPENDFLG}={lisp T}, the typescript will be appended to the end of {arg FILE}.  If {arg THAWEDFLG}={lisp T}, the file will be opened in "thawed" mode, for those implementations that support it.  {lisp (DRIBBLE)} closes the dribble file for the current process.  Only one dribble file can be active for each process at any one time, so {lisp (DRIBBLE {arg FILE1})} followed by {lisp (DRIBBLE {arg FILE2})} will cause {arg FILE1} to be closed.

{FnDef {FnName DRIBBLEFILE} {FnArgs}
Returns the name of the current dribble file for the current process, if any, otherwise {lisp NIL}.

Terminal input is echoed to the dribble file a line buffer at a time.  Thus, the typescript produced is somewhat neater than that appearing on the user's terminal, because it does {it not} show characters that were erased via control-A or control-Q.  Note that the typescript file is {it not} included in the list of files returned by {lisp (OPENP)}, nor will it be closed by a call to {fn CLOSEALL} or {fn CLOSEF}.  Only {lisp (DRIBBLE)} closes the typescript file.

}{End SubSec Dribble Files}