{Begin Chapter User Input/Output Packages} {Title User Input/Output Packages} {Text This chapter presents a number of packages that have been developed for displaying and allowing the user to enter information. These packages are used to implement the user interface of many system facilities. {Begin unlabeledlist Input/Output Packages} {Text The Inspector (below) provides a window-based facility for displaying and changing the fields of a data object.} {Text PROMPTFORWORD ({PageRef Fn PROMPTFORWORD}) is a function used for entering a simple string of characters. Basic editing and prompting facilities are provided.} {Text ASKUSER ({PageRef Fn ASKUSER}) provides a more complicated prompting and answering facility, allowing a series of questions to be printed. Prompts and argument completion are supported.} {Text TTYIN ({PageRef Tag TTYIN}) is a display typein editor, that provides complex text editing facilities when entering an input line.} {Text PRETTYPRINT ({PageRef Fn PRETTYPRINT}) is used for printing function definitions and other list structures, using multiple fonts and indenting lines to show the structure of the list.} {End unlabeledlist Input/Output Packages} {Include Inspector} {Include PROMPTFORWORD} {Include ASKUSER} {Include TTYIN} {Include PRETTYPRINT} }{End Chapter User Input/Output Packages}