-- ILTHelpImpl.mesa -- Created by: -- JFung.pasa 8-Dec-83 17:00:08 -- Last edited by: -- JFung.pasa 5-Jan-84 12:45:53 DIRECTORY Ascii, Cursor USING [Set], LispToolOps, Put USING [Char, CR, Line, LongDecimal, LongString, Text], String, UserInput USING [WaitForConfirmation, WaitNoButtons]; ILTHelpImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS Ascii, Cursor, LispToolOps, Put, String, UserInput EXPORTS LispToolOps = BEGIN OPEN ILT: LispToolOps; debug: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; -- Routines to allow the LispTool to talk to the window. PutChar: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ch: CHARACTER, minWidth: CARDINAL _ 0] = BEGIN Put.Char[ILT.toolData.fileSW, ch]; THROUGH [1..minWidth) DO Put.Char[ILT.toolData.fileSW, Ascii.SP]; ENDLOOP; END; PutCR: PUBLIC PROCEDURE = BEGIN Put.CR[ILT.toolData.fileSW]; END; PutText: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [text: LONG STRING, minWidth: CARDINAL _ 0] = BEGIN Put.Text[ILT.toolData.fileSW, text]; THROUGH [text.length..minWidth) DO Put.Char[ILT.toolData.fileSW, Ascii.SP]; ENDLOOP; END; PutLine: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [text: LONG STRING] = BEGIN Put.Line[ILT.toolData.fileSW, text]; END; << PutNumber: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ number: UNSPECIFIED, radix: CARDINAL, minWidth: CARDINAL _ 0] = BEGIN text: STRING = [40]; String.AppendNumber[text, number, radix]; THROUGH [text.length..minWidth) DO PutChar[Ascii.SP]; ENDLOOP; PutText[text]; END; PutLongNumber: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ number: LONG UNSPECIFIED, radix: CARDINAL, minWidth: CARDINAL _ 0] = BEGIN text: STRING = [40]; String.AppendLongNumber[text, number, radix]; THROUGH [text.length..minWidth) DO PutChar[Ascii.SP]; ENDLOOP; PutText[text]; END; PutTextCentered: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [text: LONG STRING, width: CARDINAL _ 0] = BEGIN leftBlanks: CARDINAL = (width - text.length)/2; rightBlanks: CARDINAL = width - text.length - leftBlanks; THROUGH [0..leftBlanks) DO PutChar[Ascii.SP]; ENDLOOP; PutText[text]; THROUGH [0..rightBlanks) DO PutChar[Ascii.SP]; ENDLOOP; END; >> More: PUBLIC PROCEDURE RETURNS [okay: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN PutLine["---click Left button for more---"L]; okay _ ILT.Confirm[]; END; DisplayWriteUp: PUBLIC PROCEDURE = BEGIN IF ILT.toolData.docType = general THEN HelpGeneral ELSE HelpErrorMsg; END; HelpErrorMsg: PROCEDURE = BEGIN PutLine[ "Error Messages in alphabetical order. 'Aborted': Install File command aborted by user. 'File not found or Incorrect user/password or Connection timed out(2 mins)': . This is a general error message. Refer to file Subwindow for detailed error log. If no such error log, then this is due to a connection timed out. 'Incorrect user/password': User/Password not registered with PUP/CH database. 'No Sysout file installed': No sysout file in volume. 'Insufficient disk space!': the diagnostics volume size is too small. Contact your field support person. 'Not enough room for file!': The file(VMem) size specified is too large for the volume. 'Scan error on ...': Invalid domain/organization name. For a name token, only following characters are vaild: ""- * @ : Ascii.SP (space character) ['a..'z] ['A..'Z] ['0..'9] The first character should be a letter."". "L]; END; HelpGeneral: PROCEDURE = BEGIN PutLine[ " Welcome to the Interlisp-D world. This writeup also exists on your 1108 User's Guid under the section of ""Loading Interlisp-D from your file server"". It is provided here for your convenience. Users unfamiliar with Mouse and Menu user interactions should read the Help menu in the Diagnostics tool first."L]; IF NOT More[] THEN RETURN; PutLine[ " The tool window is a rectangular region and is composed of 1) a herald name, 2) a message sub-window, 3) a parameter sub-window, 4) a command sub-window and 5)a file sub-window. The top line is the herald name, and consists of a) the tool's name, b) the operating system's version which the tool was bounded and c) the tool's creation time. The message sub-window is a two-line form window which displays the error messages if any."L]; IF NOT More[] THEN RETURN; PutLine[ " The parameter sub-window is a form sub-window and contains the following paramters: Doc.:{General, ErroMsg} File Server: {IFS, NS} File: [Server]FileName.sysout Volume: VMem Size (Pages) = 0 User: Password: Domain: Organization: The command sub-window is a form sub-window and contains the following commands: Install File! Start Volume! Set VMem Size! Floppy! Help! Erase volume! Scavenge Volume!Remote Boot! Quit! The file sub-window displays the event messages relevant to that command."L]; IF NOT More[] THEN RETURN; PutCR[]; PutLine[ " PARAMETER ITEMS: Doc.: The document parameter is an enumerated item which is used in conjunction with the Help command. It selects which document is to be displayed on the file subwindow for a quick reference. The 'General' displays the general writeup of the tool, while the 'ErrorMsg' displays the error message and its meaning on the file subwindow."L]; PutLine[ " File Server.: An enumerated item which shows the selection of the File Server protocol type to be used for the Install File command."L]; IF NOT More[] THEN RETURN; PutCR[]; PutLine[ " File: specifies the the Lisp sysout file name to be installed. The complete file name on an IFS (Interium File Server) looks like [Server]SubDirectory>..>FileName.Sysout. An example will be [Rose]Fugue>Lisp.sysout. The complete file name on a NS(Network Systems) file server looks like [Server:Domain:Organization]SubDirectory>..>FileName.Sysout. An example will be [Phylex:XSIS North:Xerox]Demo.sysout An equivalent but shorter way will be [Phylex:]Demo.sysout"L]; IF NOT More[] THEN RETURN; PutCR[]; PutLine[ " Volume Menu: is a string enumerated menu which gets displayed by chording(presing both mouse buttons for a 2-button mouse or the middle button for a 3-button mouse) the mouse buttons. The menu contains the exact volume names as configured in that machine. If Lisp volume is presnet in the machine, it gets seleceted else nothing gets selected as default. To change the volume selection, simply click the volume desired in the menu. VMem Size (pages): shows the size of the Interlisp's virtual memory file in pages."L]; IF NOT More[] THEN RETURN; PutLine[ " User: is your Pup/NS registered user name. Password: is your associated password for login. Domain: is your domain name as defined in your Clearinghouse database. Organization: is your organization name as defined in your Clearinghouse database. The tool fetches from user.cm file under [system] setction for the user, password, domain and organization fields. If any are present, their values will be displayed.."L]; IF NOT More[] THEN RETURN; PutCR[]; PutLine[ " COMMAND ITEMS Install File!: fetches the file name specified in the File parameter and installs it into the Lisp volume selected. The file transfer can be aborted by depressing the STOP key. Start Volume!: boots the Lisp volume selected. Set VMem Size!: extends the vitual memory size to the size specified at VMem Size data parameter."L]; IF NOT More[] THEN RETURN; PutCR[]; PutLine[ " Floppy!: gives an additional window which contains the floppy related commands. Erase Volume!: erases the contents of the volume. Scavenge Volume!: performs a file-scavenage on the volume selected. Scavenge produces the MSScavenge.log file in that volume. Remote Boot!: performs a cross-volume copy of boot file from one logical volume to another logical volume and then boots up the destination volume. Quit!: returns the tool to the bouncing square state."L]; END --HelpToo-- ; END.