DIRECTORY EditSpan, EditSpanSupport, TextEdit, RopeEdit, TiogaItemClass, TiogaBasicClass, TiogaNode, TiogaNodeOps, TiogaTreeOps, TreeSlice; EditSpanSupportImpl: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS EditSpan, TiogaNodeOps, TiogaTreeOps, TreeSlice EXPORTS EditSpanSupport SHARES TiogaNode = BEGIN OPEN EditSpanSupport, TreeSlice, EditSpan; NeedNestingChange: PUBLIC PROC [before, after, top, bottom: Slice, nesting: INTEGER, depth: NAT] RETURNS [NeededNestingChange] = { bandStart, afterOver: INTEGER; topLen, botLen: NAT; nesting _ MIN[1,nesting]; topLen _ top.length; botLen _ bottom.length; bandStart _ before.length+nesting-(topLen-depth); IF bandStart <= 0 THEN RETURN [needNest]; -- must be at least 1 afterOver _ after.length-(botLen-depth+bandStart); IF afterOver > 1 THEN RETURN [needUnNest]; RETURN [ok] }; Splice: PUBLIC PROC [before, after: Slice, beforeStart, afterStart: NAT _ 0] = { a, b: Ref; beforeLen, afterLen: NAT; beforeLen _ before.length - beforeStart; afterLen _ after.length - afterStart; IF before.kind # before OR after.kind # after THEN ERROR; IF afterLen > beforeLen+1 THEN ERROR; -- cannot have gaps in tree b _ TreeSlice.LastOfSlice[before]; IF afterLen = beforeLen+1 THEN { -- adopt children a _ TreeSlice.LastOfSlice[after]; IF a # NIL AND beforeLen > 0 THEN TiogaTreeOps.LastSibling[a].next _ b } ELSE a _ NIL; WITH b SELECT FROM br: RefBranchNode => { brchild: RefBranchNode = TiogaNodeOps.NarrowToBranchNode[a]; IF a # NIL AND brchild=NIL THEN ERROR; br.child _ brchild }; ls: TiogaNode.RefListNode => ls.contents _ a; bx: TiogaNode.RefBoxNode => bx.contents _ a; ENDCASE => ERROR; IF beforeLen=0 THEN RETURN; FOR i: NAT _ beforeLen-1, i-1 DO -- do successors a, b: Ref; b _ before[beforeStart+i]; IF i >= afterLen OR (a_after[afterStart+i])=NIL THEN { -- no successor IF i > 0 THEN { _ before[beforeStart+i-1]; b.last _ TRUE }} ELSE { -- has successor IF a=b THEN RETURN; IF i > 0 THEN TiogaTreeOps.LastSibling[a].next _ before[beforeStart+i-1]; _ a; b.last _ FALSE }; IF i=0 THEN RETURN; ENDLOOP }; ReplaceBand: PUBLIC PROC [before, after, top, bottom: Slice, nesting: INTEGER, event: Event] = { depth: NAT; fullBottom: Slice; nesting _ MIN[1,nesting]; IF top.length >= before.length+nesting THEN ERROR; depth _ MAX[1,before.length+nesting-top.length]; fullBottom _ TreeSlice.InsertPrefix[before,bottom,depth]; Splice[fullBottom,after]; Splice[before,top,depth]; FreeSlice[fullBottom] }; BadBand: PUBLIC ERROR = CODE; DescribeBand: PUBLIC PROC [first, last: RefBranchNode] RETURNS [before, after, top, bottom: Slice, nesting: INTEGER, depth: NAT] = { BadBandError: PROC = { ERROR BadBand [! UNWIND => { FreeSlice[before]; FreeSlice[after]; FreeSlice[top]; FreeSlice[bottom] } ] }; pred: RefBranchNode _ TiogaTreeOps.Backward[first].back; minDepth: NAT; IF pred=NIL THEN ERROR BadBand; -- first is root node IF pred=last THEN ERROR BadBand; -- this actually happened during testing! [before,top] _ TreeSlice.MakeSlices[pred]; nesting _ top.length-before.length; [bottom,after] _ TreeSlice.MakeSlices[last]; minDepth _ MIN[before.length,bottom.length]; FOR depth _ 0, depth+1 UNTIL depth >= minDepth DO IF before[depth] # bottom[depth] THEN { -- check for legality bot: Ref _ bottom[depth]; FOR node: Ref _ before[depth], TiogaTreeOps.Next[node] DO SELECT node FROM bot => EXIT; NIL => BadBandError[]; -- last must come before first ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; EXIT }; ENDLOOP; IF depth=0 THEN BadBandError[]; -- different root nodes for first and last IF TreeSlice.LastOfSlice[top] # first THEN ERROR; IF before[before.length+nesting-2] # TiogaTreeOps.Parent[first] THEN ERROR; IF TreeSlice.LastOfSlice[bottom] # last THEN ERROR }; DestSlices: PUBLIC PROC [dest: RefBranchNode, where: Place] RETURNS [before, after: Slice, nesting: INTEGER] = { SELECT where FROM after => { [before,after] _ TreeSlice.MakeSlices[dest]; nesting _ 0 }; child => { [before,after] _ TreeSlice.MakeSlices[dest]; nesting _ 1 }; before => { pred: RefBranchNode _ TiogaTreeOps.Backward[dest].back; [before,after] _ TreeSlice.MakeSlices[pred]; nesting _ after.length-before.length }; ENDCASE => ERROR }; CreateDest: PUBLIC PROC [depth: NAT] RETURNS [dest: BranchLoc] = { node: RefBranchNode; UNTIL depth = 0 DO child: RefBranchNode _ TiogaNodeOps.NewBranchNode[]; IF node # NIL THEN { node.child _ child; _ node }; node _ child; depth _ depth-1; ENDLOOP; RETURN [[node,TiogaNode.NodeItself]] }; CopySpan: PUBLIC PROC [span: TreeSpan] RETURNS [result: TreeSpan] = { node, sourceFirst, sourceLast, child, new, prev, parent, first: Ref; firstLoc, lastLoc: Offset; br: RefBranchNode; sourceFirst _ span.start.node; firstLoc _ span.start.where; sourceLast _ span.end.node; lastLoc _ span.end.where; IF (node _ sourceFirst)=NIL OR sourceLast=NIL THEN RETURN [TiogaTreeOps.nullSpan]; parent _ -- parent for the copied span IF TiogaNodeOps.IsBasic[node] THEN TiogaNodeOps.NewListNode[] ELSE TiogaNodeOps.NewBranchNode[]; DO -- create new node each time through the loop WITH node SELECT FROM -- create new node of same kind as old node br: RefBranchNode => { newBr: RefBranchNode; new _ newBr _ TiogaNodeOps.NewBranchNode[] }; tx: TiogaNode.RefTextNode => { newTx: TiogaNode.RefTextNode; new _ newTx _ TiogaNodeOps.NewTextNode[tx.class]; newTx.rope _ tx.rope; newTx.runs _ tx.runs }; bx: TiogaNode.RefBoxNode => { newBx: TiogaNode.RefBoxNode; new _ newBx _ TiogaNodeOps.NewBoxNode[bx.class]; IF # NIL THEN { -- copy the data itemClass: TiogaItemClass.ItemClass _ TiogaNodeOps.FetchItemClass[bx.class]; IF itemClass.copy#NIL THEN itemClass.copy[bx, newBx] }}; ls: TiogaNode.RefListNode => { newLs: TiogaNode.RefListNode; new _ newLs _ TiogaNodeOps.NewListNode[ls.class]; IF # NIL THEN { -- copy the data itemClass: TiogaItemClass.ItemClass _ TiogaNodeOps.FetchItemClass[ls.class]; IF itemClass.copy#NIL THEN itemClass.copy[ls, newLs] }}; bs: TiogaNode.RefBasicNode => { newBs: TiogaNode.RefBasicNode; new _ newBs _ TiogaNodeOps.NewBasicNode[bs.class]; IF # NIL THEN { -- copy the data basicClass: TiogaBasicClass.BasicClass _ TiogaNodeOps.FetchBasicClass[bs.class]; IF basicClass.copy#NIL THEN basicClass.copy[bs, newBs] }}; ENDCASE => ERROR; Inherit[node,new,TRUE]; -- inherit properties from node IF prev#NIL THEN { prev.last _ FALSE; _ new } -- insert new into tree as next sibling of prev ELSE WITH parent SELECT FROM -- insert new into tree as first child/contents of parent br: RefBranchNode => WITH new SELECT FROM newItem: TiogaNode.RefItemNode => br.contents _ newItem; newBr: RefBranchNode => br.child _ newBr; ENDCASE => ERROR; bx: TiogaNode.RefBoxNode => bx.contents _ new; ls: TiogaNode.RefListNode => ls.contents _ new; ENDCASE => ERROR; _ new.last _ TRUE; _ parent; prev _ new; IF node=sourceFirst THEN first _ new; IF node=sourceLast THEN RETURN [[[first,firstLoc],[new,lastLoc]]]; IF (child _ TiogaTreeOps.Contents[node])=NIL AND (br _ TiogaNodeOps.NarrowToBranchNode[node])#NIL THEN child _ TiogaTreeOps.BranchChild[br]; -- use Contents and BranchChild to get internal rep's created IF child#NIL THEN { node _ child; parent _ new; prev _ NIL } -- descend in the tree ELSE DO -- move to next node, sibling or up* then sibling isBranch: BOOL; IF ~node.last THEN { node _ TiogaTreeOps.Next[node]; EXIT }; -- use Next to get internal rep created prev _ parent; IF (parent _ = NIL THEN { -- need a new parent parentBr: RefBranchNode _ TiogaNodeOps.NewBranchNode[]; parent _ parentBr; WITH prev SELECT FROM br: RefBranchNode => parentBr.child _ br; it: TiogaNode.RefItemNode => parentBr.contents _ it; bs: TiogaNode.RefBasicNode => ERROR; -- cannot happen since prev comes from previous parent ENDCASE => ERROR; _ parent }; isBranch _ TiogaNodeOps.IsBranch[node]; IF (node _ -- the parent --) = NIL THEN ERROR; -- bad arg span; failed to find sourceLast new _; -- move new to its parent also IF ~isBranch THEN WITH node SELECT FROM br: RefBranchNode => IF br.child # NIL THEN { node _ TiogaTreeOps.BranchChild[br]; -- use BranchChild to get internal rep created parent _ new; prev _ NIL; EXIT }; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP }; DoSplits: PUBLIC PROC [alpha, beta: TreeSpan, event: Event] RETURNS [newalpha, newbeta: BranchSpan] = { Break: PROC [root: RefBranchNode, node: Ref, before: BOOL] RETURNS [newLoc: BranchLoc] = { newLoc.node _ BreakStatement[alphaRoot, node, before, event]; newLoc.where _ IF newLoc.node=node THEN NodeItself ELSE 0 }; MakeTextSplit: PROC [root: RefBranchNode, node: Ref, offset: Offset] = { FixLoc: PROC [old: TreeLoc] RETURNS [newLoc: TreeLoc] = { where: Offset; IF old.node # node THEN RETURN [old]; SELECT where _ old.where FROM = NodeItself => ERROR; < offset => RETURN [[node,where]]; ENDCASE => RETURN [[new,where-offset]] }; new: Ref; IF node=NIL OR offset=NodeItself OR ~TiogaNodeOps.IsText[node] THEN RETURN; new _ BreakTextNode[root, [node, offset], event]; alpha.start _ FixLoc[alpha.start]; alpha.end _ FixLoc[alpha.end]; beta.start _ FixLoc[beta.start]; beta.end _ FixLoc[beta.end] }; alphaRoot, betaRoot: RefBranchNode; alphaRoot _ TiogaTreeOps.Root[alpha.start.node]; betaRoot _ TiogaTreeOps.Root[beta.start.node]; MakeTextSplit[alphaRoot, alpha.start.node, alpha.start.where]; MakeTextSplit[betaRoot, beta.start.node, beta.start.where]; MakeTextSplit[alphaRoot, alpha.end.node, alpha.end.where+1]; MakeTextSplit[betaRoot, beta.end.node, beta.end.where+1]; newalpha.start _ Break[alphaRoot, alpha.start.node, TRUE]; newalpha.end _ Break[alphaRoot, alpha.end.node, FALSE]; newbeta.start _ Break[betaRoot, beta.start.node, TRUE]; newbeta.end _ Break[betaRoot, beta.end.node, FALSE] }; DoSplitsForMove: PUBLIC PROC [dest: TreeLoc, source: TreeSpan, where: Place, event: Event] RETURNS [newdest: BranchLoc, newsource: BranchSpan] = { destSpan: TreeSpan; desBranchSpan: BranchSpan; SELECT where FROM before => destSpan _ [dest, TiogaTreeOps.nullLoc]; after => destSpan _ [TiogaTreeOps.nullLoc, dest]; ENDCASE => ERROR; [desBranchSpan, newsource] _ DoSplits[destSpan, source, event]; newdest _ IF where=before THEN desBranchSpan.start ELSE desBranchSpan.end }; ReMerge: PUBLIC PROC [ alpha, beta: BranchSpan, merge: RefBranchNode, event: Event, tail: BOOL _ FALSE] RETURNS [newalpha, newbeta: BranchSpan] = { FixNode: PROC [old: RefBranchNode] RETURNS [RefBranchNode] = INLINE { RETURN [IF old=merge THEN breakStatement ELSE old] }; break: Ref; breakStatement: RefBranchNode; IF tail THEN merge _ TiogaTreeOps.Forward[merge].nx; break _ JoinStatements[TiogaTreeOps.Root[merge], merge, event].node; WHILE (breakStatement _ TiogaNodeOps.NarrowToBranchNode[break])=NIL DO break _ TiogaTreeOps.Parent[break]; ENDLOOP; newalpha.start _ [FixNode[alpha.start.node], alpha.start.where]; newalpha.end _ [FixNode[alpha.end.node], alpha.end.where]; newbeta.start _ [FixNode[beta.start.node], beta.start.where]; newbeta.end _ [FixNode[beta.end.node], beta.end.where] }; UndoSplits: PUBLIC PROC [alpha, beta: BranchSpan, event: Event] = { IF alpha.start.where # NodeItself THEN [alpha,beta] _ ReMerge[alpha,beta,alpha.start.node,event]; IF beta.start.where # NodeItself THEN [alpha,beta] _ ReMerge[alpha,beta,beta.start.node,event]; IF alpha.end.where # NodeItself THEN [alpha,beta] _ ReMerge[alpha,beta,alpha.end.node,event,TRUE]; IF beta.end.where # NodeItself THEN [alpha,beta] _ ReMerge[alpha,beta,beta.end.node,event,TRUE]; }; UndoSplitsForMove: PUBLIC PROC [dest: BranchLoc, source: BranchSpan, where: Place, event: Event] = { destSpan: BranchSpan; SELECT where FROM before => destSpan _ [dest, TiogaTreeOps.nullBranchLoc]; after => destSpan _ [TiogaTreeOps.nullBranchLoc, dest]; ENDCASE => ERROR; UndoSplits[destSpan,source,event] }; END. lEditSpanSupportImpl.mesa; written by Bill Paxton, June 1981 edited by McGregor, February 14, 1983 1:59 pm edited by Bill Paxton, August 10, 1983 4:25 pm edited by Maxwell, January 5, 1983 12:47 pm join slices make after[afterStart+i] be successor of before[beforeStart+i] if more after's than before's, adopt as children of last before do Splices to insert (top-bottom) between (before-after) nesting tells how to offset last of before vs. last of top before[before.length-1+nesting] will be predecessor of top[top.length-1] top[top.length-1] = first before[before.length-1+nesting] = predecessor of first bottom[bottom.length-1] = last raises BadBand error if last doesn't follow first in tree structure or if first or last is root node check assertions where = after means insert starting as sibling after dest where = child means insert starting as child of dest where = before means insert starting as sibling before dest create tree of parents check if done go to next node take care of parent check if have just finished the contents of a branch and now need to do children split off head or tail sections of spans so have spans of complete branches Use newLoc.where to encode whether or not broke the statement. This should really be changed so that it will use the info saved on the undo log. This doesn't currently take care of break from way down in the contents. 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