-- TexDefs.Mesa -- system-wide definitions for TEX -- Doug Wyatt, November 6, 1979 12:40 PM TexDefs: DEFINITIONS = BEGIN -- characters and fonts Char: TYPE = CHARACTER[0C..177C]; -- a character code nFonts: CARDINAL = 32; -- max number of fonts Font: TYPE = [0..nFonts); -- font code FChar: TYPE = RECORD[font: Font, char: Char]; -- font and character -- dimensions Dimn: TYPE = INTEGER; -- a dimension, measured in micas BigDimn: TYPE = LONG INTEGER; -- 32-bit dimension nilDimn: Dimn = FIRST[INTEGER]; -- for default dimensions in rules -- penalties Penalty: TYPE = INTEGER; maxPenalty: Penalty = LAST[INTEGER]; -- largest positive integer -- hanging indentation HangSpec: TYPE = RECORD[begin: CARDINAL, first: BOOLEAN, width: Dimn]; nullHang: HangSpec = [begin: 0, first: TRUE, width: 0]; -- other types Digit: TYPE = [0..9]; Direction: TYPE = {vlist, hlist}; NumberStyle: TYPE = {decimal, roman}; DefType: TYPE = {def, gdef, xdef}; ChngType: TYPE = {code, par}; IfType: TYPE = {pos, even}; BoxType: TYPE = {page, box, vbox, hbox}; TopBotType: TYPE = {top, bot}; MarkType: TYPE = {bot, top, first}; CaseType: TYPE = {upper, lower}; ModeType: TYPE = {v, h, m}; END.