<<-- TeXFixes.tioga of April 11, 1984 8:14:29 pm PST --- Stolfi>> -- Does several simple replacements for conversion to new TEX macros (as of October 13, 1983 4:46 pm) SaveSelectionA MatchLiterally MatchCase MatchAnywhere DoReplace SearchFor "\\cr\\va" ReplaceBy "\\cr\\vsk3" DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\cr\\vb" ReplaceBy "\\cr\\vsk4" DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\cr\\vc" ReplaceBy "\\cr\\vsk6" DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\cr\\vd" ReplaceBy "\\cr\\vsk8" DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\equiv" ReplaceBy "\\eqv" DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\txiff" ReplaceBy "\\rmiff" DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\txand" ReplaceBy "\\rmand" DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\rpike" ReplaceBy "\\rpoint" DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\ctrline" ReplaceBy "\\ctrpar\\textwidth pt" DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\ety" ReplaceBy "\\empty" DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\lpike" ReplaceBy "\\lpoint" DoSubstitute SearchFor "\174" ReplaceBy "\026" DoSubstitute SearchFor "\007" ReplaceBy "\140" DoSubstitute -- Kinetic framework fixes (as of October 13, 1983 4:46 pm) SaveSelectionA MatchLiterally MatchCase MatchAnywhere DoReplace SearchFor "\\stdir" ReplaceBy "\\di" DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\sttan" ReplaceBy "\\ta" DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\stpos" ReplaceBy "\\po" DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\timrev" ReplaceBy "\\ne" DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\span" ReplaceBy "\\sp" DoSubstitute -- Fixes \figs, \fignos and \figcaps for new TEX macros (as of October 13, 1983 4:46 pm) SaveSelectionA MatchAnywhere MatchCase DoReplace MatchLiterally SearchFor "\\figcap" ReplaceBy "\\caption" RestoreSelectionA DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\figno" ReplaceBy "\\numfig" RestoreSelectionA DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\fig" ReplaceBy "\\figspace" RestoreSelectionA DoSubstitute MatchPattern SearchFor "\\indent$\\bu" ReplaceBy "\\item " DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\numfig$\'(\')" ReplaceBy "\\numfig cm\'{()\'}" RestoreSelectionA DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\numfig$\'(\')\'{\'}" ReplaceBy "\\numfig cm\'{()\'}" RestoreSelectionA DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\footfig$$\'(\')" ReplaceBy "\\footfig cm" RestoreSelectionA DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\footfig$\\dag$\'(\')" ReplaceBy "\\footfig cm\dag" RestoreSelectionA DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\figspace$" ReplaceBy "\\figspace cm" RestoreSelectionA DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\figspace$\'{\'}" ReplaceBy "\\figspace cm" RestoreSelectionA DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\mfig$" ReplaceBy "\\mfig cm" RestoreSelectionA DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\mfig$\'{\'}" ReplaceBy "\\mfig cm" RestoreSelectionA DoSubstitute -- Fixes \algorithm and \step for new TEX macros (as of October 13, 1983 4:46 pm) SaveSelectionA MatchPattern MatchCase MatchAnywhere DoReplace SearchFor "\\step$\'{$\\sno$$" ReplaceBy "\\step\'{\'}\'{" RestoreSelectionA DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\step$\'{$\\sno\'{\'}$$" ReplaceBy "\\step\'{\'}\'{" RestoreSelectionA DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\step$\'{$\\nono$$" ReplaceBy "\\unstep\'{" RestoreSelectionA DoSubstitute -- Replaces all "" by "" SaveSelectionA Everything SaveSelectionB MatchPattern MatchAnywhere SearchFor "\032*\n" DoReplace ReplaceBy "\n" RestoreSelectionA DoSubstitute SearchFor "\n$\n$$" DoOperations Operations "Delete InsertLineBreak Break" RestoreSelectionB DoSubstitute RestoreSelectionA -- Puts page marks in front of "\section" and % Begin nodes after them SaveSelectionA Everything MatchAnywhere MatchLiterally SearchFor "\\section" DoOperations Operations "GrowSelection GrowSelection CaretBefore \"\\014 \" GrowSelection GrowSelection CaretAfter Break \"% Begin\" DoSubstitute RestoreSelectionA -- Nests everyting twice but UnNests nodes containing Page marks, \section, and \subsection SaveSelectionB Everything CaretBefore 1 GoToNextNode Nest SaveSelectionA MatchAnywhere MatchPattern SearchFor "|#" DoOperations Operations "Nest Nest" RestoreSelectionA SubstituteAfterSel DoSubstitute SearchFor "\\subsection" Operations "UnNest" RestoreSelectionA DoSubstitute MatchPattern SearchFor "|\\section" DoOperations Operations "UnNest UnNest" RestoreSelectionA DoSubstitute SearchFor "\014" DoOperations Operations "UnNest UnNest" RestoreSelectionA DoSubstitute RestoreSelectionB -- Puts $ $ around selection MakeNotPendingDelete SaveSelectionA CaretAfter "$" RestoreSelectionA CaretBefore "$" RestoreSelectionA -- Set "c" looks of TeX comments (from % to ) SaveSelectionB MatchAnywhere MatchPattern SearchFor "\'%*'\n" DoOperations Operations "SaveSelectionA LooksChars \"c\" RestoreSelectionA DoSetLooks" RestoreSelectionB DoSubstitute -- Puts a CR in front of node and removes its last char (hopefully CR) MakePointSelection GrowSelection GrowSelection GrowSelection CaretBefore "\n" GrowSelection GrowSelection GrowSelection CaretAfter 1 BackSpace