% TEX macros for double-column paper format (like STOC, FOCS, etc)
% in Times Roman 8 pt.
% Uses counters 0 (page numbers) and 2 (for temporary computations).
% Uses boxes 1 and 2 (for full-width insertions) and 3 (for left column).
\font ==TimesRomanb at 12truebp % for chapter and paper titles
\font F=TimesRoman at 12truebp % to fake math in chapter and paper title
\font C=TimesRomani at 12truebp % idem
\def\titlefont{\:=\def\mainfont{\:=}} % font used for chapter and paper titles
% (dimensions in points unless otherwise indicated)
% Page width and related parameters
\def\pagewidth{480} % page width
\def\textwidth{230} % text (column) width
\def\progwidth{220} % width of programs
\def\algwidth{220} % width of algorithms
\def\theowidth{\textwidth} % width of theorems
\def\textheight{650} % height available for text
\def\leftskip{10} % extra space on left margin of page
\def\intercolumnskip{20} % space between columns
% Note: we should have \pagewidth = 2*\textwidth + \intercolumnskip
\def\ftfigwidth{165} % width of text in footnotes with figures
\def\figcapwidth{210} % width of figure captions
\def\abstrwidth{\textwidth} % width of single-column abstract & keywords
\def\pageabstrwidth{420} % width of two-column abstract & keywords
% Text
\def\textindent{10} % indentation for \indent ed paragraphs in text
\def\itemindent{20} % indentation of \item and \itemno body
\jpar 20
\def\stdbaselineskip{2.6} % normal inter-baseline distance (in ex)
\def\smallbaselineskip{2.6} % inter-baseline distance for \small (in ex)
\def\thelineskip{0.2} % minimum distance betweeen lines (in ex)
\def\theparskip{0.75} % extra skip between paragraphs (in ex)
\def\stdparindent{0} % standard indentation for paragraphs
\def\smallparindent{0} % indentation of paragraphs in \small
% Theorems, definitions and proofs
\def\theostatindent{10} % indentation of them. statements
\def\theoitemindent{30} % \theostatindent+\itemindent
\def\proofindent{0} % indentation of proofs
% Algorithms
\def\algindent{10} % indentation of outermost bracket
\def\algvskip{0.3} % skip between alg. steps (in ex)
% Programs
\def\progindent{10} % indentation of outermost bracket
\def\progvskip{0.3} % skip between prog. steps (in ex)
% Figures
\def\omitfigures{F} % if T, suppress all figure spaces (just captions).
% Footnotes
\botsep{\vskip4pt plus 2pt
\hrule width \textwidth pt\vskip2pt} % before first \botinsert
\botskip 3pt plus 2pt % space between \botinserts