% Paper title and related stuff (author, institution, abstract, keywords)
% Usage:
% \titlestuff{
% \title{P is equal to NP\cp (I think)}
% \shorttitle{P=NP(?)} % optional --- title for page headers
% \titlerule % A nice centered \hrule
% \author{I. Newton, {\rm Department of Cyberethics}}
% \author{A. Einstein, {\rm W. C. Fields Laboratory}}
% \institution{Sacred Well Divination School,
% Chichen Itza, Yucatan}
% \titlerule
% \abstract{In this paper we make some general remarks
% concerning an algorithm for solving a problem related to an
% important application of a well-known theoretical concept.}
% \keywords{the, that, of, and, in, is.}
% } % end of \titles
\def\title##1{\vskip0pt plus1ex
{\titlefont\baselineskip 2.0ex\lineskip0.1ex
\ctrpar\pagewidth pt{##1}}
\def\titlerule{\ctrpar\pagewidth pt{
\vbox{\vskip0.5ex\hrule width 2.5truein\vskip0.5ex}} }
{\standardsize\ctrpar\pagewidth pt{\it ##1}}}
\def\institution##1{\vbox{\standardsize\ctrpar\pagewidth pt{\rm ##1}}}
\ctrpar \pagewidth pt{\standardsize
\lftpar \abstrwidth pt{##1}}}
\ctrpar \pagewidth pt{\standardsize
\lftpar \abstrwidth pt{{\:t KEYWORDS:} ##1}}}
\baselineskip -1pt \lineskip 1.2ex
% Support acknowledgement footnote
% Usage:
% \support{The author was partially supported by the kind
% collaboration of a starving army of slaves, by the
% plundering of half adozen neighboring villages,
% and by lavish gifts fromRamses III.}
\def\support#1{\botinsert{\small \hbox par \textwidth pt{#1}}}
% Section and subsection titles
% Usage:
% \section{1. Acid concepts}
% \subsection{1.1A. Annotation and Undefinitions}
% \subsection{Appendix A: The letters of the alphabet}
\vskip 3ex plus 2ex minus 0.5ex\penalty-800
\hbox{{\secfont #1}}
\penalty 1000\vskip 1ex}
\vskip 2ex plus 1.5ex minus 0.5ex\penalty-600
\hbox{{\subsecfont #1}}
\penalty 1000\vskip 1ex}