\input BasicMacros
% LetterFormat.tex of January 9, 1984 6:25 pm --- Stolfi
% TEX macros for letters using Times Roman 10 pt.
% Things to fix
\input SearchMacros
\input TR10Fonts
\font L=Logo at 24truebp % Xerox logo
\font W=Helvetica at 8 truebp % Helvetica

\def\logofont{\:L\def\mainfont{\:L}} % Xerox logo
\def\helvetica{\:W\def\mainfont{\:W}} % Helvetica
% Begin new file
% Date, signature, etc.
% Usage:
% \whitehousehead
% \date{Washington, DC, February 30, 1984}
% \sendto{\t IU. Andropov\lb Big Boss of the Kremlin\lb Moscow, URSS}
% \oh{Dear \t IUri:}
% Thanks for the invitation. Let's meet tomorrow at 9:30 pm at the
% Moulin Rouge. See you,
% \signed{R. Reagan}
% \fillit\eject\end
\def\date#1{\null\vskip 1cm plus 15cm\hbox to \textwidth pt{\hfil#1}}
\def\sendto#1{\vskip 0.5cm plus 20cm
\noindent\hangindent 20pt after0{\rm #1}\par
\vskip 0.5cm plus5cm}
\def\oh#1{\vskip 0.7cm plus5cm\noindent #1\par
\vskip 1cm plus10cm}
\def\signed#1{\vskip 2cm plus30cm minus 1cm
\hbox to \textwidth pt{\hfil
\vbox{\hrule\vskip5pt\hbox{\hskip 30pt #1\hskip30 pt}}
\def\fillit{\par\vskip0cm plus 45cm}
% Letterheads
{\baselineskip -1pt \lineskip 0pt
\noindent\hangindent 3cm after0
{\helvetica #1\lb
Computer Science Laboratory\lb
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center\lb
3333 Coyote Hill Road\lb
Palo Alto, California 94304\lb
Tel. (415) 494-4427}}
\par\vskip 0.5cm
\def\date##1{\hbox to \textwidth pt
{\hbox to 0pt{\null\hskip-2cm{\logofont XEROX}\hss}
\hfil ##1}}
\ctrpar\textwidth pt{STANFORD UNIVERSITY\cp
\ctrpar\textwidth pt{\small Stanford, CA 94305}}
\def\emptyhead{\vskip 1cm plus 10cm}
% Section and subsection titles
% Usage:
% \section{1. Acid concepts}
% \subsection{1.1A. Annotation and Undefinitions}
% \subsection{Appendix A: The letters of the alphabet}
\vskip 3ex plus 2ex minus 0.5ex\penalty-800
\hbox{{\secfont #1}}
\penalty 1000\vskip 1ex}
\vskip 2ex plus 1.5ex minus 0.5ex\penalty-600
\hbox{{\subsecfont #1}}
\penalty 1000\vskip 1ex}
% (dimensions in points unless otherwise indicated)
% Page width and related parameters
\def\pagewidth{440} % page width
% dimensions in effect during normal text
\def\textwidth{400} % text width
\def\progwidth{360} % program width
\def\algwidth{360} % width of algorithms - max: page width
\def\theowidth{\textwidth} % width of theorems
\def\textheight{640} % height available for text
\def\leftskip{35} % extra space on left margin of page
\def\ftfigwidth{300} % width of text in footnotes with figures
\def\figcapwidth{280} % width of figure captions
% Text
\def\textindent{20} % extra indentation given by \indent
\def\itemindent{20} % indentation of \item and \itemno body
\jpar 10
\def\stdbaselineskip{2.4} % normal inter-baseline distance (in ex)
\def\smallbaselineskip{2.5} % inter-baseline distance for \small (in ex)
\def\thelineskip{0.2} % minimum distance betweeen lines (in ex)
\def\theparskip{2.0} % extra skip between paragraphs (in ex)
\def\stdparindent{40} % standard indentation for paragraphs
\def\smallparindent{30} % indentation of paragraphs in \small
% References
\def\refindent{4} % indentation of reference body (in em)
\def\refremindent{5} % indentation of reference remarks (in em)
\def\refvskip{2} % vskip between references (in ex)
% Algorithms
\def\algindent{20} % indentation of outermost bracket
\def\algvskip{0.3} % skip between alg. steps (in ex)
\def\algthickness{0.6} % thickness of block brackets
\def\alglevelindent{20} % extra indent. per level (incl. \algthickness)
\def\algstepindent{18} % indent. of \step text rel. to innermost bracket
\def\algcommindent{18} % indent. of \comm text rel. to innermost bracket
\def\algcontindent{8} % extra indentation of continuation lines
\def\algstepnoskip{3} % space between step number and step text
% Programs
\def\progindent{20} % indentation of outermost bracket
\def\progvskip{0.4} % skip between prog. steps (in ex)
\def\progthickness{0.6} % thickness of block brackets
\def\proglevelindent{12} % extra indent. per level (incl. \progthickness)
\def\progstepindent{4} % indent. of \step text rel. to innermost bracket
\def\progcommindent{4} % indent. of \comm text rel. to innermost bracket
\def\progcontindent{8} % extra indentation of continuation lines
% Theorems, definitions and proofs
\def\theostatindent{20} % indentation of them. statements
\def\theoitemindent{40} % \theostatindent+\itemindent
\def\proofindent{10} % indentation of proofs
\def\begproofmark{{\bf Proof: }}
\def\endproofmark{\lower0.15ex\hbox{\hskip0.2em{\mal \char'061}}} % square
% Figures
\def\omitfigures{F} % if T, suppress all figure spaces (just captions).
\def\figmark{} % change to, say, \hbox{>>==>} for PressEdit and such
% Footnotes
\botsep{\vskip4pt plus 2pt
\hrule width 2truein\vskip2pt} % before first \botinsert
\botskip 3pt plus 2pt % space between \botinserts
% File stamp
\def\printfilestamp{F} % put \filestamp on 1st page
% Global flags and variables (internal)
\def\fpage{T} % T on first page of output.
\def\newfile{F} % T on first page of a new file.
\setcount0 1 % page number
% Page header and footer formats
{\vskip 15pt
\hbox to \pagewidth pt{\small
\if T\fpage{}\else{\hfil {\rm \count0}\hfil}
\if T\printfilestamp{\null\rspose{\hbox{\it \filestamp}}}
\else {}} }}
% Page format
\baselineskip -1pt \lineskip 0pt
\hbox{\hskip \leftskip pt
\hbox to \pagewidth pt{\hss\vbox{\page}\hss}
\hsize\textwidth pt
\vsize\textheight pt