% Chapter and section titles
% Usage:
% \title{CHAPTER}{\Ch1}{The Symmetric Diagonalization of Puffles}
% \shorttitle{Puffle diagonalization} % for page headers
% \section{\Ch1.\Sec1. Histery} (note: 1 argument only!)
% \subsection{\Ch1.\Sbsec{\Sec1.3}. Before the Big Bang}
% If a file contains more than one \title, precede each new one
% by an \eject (for headers' sake).
% If a piece (other than the beginning) of a chapter
% is TEXed separately, it should be preceded by
% \continues{\Ch1}{The Symmetric ...} instead of \chapter,
% \shorttitle{Puffle diagonalization} again, and
% \setcount0 N where N is the number of pages that came before.
% \chapter{1}{Bla bla} and \appendix{A}{Bla bla} are abbreviations of
% \title{CHAPTER}{1}{Bla bla}. and \title{APPENDIX}{A}{Bla bla}
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