\input  CS445Hdr.tex
\begfile{Fringe.tex of December 16, 1982  12:30 AM - Stolfi}
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\ctrline{{\:= Remarks on the paper}}
\ctrline{{\:= ``The analysis of a fringe heuristic for binary search trees''}}
\ctrline{{\:< of P. V. Poblete and I. J. Munro}}
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\def\pin{\par\hangindent 20pt after0 }


\def\ctrfmt{\ctr{$ ## $}}
\def\kr{\cr }

\def\reploop{\xdef\accum{\accum\ctrfmt}\advcount4 by-1\ifpos4{\xdef\accum{\accum\hskip7pt |}\reploop}\else{\xdef\accum{\accum\kr}}}

\def\matrix#1#2{\setcount4 #1\xdef\accum{}\reploop\xdef\accum{\hhal{\accum #2}}\left(\vcenter{\accum}\right)}

\sect{Page 2}

{\:O  Line 3 of sec. 2:} {\it Replace} ... that a $k$ comparisons... {\it by} ... that $k$ comparisons...\par

{\:O  Next-to-last paragraph:} (For naively formed...)
\pin I feel it would be better to combine this paragraph with the
first one on page 6, perhaps presenting the results as a table
\ |\hbox{Naive}|\hbox{Heuristic}\cr
$CN$|$\approx ?\lg n$|$\approx 1.19\lg n$\cr
$VN$|$\approx 1.4\lg n$|$\approx .6\lg n$\cr}$$
\pin In any case, the numerical value of 2ln2 should be given, to make the comparison between $CN$ and $CN\pr$ clear.

\sect{Page 3}

{\:O  Second paragraph:} (For the usual...)
\pin The definition of types A, B and C is obscure (what is a ``single node''?).

{\:O  Third paragraph onwards:} 

\pin I believe the exposition could be shortened a little bit by a change in notation. Call the trees of fig 2 (and their mirror images) {\it 2-bags} or {\it 3-bags}, according to the number of external nodes in them. Therefore, a tree constructed using the fringe heuristic (with $n\geq 2$) can be seen as a binary search tree whose external nodes have been replaced by such bags. 

\pin Let $F{nk}$ and $G{nk}$ be respectively the average number of 2-bags and 3-bags whose root is at level $k$ of the tree. Then
$$\eqalign{P{nk}|= {1\over n}(2F{n, k-1} + G{n, k-1} + 2G{n, k-2})\quad\forall k\geq1, \forall n\geq2\cr\vc
G{2,k}|=0\quad\forall k\cr\va
F{2,k}|=0\quad\forall k\neq0\cr}$$

\pin The probabilities of inserting a new node in a 2-bag and a 3-bag rooted at level $k$ are respectively ${2\over n}F{nk}$ and ${3\over n}G{nk}$. Upon insertion, the first becomes a 3-bag at level $k$, and the second becomes two 2-bags at level $k+1$. Therefore, 
$$\eqalign{F{n+1,k}|=(1-{2\over n})F{nk}+2{3\over n}G{n,k-1}\cr\vc
G{n+1,k}|=(1-{3\over n})G{nk}+{2\over n}F{nk}\cr}$$
$$\eqalign{F{n+1}(z)|=(1-{2\over n})F{n}(z)+2z{3\over n}G{n}(z)\cr\vc
G{n+1}(z)|={2\over n}F{n}(z)+(1-{3\over n})G{n}(z)\cr}$$
\pin So, in matrix form
$$\matrix1{F{n+1}(z)\cr\va G{n+1}(z)\cr}=\biglp I - {1\over n}\matrix2{-2|2z\cdot 3\cr\va 2 | -3\cr}\bigrp\matrix1{Fn(z)\cr\va Gn(z)\cr}$$

\pin The eigenvalues of the matrix above are 
$${-5\pm\sqrt{1+48z}}\over2$$The rest of the derivation proceeds as in the paper.

\pin I feel that with the notation above the extension to the case of larger bags is more immediate, and it allows also ``non-tree'' bags (see comments about page 8).

\sect{Page 6}

{\:O  Line 2:} {\it Replace} thees {\it by} trees

{\:O  Second paragraph:} perhaps make a separate subsection, ``Worst-case behavior''.

\sect{Page 7}

{\:O  Next-to-last paragraph onwards:} (How the elements...)

\pin The bags do not even have to be represented as trees. For example, a bag may be stored as a linear array (sorted or unsorted) with space for $2t-2$ keys; this may be simpler and/or faster and/or more space-effective, at least for small $t$s. Note that schema 8a requires extensive reorganization at each insertion, and both 8a and 8b waste a lot of space in null pointers.

\sect{Page 8}

{\:O  Line 4 after figure:} {\it Replace}
\pin ...and by $[e0↑{(j)}, e1↑{(j)}, \ldots]$ its number of external nodes in each level, starting from the bottom.
\pin {\it by}
\pin  ... and by $\bar e↑{(j)}=[e0↑{(j)}, e1↑{(j)}, \ldots]$ the number of external nodes in each level of $Tj$, starting from the bottom.

{\:O  Second paragraph:} {\it Replace}
\pin $h↑{(3)}=3$; $[2, 1, 0]$
\pin {\it by}
\pin $h↑{(3)}=3$; $\quad\bar e↑{(3)}=[2, 1, 0]$
\pin {\it and so forth on all examples}.

{\:O  Third paragraph onwards:}

\pin The notation proposed for section 2 can be extended to the general case, providing some simplification of the formulas and replacing the matrix $H(z)$ by one with a significantly simpler structure. Furthermore, the analysis becomes almost independent of the structure of the bags, so it can be applied also to hybrid trees like the one suggested above.

\pin Define a $j$-bag ($t\leq j < 2t$) as a fringe subset containing $j$ external nodes. Let $F{nk}\j$ be the number of $j$-bags whose root is at level $k$ of the tree. Let $Xr\j$ be the number of external nodes in a $j$-bag which are at level $r$ from the root of the bag. (In your notation, $Xr\j=e{h\j-r}\j$ and $F{nk}\j=nA{n,k+h\j}\j/e0\j$. The definitions of $\bar e\j$ and $h\j$ can be omitted.) Then the probability that an external node is in a $j$-bag rooted at level $k$ is ${j\over n}F{nk}\j$; the probability that an external node is in level $k$ in the whole tree is 
$$\eqalign{P{nk}|=\sum{t\leq j<2t}\sumr {j\over n}F{n,k-r}\j\, {1\over j}Xr\j\cr\vc
\null|={1\over n}\sum{t\leq j<2t}\sumr F{n,k-r}\j\, Xr\j\cr}$$
$$P{n}(z)={1\over n}\sum{t\leq j<2t}F{n}\j(z)\,X\j(z)$$
$$Pn(z)=\matrix4{X↑{(t)}(z)|X↑{(t+1)}(z)|\cdots|X↑{(2t-1)}(z)\cr}\,\,{1\over n}\,\,\matrix1{Fn↑{(t)}(z)\cr Fn↑{(t+1)}(z)\cr \vdots \cr Fn↑{(2t-1)}(z)\cr}$$
When a new node is inserted, a $j$-bag at level $k$ becomes a $(j+1)$ bag at the same level, except that a $(2t-1)$-bag becomes two $t$-bags at level $k+1$. So,
$$\eqalign{Ft\j(z)|=0\quad\forall j\neq t\cr\vb
F{n+1}↑{(t)}(z)|=\biglp 1-{t\over n} \bigrp Fn(z)↑{(t)} + 2z{{2t-1}\over n}Fn↑{(2t-1)}(z)\quad\quad\forall n>t,\forall k\geq0\cr\vb
F{n+1}\j(z)|=\biglp 1-{j\over n} \bigrp Fn(z)\j + {{j-1}\over n}Fn↑{(j-1)}(z)\quad\quad\forall n>t, \forall k\geq0, \forall j \relv t<j<2t\cr}$$

\pin In matrix form
$${\baselineskip18pt\matrix1{F{n+1}↑{(t)}(z)\cr F{n+1}↑{(t+1)}(z)\cr \vdots \cr F{n+1}↑{(2t-1)}(z)\cr}}=\biglp I + {1\over n}{\baselineskip18pt\matrix5{-t|0|0|\cdots|(2t-1)\cdot 2z\cr
0|0|0|\cdots|-(2t-1)\cr}}\bigrp\,\,{\baselineskip18pt\matrix1{Fn↑{(t)}(z)\cr\vc Fn↑{(t+1)}(z)\cr \vdots \cr Fn↑{(2t-1)}(z)\cr}}$$

\pin The characteristic polynomial of the matrix above is the basically the same as that of $H(z)$, so the rest of the analysis goes through essentially unchanged. The matrix above has a simple structure, so its eigenvectors may be easier to compute than those of $H(z)$.

\sect{Page 9}

{\:O  Lemma 3.1:} {\it Insert a} ``$z$''  {\it after the term} ``$(2t)$''.
