% Resume.TeX of Stolfi --- May 11, 1984 9:12:14 pm PDT % Uses AMR10WideFormat.TeX \def\ALGOLUSP{1} \def\TIPOS{2} \def\GCOL{3} \def\BOOK{4} \def\BOP{5} \def\VOR{6} \def\TREES{7} \def\KIN{8} \def\POIN{9} \def\SEGINT{10} \parindent=0pt \def\makeheadline{\vbox{ \vbox to 0pt{ \vskip0pt minus1000pt \hbox to \pagewidth {\iffirstpage\else \headerfont\hfil\number\pageno\fi} \vskip 4 pt} \vskip 20pt}} \begintitles \title{JORGE STOLFI} \author{Curriculum Vitae\par april 1984} \endtitles \vfill\eject \pageno=1 \def\hg{\hangindent 20pt \hangafter0} \def\hgg{\hangindent 20pt \hangafter0} \section{\titlefont Jorge Stolfi} \hg Computer Science Department\brk Stanford University - Stanford, CA 94305\brk (415) 497-3088 \hg Home address: 140-B Escondido Village\brk Stanford, CA 94305\brk (415) 328-0485 \hg ARPANET mail address: Stolfi @ SU-Score.ARPA \section{Academic degrees} \hgg{\bf B.E.} in electronics engineering (computer systems), 1973.\ \ Escola Polit\'ecnica, University of S\~ao Paulo, S\~ao Paulo, Brazil. \hgg{\bf M.S.} in applied mathematics (computer science), 1979.\ \ Instituto de Matem\'atica e Estat\'\i stica, University of S\~ao Paulo. \hgg{\bf Ph.D.} in computer science (expected), 1984.\ \ Stanford University. \section{Current research interests} \hg Computational geometry, computer graphics, analysis of algorithms, and data structures. \section{Teaching, research, and professional experience} \hgg{\bf University of S\~ao Paulo, Computing Center.} Systems programming trainee, 1969-73. General programming and software maintenance; implementation of a LISP interpreter on the Burroughs B-3500 computer; extensions to the B-3500 operating system. \hgg{\bf Funda\c c\~ao Carlos Chagas, S\~ao Paulo.} Part-time programmer, 1971-74. Development, maintenance, and operation of software for aptitude testing, entrance examinations, social surveys, statistical analysis, and other educational computing services for several colleges and universities. \hgg{\bf University of S\~ao Paulo, Instituto de Matem\'atica e Estat\'\i stica, Applied Mathematics Department.} Teaching assistant (instructor) in several one-semester and summer courses for engineering and computer science students, 1974-1979. Topics: \begitems \itemitem{} Introductory ALGOL programming, summers of 1974, 1977, and 1978; \itemitem{} Data structures, 1974, summer 1975, and 1979; \itemitem{} Graph theory, 1974 and 1975; \itemitem{} Finite automata, 1975, 1976, and 1977; \itemitem{} Introductory numerical analysis, 1975, 1976, and 1976; \itemitem{} ALGOL programming lab, 1976; \itemitem{} Introductory programming and numerical methods for physics, 1977; \itemitem{} Modern algebra for engineers, 1977 and 1978; \itemitem{} Introductory programming for business, 1978. \enditems \hg Graduate research on compilers and programming language design, 1974-77; collaborated on the design of the ALGOL-USP programming language [\ALGOLUSP, \TIPOS]. Research and preparation of Master's thesis [\GCOL] on garbage collection algorithms, 1977-79. Lectures on graph reconstruction and Ulam's conjecture, 1974; stack transducers, 1974; the ALGOL-USP language, 1975; two-level grammars, 1976. \hgg{\bf Sondot\'ecnica S.A, and Companhia de Engenharia de Tr\'afego, S\~ao Paulo.} Part-time programmer and consultant, 1978-79. Simulation of urban and regional transportation systems. \hgg{\bf Stanford University, Computer Science Department.} PhD student since September 1979. Partially supported by the University of S\~ao Paulo and by a grant from the Brazilian Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient\'\i fico e Tecnol\'ogico (CNPq), 1979-83. Passed departmental comprehensive examination, February 1980; qualifying examination (analysis of algorithms), May 1982. Completed all course requirements, mainly in the areas of algorithms, data structures, mathematical theory of computation, VLSI design, and computational geometry. Teaching assistant for graduate courses in theory of computation, 1981; computational geometry, 1982 and 1983 [\BOOK, \SEGINT]. \hgg{\bf XEROX Palo Alto Research Center.} No-fee consultant, 1981-83; research intern, summers of 1981-83, and 1984 to date. Design and implementation of BOP [\BOP], a package for the manipulation of rasterized images for the XEROX Dorado personal computer. Research on algorithms, data structures, and mathematical tools for computational geometry [\VOR, \TREES, \KIN, \POIN]. \section{Other data} \hg Born November 29, 1950 in S\~ao Paulo, Brazil. \hg Married, with two children. \hg Citizen of Brazil. In the U. S. since September 1979 on a J-1 (Exchange Visitor) visa. \hg Can write and converse fairly well in Portuguese, English, and Italian; can read also French and Spanish. \hg Substantial programming experience in Cedar, Pascal, Fortran, Algol 60, Lisp, and several other languages. \hg Student member of the Association for Computing Machinery, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the Planetary Society. \section{References} \hbox to \hsize{\hskip 20pt\vtop {\hsize = 0.4\hsize\obeylines Dr. Leo J. Guibas XEROX Palo Alto Research Center 3333 Coyote Hill Road Palo Alto, CA 94304}\hfil \vtop {\hsize = 0.55\hsize\obeylines Dr. Tomasz Kowaltowski Departamento de Ci\^encia da Computa\c c\~ao IMECC --- Universidade Estadual de Campinas 13100 Campinas, SP (Brazil)}} \section{Publications} \ref [\ALGOLUSP]{{\it Relat\'orio preliminar sobre ALGOL-USP --- Proposta de uma linguagem de programa\c c\~ao de uso geral,} with V. W. Setzer, T. Kowaltowski, and R. Zwicker. Preliminary report on the ALGOL-USP language (in Portuguese). Technical report, IME --- Departamento de Matem\'atica Aplicada, University of S\~ao Paulo, S\~ao Paulo, Brazil. August 1974.} \ref [\TIPOS]{{\it Considera\~coes sobre tipos em linguagens de alto n\'\i vel} (in Portuguese). Proceedings of the International Symposium on Methodologies for the Design and Construction of Hardware and Software Systems, Pontif\'\i cia Universidade Cat\'olica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. July 1976.} \ref [\GCOL]{{\it M\'etodos autom\'aticos de ger\^encia de mem\'oria} (MS dissertation, in Portuguese). IME --- Departamento de Matem\'atica Aplicada, University of S\~ao Paulo, S\~ao Paulo, Brazil. July 1979.} \ref [\BOOK]{{\it Notes on Computational Geometry}, by Leo J. Guibas and Jorge Stolfi. Lecture notes for CS445 --- Computational Geometry, Stanford University. Part I, winter 1982; part II, winter 1983.} \ref [\BOP]{{\it A language for bitmap manipulation}, by Leo J. Guibas and Jorge Stolfi. ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 1 No. 3, 191--214. July 1982.} \ref [\VOR]{{\it Primitives for the manipulation of general Subdivisions and the computation of Voronoi diagrams}, by Leo J. Guibas and Jorge Stolfi. Proceedings of the 15th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC), 221--234. April 1983.} \ref [\TREES]{{\it On computing all North-East neighbors in the $L_1$ metric}, by Leo J. Guibas and Jorge Stolfi. Information Processing Letters, Vol. 17 No. 4, 219--223. November 1983.} \ref [\KIN]{{\it The kinetic framework for computational geometry}, by Leo J. Guibas, Lyle Ramshaw, and Jorge Stolfi. Proceedings of the 24th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 100--111. November 1983.} \ref [\POIN]{{\it Optimal point location in a monotone subdivision}, by Herbert Edelsbrunner, Leo J.Guibas, and Jorge Stolfi. To appear in the SIAM Journal on Computation.} \ref [\SEGINT]{{\it Reporting and counting line segment intersections}, by Harry Mairson and Jorge Stolfi. Technical Report, Computer Science Department, Stanford University (in preparation).} \vfill\bye