\begfile{MiscDir.tex --- Stolfi May 22, 1984 5:49:27 pm PDT}
\title{File Directory for miscellaneous essential files\cp (Misc.DF)}
\shorttitle{Miscellaneous Files}
\def\dir#1{\vskip10pt\hangindent 20pt after0 \subsecfont #1\par\vskip10pt}
\def\file#1{\vskip5pt\hangindent 40pt after0 \subsecfont #1\par}
\def\comm#1{\hangindent 60pt after0 \rm #1\par}
\def\\{\txrslash} %reverse slash as a character
\comm{DF file of basic files to bring over on an new machine, including all TEX macros (Should contain everything listed in this file except those in the ``non-essentials'' section, and vice-versa)}
\comm{This file}
\comm{Personal Cedar profile.}
\comm{List of files archived from MAXC}
\file{Dummy.mesa, Dummy.tex}
\comm{Dummy files to preload at boot time to get all proper styles and fonts on the local disk.}
\comm{Mesa style using non-italic fonts to make tioga run faster (obsolete now?)}
\comm{Extra words for spelling tool}
\comm{Some tentative cursor designs, mostly for Juno, in the form of a 16pt strike font.}

\section{2. TEX82 MACROS}
% Styles, screen fonts, and TIP tables
\comm{Tioga style for TeX sources. Extra indentation on left margin. Uses StolfiCTeX12.strike for normal text, TimesRoman 12 point italic for comment nodes. }
\comm{TIP table for use with TeX (Allows close quote, le, ge. }
\comm{Special screen font for TeX, used by StolfiTeX.style. }
\comm{Special screen font for TeX, used by StolfiTeX.style. }
\comm{A screen font derived from Titan. (Lowered capitals?). }
\comm{Another experimental screen font. }
% Building blocks for TeX formats
\comm{A partial index to all TeX macros defined in KernelMacros. AMRMathmacros, AMRFontsCommon, AMR10Fonts (incomplete and obsolete). }
\comm{Roughly the part of Plain.TeX that correspond to old BasicMacros (i.e. except font stuff, dimensions, and output formats. }
\comm{Macros for algorithms. }
\comm{Macros for programs.}
\comm{General single-column paper format (minus some dimensional parameters). }
\comm{General letter format (minus some dimensional parameters). }
\comm{Math macros that assume the math fonts follow the standard TeX font layout (e.g., AMR fonts). }
\comm{Stopgap redefinitions of macros developed for TeX80. Most of them cause an error message on first use. }
\comm{Miscellaneous funny macros like flowers, etc. }
% TeX formats using AMR fonts only
\comm{Macros for ordinary text that assume the text fonts follow the standard TeX font layout (e.g., AMR fonts). }
\comm{Font-definition part of Plain.TeX (AMR fonts in 10 point basic size). }
\comm{Defines fonts for ordinary text as AMR 10 points (mag 1.1) for normal size, AMR 8 point (mag 1.1) for smaller size. }
\comm{Complete format file for papers using AMR 10 pont fonts. Includes AMRTextMacros.TeX and AMR10Fonts.TeX. }
% TeX formats using Xerox TimesRoman for text and AMR for math
\comm{Macros for ordinary text that assume the text fonts have XEROX's Times Roman layout. }
\comm{Defines fonts for ordinary text as Times Roman 10 points for normal size, Times Roman 8 point for smaller size. }
\comm{Complete format file for papers using Times Roman 10 pont fonts for text, AMR 10 point (mag 1.1) for math. Includes TRTextMacros.TeX and TR10Fonts.TeX.}
\comm{Letter format using Xerox times roman 10 pt for text and AMR for math. }
% TeX formats using Xerox Classic for text and AMR for math
\comm{Macros for ordinary text that assume the text fonts have Xerox Classic layout. }
\comm{Defines fonts for ordinary text as Xerox Classic 10 points for normal size, Xerox Classic 8 point for smaller size. }
\comm{Complete format file for papers using Xerox Classic 10 pont fonts for text, AMR 10 point (mag 1.1) for math. Includes XClTextMacros.TeX and XCl10Fonts.TeX. }
% Miscellanea
\comm{Another sample paper to test TeX82 macros. }
\comm{Generates a character table for a given font. }

\section{3. TEX80 MACROS}
\comm{TIP table for use with TEX (Allows close quote, le, ge. }
\comm{Tioga style for TeX sources. Similar to Plass's version, but uses 12-point size, and comments are displayed in italics. }
\comm{Basic math, alignment and layout macros (theorems, algorithms, footnotes, programs, etc) for Pap*Hdr.tex (under development). A refurbished version of CgTMacros.tex without font definitions.}
\comm{Macro files defining TimesRoman 8 point fonts for text and CMR 8 point (mag. 1.1) for math. Used in TR8TwoColFormat.tex}
\comm{Macro files defining TimesRoman 10 point fonts for text and CMR 10 point (mag. 1.1) for math. Will supersede the font definition part of CgMacros and cognates.}
\comm{TEX macros (paper title, section, abstract, output, etc) for general single-column "paper" format. To be used in conjunction with BasicMacros and a font package. Requires also the definition of most dimensional parameters and some formatting options.}
\file{TR10WideFormat.tex, TR10PasteFormat.tex, TR10ReviewFormat.tex}
\comm{TEX macros for single-column paper format using Times Roman 10 point. Respectively wide (8x11), narrow (for STOC/FOCS pasting), and double-space with wide right margin (for review and proofreading). Use TR10Fonts.tex, BasicMAcros.tex, and PaperMacros.tex. Supersede PapWHdr.tex, PapNHdr.tex, PapRHdr.tex.}
\comm{TEX macros (paper title, section, abstract, output, etc) for general two-column paper format. To be used in conjunction with BasicMacros and a font package. Requires also the definition of most dimensional parameters and some formatting options.}
\comm{TEX macros for two-column paper format (for STOC, FOCS, etc.) using Times Roman 8 point. Intended for direct output to the platemaker, without pasting. Uses BasicMacros.tex, TR8Fonts.tex, and TwoColMacros.tex.}
\comm{TEX macros (chapter, section, output, etc.) for general computational geometry book format. To be used in conjunction with BasicMacros and a font package. Requires also the definition of most dimensional parameters and some formatting options.}
\file{TR10GBWideFormat.tex, TR10GBReviewFormat.tex}
\comm{TEX macros for computational geometry book format, using Times Roman 10 point. Respectively wide (8x11) and double-space with wide right margin (for review and proofreading). Use TR10Fonts.tex, BasicMacros.tex, and GBMacros.tex. (Supersede CgNHdr.tex, CgHdr.tex, GBHdr.tex, etc.)}
\comm{Macros for (Stanford, Xerox, and personal) letter format. Uses BasicMacros.tex and TR10Fonts.tex.}
\comm{Macros for reports. Uses BasicMacros.tex and TR10Fonts.tex.}
\comm{Macros to simplify the renumbering of items (figures, theorems, sections, equations) and searching for references to them.}
\comm{Macros for algorithms.}
\comm{Macros for programs.}
\comm{Old macros for programs (removed from BasicMacros.tex in Dec. 83). Used in files older than this date, to be replaced by ProgMacros.tex.}
\comm{Mathematical TEX macros for geometry, two-sided plane, and related concepts.}
\comm{TEX macros for kinetic framework and related concepts.}
\comm{TEX macros for edge algebra operators.}
\comm{TEX macros for portuguese accents and endings.}
\comm{EditTool macros for upgrading obsolete versions of tex files (that used CgHdr.tex, PapWHdr.tex, etc.) to new macros (BasicMacros, TR10WidePaper.tex, etc). Includes macros to delete bravo formatting and break text into Tioga nodes.}
\comm{A sample paper to exorcise macro files.}

\comm{Demonstrates a bug in ViewerTools.GetSelection/SetSelection.}
\comm{Demonstrates a bug in Viewer creation with unregistered flavor.}
\comm{Times various types of allocations: CONS, big records, private Cons with explicit reclamation.}
\comm{Times the NARROW operation.}
\file{ScrambleText.mesa, ScrambleText.bcd}
\comm{Applies a fixed alphabetic substitution cypher to all letters and digits in the current tioga selection. The permutation was chosen so as to make the resulting text inscrutable but relatively pronunceable. The main use is to create garbage texts for testing TeX macros..}
