DIRECTORY Graphics USING [Box, Context, ClipBox], ViewerClasses USING [Viewer, ViewerClass, ViewerClassRec, NotifyProc, DestroyProc, PaintProc], MessageWindow USING [Append, Blink], Process USING[Detach], JunoButtons USING [Face, Justification, Hue, Device], ViewRec USING [ViewInterface, RVQuaViewer], ViewerOps USING [PaintViewer, RegisterViewerClass, CreateViewer, DestroyViewer], JunoGraphics USING [PaintBuffer, picChanged, ViewerToJuno], JunoCursorMenu USING [CreateCursorMenu, AddCursor, PickUpCursor], TIPUser USING [InstantiateNewTIPTable, TIPScreenCoords], Terminal USING [Virtual, Current, WaitForBWVerticalRetrace], Rope USING [ROPE, Cat], Atom USING [MakeAtom], IO USING [STREAM, PutRope], ViewerIO USING [CreateViewerStreams], ViewerTools USING [GetSelectionContents], JunoUserEvents; JunoUserEventsImpl: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS JunoGraphics, JunoCursorMenu, Terminal, ViewerOps, ViewerTools, Graphics, ViewRec, Rope, Atom, TIPUser, IO, ViewerIO, Process, MessageWindow EXPORTS JunoUserEvents, JunoButtons = BEGIN OPEN JunoUserEvents, Curs: JunoCursorMenu, Buttons: JunoButtons, Gr: JunoGraphics, Rope, IO; bugin, bugout: PUBLIC IO.STREAM; selfDebug: BOOL _ FALSE; -- should be TRUE if this module uses bugin/bugout by itself qSize: INTEGER = 200; queue: ARRAY [0..qSize) OF Event; front, count: INTEGER _ 0; queueClosed: BOOL _ TRUE; -- if TRUE, rejects further input into the queue nonEmpty, nonFull: CONDITION; -- status of queue AppendOne: INTERNAL PROC [ev: Event] = {queue[(front+count) MOD qSize] _ ev; count _ count + 1; IF ev.type = Quit THEN queueClosed _ TRUE}; AppendEvents: PUBLIC PROC [ev1, ev2, ev3, ev4, ev5: Event _ [type: Null]] = BEGIN DoAppend: ENTRY PROC [nev: INTEGER] = INLINE {WHILE count+nev > qSize AND NOT queueClosed DO WAIT nonFull ENDLOOP; IF queueClosed THEN RETURN; IF ev1.type # Null THEN AppendOne[ev1]; IF ev2.type # Null THEN AppendOne[ev2]; IF ev3.type # Null THEN AppendOne[ev3]; IF ev4.type # Null THEN AppendOne[ev4]; IF ev5.type # Null THEN AppendOne[ev5]; NOTIFY nonEmpty}; Cnt: PROC [ev: Event] RETURNS [INTEGER] = INLINE {RETURN [IF ev.type # Null THEN 1 ELSE 0]}; DoAppend [Cnt[ev1]+Cnt[ev2]+Cnt[ev3]+Cnt[ev4]+Cnt[ev5]] END; Pop: ENTRY PROC RETURNS [ev: Event] = BEGIN WHILE count = 0 DO WAIT nonEmpty ENDLOOP; ev _ queue[front]; count _ count - 1; front _ front + 1; IF front = qSize THEN front _ 0; BROADCAST nonFull END; OpenEventStream: ENTRY PROC = BEGIN ENABLE {UNWIND => NULL}; IF selfDebug THEN bugout.PutRope["enter OpenEventStream\n"]; IF NOT queueClosed THEN ERROR; front _ 0; count _ 0; queueClosed _ FALSE; TRUSTED {Process.Detach[FORK Filter[]]}; BROADCAST nonFull; IF selfDebug THEN bugout.PutRope["exit OpenEventStream\n"] END; CloseEventStream: ENTRY PROC = BEGIN ENABLE {UNWIND => NULL}; IF selfDebug THEN bugout.PutRope["enter CloseEventStream\n"]; AppendOne[[type: Quit]]; NOTIFY nonEmpty; IF selfDebug THEN bugout.PutRope["exit CloseEventStream\n"] END; imageViewer: PUBLIC ViewerClasses.Viewer _ NIL; menuBox: Graphics.Box _ [0, 0, 0, 0]; viewerDead: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; PaintImageViewer: ViewerClasses.PaintProc = TRUSTED BEGIN Graphics.ClipBox[self: context, box: menuBox, exclude: TRUE]; Gr.PaintBuffer[viewer: self, context: context, viewerChanged: whatChanged = NIL] END; AppendTIPEvent: ENTRY ViewerClasses.NotifyProc = TRUSTED BEGIN ENABLE {UNWIND => NULL}; IF input # NIL THEN {first: REF = input.first; rest: LIST OF REF ANY =; IF queueClosed OR count+1 > qSize THEN RETURN; -- if too many TIP events, just ignore them WITH first SELECT FROM atom: ATOM => SELECT atom FROM $MouseUp, $MouseDown => {cTIP: TIPUser.TIPScreenCoords = NARROW []; AppendOne[ [type: IF atom = $MouseUp THEN MouseUp ELSE MouseDown, value: rest.first, coords: Gr.ViewerToJuno[self, [cTIP.mouseX, cTIP.mouseY]]]]}; $End => {AppendOne[[type: End, value: rest.first]]}; $BackSpace => {AppendOne[[type: BackSpace]]}; $Cursor => {AppendOne[[type: Cursor, value: rest.first]]}; ENDCASE => {ERROR Unexpected}; char: REF CHAR => {AppendOne[[type: Char, value: char]]}; coords: TIPUser.TIPScreenCoords => {cc: EventCoords _ Gr.ViewerToJuno[self, [coords.mouseX, coords.mouseY]]; -- !!! should ignore click if outside currrent picture area (bitmap buffer) AppendOne[[type: Roll, value: NIL, coords: cc]]}; -- value will be set later ENDCASE => {SIGNAL Unexpected}; NOTIFY nonEmpty} END; DestroyImageViewer: ViewerClasses.DestroyProc = TRUSTED BEGIN AppendEvents [[type: Quit]]; viewerDead _ TRUE END; RefreshViewer: PROC = BEGIN DO IF viewerDead THEN RETURN; BEGIN t: Terminal.Virtual = Terminal.Current[]; Terminal.WaitForBWVerticalRetrace [t]; --! Should there be one or two calls? Terminal.WaitForBWVerticalRetrace [t] END; IF Gr.picChanged THEN {ViewerOps.PaintViewer [viewer: imageViewer, hint: client, clearClient: FALSE, whatChanged: $Refresh]} ENDLOOP END; SetUpCursorMenu: PROC [initialCursor: ATOM] RETURNS [mBox: Graphics.Box] = BEGIN OPEN Curs; cm: ViewerClasses.Viewer _ CreateCursorMenu [parent: imageViewer, x: -1, y: -2, rows: 15, cols: 1]; mBox _ [xmin: cm.wx, ymin: cm.wy, xmax: cm.wx+cm.ww, ymax: cm.wy+cm.wh]; AddCursor [name: $Pencil, menu: cm, help: "Draws straight line or Bezier arc. Click two or four points, then ESC.", bits: [004440B, 004440B, 004440B, 004440B, 004440B, 004440B, 004440B, 004440B, 004040B, 004040B, 002100B, 002100B, 001600B, 001600B, 000400B, 000400B], row: 1, col: 1, hotX: -8, hotY: -16]; PickUpCursor [menu: cm, name: $Pencil]; AddCursor [name: $Typewriter, menu: cm, help: "Inserts a text label. Click reference point, type text, end with ESC.", bits: [000000B, 000000B, 000000B, 000000B, 017760B, 010020B, 010020B, 037770B, 045244B, 040004B, 100002B, 132532B, 100002B, 117762B, 040004B, 037770B], row: 2, col: 1, hotX: -5, hotY: -4]; AddCursor [name: $CallProc, menu: cm, help: "Calls a Juno procedure. Select procedure name, click arguments, end with ESC", bits: [040001B, 020002B, 010004B, 004010B, 002020B, 001040B, 000500B, 000200B, 000500B, 001040B, 002020B, 004010B, 010004B, 020002B, 040001B, 000000B], row: 3, col: 1, hotX: -8, hotY: -8]; AddCursor [name: $HorTee, menu: cm, help: "Horizontal alignment constraint. Click two points, end with ESC", bits: [000000B, 000000B, 020000B, 060000B, 060000B, 060000B, 160000B, 177777B, 177777B, 160000B, 060000B, 060000B, 060000B, 020000B, 000000B, 000000B], row: 5, col: 1, hotX: -9, hotY: -6]; AddCursor [name: $VerTee, menu: cm, help: "Vertical alignment constraint. Click two points, end with ESC", bits: [001700B, 017770B, 037774B, 000600B, 000600B, 000600B, 000600B, 000600B, 000600B, 000600B, 000600B, 000600B, 000600B, 000600B, 000600B, 000600B], row: 6, col: 1, hotX: -10, hotY: -9]; AddCursor [name: $Compass, menu: cm, help: "Congruence constraint. Click two pairs of points, end with ESC", bits: [004000B, 004000B, 006000B, 016000B, 013000B, 011000B, 031540B, 020700B, 023600B, 076200B, 040300B, 040100B, 140140B, 100040B, 100040B, 100000B], row: 7, col: 1, hotX: 0, hotY: -16]; AddCursor [name: $Parallels, menu: cm, help: "Parallelism constraint. Click two pairs of points, end with ESC", bits: [001040B, 001040B, 001040B, 001040B, 001040B, 001040B, 001040B, 001040B, 001040B, 001040B, 001040B, 001040B, 001040B, 001040B, 001040B, 001040B], row: 8, col: 1, hotX: -7, hotY: -8]; AddCursor [name: $RightAngle, menu: cm, help: "Perpendicularity constraint. Click two pairs of points, end with ESC", bits: [040000B, 060000B, 060000B, 050000B, 044000B, 044000B, 042000B, 041000B, 041000B, 044400B, 046200B, 046200B, 045100B, 040040B, 040040B, 077760B], row: 9, col: 1, hotX: -7, hotY: -8]; AddCursor [name: $Snowman, menu: cm, help: "Yellow-click points to be to frozen or unfrozen.", bits: [001700B, 001700B, 037774B, 004020B, 011110B, 010010B, 004020B, 003140B, 014030B, 020004B, 040002B, 040002B, 040002B, 020004B, 014030B, 003740B], row: 11, col: 1, hotX: -9, hotY: -12]; AddCursor [name: $MoveArrow, menu: cm, help: "Moves things. Click from-to pairs, end with ESC or TAB. Use baloon selection to get affine map.", bits: [000000B, 000000B, 000000B, 000400B, 001600B, 003700B, 007740B, 017760B, 037770B, 003700B, 003700B, 003700B, 003700B, 003700B, 003700B, 003700B], row: 12, col: 1, hotX: -8, hotY: -3]; AddCursor [name: $CopyArrow, menu: cm, help: "Copies things. Click from/to pairs, end with ESC or TAB. Use baloon selection to get affine map.", bits: [000400B, 001200B, 002100B, 004440B, 011620B, 033730B, 007740B, 017760B, 037770B, 003700B, 003700B, 003700B, 003700B, 003700B, 003700B, 003700B], row: 13, col: 1, hotX: -8, hotY: 0]; AddCursor [name: $Eraser, menu: cm, help: "Erases baloon-selected things.", bits: [004440B, 004440B, 004440B, 004440B, 004440B, 004440B, 004440B, 007740B, 004040B, 004040B, 004040B, 004040B, 004040B, 004040B, 004040B, 003700B], row: 14, col: 1, hotX: -8, hotY: -16]; AddCursor [name: $MakeProc, menu: cm, help: "Makes a symbolic procedure. Baloon-select body, click one or more formal parameters, end with ESC.", bits: [040001B, 020002B, 010004B, 004010B, 002020B, 001040B, 000500B, 000200B, 000200B, 000200B, 000200B, 000200B, 000200B, 000200B, 000200B, 000000B], row: 15, col: 1, hotX: 8, hotY: 8]; PickUpCursor[cm, initialCursor] END; CreateImageViewer: PROC [initialCursor: ATOM] = BEGIN imageViewer _ ViewerOps.CreateViewer [flavor: $JunoImage, info: [name: "Juno Image", iconic: FALSE, column: left], paint: FALSE]; menuBox _ SetUpCursorMenu[initialCursor]; ViewerOps.PaintViewer [viewer: imageViewer, hint: all]; TRUSTED {Process.Detach[FORK RefreshViewer[]]} END; buttonsViewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer _ NIL; Hardcopy: PUBLIC PROC [filename: Rope.ROPE, device: Buttons.Device] = {AppendCmd[$Hardcopy, [type: Rope, value: filename], [type: Atom, value: SELECT device FROM Puffin => $Puffin, Raven => $Raven, PlateMaker => $PlateMaker, ENDCASE => ERROR]]}; Redraw: PUBLIC PROC = {AppendCmd[$Redraw]}; Solve: PUBLIC PROC = {AppendCmd[$Solve]}; StartOver: PUBLIC PROC = {AppendCmd[$StartOver]}; SetFont: PUBLIC PROC [fontName: ROPE] = {AppendCmd[$SetFont, [type: Rope, value: fontName]]}; SetFontSize: PUBLIC PROC [pointSize: INT] = {AppendCmd [$SetFontSize, [type: Real, value: NEW[REAL _ pointSize]]]}; SetFontFace: PUBLIC PROC [face: Buttons.Face] = {AppendCmd [$SetFontFace, [type: Atom, value: SELECT face FROM plain => $plain, italic => $italic, bold => $bold, boldItalic => $boldItalic, ENDCASE => ERROR]]}; SetJustification: PUBLIC PROC [justification: Buttons.Justification] = {AppendCmd [$SetJustification, [type: Atom, value: SELECT justification FROM left => $left, center => $center, right => $right, ENDCASE => ERROR]]}; SetLineWidth: PUBLIC PROC [width: REAL] = {AppendCmd [$SetLineWidth, [type: Real, value: NEW[REAL _ width]]]}; SetColor: PUBLIC PROC [color: Buttons.Hue] = {AppendCmd [$SetColor, [type: Atom, value: SELECT color FROM black => $black, white => $white, gray => $gray, red => $red, orange => $orange, yellow => $yellow, green => $green, blue => $blue, purple => $purple, ENDCASE => ERROR]]}; LoadX: PUBLIC PROC = {AppendCmd [$LoadX, [type: Atom, value: Atom.MakeAtom[ViewerTools.GetSelectionContents[]]]]}; Parse: PUBLIC PROC = {AppendCmd [$Parse]}; AppendCmd: PROC [button: ATOM, arg1, arg2, arg3: Event _ [type: Null]] = {AppendEvents [[type: Button, value: button], arg1, arg2, arg3, [type: End, value: $None]]}; CreateButtonsViewer: PROC = BEGIN buttonsViewer _ ViewRec.RVQuaViewer [ViewRec.ViewInterface [name: "JunoButtons", viewerInit: [iconic: FALSE, name: "Juno Buttons"]]]; END; out: Event _ [type: Null]; -- one-event buffer on output of event filter outFull, outEmpty: CONDITION; -- status of output buffer Unexpected: SIGNAL = CODE; -- Syntax error in event stream Deliver: ENTRY PROC [ev: Event] = BEGIN WHILE out.type#Null DO WAIT outEmpty ENDLOOP; out _ ev; BROADCAST outFull END; Next: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC RETURNS [ev: Event] = BEGIN UNTIL out.type#Null DO WAIT outFull ENDLOOP; ev _ out; IF out.type # Quit THEN {out _ [type: Null]; BROADCAST outEmpty}; IF ev.type # Roll AND selfDebug THEN {bugout.PutRope["exit Next - "]; bugout.PutRope[SELECT ev.type FROM Cursor => "Cursor\n", Button => "Button\n", Char => "Char\n", MouseUp => "MouseUp\n", MouseDown => "MouseDown\n", Roll => "Roll\n", BackSpace => "BackSpace\n", End => "End\n", Quit => "Quit\n", Null => "Null\n", Real => "Real\n", Rope => "Rope\n", Atom => "Atom\n", ENDCASE => "ERROR\n"]} END; Filter: PROC = BEGIN lastCursor: REF _ $Missing; -- should be ATOM, but why risk a NARROW fault? ev: Event _ Pop[]; ScreamAndSkip: PROC = {ENABLE {ABORTED => CONTINUE}; -- If the user aborts the Unexpected signal SIGNAL Unexpected; ev _ Pop[]}; BlinkAndSkip: PROC [rope: ROPE] = {Blink[rope]; ev _ Pop[]}; FilterMouseClick: PROC = BEGIN color: REF = ev.value; -- should be ATOM, but why risk a NARROW fault? lastPos: EventCoords _ ev.coords; FakeMouseUp: PROC = {Deliver[[type: MouseUp, value: color, coords: lastPos]]}; Deliver[ev]; ev _ Pop[]; DO SELECT ev.type FROM MouseUp => {lastPos _ ev.coords; IF ev.value = color THEN {Deliver[ev]; ev _ Pop[]; RETURN} ELSE {BlinkAndSkip["funny mouse click"]}}; Roll => {lastPos _ ev.coords; ev.value _ color; Deliver[ev]; ev _ Pop[]}; MouseDown => {IF ev.value = color THEN {FakeMouseUp[]; RETURN} ELSE {lastPos _ ev.coords; BlinkAndSkip["funny mouse click"]}}; Cursor, Button, Char, BackSpace, End, Atom, Real, Rope, Quit => {FakeMouseUp[]; RETURN}; ENDCASE => {ScreamAndSkip[]; FakeMouseUp[]; RETURN}; ENDLOOP; END; FakeCursor: PROC = INLINE {Deliver[[type: Cursor, value: lastCursor]]}; FilterCommandBody: PROC [cmdType: EventType] = BEGIN FakeEnd: PROC = INLINE {Deliver[[type: End, value: $None]]}; DO SELECT ev.type FROM Cursor, Button, Quit => {FakeEnd[]; RETURN}; MouseDown => {FilterMouseClick[]}; Char, Atom, Real, Rope, BackSpace => {Deliver[ev]; ev _ Pop[]}; End => {-- Always fake a Cursor between a legitimate Endand the next event. -- This makes the response of JunoTop a bit livelier. Deliver[ev]; FakeCursor[]; ev_ Pop[] }; Roll => {ev _ Pop[]}; MouseUp => {BlinkAndSkip["funny mouse click"]}; ENDCASE => {ScreamAndSkip[]}; ENDLOOP; END; DO ENABLE {ABORTED => LOOP}; SELECT ev.type FROM Cursor, Button => {cmdType: EventType = ev.type; IF cmdType = Cursor THEN lastCursor _ ev.value; Deliver[ev]; ev _ Pop[]; FilterCommandBody[cmdType]}; Quit => {Deliver[ev]; RETURN}; -- close shop Char, BackSpace, Atom, Real, Rope, MouseDown, End => -- Cursor command interrupted by Button? {FakeCursor[]; FilterCommandBody[Cursor]}; Roll => -- leftover from interrupted roll {ev _ Pop[]}; MouseUp => -- leftover from interrupted roll {BlinkAndSkip["funny mouse click"]; WHILE ev.type = MouseUp OR ev.type = Roll DO ev _ Pop[] ENDLOOP}; ENDCASE => {ScreamAndSkip[]}; ENDLOOP END; Blink: PUBLIC PROC [item1, item2, item3, item4, item5: ROPE _ NIL] = BEGIN MessageWindow.Append[Cat[item1, item2, item3, item4, item5], TRUE]; MessageWindow.Blink[] END; StartUp: PUBLIC PROC [debug: BOOL _ FALSE] = BEGIN JunoImageClass: ViewerClasses.ViewerClass _ NEW [ViewerClasses.ViewerClassRec _ [ paint: PaintImageViewer, -- called whenever the viewer should repaint notify: AppendTIPEvent, -- TIP input events destroy: DestroyImageViewer, tipTable: TIPUser.InstantiateNewTIPTable["JunoImage.Tip"], clipChildren: TRUE, -- DAMN - doesnt work in Cedar 5.1 !!! cursor: questionMark, coordSys: top -- to correctly position the cursor menu ] ]; ViewerOps.RegisterViewerClass[$JunoImage, JunoImageClass]; IF debug OR selfDebug THEN {[bugin, bugout] _ ViewerIO.CreateViewerStreams[name: "Juno Bugs"]}; OpenEventStream; CreateImageViewer[$Pencil]; CreateButtonsViewer END; Terminate: PUBLIC PROC = BEGIN IF NOT viewerDead AND imageViewer # NIL THEN {ViewerOps.DestroyViewer[imageViewer]; imageViewer _ NIL; viewerDead _ TRUE}; IF buttonsViewer # NIL THEN {ViewerOps.DestroyViewer[buttonsViewer]; buttonsViewer _ NIL}; CloseEventStream END; END. x JunoUserEventsImpl.mesa (ex JunoKeyboardImpl + JunoGerm + pieces of JunoTop and JunoGraphicsImpl) First coded by Greg Nelson & Donna Auguste, December 7, 1982 11:51 am Last edited by Stolfi June 15, 1984 7:50:43 am PDT DEBUGGING - - - - DEBUGGING STREAMS THE USER EVENT QUEUE - - - - QUEUE VARIABLES The active range of the queue is [front..front+count), wrapped. Entries are added to the back of the queue, and removed from the front. - - - - INSERTION AND DELETION Removes the next item from the front end of the queue and returns it. Used by the Filter only. - - - - STARTUP AND FINALIZATION Starts the queue and forks the filter process. Gracefully closes the event stream, if still open. THE IMAGE VIEWER - - - - VIEWER AND OTHER VARIABLES Set when image viewer is destroyed - - - - VIEWER PROCEDURES Paints the bitmap on the viewer and resets picChanged. Also recomputes the Juno-to-Viewer coordinate transformations, to account for the current size of bitmap and viewer. [self : ViewerClasses.Viewer, input : LIST OF REF ANY] [self: Viewer] - - - - SCREEN REFRESHER This is an independent process that wakes up every two vertical retraces to paints the image bitmap onto the viewer, if necessary. - - - - CURSOR MENU SETUP - - - - VIEWER SETUP THE BUTTONS VIEWER - - - - THE VIEWER - - - - BUTTON PROCEDURES These procedures are exported to the JunoButtons interface and invoked through ViewRec - - - - MISCELLANEOUS PROCS - - - - SETUP THE EVENT STREAM - - - - FILTER OUTPUT BUFFER May be raised by the filtering process or by the process calling AppendTIPEvent Puts the given event into the filter output buffer Used by the filter only. Removes and returns the event on the filter output buffer. Called by clients (JunoTop) only. - - - - THE EVENT FILTER The event stream filter (runs as independent process) Complains about something that shouldn't happen (TIP table ir internal error) Complains about something funny the user did with mouse or keyboard Called with ev undelivered, and ev.type = MouseDown. Filters everything up to a matching MouseUp (may have to fake it) into a proper, complete mouse click sequence. Leaves in ev the event FOLLOWING the MouseUp. On entry, ev should be an (undelivered) event following a $Cursor or $Button. Filters everything up to next Cursor, Button, or Quit (which is left in ev) into a sequence of one or more proper, complete cursor or menu commands. The number of commands is the number of End events found, plus one (the last End is always faked). Body of Filter: If the user aborts uncaught errors. ERROR MESSAGES - - - - BLINK WINDOW SETUP AND TERMINATION Êc˜šœe™e™J™EJ™4——šœÏk ˜ Jš'œ œ(œ^œœœ-œ)œOœ9œ6œ5œ4œœ œ œœœœ$œ(˜™—šœÏbœœ˜"šœ˜Jšœ˜—šœ˜Jšœ˜——šœ˜šœ˜JšœX˜X——šœÏl ™ ™Jšœœœœ˜!Jšœ œœÏc=˜W——šœŸ™™š œœœ œœ˜SJšœ?™?JšœG™G—Jšœœœ 0˜KJšœ œ ˜1—šœ™šœÏn œœœ˜'Jš œœ#œœœ˜g—šœ¡ œœœ3˜Mšœ˜š œ¡œœœœ˜-Jš)œœœœ œœ œœ œœœœœœœœœœœœœ ˜Ã—Jšœ¡œœ œœœœœœœ˜`Jšœ9˜9—Jšœœ˜—š œ¡œœœœ˜&šœE™EJšœ™—šœ˜Jšœœ œœ œ;œœ œ˜——Jšœœ˜——šœ!™!šœ¡œœœ˜Jšœ.™.š œœœœœ˜Jšœœ œ,œœ œœ&œœœ œ œ œ)˜þ—Jšœœ˜—šœ¡œœœ˜Jšœ2™2š œœœœœ˜Jš œœ œFœ œ œ*˜¤—Jšœœ˜———šœŸ™šœ#™#Jšœœœ˜0Jšœ&˜&šœž œœœ˜Jšœ#™#——šœ™šœžœ˜,šœ6™6J™u—šœœ˜Jšœ8œOœ˜—Jšœœ˜—šœžœœ˜2Jš œ ™6š œœ œœœ˜'šœœ œ˜Jš œ œœœœœ˜@Jš œœ œœœ .˜`šœœœ˜šœœ˜šœœ˜šœ˜Jš œ"œ*œœ œd˜Ú—˜Jšœ-˜-—˜Jšœ ˜ —˜ Jšœ0˜0—Jšœœœ ˜——šœœœ˜Jšœ(˜(—šœ#˜#JšœL Lœœ œ˜æ—Jšœœœ ˜ —Jšœœ ˜——Jšœœ˜—šœžœ˜0Jš ™Jš œœœ/œœ˜F——šœ™šœ¡ œœ˜J™ƒšœ˜Jšœœœ œœœ` &œ1œœœ[œ)˜“—Jšœœ˜——šœ™š œ¡œœœœ˜Kšœœœ˜šœ,˜,Jšœ8˜8—JšœI˜Išœ$˜$Jšœ–˜–—Jšœ(˜(šœ(˜(Jšœ“˜“—šœ&˜&Jšœš˜š—šœ$˜$Jšœ˜—šœ$˜$JšœŒ˜Œ—šœ%˜%JšœŒ˜Œ—šœ'˜'Jšœ˜—šœ(˜(Jšœ“˜“—šœ%˜%Jšœ€˜€—šœ'˜'Jšœ®˜®—šœ'˜'Jšœ®˜®—šœ$˜$Jšœî˜î—šœ&˜&Jšœ¯˜¯—Jšœ ˜ —Jšœœ˜——šœ™šœ¡œœœ˜0šœ˜Jšœ|œ/œ˜·Jšœ*˜*Jšœ8˜8Jšœœœ˜/—Jšœœ˜———šœŸ™šœ™Jšœ'œ˜+—šœ™JšœW™Wš œ¡œœœœ˜FJš œPœœXœœ˜Î—šœ¡œœœ˜Jšœ˜—šœ¡œœœ˜Jšœ˜—šœ¡ œœœ˜Jšœ˜—š œ¡œœœ œ˜(Jšœ8˜8—š œ¡ œœœ œ˜,Jšœ1œœ˜J—šœ¡ œœœ˜0Jš œ6œœvœœ˜Ð—šœ¡œœœ(˜GJš œ;œœSœœ˜»—š œ¡ œœœœ˜*Jšœ2œœ ˜G—šœ¡œœœ˜-Jš œ3œœçœœ˜¿—šœ¡œœœ˜Jšœf˜f—šœ¡œœœ˜Jšœ˜——šœ ™ šœ¡ œœ œ+˜IJšœ`˜`——šœ™šœ¡œœ˜šœ˜Jšœnœ˜—Jšœœ˜———šœŸ™šœ ™ Jšœ -˜IJšœ œ ˜9šœ œœ ˜;JšœR™R—šœ¡œœœ˜"šœ2™2Jšœ™—šœ˜Jš œœœœ œ œ˜J—Jšœœ˜—š œ¡œœœœœ˜.šœ:™:Jšœ!™!—šœ˜šœœœœ œ œœ œ œ˜žšœ2œ ˜EJšœ‹œ˜¡———Jšœœ˜——šœ™šœ¡œœ˜J™5šœ˜Jšœ œ  /˜LJšœ˜šœ¡ œœ˜J™MJš œœœœ ,œœ˜m—šœ¡ œœœ˜"J™CJšœ˜—šœ¡œœ˜J™Òšœ˜Jšœœ  0œ!˜išœ¡ œœ˜Jšœ;˜;—Jšœ˜šœ˜šœœ ˜šœ ˜ Jš œœœœœ)˜„—šœ˜JšœD˜D—šœ ˜ Jš œœœœœB˜}—šœ@˜@Jšœœ˜—šœœ˜ Jšœ"œ˜*———Jšœœ˜ —Jšœœ˜—Jšœ¡ œœœ.˜Hšœ¡œœ˜/J™Åšœ˜Jšœ¡œœœ&˜=šœ˜šœœ ˜šœ˜Jšœ œ˜—šœ ˜ Jšœ˜—šœ&˜&Jšœ˜—šœ˜Jšœ Cœ 7œ)˜§—šœ˜Jšœ˜—šœ ˜ Jšœ%˜%—šœœ˜ Jšœ˜———Jšœœ˜ —Jšœœ˜—J™šœ˜šœœœœ˜Jšœ#™#—šœœ ˜šœ˜Jšœ!œœO˜ˆ—šœ˜Jšœœ  ˜&—šœ8 (˜`Jšœ,˜,—šœ  !˜*Jšœ˜—šœ  !˜-Jš œ&œœœ œ˜g—šœœ˜ Jšœ˜———Jšœ˜ —Jšœœ˜———š¡Ÿ™šœ™š œ¡œœœ%œœ˜Ešœ˜Jšœ>œ˜Z—Jšœœ˜———šœŸ™š œ¡œœœ œœ˜-šœ˜Jš œ3œI -œ% œœ &œ? +œ˜šJšœ;˜;Jšœœœ œG˜bJšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ˜—Jšœœ˜—šœ¡ œœœ˜šœ˜Jšœœœ œœœ;œœ˜ƒJš œœœœ?œ˜`Jšœ˜—Jšœœ˜——Jšœœ˜—…—AL['