<< JunoParserImpl.mesa (was LexerImpl + ParseTableImpl + ParserImpl)>> <<>> <> <> <> <> <> <> << Last Edited by: Stolfi, June 15, 1984 8:07:29 am PDT>> DIRECTORY JunoParseUnparse, Atom USING [MakeAtom, PutProp, GetProp, MakeAtomFromChar], IO USING [CR, LF, SP, NUL, FF, TAB], Rope USING [ROPE, Cat, Fetch, Substr, FromChar, Length]; JunoParserImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Rope, Atom EXPORTS JunoParseUnparse = BEGIN OPEN JunoParseUnparse; ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; << - - - - - LEXER/PARSER/UNPARSER TABLES>> NewTable: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [table: Table] = BEGIN table _ NEW [TableRep _ [maxAtomLength: 200, maxStringLength: 200, chType: ALL [op], twoCharOps: NIL, defaultAtomProps: NEW [Props _ [identifier: TRUE, unparseType: zero]] ]]; SetDefaultCharTypes[table] END; SetCharType: PUBLIC PROC[table: Table, from, to: CHAR, chType: CharType] = BEGIN FOR c: CHAR IN [from..to] DO table.chType[c] _ chType ENDLOOP END; SetDefaultCharTypes: PROC [table: Table] = BEGIN OPEN table; ops: Rope.ROPE = "+-*/|\\()[]{}<>=~@#$%&^_:;,.!?"; FOR c: CHAR IN [0C .. 255C] DO chType[c] _ other ENDLOOP; FOR c: CHAR IN ['a .. 'z] DO chType[c] _ letter ENDLOOP; FOR c: CHAR IN ['A .. 'Z] DO chType[c] _ letter ENDLOOP; FOR c: CHAR IN ['0 .. '9] DO chType[c] _ digit ENDLOOP; FOR i: INT IN [0..ops.Length[]) DO chType[ops.Fetch[i]] _ op ENDLOOP; chType['"] _ quote; chType[IO.CR] _ blank; chType[IO.SP] _ blank; chType[IO.LF] _ blank; chType[IO.FF] _ blank; chType[IO.NUL] _ blank; chType[IO.TAB] _ blank END; EnterTwoCharOp: PUBLIC PROC [table: Table, c1, c2: CHAR] = BEGIN atom: ATOM = Atom.MakeAtom[Rope.Cat[Rope.FromChar[c1], Rope.FromChar[c2]]]; table.twoCharOps _ CONS[[chars: [c1, c2], atom: atom], table.twoCharOps] END; EnterAlias: PUBLIC PROC [table: Table, alias, standard: ATOM] = BEGIN Atom.PutProp[atom: alias, prop: table, val: standard] END; PropRec: TYPE = RECORD [name: ATOM, props: Props]; EnterAtomProps: PUBLIC PROC [table: Table, atom: ATOM, props: Props] = {Atom.PutProp[atom: atom, prop: table, val: NEW [Props _ props]]}; GetAtomProps: PUBLIC PROC [atom: ATOM, table: Table] RETURNS [name: ATOM, rp: REF Props] = BEGIN DO ref: REF _ Atom.GetProp[atom: atom, prop: table]; IF ref=NIL THEN RETURN [atom, table.defaultAtomProps]; -- no special props defined WITH ref SELECT FROM p: REF Props => {RETURN [atom, p]}; -- properties a: ATOM => {atom _ a}; -- alias ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDLOOP END; << - - - - - LEXING>> Exhausted: PUBLIC PROC [stream: Stream, table: Table] RETURNS [BOOL] = {WHILE stream.pos < stream.len DO IF table.chType[stream.rope.Fetch[stream.pos]] # blank THEN RETURN[FALSE]; stream.pos_stream.pos+1 ENDLOOP; RETURN[TRUE]}; Lex: PUBLIC PROC [stream: Stream, table: Table] RETURNS [lex: Lexeme, error: ROPE, rp: REF Props] = BEGIN OPEN table; EndOfStream: PROC RETURNS [BOOL] = INLINE -- returns true if next char in lexer.stream is c BEGIN RETURN [stream.pos >= stream.len] END; CurChar: PROC RETURNS [c: CHAR] = INLINE -- returns next char in lexer.stream BEGIN RETURN [stream.rope.Fetch[stream.pos]] END; SeeChar: PROC [c: CHAR] RETURNS [BOOL] = INLINE -- returns true if next char in lexer.stream is c BEGIN RETURN [NOT EndOfStream[] AND CurChar[] = c] END; SeeType: PROC [t: CharType] RETURNS [BOOL] = INLINE -- returns true if next char in lexer.stream is of type t BEGIN RETURN [NOT EndOfStream[] AND chType[CurChar[]] = t] END; Skip: PROC = INLINE -- advances lexer.stream. BEGIN stream.pos _ stream.pos+1 END; first: INT _ stream.pos; -- position of first char of current lexeme in lexer.stream NextID: PROC = BEGIN atom: ATOM; Skip[]; WHILE SeeType[letter] OR SeeType[digit] DO IF stream.pos-first >= table.maxAtomLength THEN {error _ "identifier too long"; RETURN}; Skip[] ENDLOOP; [lex, rp] _ GetAtomProps[Atom.MakeAtom [Rope.Substr[stream.rope, first, stream.pos-first]], table] END; NextOp: PROC = BEGIN atom: ATOM; c1: CHAR _ CurChar[]; Skip[]; -- Check if it is a two-character op IF SeeType[op] THEN {c2: CHAR = CurChar[]; FOR ops: LIST OF TwoCharOp _ table.twoCharOps, ops.rest UNTIL ops = NIL DO IF ops.first.chars = [c1, c2] THEN {atom _ ops.first.atom; Skip[]; EXIT} ENDLOOP} ELSE {-- Nope - single char op atom _ Atom.MakeAtomFromChar[c1]}; [lex, rp] _ GetAtomProps[atom, table] -- props should be non-NIL if table is OK END; NextNumber: PROC = BEGIN d: INT; n: INT _ CurChar[] - '0; Skip[]; WHILE SeeType[digit] DO d _ CurChar[] - '0; IF n > (LAST[INT] - d)/10 THEN {error _ "number too big"; RETURN}; n _ n * 10 + d; Skip[] ENDLOOP; IF SeeChar['.] THEN -- get decimal part {x: REAL _ n; y: REAL _ 0.1; Skip[]; WHILE SeeType[digit] DO x _ x + y * (CurChar[] - '0); y _ y/10; Skip[] ENDLOOP; lex _ NEW[REAL _ x]} ELSE {lex _ NEW[INT _ n]} END; NextString: PROC = BEGIN delim: CHAR _ CurChar[] ; Skip[]; WHILE NOT EndOfStream[] AND CurChar[] # delim DO IF CurChar[] = IO.CR OR CurChar[] = IO.LF OR SeeType[invalid] THEN {error _ "invalid character in string"; RETURN}; IF stream.pos-first >= table.maxStringLength THEN {error _ "string too long"; RETURN}; Skip[] ENDLOOP; IF NOT SeeChar[delim] THEN {error _ "runaway string"; RETURN}; lex _ Rope.Substr[stream.rope, first+1, stream.pos-first-1]; Skip[] END; error _ NIL; rp _ NIL; lex _ NIL; SELECT table.chType[CurChar[]] FROM letter => NextID[]; digit => NextNumber[]; op => NextOp[]; quote => NextString[]; ENDCASE => {error _ "invalid character"}; IF error # NIL THEN -- backup stream to beginning of parsed string {stream.pos _ first; lex _ NIL; rp _ NIL} END; << - - - - - PARSER>> weakOp: REF Props _ NEW[Props _ [matchfix: TRUE, bindingPower: -1]]; s2: LIST OF REF ANY _ CONS[weakOp, NIL]; s1: LIST OF REF ANY _ CONS[s2, NIL]; s3: LIST OF REF ANY _ CONS[NIL, s1]; Parse: PUBLIC PROC [stream: Stream, table: Table] RETURNS [expr: Se, error: ROPE, openCount: INTEGER] = BEGIN e: LIST OF REF ANY; savepos: INT; lex: Lexeme; rp: REF Props; qm: BOOL _ TRUE; IsMatchfixOrSubfixOp: PROC [x: Lexeme] RETURNS [BOOL] = INLINE {WITH x SELECT FROM atom: ATOM => {rpx: REF Props = GetAtomProps[atom].rp; RETURN [rpx.matchfix OR rpx.subfix]}; ENDCASE => RETURN[FALSE]}; Beats: PROC [x: Lexeme, rp: REF Props] RETURNS [BOOL] = INLINE {WITH x SELECT FROM atom: ATOM => {rpx: REF Props = GetAtomProps[atom].rpx; RETURN [rpx.bindingPower > rp.bindingPower]}; ENDCASE => RETURN[FALSE]}; Retract: PROC = INLINE {t: LIST OF REF ANY _ e.rest; e.rest _ NIL; e _ t}; e _ s3; openCount _ 0; e.first _ NIL; WHILE NOT Exhausted [stream, table] DO savepos _ stream.pos; [lex, error, rp] _ Lex[stream, table]; IF error # NIL THEN EXIT; SELECT TRUE FROM qm AND rp = NIL => {e.first _ lex; qm _ FALSE}; qm AND rp # NIL AND (rp.prefix OR rp.matchfix) => {e.first _ CONS[lex, CONS[NIL, e]]; e _ NARROW[Cdar[e]]}; ~ qm AND rp # NIL AND (rp.infix OR rp.subfix) => {WHILE Beats[Caadr[e], rp] AND ~ IsMatchfixOrSubfixOp[Caadr[e]] DO Retract[] ENDLOOP; e.first _ CONS[lex, CONS[e.first, CONS[NIL, e]]]; e _ NARROW[Cddar[e]]; qm _ TRUE}; ~qm AND rp # NIL AND rp.postfix => {WHILE Beats[Caadr[e], rp] DO Retract[] ENDLOOP; e.first _ CONS[lex, CONS[e.first, NIL]]}; ~qm AND rp # NIL AND rp.closefix => {WHILE ~ IsMatchfixOrSubfixOp[Caadr[e]] DO Retract[] ENDLOOP; IF Matches[Caadr[e], rp] THEN Retract[] ELSE {error _ "Parse Error"; EXIT}} ENDCASE => EXIT ENDLOOP; << Unthread right branch of tree:>> WHILE Caadr[e] # weakOp DO IF IsMatchfixOrSubfixOp[Caadr[e]] THEN openCount _ openCount + 1; Retract[]; ENDLOOP; IF error = NIL AND (qm OR openCount # 0) THEN {error _ "Parse error "}; expr _ s3.first END; << - - - - CAR, CDR, ETC>> Car: PUBLIC PROC [r: Se] RETURNS [Se] = {RETURN[NARROW[r, LIST OF REF ANY].first]}; Cdr: PUBLIC PROC [r: Se] RETURNS [Se] = {RETURN[NARROW[r, LIST OF REF ANY].rest]}; Cadr: PUBLIC PROC [r: Se] RETURNS [Se] = {RETURN[Car[Cdr[r]]]}; Caddr: PUBLIC PROC [r: Se] RETURNS [Se] = {RETURN[Car[Cdr[Cdr[r]]]]}; Cddr: PUBLIC PROC [r: Se] RETURNS [Se] = {RETURN[Cdr[Cdr[r]]]}; Caadr: PUBLIC PROC [r: Se] RETURNS [Se] = {RETURN[Car[Car[Cdr[r]]]]}; Cdar: PUBLIC PROC [r: Se] RETURNS [Se] = {RETURN[Cdr[Car[r]]]}; Cddar: PUBLIC PROC [r: Se] RETURNS [Se] = {RETURN[Cdr[Cdr[Car[r]]]]}; << - - - - - SYNTAX CHECKER>> Or: PUBLIC PROC [v1, v2, v3, v4, v5: VerdictAndCulprit _ [ofCourseNot]] RETURNS [r: VerdictAndCulprit] = {r _ [ofCourseNot]; IF v1.verdict = yes THEN RETURN [[yes]]; IF v1.verdict = no THEN r _ v1; IF v2.verdict = yes THEN RETURN [[yes]]; IF v2.verdict = no THEN r _ v2; IF v3.verdict = yes THEN RETURN [[yes]]; IF v3.verdict = no THEN r _ v3; IF v4.verdict = yes THEN RETURN [[yes]]; IF v4.verdict = no THEN r _ v5; IF v5.verdict = yes THEN RETURN [[yes]]; IF v5.verdict = no THEN r _ v5}; False: SyntacticPredicate = {RETURN [[ofCourseNot]]}; HasForm: PUBLIC PROC [f: Se, op: REF, Arg1: SyntacticPredicate, Arg2: SyntacticPredicate _ NIL] RETURNS [VerdictAndCulprit] = {WITH Car[f] SELECT FROM g: LIST OF REF ANY => {IF NOT Is[g, op] THEN RETURN [[OfCourseNot, g]]; IF (Arg2 = NIL) # (Cddr[g] = NIL) THEN RETURN[[ofCourseNot, f]]; {v: VerdictAndCulprit _ Arg1[Cdr[g]]; IF v.verdict # yes THEN RETURN [[no, v.culprit]]; IF Cddr[g] = NIL THEN RETURN [[no, NIL]]; v _ Arg2[Cddr[g]]; IF v.verdict # yes THEN RETURN [[no, aw.culprit]]; RETURN [[yes, NIL]]}} ENDCASE => RETURN [[ofCourseNot, f]]}; Is: PUBLIC PROC [f: Se, op: REF] RETURNS [r: VerdictAndCulprit] = {WITH Car[f] SELECT FROM atom: ATOM => WITH op SELECT FROM lst: LIST OF REF ANY => {FOR p: LIST OF REF ANY _ lst, p.rest WHILE p # NIL DO IF p.first = atom THEN RETURN [[yes, NIL]] ENDLOOP; RETURN [[no, f]]}; atop => {IF atop = atom THEN RETURN [[yes, NIL]] ELSE RETURN [[no, f]]}; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDCASE => RETURN [[ofCourseNot, f]]} END. <<>>