Coded September 9, 1982 5:57 pm
Last edited January 10, 1983 5:50 pm
Last Edited by: Gnelson, January 10, 1983 5:50 pm
Last Edited by: Stolfi June 11, 1984 9:16:52 pm PDT
SUPERSEDED BY JunoParseUnparse. Stolfi, June 11, 1984 8:22:46 pm PDT
Simple operator precedence parser for operators of the following types: infix, prefix, postfix, matchfix (like "begin" or left grouping parenthesis), subfix (like "[" in Mesa or "(" in f(x)) and closefix (like "end" or ")").
The symbolic expression constructed by the parser is represented as in Lisp, by a nest of ordered pairs; the list cells employed are those of Mesa's LIST OF REF ANY.