DIRECTORY HerculesStorage, RealFns USING [SqRt], HerculesImage, HerculesAlgebra USING [Value, Matrix, Frame, PointVisitProc, EnumPointsInValue, ComputeSomeTransform, ReplacePointsInValue, TransformPoint]; HerculesImageImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS HerculesStorage, HerculesAlgebra, RealFns EXPORTS HerculesImage = BEGIN OPEN HerculesStorage, HerculesImage, Alg: HerculesAlgebra; image: PUBLIC Image _ [points: NIL, constrs: NIL, actions: [first: NIL, last: NIL]]; -- The current image AddPoint: PUBLIC PROC [p: PointPtr] = BEGIN nex: PointPtr _ image.points; ant: PointPtr _ NIL; WHILE nex # NIL AND (nex.x < p.x OR (nex.x = p.x AND nex.y < p.y)) DO nex _ ENDLOOP; image.points _ InsertPoint[p, ant, image.points] END; SortPoints: PUBLIC PROC = BEGIN p, q: PointList; r, rant, t: PointPtr; p _ NIL; q _ image.points; image.points _ NIL; UNTIL q = NIL DO t _ q; q _; _ NIL; r _ p; rant _ NIL; WHILE r # NIL AND (t.x < r.x OR (t.x = r.x AND t.y < r.y)) DO rant _ r; r _; ENDLOOP; p _ InsertPoint [t, rant, p]; ENDLOOP; -- Now reverse the list by moving backwards through it: UNTIL p = NIL DO t _; _ image.points; image.points _ p; p _ t ENDLOOP END; AddConstr: PUBLIC PROC [c: ConstrPtr] = BEGIN image.constrs _ InsertConstr [c, NIL, image.constrs] END; AddAction: PUBLIC PROC [a: ActionPtr] = BEGIN image.actions _ InsertAction [a, image.actions.last, image.actions] END; imageStack: LIST OF REF Image _ NIL; PushImage: PUBLIC PROC = BEGIN imageStack _ CONS [NEW[Image _ image], imageStack]; PurgeImage[]; END; PopImage: PUBLIC PROC = BEGIN PurgeImage[]; image _ imageStack.first^; imageStack _ END; PurgeImage: PUBLIC PROC = BEGIN -- test the cedar collector:... image _ [points: NIL, constrs: NIL, actions: [NIL, NIL]] END; EnumeratePoints: PUBLIC PROC [Op: PointOp] = BEGIN p, pAnt, pNex: PointPtr; p _ image.points; pAnt _ NIL; UNTIL p = NIL DO pNex _; Op[p, pAnt]; p _ pNex ENDLOOP END; EnumerateConstrs: PUBLIC PROC [Op: ConstrOp] = BEGIN c, cAnt, cNex: ConstrPtr; c _ image.constrs; cAnt _ NIL; UNTIL c = NIL DO cNex _; Op[c, cAnt]; c _ cNex ENDLOOP END; EnumerateActions: PUBLIC PROC [Op: ActionOp] = BEGIN a, aAnt, aNex: ActionPtr; a _ image.actions.first; aAnt _ NIL; UNTIL a = NIL DO aNex _; Op[a, aAnt]; a _ aNex ENDLOOP END; Distance: PROC [a,b,c,d:REAL] RETURNS [REAL] = INLINE BEGIN RETURN[RealFns.SqRt[(a-c)*(a-c)+(b-d)*(b-d)]] END; FindPoint: PUBLIC PROC [x, y: REAL, wound: BOOL _ FALSE] RETURNS [champ: PointPtr] = BEGIN p: PointPtr _ image.points; champdistance, pdistance: REAL; champ _ NIL; champdistance _ 1.0E+30; WHILE p # NIL DO IF wound AND p.wn = 0 THEN LOOP; pdistance _ Distance[p.x, p.y, x, y]; IF pdistance < champdistance THEN {champ _ p; champdistance _ pdistance}; p _; ENDLOOP END; BaloonSelect: PUBLIC PROC [xS, yS: INTEGER, NextPoint: NextPointProc] = BEGIN -- WARNING: while this procedure is working, the links in the image.points list -- are not valid. temp, pl, pr: PointPtr; oldx, oldy, newx, newy: INTEGER; lastPoint: BOOL _ FALSE; -- BaloonSelect works by repeatedly sampling the mouse coordinates and -- calling the procedure Wind: Wind: PROCEDURE = BEGIN -- The effect of Wind is to compute the winding number of the small segment -- from (oldx,oldy) to (newx,newy) around every point. The winding -- number of the segment around the point (px, py) is zero unless px is in -- the range [oldx, newx) and the point p is above the line through old -- and new. If non-zero, it is 1 or -1 according as newx > oldx or newx < oldx. -- To rapidly find the points (px,py) such that px is in [oldx, newx), -- we arrange that (a) the points pl, link[pl], link[link[pl]] ... -- are exactly those points whose -- x coordinates are less than oldx, and the points are listed -- in decreasing order of their x coordinates, and (b) the points -- pr, link[pr], link[link[pr]], ... -- are exactly those points whose x coordinates are greater than or -- equal to oldx, and the points are listed in increasing order of -- their x coordinates. IF oldx < newx THEN -- move right: WHILE pr # NIL AND pr.x < newx DO -- transfer one point from the list pr to the list pl: temp _; _ pl; pl _ pr; pr _ temp; -- now update winding number of point if it is above line of mouse motion. IF (pl.y - oldy) * (newx - oldx) > (newy - oldy) * (pl.x - oldx) THEN pl.wn _ pl.wn + 1 ENDLOOP ELSE IF oldx > newx THEN-- move left: WHILE pl # NIL AND pl.x >= newx DO temp _; _ pr; pr _ pl; pl _ temp; IF (pr.y - newy) * (oldx - newx) > (oldy - newy) * (pr.x - newx) THEN pr.wn _ pr.wn - 1 ENDLOOP; END; oldx _ xS; oldy _ yS; pl _ NIL; -- initialize linked lists pl and pr: pr _ image.points; WHILE pr # NIL AND pr.x < xS DO temp _; _ pl; pl _ pr; pr _ temp ENDLOOP; UNTIL lastPoint DO [newx, newy, lastPoint] _ NextPoint[]; Wind; oldx _ newx; oldy _ newy; ENDLOOP; newx _ xS; newy _ yS; Wind; -- now the winding numbers have been computed for all points. Must reset the -- linked list of points. WHILE pl # NIL DO temp _; _ pr; pr _ pl; pl _ temp ENDLOOP; END; AnyWoundPoints: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [BOOL] = BEGIN p: PointPtr _ image.points; WHILE p # NIL DO IF p.wn#0 THEN RETURN [TRUE]; p _ ENDLOOP; RETURN [FALSE] END; ConstrIsWound: PUBLIC PROC [c: ConstrPtr] RETURNS [wound: BOOL] = BEGIN wound _ WITH c SELECT FROM cc: HorPtr => cc.i.wn # 0 AND cc.j.wn # 0, cc: VerPtr => cc.i.wn # 0 AND cc.j.wn # 0, cc: CongPtr => cc.i.wn # 0 AND cc.j.wn # 0 AND cc.k.wn # 0 AND cc.l.wn # 0, cc: ParaPtr => cc.i.wn # 0 AND cc.j.wn # 0 AND cc.k.wn # 0 AND cc.l.wn # 0, cc: PerpPtr => cc.i.wn # 0 AND cc.j.wn # 0 AND cc.k.wn # 0 AND cc.l.wn # 0, cc: AtPtr => cc.p.wn # 0, cc: CcwPtr => cc.i.wn # 0 AND cc.j.wn # 0 AND cc.k.wn # 0, ENDCASE => ERROR; wound _ wound AND ( = NIL OR # 0) AND (c.frame.xP = NIL OR c.frame.xP.wn # 0) AND (c.frame.yP = NIL OR c.frame.yP.wn # 0) END; ActionIsWound: PUBLIC PROC [a: ActionPtr] RETURNS [wound: BOOL] = BEGIN TestPoint: Alg.PointVisitProc = {IF p.wn = 0 THEN wound _ FALSE}; wound _ TRUE; Alg.EnumPointsInValue[a.arg, TestPoint]; END; MarkConstrArgs: PROC [c: ConstrPtr] = -- Marks all points that enter into the constraint c. BEGIN WITH c SELECT FROM cc: HorPtr => {cc.i.mark _ TRUE; cc.j.mark _ TRUE}; cc: VerPtr => {cc.i.mark _ TRUE; cc.j.mark _ TRUE}; cc: CongPtr => {cc.i.mark _ TRUE; cc.j.mark _ TRUE; cc.k.mark _ TRUE; cc.l.mark _ TRUE}; cc: ParaPtr => {cc.i.mark _ TRUE; cc.j.mark _ TRUE; cc.k.mark _ TRUE; cc.l.mark _ TRUE}; cc: PerpPtr => {cc.i.mark _ TRUE; cc.j.mark _ TRUE; cc.k.mark _ TRUE; cc.l.mark _ TRUE}; cc: AtPtr => {cc.p.mark _ TRUE}; cc: CcwPtr => {cc.i.mark _ TRUE; cc.j.mark _ TRUE; cc.k.mark _ TRUE}; ENDCASE => ERROR; IF # NIL THEN _ TRUE; IF c.frame.xP # NIL THEN c.frame.xP.mark _ TRUE; IF c.frame.yP # NIL THEN c.frame.yP.mark _ TRUE END; MarkActionArgs: PROC [a: ActionPtr] = -- Marks all points that are arguments to the action a. BEGIN MarkPoint: Alg.PointVisitProc = {p.mark _ TRUE}; Alg.EnumPointsInValue[a.arg, MarkPoint]; END; DeleteWoundItems: PUBLIC PROCEDURE = BEGIN DeleteConstrIfWound: ConstrOp = BEGIN IF ConstrIsWound[c] THEN {image.constrs _ DeleteConstr[c, cAnt, image.constrs]; GcConstr[c]} ELSE {MarkConstrArgs[c]} END; DeleteActionIfWound: ActionOp = BEGIN IF ActionIsWound[a] THEN {image.actions _ DeleteAction[a, aAnt, image.actions]; GcAction[a]} ELSE {MarkActionArgs[a]} END; DeletePointIfWoundAndUnMarked: PointOp = BEGIN IF p.wn # 0 AND NOT p.mark THEN {image.points _ DeletePoint[p, pAnt, image.points]; GcPoint[p]}; p.mark _ FALSE; p.wn _ 0 END; -- Delete all constraints and actions whose arguments are all wound, -- and mark the arguments of those that are not deleted EnumerateConstrs[DeleteConstrIfWound]; EnumerateActions[DeleteActionIfWound]; -- Now delete all wound points that belong to no action of constraint, -- and reset the winding numbers and marks of the others: EnumeratePoints[DeletePointIfWoundAndUnMarked] END; mat: REF Alg.Matrix _ NEW [Alg.Matrix]; -- Used by MoveWoundPoints MoveWoundPoints: PUBLIC PROC [source, dest: Alg.Frame] RETURNS [singular: BOOL]= BEGIN [mat, singular] _ Alg.ComputeSomeTransform[source, dest, mat]; -- Transform the coordinates of points in baloon TransformWoundPoints[mat]; -- Replace all occurences of source frame points in actions and constraints by the -- corresponding points of the destination frame _; IF source.xP # NIL THEN source.xP.copy _ dest.xP; IF source.yP # NIL THEN source.yP.copy _ dest.yP; IdentifyPoints[]; END; CopyConstr: PROC [c: ConstrPtr] RETURNS [cCopy: ConstrPtr] = -- Creates a copy of constraint c using the copies of all points entering into c. BEGIN cCopy _ WITH c SELECT FROM cc: HorPtr => NewHor[cc.i.copy, cc.j.copy], cc: VerPtr => NewHor[cc.i.copy, cc.j.copy], cc: CongPtr => NewCong[cc.i.copy, cc.j.copy, cc.k.copy, cc.l.copy], cc: ParaPtr => NewPara[cc.i.copy, cc.j.copy, cc.k.copy, cc.l.copy], cc: PerpPtr => NewPerp[cc.i.copy, cc.j.copy, cc.k.copy, cc.l.copy], cc: AtPtr => NewAt[cc.p.copy, cc.x, cc.y], cc: CcwPtr => NewCcw[cc.i.copy, cc.j.copy, cc.k.copy], ENDCASE => ERROR; IF # NIL THEN _; IF c.frame.xP # NIL THEN cCopy.frame.xP _ c.frame.xP.copy; IF c.frame.yP # NIL THEN cCopy.frame.yP _ c.frame.yP.copy END; CopyAction: PROC [a: ActionPtr] RETURNS [aCopy: ActionPtr] = -- Creates a copy of action a using the copies of all points that are arguments of a. BEGIN GetPointCopy: Alg.PointVisitProc = {RETURN [IF p.copy # NIL THEN p.copy ELSE p]}; aCopy _ NewAction[op: a.op, arg: Alg.ReplacePointsInValue [a.arg, GetPointCopy]]; END; CopyWoundItems: PUBLIC PROCEDURE = BEGIN pCopy: PointPtr; copiedActions: ActionList _ [NIL, NIL]; CopyPointIfWound: PointOp = BEGIN IF p.wn # 0 THEN {pCopy _ NewPoint[p.x, p.y]; image.points _ InsertPoint[pCopy, pAnt, image.points]; p.copy _ pCopy; pCopy.wn _ p.wn} END; CopyConstrIfWound: ConstrOp = BEGIN IF ConstrIsWound[c] THEN {image.constrs _ InsertConstr[CopyConstr[c], cAnt, image.constrs]} END; CopyActionIfWound: ActionOp = BEGIN IF ActionIsWound[a] THEN {copiedActions _ InsertAction[CopyAction[a], aAnt, copiedActions]} END; UnwindIfOriginal: PointOp = BEGIN IF p.copy # NIL THEN {p.wn _ 0} END; -- Make a copy of all wound points EnumeratePoints[CopyPointIfWound]; -- Copy all constraints and actions whose arguments are all wound EnumerateConstrs[CopyConstrIfWound]; EnumerateActions[CopyActionIfWound]; -- Append copied actions at the end of image IF image.actions = [NIL, NIL] THEN {image.actions _ copiedActions} -- superfluous, but... ELSE IF copiedActions # [NIL, NIL] THEN { _ copiedActions.first; image.actions.last _ copiedActions.last}; -- Reset the winding numbers of the originals EnumeratePoints[UnwindIfOriginal] END; TransformWoundPoints: PUBLIC PROC[mat: REF Alg.Matrix] = BEGIN p: PointPtr _ image.points; WHILE p # NIL DO IF p.wn # 0 THEN {[p.x, p.y] _ Alg.TransformPoint[p.x, p.y, mat]; p.wn _ 0}; p _; ENDLOOP END; IdentifyConstrArgs: PROC [c: ConstrPtr] = -- Replaces p by p.copy (if the latter is not NIL) for all points entering into constraint c. BEGIN WITH c SELECT FROM cc: HorPtr => {IF cc.i.copy # NIL THEN cc.i _ cc.i.copy; IF cc.j.copy # NIL THEN cc.j _ cc.j.copy}; cc: VerPtr => {IF cc.i.copy # NIL THEN cc.i _ cc.i.copy; IF cc.j.copy # NIL THEN cc.j _ cc.j.copy}; cc: CongPtr => {IF cc.i.copy # NIL THEN cc.i _ cc.i.copy; IF cc.j.copy # NIL THEN cc.j _ cc.j.copy; IF cc.k.copy # NIL THEN cc.k _ cc.k.copy; IF cc.l.copy # NIL THEN cc.l _ cc.l.copy}; cc: ParaPtr => {IF cc.i.copy # NIL THEN cc.i _ cc.i.copy; IF cc.j.copy # NIL THEN cc.j _ cc.j.copy; IF cc.k.copy # NIL THEN cc.k _ cc.k.copy; IF cc.l.copy # NIL THEN cc.l _ cc.l.copy}; cc: PerpPtr => {IF cc.i.copy # NIL THEN cc.i _ cc.i.copy; IF cc.j.copy # NIL THEN cc.j _ cc.j.copy; IF cc.k.copy # NIL THEN cc.k _ cc.k.copy; IF cc.l.copy # NIL THEN cc.l _ cc.l.copy}; cc: AtPtr => {IF cc.p.copy # NIL THEN cc.p _ cc.p.copy}; cc: CcwPtr => {IF cc.i.copy # NIL THEN cc.i _ cc.i.copy; IF cc.j.copy # NIL THEN cc.j _ cc.j.copy; IF cc.k.copy # NIL THEN cc.k _ cc.k.copy}; ENDCASE => ERROR; IF # NIL AND # NIL THEN _; IF c.frame.xP # NIL AND c.frame.xP.copy # NIL THEN c.frame.xP _ c.frame.xP.copy; IF c.frame.yP # NIL AND c.frame.yP.copy # NIL THEN c.frame.yP _ c.frame.yP.copy END; IdentifyActionArgs: PROC [a: ActionPtr] = -- Replaces p by p.copy (if the latter is not NIL) for all points that are arguments to action a. BEGIN GetPointCopy: Alg.PointVisitProc = {RETURN [IF p.copy # NIL THEN p.copy ELSE p]}; a.arg _ Alg.ReplacePointsInValue [a.arg, GetPointCopy] END; IdentifyPoints: PUBLIC PROC = BEGIN MarkCopies: PointOp = {IF p.copy # NIL THEN p.copy.mark _ TRUE}; IdConstrArgs: ConstrOp = {IdentifyConstrArgs[c]}; IdActionArgs: ActionOp = {IdentifyActionArgs[a]}; DeleteUnreachableOriginals: PointOp = {IF p.copy # NIL AND NOT p.mark THEN {-- p should be unreachable by now image.points _ DeletePoint[p, pAnt, image.points]; GcPoint[p]}; p.mark _ FALSE; p.copy _ NIL; p.wn _ 0}; -- Mark copies so that we know who becomes unreachable EnumeratePoints[MarkCopies]; -- Replace p by p.copy in all actions and constraints, whenever p.copy # NIL EnumerateConstrs[IdConstrArgs]; EnumerateActions[IdActionArgs]; -- Now delete original points that have become unreachable EnumeratePoints[DeleteUnreachableOriginals] END; END. –HerculesImageImpl.mesa (pieces of JunoStorageImpl.mesa), coded June 81 by Greg Nelson. The current (unnamed) image and related procedures. To do: Keep constraints in symbolic expression form (February 13, 1984 10:52 pm) Last Edited by: GNelson, September 14, 1982 4: 38 pm Last Edited by: Stolfi, February 22, 1984 6:49 am - - - - THE CURRENT IMAGE - - - - IMAGE SAVE AND RESTORE - - - - IMAGE ELEMENT ENUMERATION - - - - POINT LOCATION - - - - BALOON SELECTION - - - - OPERATIONS ON BALOON-SELECTED ITEMS Edited on February 4, 1984 4:23 am, by Stolfi changes to: imagePoints, imageConstraints, imageActions, procedures (replace pointLpad, pointRpad, itemLpad, itemRpad, lambdaAlist), AddPoint, AddHor, AddVer, AddPara, AddPerp, AddCong, AddAt, AddCcw, AddEdge, AddArc, AddString, AddAppl (argument changes), HasDef (deleted (never defined?)), AddDef (replaced by AddProcDef; parameter change), GetBody, GetLocals (replaced by GetProcDef), PushImage, PopImage, PurgeImage (replace PushState, PopState, ResetJunoStorage), imageStack (replaces saveStateList), InsertPoint, SortPoints (moved here from JunoBody) AddPoint (inserts in sorted order, added visible parameter) Edited on February 6, 1984 7:29 pm, by Stolfi changes to: imagePoints, imageConstraints, imageActions, procedures (deleted), imageLastAction (new), Image, PointList, ActionList, ConstrList (new), AddConstr, (new - replace AddHor, AddVer, AddPara, AddPerp, AddCong, AddAt, AddCcw; require constraint to be created outside), AddAction (new - replace AddEdge, AddArc, AddString, AddAppl; require action to be created outside; adds actions in chronological order), AddPoint (requires point to be created outside), EnumerateConstrs, EnumerateActions, (copyed from ItemOperation, EnumerateItems of JunoBody, split in two), PointOp, EnumeratePoints (new), InsertPoint, DeletePoint, DeleteConstr, InsertConstr, DeleteAction, InsertAction (new), DeleteWoundItems, TransformWoundPoints, CopyWoundItems, IdentifyPoints (copied from Delete, TransformPoints, Copy, Identify of JunoBody), ConstrIsWound, ActionIsWound, UnwindConstrArgs, UnwindActionArgs (new), DeleteWoundItems, CopyConstr, CopyAction, CopyWoundItems, TransformWoundPoints, IdentifyConstrArgs, IdentifyActionArgs, IdentifyPoints (new - replace Copy, TransformPoints, Identify, Delete, ListOfCopies, AllHaveCopies, SetCopiesToNil, DeleteOriginals from old JunoBodyImpl) Edited on February 8, 1984 6:12 pm, by Stolfi changes to: mat, MoveWoundPoints (new - part of MovePointsInBaloon from HerculesTop), GetProcDef (replaced by GetDef of HerculesStorage), DeletePoint, InsertPoint, DeleteConstr, InsertConstr, DeleteAction, InsertAction, Image (moved to HerculesStorage), procedures (type is Alist), BaloonSelect (new - piece of HerculesTop.TrackBlueBaloon), AnyWoundPoints (moved here from HerculesTop.AnyPointsInBaloon), FindPoint (moved here from HerculesTop), AddPoint, SortPoints, AddConstr, AddAction (deleted list parameter and result, now operate only on current image), AddProcDef (moved to HerculesAlgebra), Edited on February 13, 1984 11:22 pm, by Stolfi changes to: ActionIsWound, MarkActionArgs, CopyAction, IdentifyActionArgs (now actions are all applications), Ê Ü˜JšœV™VJ™Jšœ5™5JšÏbœK™QJšœ5™5J™2JšÏk œ žœ.žœ…˜æJšœžœžœ+žœ˜fJšžœžœ7˜AJ™Jš œžœžœžœžœžœÏcœ˜zšÏnœžœžœ˜%Jšœžœ7žœžœžœžœžœžœžœ žœ9žœ˜ú—š  œžœžœ˜Jš-œžœ5žœ#žœžœžœžœ#žœžœžœžœžœžœ žœ žœ+žœ+žœŸ8œžœžœžœFžœžœ˜—š  œžœžœ˜'Jšœžœ'žœžœ˜J—š  œžœžœ˜'JšœžœLžœ˜Y—J™Jš œ žœžœžœ žœ˜$J˜š  œžœžœ˜Jš œžœžœžœ9žœ˜k—š œžœžœ˜JšœžœUžœ˜d—š  œžœžœ˜JšœžŸ$œžœžœžœžœžœ˜ƒ—J™"š œžœžœ˜,Jšœžœ9žœžœžœžœ9žœžœ˜ž—š œžœžœ˜.Jšœžœ;žœžœžœžœ9žœžœ˜ —š œžœžœ˜.JšœžœAžœžœžœžœ9žœžœ˜¦—J™š  œžœ žœžœžœž˜5Jšœžœžœ(žœ˜=—š   œž œžœ žœžœžœ˜TJšœžŸœ:žœ žœžœžœžœžœžœ žœžœ0žœžœAžœžœ˜Æ—J™š  œžœžœ žœ˜HJšžŸœŸ>Ðcr Ÿœ:žœžœžœŸœ Ÿ8œŸ ˜Âšœ œž œ ˜JšNœžœ ŸLœŸGœŸNœŸKœŸSœŸGœŸHœŸ%œŸBœŸGœŸ(œŸGœŸFœŸœžœ žœŸœ žœžœžœ žœŸ8œxŸKœžœPžœ žœ žœžœ žŸœ žœžœžœžœyžœ?žœ1žœžœ ˜Ü—Jš(œŸœ žœŸ&œžœžœžœ žœ?žœžœ žœcžœŸœ ŸMœŸœžœžœžœ?žœžœŸ˜Ë—š  œžœžœžœžœ˜,Jšœžœ#žœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœ˜“—J™,š Ðbn œžœžœžœ žœ˜CJš;œžœžœžœžœ8žœEžœFžœ žœ žœFžœ žœ žœFžœ žœ žœ|žœ žœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœ˜£—š ¢ œžœžœžœ žœ˜AJšœžœ œ!žœ žœ žœžœ/žœ˜œ—š¢œžœŸ3¡Ÿœ˜aJšOœžœžœžœžœ9žœžœ;žœžœ<žœžœ"žœžœ<žœžœ"žœžœ<žœžœ"žœžœ:žœ;žœžœ"žœ žœžœ žœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœ˜â—š¢œžœŸ5¡Ÿœ˜cJš œžœ œ*žœ3žœ˜€—š œžœž œ˜%Jšœž˜Jš œœžœ žœžœgžœ)žœ˜ìJš œœžœ žœžœgžœ)žœ˜ìJšœœžœ žœ žœžœžœmžœžœ˜íJšœŸƒœZŸ†œ3žœ˜¢—JšœžœžœŸ˜Cš œž œžœ žœ˜UJšžœHŸ1œ#ŸSœŸ4œ$žœ žœžœžœ žœžœ1žœ˜Ó—š ¢ œžœžœŸ¡MŸœ˜”Jš!œžœžœžœžœÞžœžœ žœžœžœ+žœžœžœ)žœžœžœ#žœ˜í—š ¢ œžœžœŸ¡QŸœ˜™Jšœžœ œ!žœžœ žœžœžœ]žœ˜Æ—š œžœž œ˜#Jšœžœ8žœžœ˜IJš œœžœ žœ žœžœ˜êJš œœžœ žœžœWžœ˜­Jš œœžœ žœžœWžœ˜­Jš œœžœ žœ žœžœžœ˜oJšœŸ#œ+ŸBœVŸ-œžœžœžœžœ)ŸœžœžœžœžœžœpŸ.œ&žœ˜ó—š œžœžœžœ˜:Jšžœ!žœžœžœžœ žœbžœžœ˜¾—š¢œžœŸ¡YŸœ˜Jš¥œžœžœžœžœ-žœ žœžœ&žœ žœžœ@žœ žœžœ&žœ žœžœAžœ žœžœ&žœ žœžœ&žœ žœžœ&žœ žœžœAžœ žœžœ&žœ žœžœ&žœ žœžœ&žœ žœžœAžœ žœžœ&žœ žœžœ&žœ žœžœ&žœ žœžœ?žœ žœžœ@žœ žœžœ&žœ žœžœ&žœ žœžœžœžœ žœžœžœžœžœ'žœžœžœžœžœ%žœžœžœžœžœžœ˜Ê —š œžœŸa˜ŒJšœžœ œ!žœžœ žœžœžœBžœ˜¨—š œžœžœ˜Jšœž˜Jš œ œžœ žœžœžœ˜LJšœ œ%˜6Jšœ œ%˜6Jšœœžœ žœžœžœžœ Ÿ"œižœ žœ ˜Jš œŸ7œŸOœFŸ;œ.žœ˜Þ—J˜Jšžœ˜J˜™-JšEœ Ïr œ£œ£ œ£ œ £ œ£ œ£œ£œ£ œ£œ£œ£œ£œ£œ£œ£œ£œ£œ£œ£ œ£œ8£œ£ œ£œ£ œ£ œ£ œ£œ£ œ £ œ£œ£œ£ œ £ œq™è—J˜™-Jšuœ £ œ£œ£ œ£ œ £œ£(œ£ œ£œ£œ£œ£œ£œ£œ£œ-£ œ£œ£œ£ œ£œN£œ)£œ£œ£ œ£œ£œ£œ£ œ£ œ£ œ£ œ£ œ£ œ£œ£œ£œ£œ £œ£œ£œ£œ£ œ£ œ£œ£œ £œ£ œ£ œ£œ£œ£œ£œ£œ£'œ£ œ£ œ£œ£œ £ œ™š —J˜™-Jš=œ £œ£œ£œ£ œ£ œ£œ£œ£ œ£ œ£ œ£ œ£ œ£ œ£œ £œ£ œ £œ£ œ£ œ£œ£œ£ œ£œ£ œ£ œ£œ£ œ£ œ£ œI£ œ™Ø—J˜™/Jšœ £>œ%™p—J˜—…—A~[ð