HerculesSolver.mesa (ex OldJunoSolver.mesa)
Last Edited by: Stolfi, February 14, 1984 11:25 pm
HerculesStorage USING [PointList, ConstrList];
HerculesSolver: DEFINITIONS =
BEGIN OPEN Stor: HerculesStorage;
PointList: TYPE = Stor.PointList;
ConstrList: TYPE = Stor.ConstrList;
displayingMotions: PUBLIC BOOL;
Solve: PROC [points: PointList, constrs: ConstrList] RETURNS [success, impossible: BOOLEAN]
-- Attempts to satisfy the given constraints by adjusting the positions of the given points
-- while keeping all other points fixed.
-- Uses the Newton-raphson method. Iterates the latter until
-- (a) no point changes position (after rounding to integer coordinates), or
-- (b) all constraints are found to be satisfied, or
-- (c) it concludes it is impossible to satisfy them all, or
-- (d) 20 iterations have been performed.
-- Returns impossible=TRUE in case (c), and success=TRUE in cases (a) and (b).
Edited on February 1, 1984 6:38 pm, by Stolfi
-- Added Tioga formatting
changes to: Solve (added impossible return parameter; comments reflect new semantics)
Edited on February 4, 1984 0:24 am, by Stolfi
-- Added Tioga formatting
changes to: displayingMotions (new in this interface), Solve (added constraints parameter - requires changes in JunoStorage!)
Edited on February 7, 1984 7:16 pm, by Stolfi
-- Renamed to herculesSolver
changes to: Solve (fixed parameters)
Edited on February 10, 1984 6:49 am, by Stolfi
changes to: Solve (fixed parameters)
Edited on February 10, 1984 6:49 am, by Stolfi
changes to: Solve (added points and constraints as parameter, removed epsilon)