\section{\Sec4. Operations on tracings}
\subsection{\Sbsec{\Sec4.2} Fibrations}
{\bf Attempt to define general fibration direct from tracings (warning: still ugly and buggy)}: given $\phi\in W\times W\to W$, and $\lambda{ij}\in W\times W\to \integers$, where $i,j\in\set{1,2}$, the associated fibration is an operation that given two tracings $A, B$ returns the tracing $A\circ B$, defined by
$$\twoline{[\mu{A\circ B}(s),\tau{A\circ B}(s)]}{5pt}{=\sum{{r,t\in W}\atop{s=\phi(r,t)}}[\muA(r),\tauA(r)]\times[[\lambda{ij}(r,t)]]\times[\muB(t),\tauB(t)]^T}\eqno(\Eq8)$$
An important property of this definition is that $A\circ B$ is bilinear, i.e. distributes over addition: $(A1+A2)\circ B=A1\circ B + A2\circ B$, and symmetrically for $B$.
{\bf What conditions should the fuctions $\phi$ and $\lambda$ satisfy?} A condition seems to be that for any two legs $e,f$, the values of $\lambda{ij}(r,t)$ are nonzero only on finitely many pairs $r\in e$ and $t\in f$. In the case of convolution, the pairing is
$$\lambda{11}(r,t)=0, \lambda{12}(r,t)=\lambda{21}(r,t)=\lambda{22}(r,t)=1$$
if $r$ and $t$ are parallel, and $0$ otherwise.
{\bf Fibration defined in terms of a decomposition of the tracing into legs:} Consider a function $M$ that given two legs $e,f$ returns a partial tracing $M(e,f)$ with the property that $M$ is bilinear, i.e. if we break a leg $e$ into two legs $e1$ and $e2$ then $M(e,f)=M(e1,f)+M(e2,f)$, and similarly for $f$. Then $M$ can be extended to take two partial tracings and deliver a third, by
$$M(A,B)=\sum{e,f\,{\char l\char e\char g\char s}} \kappaA(e)\kappaB(f)M(e,f).$$
For convolution $M$ is the following: $M(e,f)$ is $e\ast f$, i.e. is the null tracing if $e$ and $f$ are both moves, is $e$ translated by the position of $f$ if $e$ is a move and $f$ is a matching turn (or vice-versa if vice-versa) and is the intersection of the two turns at the sum of the two positions if both are turns. This can be summarized by the formulas
$$\eqalign{\mu{e\ast f}(s)=\sum{{r\in W}\atop{r\relvv s}}\mue(r)\tauf(s-r)+\muf(r)\taue(s-r)\cr\vsk6
\tau{e\ast f}(s)=\sum{{r\in W}\atop{r\relvv s}}\taue(r)\tauf(s-r)\cr}\eqno(\Eq9)$$
which agrees with formula (\Eq8).
From the bilinearity property it follows that equations (\Eq9) hold also with $A$ and $B$ substituting $e$ and $f$. Notice that this works without any transversality assumption, thanks to the one-half convention for terminal states. The rules of the road are obvious consquences of the signed multiplicity conventions and the fact that said multiplicities are multiplied (argh!) in formula (\Eq9). (try it! seems too nice to be true).
For product, it seems we can define $M(e,f)$ by considering the winding function $we(p)$ of a move $e$ to be
\item zero everywhere if $e$ is a turn or an horizontal move;
\item one if $e$ is a forward move oriented upwards and $p$ is to the left of $e$;
\item one half if $e$ is a forward move oriented upwards and $p$ is to the left of one of its endpoints, or on $e$;
\item minus those amounts if $e$ is a forward move oriented downwards;
\item zero otherwise.
Then the product $e\times f$ is the tracing in with every state $s$ gets $\mu{e\times f}(s)$ equal to $\mue(s)wf(\po s)+\muf(s)we(\po s)$, and $\tau{e\times f}(s)=\mue(s)wf(\po s)+\muf(s)we(\po s)$ plus an extra term that creates the extra turns at the intersection of two moves. {\bf hunch: this extra term may depend on the degree function $\deltae(\lscr)$, or some other related function, which apparently should count the number of final minus initial endpoints of $e$ to the left of $\lscr$.}
{\bf can we cook things (by mixing $\mu$ and $\delta$ and $w$ and $\tau$) so that $w$'s get ${1\over2}$ (or ${1\over4}$) consistently at intersections of moves?}
{\bf the main alternatives for defining the operations of convolution, product, etc. are:} (1) Functional definition (product is such that $w$'s multiply, convolution is such that fundamental theorem holds, etc.); depends on good definition for product and a lot of public relations. (2) Definition by some magic formula involving $\muA$ and $\muB$, like (\Eq8) or (\Eq9); obscure but succint (?). (3) Definition by decomposition into legs and bilinearity: clear how to compute, but prolix (all combinations of leg types to consider) and not so intuitive as for what it means.