\input tbasic % this is cs445.tex of January 4, 1982 9:07 AM % Renamed CS445H0.tex in January 6, 1982 4:24 PM \font=_timesromanb at 14truebp \font<_timesromanb at 12truebp \font b _ timesromani at 12truebp \font m _ timesroman at 12truebp \font p _ timesroman at 8truebp \font o _ timesromani at 8truebp \font U = fleur at 28truebp \def\hbf{\:=} \def\lbf{\:<} \def\srm{\:p} \def\sit{\:o} \gdef\fpage{T} \output{\baselineskip 0pt \lineskip 0pt \hbox{\hskip 0.22truein \vbox to 0pt{\vskip -0.54truein \if T\fpage {\hbox to size {\rm \hfil}} \else {\hbox to size {\lbf CS445\hfil Course Topics\hfil\count0}} \vskip 4 pt \hrule \vskip 3 pt \hrule \vskip 0.33truein plus 6 in minus 6 in } } \hbox{\hskip 0.22truein\vbox{\page}} \advcount0 \if T\fpage {\gdef\fpage{F}} \else {} } \jpar 1000 \parindent 0pt \hbox to size { \hfill \vbox { \hbox to 3.5 in {\ctr{\curfont m New Course in Computer Science}} \vskip .25 in \hbox to 3.5 in {\ctr{\curfont b CS445 (winter quarter 1981-82)}} \hbox to 3.5 in {\ctr{\it Tu, Th at 2:45 p.m., in 380U}} \vskip .25 in \hbox to 3.5 in {\ctr{\curfont = Computational Geometry}} \vskip .25 in \hbox to 3.5 in {\ctr{\curfont m Instructor: Leo Guibas}} \vskip .1 in } } \vskip .16 in \hrule height 2 pt \vskip .16 in \def\t{\hskip .3 in} \halign { \lft{#}\cr <==