DIRECTORY COGDebug USING [out, in], Graphics USING [Box, Color, Path, Context, GetBounds, DrawTo, MoveTo, LineTo, DrawBox, SetColor, SetCP, NewPath, DrawStroke], IO USING [PutF, GetChar], List USING [Assoc, AList, DotCons, Zone], Atom USING [GetPName], Process USING [GetPriority, Priority, priorityBackground, priorityForeground, SetPriority, GetCurrent], ViewerClasses, TIPTables USING [TIPScreenCoords], Rope USING [ROPE], TIPUser USING [InstantiateNewTIPTable, TIPTable], ViewerOps USING [RegisterViewerClass, CreateViewer, PaintViewer], Menus USING [Menu, MenuProc, CreateMenu, AppendMenuEntry, CreateEntry, MenuEntry, MenuLine], WindowManager USING [StartColorViewers], Real USING [Float], COGCart USING [Point, UnScalePoint, Box, ScaleFactors, BoxToBoxScale], COGHomo USING [Point, FinPt, ScalePoint, ScaleSeg], COGDrawing; COGDrawingImpl: CEDAR MONITOR LOCKS vData^ USING vData: ViewerData IMPORTS Graphics, Process, ViewerOps, IO, List, Atom, COGDebug, Menus, COGHomo, TIPUser, Real, COGDrawing, COGCart, WindowManager EXPORTS COGDrawing SHARES COGDrawing, List = BEGIN OPEN COGDrawing, Homo: COGHomo, Cart: COGCart, Real, Rope, Bug: COGDebug, IO; ViewerData: TYPE = REF ViewerDataRec; ViewerDataRec: TYPE = MONITORED RECORD [alive: BOOLEAN _ TRUE, -- so Mother can know when to exit -- the following fields are protected by the record lock holders: ARRAY [0..maxHold) OF PROCESS _ ALL[NIL], -- processes with read or write access nHolders: NAT[0..maxHold] _ 0, -- no. of non-NIL holders owner: [0..maxHold] _ maxHold, -- the one which has write access, if any empty: [0..maxHold] _ 0, -- first empty slot released: CONDITION, -- raised when objects are released -- the following fields are protected by the software lock (the holders/owned fields) fobj, lobj: ARRAY PaintOrder OF Object _ ALL [NIL], -- first and last objs by paint order pList: List.AList, -- Drawing's property list mouseActions: LIST OF REF MouseActionEntry _ NIL, -- enabled mouse events box: Cart.Box, -- client-defined bounding box for objects scale: Cart.ScaleFactors _ [1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], -- curr scale conversion factors grid: NAT _ 0 -- grid size (in user coords) for rounding mouse coordinates; 0 = no grid ]; maxHold: NAT = 4; -- max no of simultaneous processes that can have rights to a drawing MouseActionEntry: TYPE = RECORD [event: MouseEvent, Proc: MouseProc, eventData: REF, needs: Access -- to be acquired before calling the Proc ]; MenuActionEntry: TYPE = RECORD [name: ROPE, Proc: MenuProc, menuData: REF, needs: Access -- to be acquired before calling the Proc ]; DrawingError: ERROR [descr: ROPE] = CODE; MakeDrawing: PUBLIC PROC [name: ROPE, box: Cart.Box] RETURNS [dr: Drawing] = TRUSTED BEGIN vData: ViewerData _ NEW [ViewerDataRec _ [pList: NIL, box: box]]; Bug.out.PutF["\nCreating Viewer..."]; dr _ ViewerOps.CreateViewer [flavor: $Drawing, info: [name: name, column: left, iconic: FALSE, data: vData], paint: TRUE] END; Alive: PUBLIC PROC [dr: Drawing] RETURNS [BOOL] = BEGIN vData: ViewerData = NARROW []; RETURN [vData.alive] END; Change: PUBLIC TYPE = RECORD [ix: NAT [0..maxHold], kind: ChangeKind]; -- Change in rights. ChangeKind: TYPE = {null, noneToRead, noneToWrite, readToWrite}; noChange: PUBLIC Change _ [maxHold, null]; -- none to none, read to read, or write to write. FindProcess: INTERNAL PROC [vData: ViewerData, me: PROCESS] RETURNS [ix: INTEGER [0..maxHold] _ 0] = INLINE BEGIN OPEN vData; -- returns maxHold if not found IF nHolders = 0 THEN ix _ maxHold ELSE WHILE ix < maxHold AND holders[ix] # me DO ix _ ix + 1 ENDLOOP END; InsertProcess: INTERNAL PROC [vData: ViewerData, me: PROCESS] RETURNS [ix: INTEGER [0..maxHold]] = INLINE BEGIN OPEN vData; -- assumes empty < maxHold ix _ empty; holders[ix] _ me; nHolders _ nHolders + 1; WHILE empty < maxHold AND holders[empty] # NIL DO empty _ empty + 1 ENDLOOP END; DeleteProcess: INTERNAL PROC [vData: ViewerData, ix: INTEGER [0..maxHold)] = INLINE BEGIN OPEN vData; holders[ix] _ NIL; empty _ ix; nHolders _ nHolders-1 END; GetReadRights: PUBLIC PROC [dr: Drawing] RETURNS [c: Change] = TRUSTED BEGIN me: PROCESS = LOOPHOLE [Process.GetCurrent[]]; DoGetReadRights: ENTRY PROC [vData: ViewerData] RETURNS [c: Change] = TRUSTED INLINE BEGIN OPEN vData; ix: NAT[0..maxHold] _ FindProcess[vData, me]; IF ix < maxHold THEN RETURN [noChange]; -- has to insert it WHILE vData.owner # maxHold OR nHolders = maxHold DO WAIT released ENDLOOP; RETURN [[InsertProcess [vData, me], noneToRead]] END; c _ DoGetReadRights [NARROW []] END; GetWriteRights: PUBLIC PROC [dr: Drawing] RETURNS [c: Change] = TRUSTED BEGIN me: PROCESS = LOOPHOLE[Process.GetCurrent[]]; DoGetWriteRights: ENTRY PROC [vData: ViewerData] RETURNS [c: Change] = TRUSTED INLINE BEGIN OPEN vData; ix: NAT[0..maxHold] _ FindProcess[vData, me]; IF ix >= maxHold THEN {-- has to insert it WHILE nHolders # 0 DO WAIT released ENDLOOP; ix _ InsertProcess [vData, me]; c _ [ix, noneToWrite]} ELSE IF ix = owner THEN {RETURN [noChange]} ELSE {-- upgrades Hold to Lock WHILE nHolders # 1 DO WAIT released ENDLOOP; c _ [ix, readToWrite]}; vData.owner _ ix; RETURN END; c _ DoGetWriteRights [NARROW []] END; Release: PUBLIC PROC [dr: Drawing, c: Change] = BEGIN DoRelease: ENTRY PROC [vData: ViewerData] = TRUSTED INLINE BEGIN OPEN vData; -- c.kind is not null IF c.kind # noneToRead THEN owner _ maxHold; IF c.kind # readToWrite THEN DeleteProcess [vData, c.ix]; BROADCAST vData.released END; IF c.kind # null THEN DoRelease [NARROW []] END; Make: PUBLIC PROC [Painter: PainterProc, parms: ObjectParms] RETURNS [obj: Object] = BEGIN obj _ NEW [ObjectRec _ [Painter: Painter, parms: parms, order: , pred: NIL, succ: NIL, dr: NIL]] END; Add: PUBLIC PROC [dr: Drawing, obj: Object, order: PaintOrder _ 3] = BEGIN DoAddObject: PROC [vData: ViewerData] = BEGIN OPEN vData; obj.order _ order; IF fobj[order] = NIL THEN {fobj[order] _ lobj[order] _ obj; obj.pred _ obj.succ _ NIL} ELSE {obj.pred _ lobj[order]; lobj[order].succ _ obj; lobj[order] _ obj; obj.succ _ NIL}; obj.dr _ dr END; c: Change; IF obj.dr = dr THEN RETURN; IF obj.dr # NIL THEN ERROR DrawingError ["Object in another Drawing!"]; c _ GetWriteRights[dr]; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => {Release[dr, c]}; DoAddObject [NARROW []]; DoPaint [dr, obj]; Release[dr, c] END END; Remove: PUBLIC PROC [obj: Object] = BEGIN DoRemoveObject: PROC [vData: ViewerData] = BEGIN OPEN vData; order: PaintOrder = obj.order; test: Object; IF obj.succ = NIL THEN {test _ lobj[order]; lobj[order] _ obj.pred} ELSE {test _ obj.succ.pred; obj.succ.pred _ obj.pred}; IF test # obj THEN ERROR DrawingError ["Smashed object list (I)"]; IF obj.pred = NIL THEN {test _ fobj[order]; fobj[order] _ obj.succ} ELSE {test _ obj.pred.succ; obj.pred.succ _ obj.succ}; IF test # obj THEN ERROR DrawingError ["Smashed object list (II)"]; obj.dr _ NIL; obj.succ _ obj.pred _ NIL END; dr: Drawing = obj.dr; c: Change; IF dr = NIL THEN RETURN; c _ GetWriteRights[dr]; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => {Release[dr, c]}; color: Color = obj.parms.color; obj.parms.color _ white; DoPaint [dr, obj]; obj.parms.color _ color; DoRemoveObject [NARROW []]; Release[dr, c] END END; RemoveLayers: PUBLIC PROC [dr: Drawing, minOrder, maxOrder: PaintOrder] = BEGIN DoRemoveTheObjects: PROC [vData: ViewerData] = BEGIN OPEN vData; oba, obj: Object; color: Color; remAll: BOOL _ TRUE; FOR order: PaintOrder IN PaintOrder WHILE remAll DO IF NOT order IN [minOrder..maxOrder] AND vData.fobj[order] # NIL THEN remAll _ FALSE ENDLOOP; FOR order: PaintOrder IN [minOrder..maxOrder] DO obj _ vData.fobj[order]; WHILE obj # NIL DO color _ obj.parms.color; obj.parms.color _ white; DoPaint [dr, obj]; -- erase object from screen obj.parms.color _ color; oba _ obj.succ; obj.succ _ obj.pred _ NIL; obj.dr _ NIL; obj _ oba ENDLOOP; lobj[order] _ fobj[order] _ NIL ENDLOOP; IF remAll THEN DoPaintAll [dr] END; c: Change _ GetWriteRights[dr]; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => {Release[dr, c]}; DoRemoveTheObjects [NARROW []]; Release[dr, c] END END; RepaintAll: PUBLIC PROC [dr: Drawing] = BEGIN c: Change _ GetReadRights[dr]; DoPaintAll [dr ! UNWIND => {Release[dr, c]}]; Release[dr, c] END; SetStyle: PUBLIC PROC [obj: Object, color: Color _ black, size: Size _ 1, style: Style _ 0] = BEGIN c: Change _ GetWriteRights[obj.dr]; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => {Release[obj.dr, c]}; obj.parms.color _ white; DoPaint [obj.dr, obj]; obj.parms.color _ color; obj.parms.size _ size; _ style; DoPaint [obj.dr, obj]; Release[obj.dr, c] END END; Modify: PUBLIC PROC [obj: Object, Action: ObjectAction, actionData: REF _ NIL, erase, repaint: BOOL _ TRUE] RETURNS [actionResult: REF] = BEGIN color: Color; c: Change _ GetWriteRights[obj.dr]; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => {Release[obj.dr, c]}; IF erase THEN {color _ obj.parms.color; obj.parms.color _ white; DoPaint [obj.dr, obj]; -- erase object obj.parms.color _ color}; actionResult _ Action [obj, actionData]; IF repaint THEN {DoPaint [obj.dr, obj]}; Release[obj.dr, c] END END; ModifyAll: PUBLIC PROC [dr: Drawing, Action: ObjectAction, actionData: REF _ NIL, erase, repaint: BOOL _ TRUE] RETURNS [actionResult: REF] = BEGIN color: Color; obj: Object; c: Change _ GetWriteRights[dr]; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => {Release[dr, c]}; vData: ViewerData = NARROW []; actionResult _ actionData; FOR order: PaintOrder IN PaintOrder DO obj _ vData.fobj[order]; WHILE obj # NIL DO IF erase THEN {color _ obj.parms.color; obj.parms.color _ white; DoPaint [dr, obj]; -- erase object obj.parms.color _ color}; actionResult _ Action [obj, actionResult]; IF repaint THEN {DoPaint [dr, obj]}; obj _ obj.succ ENDLOOP ENDLOOP; Release[dr, c] END END; Enumerate: PUBLIC PROC [dr: Drawing, Action: ObjectAction, actionData: REF _ NIL] RETURNS [actionResult: REF] = BEGIN obj: Object; c: Change _ GetReadRights[dr]; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => {Release[dr, c]}; vData: ViewerData = NARROW []; actionResult _ actionData; FOR order: PaintOrder IN PaintOrder DO obj _ vData.fobj[order]; WHILE obj # NIL DO actionResult _ Action [obj, actionResult]; obj _ obj.succ ENDLOOP ENDLOOP; Release[dr, c] END END; DoErase: PUBLIC PROC [dr: Drawing, obj: Object] = TRUSTED BEGIN -- The caller must have write rights in order to call this procedure color: Color _ obj.parms.color; obj.parms.color _ white; ViewerOps.PaintViewer [viewer: dr, hint: client, clearClient: FALSE, whatChanged: obj]; obj.parms.color _ color END; DoPaint: PUBLIC PROC [dr: Drawing, obj: Object] = TRUSTED BEGIN -- The caller must have at least read rights in order to call this procedure ViewerOps.PaintViewer [viewer: dr, hint: client, clearClient: FALSE, whatChanged: obj] END; DoPaintAll: PUBLIC PROC [dr: Drawing] = TRUSTED BEGIN -- The caller must have at least read rights in order to call this procedure ViewerOps.PaintViewer [viewer: dr, hint: client, clearClient: TRUE, whatChanged: $All] END; DrawDot: PUBLIC PROC [context: Graphics.Context, sf: Cart.ScaleFactors, pt: Homo.Point, side: Size _ 0, color: Color _ black] = TRUSTED BEGIN IF Homo.FinPt [pt] THEN {cp: Cart.Point = Homo.ScalePoint [pt, sf]; sz: REAL = IF side = 0 THEN 1.0 ELSE Float[side]/2.0 + 0.1; Graphics.SetColor[context, color]; Graphics.DrawBox[context, [cp.x-sz, cp.y-sz, cp.x+sz, cp.y+sz]]} END; DrawSegment: PUBLIC PROC [context: Graphics.Context, sf: Cart.ScaleFactors, org, dest: Homo.Point, width: Size _ 1, color: Color _ black] = TRUSTED BEGIN -- note: size = 0 means standard line size (as defined by DrawTo) so, sd: Cart.Point; [so, sd] _ Homo.ScaleSeg [org, dest, sf]; Graphics.SetColor[context, color]; IF width # 0 THEN {path: Graphics.Path = Graphics.NewPath[2]; Graphics.MoveTo[path, so.x, so.y]; Graphics.LineTo[path, sd.x, sd.y]; Graphics.DrawStroke[context, path, Float [width]]} ELSE {Graphics.SetCP[context, so.x, so.y]; Graphics.DrawTo[context, sd.x, sd.y]} END; SetCP: PUBLIC PROC [context: Graphics.Context, sf: Cart.ScaleFactors, pt: Homo.Point] = TRUSTED BEGIN cp: Cart.Point = Homo.ScalePoint [pt, sf]; Graphics.SetCP[context, cp.x, cp.y] END; DrawTo: PUBLIC PROC [context: Graphics.Context, sf: Cart.ScaleFactors, pt: Homo.Point] = TRUSTED BEGIN cp: Cart.Point = Homo.ScalePoint [pt, sf]; Graphics.DrawTo[context, cp.x, cp.y] END; MoveTo: PUBLIC PROC [path: Graphics.Path, sf: Cart.ScaleFactors, pt: Homo.Point] = TRUSTED BEGIN cp: Cart.Point = Homo.ScalePoint [pt, sf]; Graphics.MoveTo[path, cp.x, cp.y] END; LineTo: PUBLIC PROC [path: Graphics.Path, sf: Cart.ScaleFactors, pt: Homo.Point] = TRUSTED BEGIN cp: Cart.Point = Homo.ScalePoint [pt, sf]; Graphics.LineTo[path, cp.x, cp.y] END; ViewerPainter: ViewerClasses.PaintProc = TRUSTED BEGIN -- Parameters: [self: Viewer, context: Graphics.Context, whatChanged: REF ANY] -- Called either by the system because of viewer rearrangement or creation, or by the DoPaint/DoPaintAll through ViewerOps.PaintViewer. -- In the first case, whatChanged will be NIL. The caller will hold no access rights to the viewer data, and therefore ViewerPainter will acquire read access. -- In the second case, whatChanged will be $All for full repaint, or a single Object. The caller is assumed to have at least read access rights to the viewer, so ViewerPainter will not try to acquire it.. vData: ViewerData _ NARROW[]; c: Change; PaintSingleObject: PROC [obj: Object] = TRUSTED INLINE {obj.Painter [self, context, vData.scale, obj.parms]}; RePaintEverything: PROC = TRUSTED BEGIN p: Object; oldPriority: Process.Priority _ Process.GetPriority[]; Process.SetPriority[Process.priorityBackground]; -- paint objects in order FOR order: PaintOrder IN PaintOrder DO p _ vData.fobj[order]; WHILE p # NIL DO PaintSingleObject [p]; p _ p.succ ENDLOOP ENDLOOP; Process.SetPriority[oldPriority] END; IF NOT vData.alive THEN RETURN; c _ GetReadRights [self]; BEGIN OPEN vData; ENABLE UNWIND => {Release[self, c]}; cBox: Graphics.Box = Graphics.GetBounds[context]; vData.scale _ Cart.BoxToBoxScale [, [[cBox.xmin, cBox.ymin], [cBox.xmax, cBox.ymax]]]; IF whatChanged = NIL OR whatChanged = $All THEN {-- repaint everything - assume the background is clear RePaintEverything []} ELSE {-- repaint the given thing obj: Object = NARROW [whatChanged]; PaintSingleObject[obj]}; -- relinquish acquired access rights Release[self, c] END; END; LastWish: ViewerClasses.DestroyProc = BEGIN -- parameters: [self: Viewer] -- Called by the system when the viewer is going to be destroyed vData: ViewerData _ NARROW[]; vData.alive _ FALSE END; AddMouseAction: PUBLIC PROC [dr: Drawing, event: MouseEvent, Proc: MouseProc, eventData: REF _ NIL, needs: Access] = BEGIN vData: ViewerData = NARROW []; me: REF MouseActionEntry _ NEW [MouseActionEntry _ [event: event, Proc: Proc, eventData: eventData, needs: needs]]; c: Change _ GetWriteRights[dr]; vData.mouseActions _ CONS [me, vData.mouseActions]; -- hope for no UNWINDs here Release [dr, c] END; MouseWatcher: ViewerClasses.NotifyProc = BEGIN -- parameters [self: Viewer, input: LIST OF REF ANY] -- Called by the system to process mouse events in the viewer area -- Accordind to COG.tip, the first item in the input list is the button name ($LeftDown, etc), followed by the mouse coordinates, followed by $Shift and/or $Ctrl (in that order) or nothing. IF input = NIL OR = NIL THEN RETURN; BEGIN me: REF MouseActionEntry _ NIL; event: MouseEvent _ [button: , shift: FALSE, ctrl: FALSE, kind: down]; vData: ViewerData = NARROW[]; coords: TIPTables.TIPScreenCoords _ NARROW[, TIPTables.TIPScreenCoords]; pt: Cart.Point; c: Change; -- access rights currently held by this process IF NOT vData.alive THEN RETURN; SELECT input.first FROM $LeftDown => {event.button _ red}; $CenterDown => {event.button _ yellow}; $RightDown => {event.button _ blue}; $LeftMove => {event.button _ red; event.kind _ move}; $CenterMove => {event.button _ yellow; event.kind _ move}; $RightMove => {event.button _ blue; event.kind _ move}; ENDCASE => RETURN; input _; IF input # NIL AND input.first = $Shift THEN {event.shift _ TRUE; input _}; IF input # NIL AND input.first = $Ctrl THEN {event.ctrl _ TRUE; input _}; -- map x, y to user coordinates and locate MouseActionEntry for this event c _ GetReadRights[self]; BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => {Release [self, c]}; maList: LIST OF REF MouseActionEntry _ vData.mouseActions; gr: NAT = vData.grid; IF gr # 0 THEN {coords.mouseX _ (coords.mouseX + gr/2)/gr*gr; coords.mouseY _ (coords.mouseY + gr/2)/gr*gr}; pt _ Cart.UnScalePoint [[x: coords.mouseX, y: coords.mouseY], vData.scale]; UNTIL maList = NIL OR maList.first.event = event DO maList _ ENDLOOP; IF maList # NIL THEN me _ maList.first; Release [self, c] END; -- CAUTION - there is a chance that some other process will sneak in here, perhaps -- removing this mouse action from the list. It is possible to check for that case, but let's -- think about that if and when the problem occurs... IF me # NIL THEN {c _ GetRights[self, me.needs]; me.Proc [self, me.eventData, pt.x, pt.y, event ! UNWIND => {Release [self, c]} ]; Release [self, c]} END END; AddMenuAction: PUBLIC PROC [dr: Drawing, name: ROPE, Proc: MenuProc, menuData: REF _ NIL, needs: Access, line: Menus.MenuLine _ 1] = TRUSTED BEGIN vData: ViewerData = NARROW []; me: REF MenuActionEntry _ NEW [MenuActionEntry _ [name: name, Proc: Proc, menuData: menuData, needs: needs]]; entry: Menus.MenuEntry = Menus.CreateEntry [name: name, proc: MenuDispatcher, clientData: me]; Menus.AppendMenuEntry [menu:, entry: entry, line: line]; ViewerOps.PaintViewer [viewer: dr, hint: menu, clearClient: FALSE, whatChanged: NIL] END; MenuDispatcher: Menus.MenuProc = TRUSTED BEGIN -- parameters parent: REF ANY, clientData: REF ANY, mouseButton] -- Called by the system for all client-generated menu entries; clientData will be a REF MenuActionEntry. viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer = NARROW [parent]; vData: ViewerData = NARROW[]; me: REF MenuActionEntry _ NARROW[clientData]; -- call corresponding client procedure c: Change; IF NOT vData.alive THEN RETURN; Process.SetPriority[Process.priorityForeground]; c _ GetRights[viewer, me.needs]; me.Proc [viewer, me.menuData, mouseButton ! UNWIND => {Release[viewer, c]}]; Release[viewer, c] END; AddPropertyButton: PUBLIC PROC [dr: Drawing, key: ATOM, line: Menus.MenuLine _ 1] = TRUSTED BEGIN vData: ViewerData = NARROW []; entry: Menus.MenuEntry = Menus.CreateEntry [name: Atom.GetPName[key], proc: PropertyButtonHandler, clientData: key]; Menus.AppendMenuEntry [menu:, entry: entry, line: line]; ViewerOps.PaintViewer [viewer: dr, hint: menu, clearClient: FALSE, whatChanged: NIL] END; PropertyButtonHandler: Menus.MenuProc = TRUSTED BEGIN -- parameters [parent: REF ANY, clientData: REF ANY, mouseButton] -- Called by the system when the "Repaint" menu entry is activated. viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer = NARROW [parent]; vData: ViewerData = NARROW[]; key: ATOM = NARROW [clientData]; IF NOT vData.alive THEN RETURN; PutProp [viewer, key, IF mouseButton = red THEN $TRUE ELSE NIL]; Process.SetPriority[Process.priorityForeground]; RepaintAll [viewer] END; MenuRepaintAll: Menus.MenuProc = TRUSTED BEGIN -- parameters: [parent: REF ANY, clientData: REF ANY, mouseButton] -- Called by the system when the "Repaint" menu entry is activated. viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer = NARROW [parent]; vData: ViewerData = NARROW[]; IF NOT vData.alive THEN RETURN; Process.SetPriority[Process.priorityForeground]; RepaintAll [viewer] END; MenuSetGrid: Menus.MenuProc = TRUSTED BEGIN -- parameters: [parent: REF ANY, clientData: REF ANY, mouseButton] -- Called with write access when the "Grid" menu entry is activated. viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer = NARROW [parent]; vData: ViewerData = NARROW[]; c: Change = GetRights[viewer, write]; vData.grid _ SELECT mouseButton FROM red => (IF vData.grid = 0 THEN 4 ELSE vData.grid * 2), blue => (IF vData.grid <= 1 THEN 0 ELSE vData.grid / 2), yellow => 0 ENDCASE => 0; RepaintAll[viewer]; Release[viewer, c] END; MyPutAssoc: PROC [key: REF ANY, val: REF ANY, aList: List.AList] RETURNS[List.AList] = BEGIN OPEN List; x, x1: AList _ NIL; x _ aList; UNTIL x = NIL DO IF x.first.key = key THEN {IF val = NIL THEN {IF x1 = NIL THEN {aList _} ELSE { _} } ELSE {x.first.val _ val}; RETURN[aList] }; x1_x; x _; ENDLOOP; -- key not found on x IF val # NIL THEN {x _ Zone.CONS[DotCons[key, val], x]; IF x1 = NIL THEN {aList _ x} ELSE { _ x} }; RETURN[aList]; END; GetProp: PUBLIC PROC [dr: Drawing, key: ATOM] RETURNS [value: REF] = BEGIN vData: ViewerData = NARROW []; c: Change = GetReadRights[dr]; value _ List.Assoc [key, vData.pList ! UNWIND => {Release[dr, c]} ]; Release[dr, c] END; PutProp: PUBLIC PROC [dr: Drawing, key: ATOM, value: REF] = BEGIN vData: ViewerData = NARROW []; c: Change = GetWriteRights[dr]; vData.pList _ MyPutAssoc [key, value, vData.pList ! UNWIND => {Release[dr, c]} ]; Release[dr, c] END; MakeBasicMenu: PROC RETURNS [m: Menus.Menu] = TRUSTED BEGIN DoAppendEntry: PROC [name: ROPE, proc: Menus.MenuProc] = TRUSTED {entry: Menus.MenuEntry = Menus.CreateEntry [name: name, proc: proc, clientData: NIL, fork: TRUE, guarded: FALSE]; Menus.AppendMenuEntry [menu: m, entry: entry, line: 0]}; -- Creates the initial menu m _ Menus.CreateMenu[2]; DoAppendEntry[name: "Repaint", proc: MenuRepaintAll]; DoAppendEntry[name: "Grid", proc: MenuSetGrid] END; Initialize: PROC = TRUSTED BEGIN -- registers viewer class DoStartColorViewers: PROC = TRUSTED INLINE {WindowManager.StartColorViewers [left, 8]}; tipTable: TIPUser.TIPTable _ TIPUser.InstantiateNewTIPTable["COGDraw.tip"]; menu: Menus.Menu _ MakeBasicMenu[]; viewerClass: ViewerClasses.ViewerClass _ NEW [ViewerClasses.ViewerClassRec _ [paint: ViewerPainter, -- called whenever the Drawing should repaint notify: MouseWatcher, -- TIP input events modify: NIL, -- InputFocus changes reported through here destroy: LastWish, -- called before Drawing structures freed on destroy op copy: NIL, -- copy data to new Drawing set: NIL, -- set the viewer contents get: NIL, -- get the viewer contents init: NIL, -- called on creation or reset to init data save: NIL, -- requests client to write contents to disk menu: menu, -- default menu scroll: NIL, -- document scrolling icon: document, -- picture to display when small tipTable: tipTable, -- could be moved into Drawing instance if needed cursor: crossHairsCircle -- standard cursor when mouse is in viewer ]]; Bug.out.PutF["\nRegistering Drawing Class..."]; ViewerOps.RegisterViewerClass[$Drawing, viewerClass]; Bug.out.PutF["\nDrawingImpl: Should start color viewers? "]; IF [] = 'y THEN DoStartColorViewers[]; END; Initialize[] END. L-- COGDrawingImpl.mesa: Viewers for geometrical drawings -- last modified by Stolfi - October 16, 1982 6:52 pm -- To do: check locking scheme -- To do: implement recursive objects, and use them in lieu of layers!!!. -- To do: try using the RefTab interface for managing property lists, mouse/menu actions, etc. -- To do: check whether the AddProp and FetchProp procs in ViewerOps are usable -- To do: make interlocking mechanism more efficient and elegant - it is lousy! -- VIEWER DATA RECORD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- DEBUGGING TOOLS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- VIEWER CREATION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- PROCESS SYNCHRONIZATION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- GRAPHIC OBJECTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- "INTERNAL" PROCEDURES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- PREDEFINED OBJECTS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- VIEWER PROCEDURES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- MOUSE PROCEDURES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- MENU PROCEDURES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- PROPERTY LIST - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Similar to List.PutAssoc, but deletes the entry if val = NIL Ê– "Mesa" style˜IprocšÏcÐbcÏb ž"™8š5™5KšœŸœ™KšœŸœA™IKšœŸœV™^Kš œŸœŸœŸ œ Ÿ œ ™OKšœŸœG™O—Kš™Kš$Ïk œ  œ œ{ œ œ œ' œ œ| œ œ œ  œ1 œ? œk œ œ œD œ4˜úKšŸœ œ œ œ  œ œ# œ` œ œ œ œF œ˜ãK˜Kš`™`KšŸ œ œ œ˜%KšPŸ œ œ  œ œ  œ œžœ9œ  œ œ œ œ œžžœ  œœ"žœœ   œ$œVœ œ  œ  œ œ&œœ œ œ œ œœ+œ4!œ  œJœ˜—K˜KšŸœ œE˜WKš Ÿœ œ œ: œ%žœ˜žKšŸœ œ œ  œ# œ%žœ˜”K˜Kšb™bKšŸ œ œ  œ œ˜)K˜Kš\™\š Ïn œ œ œ  œ œ ˜WKš  œ œ œÃ œ) œ œ˜¼—š ¡œ œ œ œ œ˜1Kš œ œ œ œ˜I—K™Kš^™^Kš Ÿœ œ œ œ œ"˜[KšŸ œ œ0˜@KšŸœ œ2˜]š ¡ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˜lKš œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ  œ œ˜¢—š ¡ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˜jKš œ œ œ; œ œ œ œ œ œ˜º—š ¡ œ œ œ œ ˜SKš œ œ œ$ œ˜M—š Ðbn œ œ œ œ ˜FKš3 œ œ œ¡¢ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ- œ œ œœ œ œ œ œ  œ œ/ œ œ  œ˜á—š ¢œ œ œ œ ˜GKšC œ œ œ¡¢œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ- œ œ œ  œ œ œ  œQ œ œ  œ  œ œ œ  œ œ œ  œA œ œ œ  œ˜­—š¡œ œ œ˜/Kš( œ¡ œ œ œ œ œ œ œžœ œ œ œ œ$  œ œ œ œ  œ  œ˜Ë—K™Kš^™^š¡œ œ œ, œ˜TKš  œ  œB œ œ œ œ˜q—š¡œ œ œ4˜Dš œ˜Kš¡ œ œ œ œ# œ œ œF œ œk œ œ˜Ê—Kšœ œ  œ œ œ  œ œ œJ œ œ œ' œ9 œ œ˜“—š¡œ œ œ˜#š ˜Kš*¡œ œ œ œF œ  œ œ8 œ= œ  œ œ/ œ  œ œ8 œ= œ  œ œ9 œ œ œ˜Ý—Kšœ( œ œ œ œ œ œ œŸ œ" œ œ˜¿—š¢ œ œ œ0˜Iš ˜KšB¡œ œ œ œ< œ œ œ œ  œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ& œ œ œ^œW œ œ œ$ œ œ œ œ œ˜„—Kš œ% œ œ œ. œ" œ œ˜–—š¡ œ œ œ˜'Kš œ5 œ( œ˜m—š¡œ œ œH˜]Kš  œ) œ œ œÓ œ œ˜œ—š¡œ œ œ3 œ œ œ œ œ œ˜Kš œ9 œ œ œ œ œXœR œ  œ9 œ œ˜†—š¡ œ œ œ3 œ œ œ œ œ œ˜Kš( œD œ œ œ. œ/ œ œ  œ& œ œ œ  œ œ\œ` œ  œ> œ œ œ œ˜ÿ—š¡ œ œ œ1 œ œ œ œ˜pKš œ3 œ œ œ. œ/ œ œ  œ& œ œ œR œ œ œ œ˜‘—Kš^™^š¡œ œ œ ˜9Kš  œž(œ} œ/ œ˜‚—š¡œ œ œ ˜9Kš  œ!ž(œ@ œ œ˜²—š¡ œ œ œ ˜/Kš  œ!ž(œ@ œ œ˜²—K™Kša™aš¢œ œ œs ˜ŽKš œ œ œ: œ œ  œ œ† œ˜ƒ—š¢ œ œ œ{ ˜šKš  œBœi œ  œ» œV œ˜Ý—š¢œ œ œI ˜bKš œT œ˜]—š¢œ œ œI ˜cKš œU œ˜^—š¢œ œ œC ˜]Kš œR œ˜[—š¢œ œ œC ˜]Kš œR œ˜[—K˜Kš`™`šŸ œ ˜0š œ¥žž ž ž œž žJž ž ž žž)ž!ž ˜ËKšœ œ ˜&Kšœ ˜ š¡œ œ œ ˜6Kšœ6˜6—š¢œ œ œ˜"Kš œœ œ œ  œ  œ œ œ4 œ œ& œ˜æ—Kš œ œ œ  œ œ˜;Kšœ œ œ  œ œ´ œ œ œ œ7œ œœ œ0%œ œ˜‰—Kš œ˜—šŸœ˜%Kš  œ_œ œ œ œ˜©—K™Kš_™_š ¡œ œ œC œ œ˜yKš œ œ œ œ¢ œœ œ˜Á—šŸ œ˜(š œxœ/žŠœ œ  œ œ œ œ œ˜ðKši œ œ œ* œ œ% œ3 œN0œ œ œ  œ œ œ  œµ œ œ œ  œ œ œ œ œ  œ œ œ œKœ œ œ œ% œ œ œ,  œ  œ œÁ œ  œ œ œ! œ œ  œ œ3 œSœaœ9œ œ œ œ[ œ3 ˜ž—Kš œ˜—K™Kš^™^š ¡ œ œ œ œ œ œ0 ˜‘Kš œ œ œ œÊ œ œ œ˜´—šŸœ ˜(Kš" œAœ?ž žžœ" œ! œ œ œ'œ œ œ  œ œ† œ0 œ˜Ù—š ¡œ œ œ œ ˜]Kš  œ œˆ œ œ œ˜Ç—šŸœ ˜/Kš  œBœDœ" œ! œ œ œ œ œ  œ œ œ œ œ œL œ˜Ä—šŸœ ˜(Kš œCœDœ" œ! œ œ œ  œ œK œ˜ß—šŸ œ ˜%Kš  œCœž1œ" œ! œF œ  œ œ œ œ! œ œ œ) œ2 œ˜—Kšf™fš¡ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ˜WKš?™?Kš: œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ  œ œ œ( œ3 œ& œ( œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ  œ  œ˜“—š ¡œ œ œ œ œ  œ˜DKš œ œV œ) œ˜«—š ¡œ œ œ œ  œ˜;Kš œ œd œ) œ˜¹—š¡ œ œ œ ˜5Kš œ¡ œ œ œ œ] œ œ  œAœˆ œ˜®—š¡ œ œ ˜Kš> œœ¡œ œ œ œÑ œF.œ"œ œ,œ8œ œœ  œœ  œœ œ,œ œ-œœ œ œ!œ2œ!+œ· œ œ œ˜— —Kšœ œ˜J˜—…—`°x