<<-- COGDiagramImpl.mesa: 2-D diagrams - data structure and primitives>> <<-- last modified by Stolfi - October 15, 1982 4:10 pm>> <<-- To do: Try to avoid allocating mark bits, etc. for unneeded edges>> <<-- To do: Check conditions for applying DeleteEdge & ContractEdge.>> DIRECTORY COGDebug USING [out, Error], IO USING [PutF, int], COGDiagram; COGDiagramImpl: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS COGDiagram, COGDebug, IO EXPORTS COGDiagram = BEGIN OPEN COGDiagram, Bug: COGDebug, IO; LNext: PUBLIC PROC [e: DEdge] RETURNS [ne: DEdge] = <<-- Directed edge with same Left as e and following e c.c.w. around Left[e].>> {RETURN [Dual[ONext[Prim[e]]]]}; RNext: PUBLIC PROC [e: DEdge] RETURNS [ne: DEdge] = <<-- Directed edge with same Right as e and following e c.c.w. around Right[e].>> {RETURN [Prim[ONext[Dual[e]]]]}; DNext: PUBLIC PROC [e: DEdge] RETURNS [ne: DEdge] = <<-- Directed edge with same Dest as e and following e c.c.w. around Dest[e].>> {RETURN [Sym[ONext[Sym[e]]]]}; OPrev: PUBLIC PROC [e: DEdge] RETURNS [ne: DEdge] = <<-- Directed edge whose ONext is e.>> {RETURN [Dual[ONext[Dual[e]]]]}; LPrev: PUBLIC PROC [e: DEdge] RETURNS [ne: DEdge] = <<-- Directed edge whose LNext is e.>> {RETURN [Sym[ONext[e]]]}; RPrev: PUBLIC PROC [e: DEdge] RETURNS [ne: DEdge] = <<-- Directed edge whose RNext is e.>> {RETURN [ONext[Sym[e]]]}; DPrev: PUBLIC PROC [e: DEdge] RETURNS [ne: DEdge] = <<-- Directed edge whose DNext is e.>> {RETURN [Prim[ONext[Prim[e]]]]}; SetOrg: PUBLIC PROC [e: DEdge, v: Vertex] = BEGIN et: DEdge _ e; DO FixOrg[et, v]; et _ ONext[et]; IF et = e THEN RETURN ENDLOOP END; <<-- PRIMITIVES FOR DIAGRAM CONSTRUCTION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->> EdgeCount: PUBLIC EdgeNo _ 0; -- DEdge count (undirected) - protected by the monitor lock. GetNextEdgeNo: ENTRY PROC RETURNS [no: EdgeNo] = INLINE BEGIN no _ EdgeCount; EdgeCount _ EdgeCount+1 END; MakeSphere: PUBLIC PROC [v: Vertex, f: Face] RETURNS [dg: DEdge] = BEGIN dg.rec _ NEW [EdgeRec]; dg.ix _ 0; dg.rec^ _ [org: [v, f, v, f], next: [dg, Dual[dg], Sym[dg], Prim[dg]], no: GetNextEdgeNo[]]; Bug.out.PutF ["\nDiag.MakeSphere -- edge "]; PutE[dg] END; MakeBridge: PUBLIC PROC [org, dest: Vertex, f: Face] RETURNS [dg: DEdge] = BEGIN dg.rec _ NEW [EdgeRec]; dg.ix _ 0; dg.rec^ _ [org: [org, f, dest, f], next: [dg, Prim[dg], Sym[dg], Dual[dg]], no: GetNextEdgeNo[]]; Bug.out.PutF ["\nDiag.MakeBridge -- edge "]; PutE[dg] END; SetONext: PROC [x, xn: DEdge] = INLINE BEGIN x.rec.next[x.ix] _ xn END; MergeOrSplitVertices: PUBLIC PROC [x, y: DEdge] = BEGIN -- LOOK! NOTHING IN THE SLEEVES... xn: DEdge = ONext[x]; xnd: DEdge = Dual[ONext[x]]; ynd: DEdge = Dual[ONext[y]]; SetONext [x, ONext[y]]; SetONext [y, xn]; SetONext [xnd, Prim[y]]; SetONext [ynd, Prim[x]] -- PRESTO! END; ConnectVertices: PUBLIC PROC [a, b: DEdge] RETURNS [e: DEdge] = BEGIN e _ MakeBridge [Org[a], Org[b], Left[b]]; Bug.out.PutF["\nDiag.ConnectVertices - edge "]; PutE[e]; Bug.out.PutF["from Org[ "]; PutE[a]; Bug.out.PutF["] to Org[ "]; PutE[b]; Bug.out.PutF["]"]; IF IsDummy[a] THEN {IF b = a THEN b _ e} ELSE {MergeOrSplitVertices[a, e]}; IF IsDummy[b] THEN {} ELSE {MergeOrSplitVertices [b, Sym[e]]}; END; DeleteEdge: PUBLIC PROC [e: DEdge] RETURNS [a, b: DEdge] = BEGIN -- Check for forbidden loop! a _ Dual[ONext[Dual[e]]]; b _ Dual[ONext[Dual[Sym[e]]]]; IF b = Sym[e] THEN {b _ MakeSphere [Dest[e], Left[e]]} ELSE {MergeOrSplitVertices [b, Sym[e]]; IF a = Sym[e] THEN a _ b}; IF a = e THEN {a _ MakeSphere [Org[e], Left[e]]; IF b = e THEN b _ a} ELSE {MergeOrSplitVertices [a, e]} END; AddVertex: PUBLIC PROC [v: Vertex, ep: DEdge, side: EdgeSide] RETURNS [e: DEdge] = BEGIN a: DEdge = IF side = left THEN LNext[ep] ELSE Sym[ep]; e _ MakeBridge [Dest[ep], v, IF side = left THEN Left[ep] ELSE Right[ep]]; Bug.out.PutF["\nDiag.AddVertex - edge "]; PutE[e]; Bug.out.PutF["from Dest[ "]; PutE[ep]; Bug.out.PutF["] to new vertex"]; IF IsDummy[a] THEN {} ELSE {MergeOrSplitVertices[a, e]}; END; CloseFace: PUBLIC PROC [ep, ef: DEdge, newFace: Face, side: EdgeSide] RETURNS [e: DEdge] = BEGIN IF (IF side = left THEN Left[ep] # Left[ef] ELSE Right[ep] # Right[ef]) THEN {Bug.out.PutF ["\nDiag.CloseFace - WARNING: edges "]; PutE[ep]; Bug.out.PutF ["and "]; PutE[ef]; Bug.out.PutF ["have different Left data"]}; IF side = left THEN {e _ ConnectVertices [LNext[ep], ef]; FixRight[e, Left[ef]]; SetLeft[e, newFace]} ELSE {e _ ConnectVertices [Sym[ep], OPrev[ef]]; FixLeft[e, Right[ef]]; SetRight[e, newFace]} END; Traverse: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [dg: DEdge, Visit: VisitProc, arg: REF _ NIL, choice: EdgeSet _ all] RETURNS [res: REF _ NIL] = BEGIN -- uses a separately allocated mark table and stack, so that only read access to the diagram is required, and traversal can be aborted without leaving garbage in the diagram. MarkTable: TYPE = RECORD [PACKED SEQUENCE n: EdgeNo OF BOOL]; Mark0: REF MarkTable = NEW [MarkTable[EdgeCount]]; Mark1: REF MarkTable = NEW [MarkTable[EdgeCount]]; stack: LIST OF DEdge _ NIL; e, ea: DEdge; Mark: PROC [e: DEdge] = INLINE -- Mark the directed edge e (but not Sym[e]) {IF e.ix < 2 THEN Mark0[No[e]] _ TRUE ELSE Mark1[No[e]] _ TRUE}; Marked: PROC [e: DEdge] RETURNS [BOOL] = INLINE -- TRUE if the directed edge e has been marked. {RETURN [IF e.ix < 2 THEN Mark0[No[e]] ELSE Mark1[No[e]]]}; FOR k: EdgeNo IN [0 .. EdgeCount) DO Mark0[k] _ Mark1[k] _ FALSE ENDLOOP; -- Bug.out.PutF["\nDiag.Traverse: begin"]; res _ arg; IF IsDummy [dg] THEN {IF choice = vertices THEN res _ Visit[dg, res]; RETURN}; stack _ LIST [dg]; WHILE stack # NIL DO e _ stack.first; stack _ stack.rest; -- Bug.out.PutF["\nDiag.Traverse: unstacked edge "]; PutE[e]; IF NOT Marked[e] THEN {-- edges out of Org[e] are all unvisited; IF choice = vertices THEN res _ Visit [e, res]; ea _ e; DO IF choice = all THEN res _ Visit [e, res]; Mark[e]; IF NOT Marked[Sym[e]] THEN {IF choice = oneWay THEN res _ Visit [e, res]; stack _ CONS [Sym[e], stack]}; e _ ONext [e]; IF e = ea THEN EXIT ENDLOOP } ENDLOOP; -- Bug.out.PutF["\nDiag.Traverse: end"]; END; TopSort: PUBLIC PROC [dg: DEdge, Visit: VisitProc, arg: REF _ NIL, Ordered: EdgePredicate, clockWise: BOOL _ TRUE] RETURNS [res: REF _ NIL] = BEGIN -- uses a separately allocated tables and stack, so that only read access to the -- diagram is required, and sorting can be aborted without leaving garbage in the diagram. DestTable: TYPE = RECORD [SEQUENCE n: EdgeNo OF REF VertexEntry]; dest: REF DestTable = NEW [DestTable[EdgeCount]]; -- destination of edges in Ordered direction VertexEntry: TYPE = RECORD [edg: DEdge, -- an edge out of the vertex rCount: NAT _ 0, -- number of Ordered edges into the vertex pred, succ: REF VertexEntry _ NIL -- double list links (pred used only for heap) ]; stack: REF VertexEntry _ NIL; -- singly linked stack of vertices with zero reference counts heap: REF VertexEntry _ NIL; -- set of vertices with nonzero ref counts Stack: PROC [ve: REF VertexEntry] = -- Insert ve at the top of stack {ve.succ _ stack; stack _ ve; Bug.out.PutF ["\nDiag.TopSort: Org[ "]; PutE[ve.edg]; Bug.out.PutF ["] stacked"] }; UnStack: PROC RETURNS [ve: REF VertexEntry] = -- Pops ve from top of stack (which must be # NIL) {ve _ stack; stack _ stack.succ; Bug.out.PutF ["\nDiag.TopSort: Org[ "]; PutE[ve.edg]; Bug.out.PutF ["] unstacked"] }; MakeVertexEntry: VisitProc = -- Create a VetexEntry for e and computes its reference count. Will put -- it in the heap or in the stack, depending on its reference count. {ve: REF VertexEntry = NEW [VertexEntry _ [edg: e]]; ea: DEdge _ e; DO IF Ordered [Sym[ea]] THEN {ve.rCount _ ve.rCount + 1; dest[No[ea]] _ ve}; ea _ ONext[ea]; IF ea = e THEN EXIT ENDLOOP; IF ve.rCount = 0 THEN {Stack[ve]} ELSE {IF heap # NIL THEN heap.pred _ ve; ve.succ _ heap; heap _ ve}; Bug.out.PutF ["\nDiag.TopSort: Org[ "]; PutE[e]; Bug.out.PutF ["] blocked by %g edges", int[ve.rCount]] }; RemoveFromHeap: PROC [ve: REF VertexEntry] = -- Remove entry ve from heap {IF ve.succ # NIL THEN {ve.succ.pred _ ve.pred}; IF ve.pred # NIL THEN {ve.pred.succ _ ve.succ} ELSE {heap _ ve.succ} }; ea: DEdge; ve, vd: REF VertexEntry; -- Build heap and initialize stack Bug.out.PutF["\nDiag.TopSort: begin"]; FOR k: EdgeNo IN [0 .. EdgeCount) DO dest[k] _ NIL ENDLOOP; [] _ Traverse [dg, MakeVertexEntry, NIL, vertices]; -- visite vertices in sorted order res _ arg; WHILE stack # NIL DO ve _ UnStack[]; res _ Visit [ve.edg, res]; -- Decrement reference counts of dominated vertices ea _ ve.edg; DO IF Ordered[ea] THEN {vd _ dest[No[ea]]; vd.rCount _ vd.rCount - 1; IF vd.rCount = 0 THEN {RemoveFromHeap[vd]; vd.edg _ Sym[ea]; Stack[vd]} }; ea _ IF clockWise THEN OPrev[ea] ELSE ONext [ea]; IF ea = ve.edg THEN EXIT ENDLOOP ENDLOOP; IF heap # NIL THEN Bug.Error ["Loops in input ordering"]; Bug.out.PutF["\nDiag.TopSort: end"]; END; PutE: PUBLIC PROC [e: DEdge] = BEGIN Bug.out.PutF ["%g:%g ", int[No[e]], int[e.ix]]; END; KDual: PROC [e: DEdge, k: [0..4)] RETURNS [DEdge] = INLINE <<-- Returns Dual^k [e]>> {RETURN [[e.rec, (e.ix + k) MOD 4]]}; KPrim: PROC [e: DEdge, k: [0..4)] RETURNS [DEdge] = INLINE <<-- Returns Prim^k [e]>> {RETURN [[e.rec, (e.ix + 4 - k) MOD 4]]}; PutKDualRing: PROC [e: DEdge, k: [0..4)] = <<-- prints all edges in the ring defined by ONext, RNext, DNext or LNext, depending on whether k is 0, 1, 2, or 3.>> BEGIN et: DEdge _ (e _ KDual[e, k]); piv: REF _ Org[e]; DO PutE[KPrim[et, k]]; et _ ONext[et]; IF piv # Org[et] THEN -- this is wonstruous, isn't it? {Bug.out.PutF ["# "]; piv _ Org[et]}; IF et = e THEN EXIT ENDLOOP END; PutORing: PUBLIC PROC [e: DEdge] = {PutKDualRing [e, 0]}; PutRRing: PUBLIC PROC [e: DEdge] = {PutKDualRing [e, 1]}; PutDRing: PUBLIC PROC [e: DEdge] = {PutKDualRing [e, 2]}; PutLRing: PUBLIC PROC [e: DEdge] = {PutKDualRing [e, 3]}; PutDiagram: PUBLIC PROC [e: DEdge] = BEGIN DoPutORing: VisitProc = {Bug.out.PutF ["\n["]; PutORing[e]; Bug.out.PutF["]"]}; [] _ Traverse [dg: e, Visit: DoPutORing, choice: vertices] END; END.