--substitutes.cm -- Last Edited by: Stone, February 6, 1983 8:13 pm StringDefs Rope STRING ROPE EqualStrings EquivalentStrings Rope.Equal ,FALSE AppendString _ Rope.Cat Rope USING [ROPE], ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; LENGTH Rope.Length[]; GriffinDefs USING [AppendNumber], AppendNumber rope _ GriffinDefs.AppendNumber[rope,number]; POINTER TO REF GriffinMemoryDefs USING [CZone], Allocate CZone.NEW Free DESCRIPTOR FOR ARRAY OF PointDefs.ObjPt PointDefs.ObjPtSequence LENGTH knots.length cps.length cps=NIL OR knots=NIL OR MenuItemHandle _ NARROW[menu.head] MiscDefs.CallDebugger Runtime.CallDebugger WITH obj SELECT FROM mref: REF Object[menu] => proc[mref]; ENDCASE; replace opaque --AppendNumber rope _ IO.PutFToRope["%s %d",IO.rope[rope],IO.int[int]]; --AppendNumber rope _ Rope.Cat[rope,Convert.ValueToRope[[signed[int]]]]; ŹÆ˜JšGœUĻkœœ,œœœœœœœœM œœœœ œœœœ)œœœœœœ;œœœ œœ#Ļiœ!žœ žœžœ žœžœ˜Č—…—J’