DitheredPDDoc.tioga Michael Plass, April 12, 1984 9:58:23 am PST DF file: DitheredPD.df Maintainer: Plass Package catalog entry: For creating a PD file for the color Versatec from AIS separations. There is one registered command: DitheredPD filestem mag filestem is the stem of the AIS file names, i.e. [indigo]ygn refers to the three separations [indigo]ygn-red.ais, [indigo]ygn-grn.ais, [indigo]ygn-blu.ais "-green.ais" is a synonym for "-grn.ais", and "-blue" for "-blu". mag is an integer telling how many Versatec pixels (200/inch) should correspond with one AIS pixel.