(adcopy) (8.5 36 .mul 36 .translate .689 .689 .scale -8.5 36 .mul 0 .translate outbox ad ).cvx .def (ad) ((helvetica.sd) .opensd replace .paint (There's only one thing) 4 72 .mul 10 72 .mul 36 24 centerscaletext (more shocking than finding out) 4 72 .mul 10 72 .mul 36 .sub 36 24 centerscaletext (what the rest of the world) 4 72 .mul 10 72 .mul 36 2 .mul .sub 36 24 centerscaletext (is doing in research.) 4 72 .mul 10 72 .mul 36 3 .mul .sub 36 24 centerscaletext (Finding out what) 4 72 .mul 10 72 .mul 36 5 .mul .sub 36 24 centerscaletext (we're doing.) 4 72 .mul 10 72 .mul 36 6 .mul .sub 36 24 centerscaletext (Give to the college of your choice.) 4 72 .mul 2. 72 .mul 36 24 centerscaletext 1.5 72 .mul 3.5 72 .mul .translate chart .closesd).cvx .def (chart) (.pushdc .pushdc 15 30 12 .5 graph 30 12 .mul 4 .div (!cw) .exch .def !cw 2. .div 18 .sub (!co) .exch .def 0 3 .translate .pushdc color2 (U.S.S.R.) !cw 2. .div 12.5 12 .mul 12 8 centerscaletext (UP 55%) !cw 2. .div 11.5 12 .mul 12 8 centerscaletext !co 0 .translate 10.5 12 .mul 40 .55 2 testtube .popdc !cw 0 .translate .pushdc color2 (WEST GERMANY) !cw 2. .div 12.5 12 .mul 12 8 centerscaletext (UP 59%) !cw 2. .div 11.5 12 .mul 12 8 centerscaletext !co 0 .translate 10.5 12 .mul 40 .59 2 testtube .popdc !cw 0 .translate .pushdc color2 (JAPAN) !cw 2. .div 12.5 12 .mul 12 8 centerscaletext (UP 62%) !cw 2. .div 11.5 12 .mul 12 8 centerscaletext !co 0 .translate 10.5 12 .mul 40 .62 2 testtube .popdc !cw 0 .translate .pushdc !co 20 .add 11.5 12 .mul .translate 190 .rotate 10.5 12 .mul 40 0 2 testtube .popdc .popdc color2 (U.S.A.) 29 12 .mul -1.5 12 .mul 12 8 centerscaletext (DOWN 13%) 29 12 .mul -2.5 12 .mul 12 8 centerscaletext .pushdc color3 300 -5 .translate 36 36 .scale drop .popdc .popdc).cvx .def (graph) (takes: height width (counts) delta, linewidth) ((!gglw).exch .def (!ggd) .exch .def (!ggw) .exch .def (!ggh) .exch .def color0 0 0 !ggw !ggd .mul !ggh !ggd .mul .drawboxarea color0.1 .pushdc !ggw 1 .add (0 0 .moveto 0 !ggh !ggd .mul .drawto !ggd 0 .translate).cvx .rept .popdc .pushdc !ggh 1 .add (0 0 .moveto !ggw !ggd .mul 0 .drawto 0 !ggd .translate).cvx .rept .popdc)/xdef (testtube) (takes: height width percentage-full linewidth (org is at llc)) ((!lw) .exch .def (!ttpf) .exch .def (!ttw) .exch .def (!tth) .exch .def !lw .linewidth (!mrrad) !ttw 4. .div .def (!mjrad) !ttw 2. .div .def color1 .startpath 0 !mjrad .enterpoint 0 !tth !mrrad .sub .enterpoint .pushdc !mrrad .neg !tth !mrrad .sub .translate 0 90 !mrrad !ttsteps (.enterpoint).cvx arc .popdc !mrrad .neg !tth .enterpoint !ttw !mrrad .add !tth .enterpoint .pushdc !mrrad !ttw .add !tth !mrrad .sub .translate 90 180 !mrrad !ttsteps (.enterpoint).cvx arc .popdc !ttw !tth !mrrad .sub .enterpoint !ttw !mjrad .enterpoint .pushdc !mjrad .dup .translate 180 360 !mjrad !ttsteps (.enterpoint).cvx narc .popdc .drawarea color2 0 !mjrad 0 !tth !mrrad .sub ttlinebox .pushdc !mrrad .neg !tth !mrrad .sub .translate 0 90 !mrrad !ttsteps !lw 2. .div arcline .popdc !mrrad .neg !tth !ttw !mrrad .add !tth ttlinebox .pushdc !mrrad !ttw .add !tth !mrrad .sub .translate 90 180 !mrrad !ttsteps !lw 2. .div arcline .popdc !ttw !mjrad !ttw !tth !mrrad .sub ttlinebox .pushdc !mjrad .dup .translate 180 360 !mjrad !ttsteps !lw 2. .div arcline .popdc (!llw) !lw 1.5 .mul .def color3 !ttpf 0 .eq .not (.startpath .pushdc !mjrad .dup .translate 180 360 !mjrad !llw .sub !ttsteps (.enterpoint).cvx arc .popdc !ttw !llw .sub !mjrad .enterpoint !ttw !llw .sub !tth !ttpf .mul .enterpoint !llw !tth !ttpf .mul .enterpoint !llw !mjrad .enterpoint .drawarea).cvx .if) /xdef (ttlinebox) (storep2 storep1 !ttp2 !ttp1 v2sub v2norm .neg .exch !lw 2. .div v2scale v2dup v2dup v2dup .startpath !ttp1 v2add .enterpoint v2neg !ttp1 v2add .enterpoint v2neg !ttp2 v2add .enterpoint !ttp2 v2add .enterpoint .drawarea).cvx .def (storep1)((!ttp1) .load .astore .pop).cvx .def (storep2)((!ttp2) .load .astore .pop).cvx .def (!ttp1) 2 .array .cvx .def (!ttp2) 2 .array .cvx .def (!ttsteps) 36 .def (color0)(gray12 .texture 0 0 200 .color).cvx .def (color0.1)(gray12 .texture 0 0 100 .color).cvx .def (color1)(0 .texture 0 0 255 .color).cvx .def (color2)(-1 .texture 0 0 0 .color).cvx .def (color3)(234 .texture 0 255 255 .color).cvx .def (drop) (.startpath .pushdc -1 0 .translate 315 360 1 18 (.enterpoint).cvx narc .popdc .pushdc 0 -1 .translate 180 -45 .add 45 360 .add 2 .5 .exp 1 .sub 18 (.enterpoint).cvx arc .popdc .pushdc 1 0 .translate 180 180 45 .add 1 18 (.enterpoint).cvx narc .popdc .drawarea).cvx .def (outbox) (0 0 .moveto 0 11 72 .mul .drawto 8.5 72 .mul 11 72 .mul .drawto 8.5 72 .mul 0 .drawto 0 0 .drawto) .cvx .def