Tioga TSetter
Typesetting Tioga Documents
Release as [Indigo]<Cedar>Documentation>TSetterDoc.Tioga
Last edited by Michael Plass on May 2, 1983 9:57 am.
Last edited by Rick Beach on October 20, 1983 11:46 am
XEROX   Xerox Corporation
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    Palo Alto, California 94304
DRAFT — For Internal Xerox Use Only — DRAFT
The TypeSetter Tool
In the glorious future, Tioga will have an interactive typesetter that will let you make incremental revisions to a typeset document to adjust pagination, page layout, and other details before actually printing it. Work has started on this, but until it's available, the current typesetter will do a more than adequate job of letting you print your files.
The TSetter tool provides a convenient way of driving the Tioga typesetter. Start it up by typing "TSetter" to the executive. The typesetter icon will come up showing the name of the print server it is "connected" to; this name can be specified in your profile under the heading "Hardcopy.PressPrinter", or as the first argument on the command line.
The remainder of the command line is taken as a list of file names to be printed. If this list is non-empty and the files are succesfully printed before you touch any of the tool's buttons, the tool will quietly go away.
When you open the typesetter icon, you will see the menu
Pause Stop StopSending Get Print All < Screen > New
plus a fill-in field labeled "Documents:". The normal way to use the typesetter is to select the viewer or file name, and click "Get" to add the document name to the queue. Then click "Print" to start the typesetter up; if all goes well, the only other thing you have to do next is to walk over to the printer and pick up your output.
You can put several documents in the queue before starting up the typesetter, and go do something else while it is working away. The queue is shown after the "Documents:" button and is in fact editable; it is a good idea to click "Pause" before editing, though, to keep the typesetter from taking the queue out from under you. Clicking "All" instead of "Print" funnels the whole queue into one big press file, which avoids a lot of header pages if you want to print many small files.
To print the bitmap on the screen, use the "Screen" button. The "<" button will print just the left half of the screen, the ">" the right. The half-screen output may be printed on a Spruce printer (e.g., Clover or Menlo) if it is not too complicated; otherwise, use a full Press printer (such as Stinger, Quoth, or Lilac).
Hitting "Stop" will bring the typesetter to a halt.
Hitting "StopSending" will abort any transmission to a print server.
Destroying a tool will not stop it; it will just finish running and then go away.
If you try to typeset a press file, it will just get sent to the server without modification. After it is successfully transmitted, it will be deleted if its name ends in a "$".
To make a TSetter tool that sends its output to a different place, type the server name somewhere, select it, and click "New". If the selection is less than two characters long, the resulting tool will be called "TSetter", and will just create a press file without trying to send it anywhere. The name of the press file is generated by appending ".press" to the input file name, unless the input file had a name of the form "xxx.tioga"; in the latter case the press file will be named just "xxx.press". It is OK to run multiple typesetter tools at the same time.
If you want to print multiple copies, change the "Copies" field near the bottom of the TSetter viewer. This number is reset to 1 after each file is transmitted to a server, to keep you from wasting a lot of paper by forgetting to reset it.
The "Temporary Press Files" button is followed by a Boolean value. If this is TRUE, the typesetter will create press files with names that end in "$", so that they will be deleted after they are successfully transmitted. Clicking the button toggles the Boolean. The initial setting of this flag is controlled by the user profile entry "Hardcopy.TemporaryPressFiles".
The feedback from the typesetter tool is logged. You can see the log by making the tool bigger and scrolling the appropriate subwindows. The top subwindow is for the formatting process and the bottom subwindow is for the spooling process.
Multiple column and landscape output is now possible. Look at [Indigo]<Cedar>Styles>*Print.style to see if there is a style there that will let you do what you want. If not, let TiogaImplementors^.PA know. (You are welcome to try writing your own print styles, but be warned that they may not work in the future, as incompatible changes in this mechanism are planned.) As an example, you can get two column landscape output by making a style that has in it just the following:
(Cedar) AttachStyle
(TwoColumnLandscapePrint) AttachStyle
and setting this little style on your document. (For now, you must make sure all the styles you need are on your disk.)
TSViewer Interface
To drive the typesetter from a program (or the executive), there is an interface called "TSViewer" that lets you create a tool and simulate clicks on its buttons.
TSExtras Interface
For more exotic formatting requirements of clients of Tioga, try the TSExtras interface. Interfaces for formatting a Tioga viewer or individual nodes of a Tioga document are provided.
Mark Properties
To implement running headers and footers, the TSetter "marks" special Tioga nodes. These marked nodes are later used for page layout purposes. In fact, the entire branch descendant from a marked node is retained. Caution is advised that text nodes are not inadvertenly nested under a marked node.
Marked nodes have a Mark property value which is a rope name. The present set of known mark property values is established by the page layout styles, e.g. BasicPrint.Style. No checking is done on mark property values, so they may seem to disappear when the document is printed if the property value was incorrectly named.
Page layout routines access the marks for the current page. Two operations are provided for extracting the first and last marks of a given kind defined on a page. At the end of each page the list of marks is pruned of duplicates. This provides for normal running headers and footers as implemented by BasicPrint.Style, as well as for more exotic dictionary slug footers.
PressScreen Tool
The PressScreen tool augments the capablities of the TSetter tool for printing screen images. The screen image is packaged in a clever way so that it can be used for two purposes simultaneously. First is can be printed by a Press printer (unfortunately not always by a Spruce printer). Second it can be displayed as an AIS image by Cedar Graphics or the Imager.
The TSetter registers the additional command PressScreen. Executing the PressScreen command creates a PressScreen tool viewer. The tool viewer provides new ways for describing the format of the printed results, for specifying the screen image to be printed, and for controlling Viewers while capturing the screen image. An auxillary system-wide button for activating PressScreen is posted at the top of the Cedar desktop so that no other screen real estate need be dedicated to the tool viewer after the control parameters are set.
The PressScreen tool viewer has four menu items: DoIt, SetCorners, FlashImage, and GetSelectedViewer. DoIt (and the P0001 system-wide button at the top of the screen) cause PressScreen to do its work: prepare the identified screen image for printing. SetCorners uses the mouse to set the corners of a rectangular screen area. When this button is clicked, the cursor changes to a cross hair. A left-click-and-hold will set the first corner and dragging the mouse with the left button still held down will drag a border. Release the left mouse button to set the corners of the desired screen area. FlashImage highlights the desired area briefly in reverse video. GetSelectedViewer uses the current selection to determine the screen area of interst. If the selection is a string more than 1 character long then that string is taken to be the name of the desired viewer and its corners are used. Otherwise if the selection is only a point selection then the viewer containing the selection and its corners are used.
The screen area can be one of four choices: DesiredArea, WholeScreen, LeftColumn, and RightColumn. The latter two choices refer to the Viewers columns as currently defined by the boundary line and includes the screen areas above and below the columns. WholeScreen refers to the entire screen area. DesiredArea refers to the area corners defined below that are set by the SetCorners or GetSelectedViewer menu buttons.
The corners of the desired screen image area are specified in the four viewers labelled Area Corners. One can edit the values there, although the normal way to change them is to use the SetCorners or GetSelectedViewer menu buttons. The first (x, y) pair refer to the upper left corner, the second pair refr to the lower right corner.
The printed screen image can be formatted in several ways. Magnification can be adjusted automatically to fit either a FullPage or HalfPage, or it can be specified explicitly in the Magnification Factor viewer. The printed page can be oriented in either Landscape or Portrait orientation with the long paper dimension horizontal or vertical respectively. A black border two pixels wide is normally provided and this thickness can be adjusted in the BlackBorder viewer. When the screen image is printed, the left and right margins will be the length in the PageMargin viewer.
A countdown timer is provided should it be necessary to set up for a press screen. The CountDownTimer viewer sets the number of seconds after the DoIt or P0001 buttons are clicked that the screen image is actually captured. Note that this is only a minimum time estimate due to unpredictable system activity while timing. For your entertainment, there is a pie viewer that counts down the time remaining.
Three Viewer Controls buttons provide the means to achieve special effects. These control buttons are in effect only when they are black with white lettering, and are not active when they are white or grey with black lettering.