<> <> <> <> DIRECTORY Convert USING [IntFromRope, MapValue, ValueToRope], Graphics USING [ black, Color, Context, DrawBox, DrawChar, DrawRope, SetColor, SetCP, SetStipple, white], Labels USING [Label], NumberLabels USING [], Rope USING [ROPE], VFonts USING [CharWidth, defaultFont, Font, FontHeight, GraphicsFont, StringWidth], ViewerClasses USING [ GetProc, PaintProc, SetProc, Viewer, ViewerClass, ViewerClassRec, ViewerRec], ViewerOps USING [CreateViewer, PaintViewer, RegisterViewerClass]; LabelsImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Convert, Graphics, VFonts, ViewerOps EXPORTS Labels, NumberLabels = BEGIN OPEN ViewerClasses, Labels, Rope; bottomOffset: INTEGER = 3; -- for painting leftOffset: INTEGER = 3; LabelData: TYPE = REF LabelDataRec; LabelDataRec: TYPE = RECORD [ font: VFonts.Font, displayStyle: DisplayStyle ]; DisplayStyle: TYPE = {blackOnWhite, whiteOnBlack, blackOnGrey} ; Create: PUBLIC PROC [info: ViewerRec _ [], font: VFonts.Font _ VFonts.defaultFont, paint: BOOL _ TRUE] RETURNS [label: Label] = BEGIN data: LabelData _ NEW[LabelDataRec _ [font, blackOnWhite]]; IF info.parent=NIL THEN ERROR; IF info.ww=0 THEN info.ww _ VFonts.StringWidth[info.name, font]+leftOffset+leftOffset; IF info.wh=0 THEN info.wh _ VFonts.FontHeight[font]+bottomOffset; info.data _ data; label _ ViewerOps.CreateViewer[$Label, info, paint]; END; LabelPaint: PaintProc = BEGIN OPEN Graphics; <> data: LabelData _ NARROW[self.data]; myGrey: CARDINAL = 001010B; borderFudge: INTEGER = IF self.border THEN 0 ELSE 1; IF data = NIL THEN RETURN; IF ~clear OR data.displayStyle#blackOnWhite THEN BEGIN SELECT data.displayStyle FROM whiteOnBlack => Graphics.SetColor[context, Graphics.black]; blackOnGrey => Graphics.SetStipple[context, myGrey]; blackOnWhite => Graphics.SetColor[context, Graphics.white]; ENDCASE; DrawBox[context, [1, 1, self.cw-1, self.ch-1]]; END; IF self.name=NIL THEN RETURN; SetColor[context, SELECT data.displayStyle FROM whiteOnBlack => white, ENDCASE => black]; SetCP[context, leftOffset+borderFudge, bottomOffset+borderFudge]; DrawRope[self: context, rope: self.name, font: VFonts.GraphicsFont[data.font]]; END; LabelGet: GetProc = BEGIN RETURN[self.name]; END; LabelSet: SetProc = BEGIN IF op=NIL THEN self.name _ NARROW[data] ELSE BEGIN myData: LabelData _ NARROW[self.data]; IF myData = NIL THEN RETURN; SELECT data FROM $BlackOnWhite => myData.displayStyle _ blackOnWhite; $WhiteOnBlack => myData.displayStyle _ whiteOnBlack; $BlackOnGrey => myData.displayStyle _ blackOnGrey; ENDCASE; END; IF finalise THEN ViewerOps.PaintViewer[self, all]; END; NumberLabel: TYPE = ViewerClasses.Viewer; NumberLabelData: TYPE = REF NumberLabelDataRec; NumberLabelDataRec: TYPE = RECORD [ font: VFonts.Font, displayStyle: DisplayStyle, currentValue: INT _ 0, lastDisplayed: INT _ 0 ]; -- The following material is to support NumberLabels CreateNumber: PUBLIC PROC [info: ViewerClasses.ViewerRec _ [], chars: NAT _ 0, initialValue: INT _ 0, font: VFonts.Font _ VFonts.defaultFont, paint: BOOL _ TRUE] RETURNS [nl: NumberLabel _ NIL] = { data: NumberLabelData _ NEW [ NumberLabelDataRec _ [font, blackOnWhite, initialValue, initialValue + 1]]; IF info.parent=NIL THEN ERROR; IF info.ww=0 THEN info.ww _ chars*VFonts.CharWidth['0, font]+leftOffset+leftOffset; IF info.wh=0 THEN info.wh _ VFonts.FontHeight[font]+bottomOffset; info.data _ data; nl _ ViewerOps.CreateViewer[$NumberLabel, info, paint]; }; NumberLabelPaint: ViewerClasses.PaintProc = { <> data: NumberLabelData _ NARROW[self.data]; myGrey: CARDINAL = 001010B; borderFudge: INTEGER = IF self.border THEN 0 ELSE 1; draw1: PROC [c: CHAR] = { Graphics.DrawChar[context, c, VFonts.GraphicsFont[data.font]]; }; IF data = NIL THEN RETURN; IF ~clear OR data.displayStyle # blackOnWhite THEN BEGIN SELECT data.displayStyle FROM whiteOnBlack => Graphics.SetColor[context, Graphics.black]; blackOnGrey => Graphics.SetStipple[context, myGrey]; blackOnWhite => Graphics.SetColor[context, Graphics.white]; ENDCASE; Graphics.DrawBox[context, [1, 1, self.cw-1, self.ch-1]]; whatChanged _ NIL; END; IF whatChanged = $Update AND data.currentValue = data.lastDisplayed THEN RETURN; data.lastDisplayed _ data.currentValue; Graphics.SetColor[context, SELECT data.displayStyle FROM whiteOnBlack => Graphics.white, ENDCASE => Graphics.black]; Graphics.SetCP[context, leftOffset+borderFudge, bottomOffset+borderFudge]; Convert.MapValue[put: draw1, value: [signed[data.currentValue]]]; }; NumberLabelGet: ViewerClasses.GetProc = { myData: NumberLabelData _ NARROW[self.data]; IF myData = NIL THEN RETURN [NIL]; IF op = NIL THEN RETURN[Convert.ValueToRope[[signed[myData.currentValue]]]] ELSE RETURN [NEW[INT _ myData.currentValue]]; }; NumberLabelSet: ViewerClasses.SetProc = { myData: NumberLabelData _ NARROW[self.data]; IF myData = NIL THEN RETURN; WITH data SELECT FROM rope: ROPE => myData.currentValue _ Convert.IntFromRope[rope]; atom: ATOM => SELECT data FROM $BlackOnWhite => myData.displayStyle _ blackOnWhite; $WhiteOnBlack => myData.displayStyle _ whiteOnBlack; $BlackOnGrey => myData.displayStyle _ blackOnGrey; ENDCASE; refInt: REF INT => myData.currentValue _ refInt^; ENDCASE => RETURN; IF finalise THEN ViewerOps.PaintViewer[self, all]; }; NumberLabelUpdate: PUBLIC PROC [nl: NumberLabel, new: INT _ 0] = { myData: NumberLabelData _ NARROW[nl.data]; IF myData = NIL THEN RETURN; myData.currentValue _ new; IF new # myData.lastDisplayed THEN ViewerOps.PaintViewer[nl, all, FALSE, $Update]; }; NumberLabelQuery: PUBLIC PROC [nl: NumberLabel] RETURNS [current: INT _ 0] = { myData: NumberLabelData _ NARROW[nl.data]; IF myData = NIL THEN RETURN; RETURN [myData.currentValue]; }; labelClass: ViewerClasses.ViewerClass _ NEW[ViewerClasses.ViewerClassRec _ [ paint: LabelPaint, get: LabelGet, set: LabelSet ]]; numberLabelClass: ViewerClasses.ViewerClass _ NEW[ViewerClasses.ViewerClassRec _ [ paint: NumberLabelPaint, get: NumberLabelGet, set: NumberLabelSet ]]; ViewerOps.RegisterViewerClass[$Label, labelClass]; -- plug in to Viewers ViewerOps.RegisterViewerClass[$NumberLabel, numberLabelClass]; -- plug in to Viewers END.