File: Scratchpad2d.mesa
Author: Eric Bier on August 6, 1982 10:24 am
Last edited by Bier on July 2, 1983 2:25 pm
Contents: Definitions for a new type of viewer designed to support 2d editting. Most (or perhaps all) three dimensional shapes in the SolidViews three dimensional illustrator will be constructable from a set of 2d entities, hence, the Scratchpad2d window may be a principle source of shape creation until that time when shapes can be drawn on planes which are in the 3d scene.
Scratchpad2d: DEFINITIONS =
Path: TYPE = REF PathObj;
PathObj: TYPE = SV2d.PathObj;
Point2d: TYPE = SV2d.Point2d;
ScratchpadData: TYPE = Scratchpad2dUser.ScratchpadData;
Viewer: TYPE = ViewerClasses.Viewer;
CreateScratchpad: PROC [parent: Viewer] RETURNS [container: Viewer, scratchpad: Viewer];
GetPath: PROC [self: Viewer] RETURNS [path: Path];
MoveLinPoint: PROC [screenPoint2d: Point2d, scratchpadData: ScratchpadData];
MoveRevoPoint: PROC [screenPoint2d: Point2d, scratchpadData: ScratchpadData];
MoveLinStart: PROC [screenPoint2d: Point2d, scratchpadData: ScratchpadData];
MoveRevoStart: PROC [screenPoint2d: Point2d, scratchpadData: ScratchpadData];