DIRECTORY Inline USING [HighByte, HighHalf, LowByte, LowHalf], IO USING [PutChar, PutRope, STREAM], IPBasic USING [PrimitiveOrSymbol, Rational], IPEncoding USING [Error, nullToken, Reader, ReaderProcs, ReaderRep, Register, Token, TokenType, Writer, WriterProcs, WriterRep], IPXeroxEncoding USING [DefinedEncodingValue, EncodingValue, SequenceType, shortNumberBias], Real USING [DefaultSinglePrecision, NumberType, RealToPair], Rope USING [Concat, Length, ROPE, Substr], RopeReader USING [BumpIndex, Get, GetIndex, GetRope, GetString, Peek, ReadOffEnd, Ref, SetIndex]; IPXeroxEncodingImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Inline, IO, IPEncoding, Real, Rope, RopeReader = BEGIN OPEN IPXeroxEncoding, IPEncoding, IPBasic; ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; STREAM: TYPE = IO.STREAM; EncodeTable: TYPE = ARRAY PrimitiveOrSymbol OF DefinedEncodingValue; DecodeTable: TYPE = ARRAY DefinedEncodingValue OF PrimitiveOrSymbol; encode: REF READONLY EncodeTable = NEW[EncodeTable = [nil: nil, abs: abs, add: add, and: and, arcto: arcto, atan: atan, ceiling: ceiling, clipoutline: clipoutline, cliprectangle: cliprectangle, concat: concat, concatt: concatt, conicto: conicto, copy: copy, correct: correct, correctmask: correctmask, correctspace: correctspace, cos: cos, count: count, curveto: curveto, div: div, do: do, dobody: dobody, dosave: dosave, dosaveall: dosaveall, dosaveallbody: dosaveallbody, dosavebody: dosavebody, dosavesimplebody: dosavesimplebody, dround: dround, dup: dup, env: env, eq: eq, eqn: eqn, exch: exch, exp: exp, fget: fget, findcolor: findcolor, findcolormodeloperator: findcolormodeloperator, findcoloroperator: findcoloroperator, finddecompressor: finddecompressor, findfont: findfont, findfontvec: findfontvec, floor: floor, frame: frame, fset: fset, ge: ge, get: get, getcp: getcp, getcprounded: getcprounded, getp: getp, getprop: getprop, gt: gt, if: if, ifcopy: ifcopy, ifelse: ifelse, iget: iget, invert: invert, iset: iset, lineto: lineto, linetox: linetox, linetoy: linetoy, log: log, loop: loop, makeco: makeco, makecompiledimage: makecompiledimage, makegray: makegray, makeoutline: makeoutline, makepixelarray: makepixelarray, makepool: makepool, makesampledblack: makesampledblack, makesampledcolor: makesampledcolor, makesimpleco: makesimpleco, maket: maket, makevec: makevec, makeveclu: makeveclu, mark: mark, maskfill: maskfill, maskpixel: maskpixel, maskrectangle: maskrectangle, maskstroke: maskstroke, maskstrokeclosed: maskstrokeclosed, masktrapezoidx: masktrapezoidx, masktrapezoidy: masktrapezoidy, maskunderline: maskunderline, maskvector: maskvector, max: max, mergeprop: mergeprop, min: min, mod: mod, modifyfont: modifyfont, move: move, moveto: moveto, mul: mul, neg: neg, nop: nop, nopool: nopool, not: not, opent: opent, openvec: openvec, or: or, pget: pget, pool: pool, poolop: poolop, pop: pop, pset: pset, rem: rem, roll: roll, rotate: rotate, round: round, roundxy: roundxy, roundxyvec: roundxyvec, scale: scale, scale2: scale2, setcorrectmeasure: setcorrectmeasure, setcorrecttolerance: setcorrecttolerance, setfont: setfont, setgray: setgray, setxrel: setxrel, setxy: setxy, setxyrel: setxyrel, setyrel: setyrel, shape: shape, show: show, showandxrel: showandxrel, sin: sin, space: space, sqrt: sqrt, startunderline: startunderline, sub: sub, trans: trans, transform: transform, transformvec: transformvec, translate: translate, trunc: trunc, type: type, unmark: unmark, unmark0: unmark0, beginBody: beginBody, endBody: endBody, beginBlock: beginBlock, endBlock: endBlock, pageInstructions: pageInstructions, noPages: noPages, beginVec: nil, comma: nil, endVec: nil]]; decode: REF READONLY DecodeTable = CreateDecodeTable[encode]; CreateDecodeTable: PROC[encode: REF READONLY EncodeTable] RETURNS[REF READONLY DecodeTable] = { decode: REF DecodeTable = NEW[DecodeTable _ ALL[nil]]; FOR op: PrimitiveOrSymbol IN PrimitiveOrSymbol DO decode[encode[op]] _ op ENDLOOP; RETURN[decode]; }; readerProcs: REF READONLY ReaderProcs = NEW[ReaderProcs = [ GetToken: GetToken, GetInt: GetInt, GetRational: GetRational, GetReal: GetReal, GetRope: GetRope ]]; NewReader: PROC[ropeReader: RopeReader.Ref] RETURNS[Reader] = { self: Reader = NEW[ReaderRep _ [procs: NIL, ropeReader: NIL, buffer: NIL, bytesRemaining: 0, startingIndex: 0]]; self.procs _ readerProcs; self.ropeReader _ ropeReader; self.startingIndex _ ropeReader.GetIndex[]; RETURN[self]; }; BYTE: TYPE = [0..256); Get: PROC[self: Reader] RETURNS[BYTE] = INLINE { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[self.ropeReader.Get[]]] }; Peek: PROC[self: Reader] RETURNS[BYTE] = INLINE { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[self.ropeReader.Peek[]]] }; GetIndex: PROC[self: Reader] RETURNS[INT] = INLINE { RETURN[self.ropeReader.GetIndex[]] }; SetIndex: PROC[self: Reader, index: INT] = INLINE { self.ropeReader.SetIndex[index] }; BumpIndex: PROC[self: Reader, offset: INT] = INLINE { self.ropeReader.BumpIndex[offset] }; SetIndexAndPeek: PROC[self: Reader, index: INT] RETURNS[BYTE] = INLINE { SetIndex[self, index]; RETURN[Peek[self]] }; GetBaseRope: PROC[self: Reader] RETURNS[ROPE] = INLINE { RETURN[self.ropeReader.GetRope[]] }; GetDescriptor: PROC[self: Reader] RETURNS[INT] = { a: BYTE = Get[self]; IF a<300B THEN ERROR Error["not a sequence"] ELSE IF a<340B THEN RETURN[Get[self]] -- Short Sequence ELSE { -- Long Sequence b: BYTE = Get[self]; c: BYTE = Get[self]; d: BYTE = Get[self]; RETURN[(b*256+c)*256+d]; }; }; Seq: PROC[a: BYTE] RETURNS[SequenceType] = INLINE { RETURN[LOOPHOLE[a MOD 40B]] }; Continued: PROC[self: Reader] RETURNS[BOOL] = INLINE { a: BYTE = Peek[self]; RETURN[a>=300B AND Seq[a]=sequenceContinued] }; SkipSequence: PROC[self: Reader] RETURNS[INT] = { length: INT _ 0; DO n: INT = GetDescriptor[self]; BumpIndex[self, n]; length _ length+n; IF NOT Continued[self] THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; RETURN[length]; }; MapSequence: PROC[self: Reader, proc: PROC[BYTE]] = { DO n: INT = GetDescriptor[self]; THROUGH [0..n) DO proc[Get[self]] ENDLOOP; IF NOT Continued[self] THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; }; TextFromSequence: PROC[self: Reader, text: REF TEXT] = { DO n: INT = GetDescriptor[self]; count: NAT = self.ropeReader.GetString[text, n]; IF count GOTO Eof]; EXITS Eof => { token.type _ eof; _ index; RETURN[token] } }; IF peek<200B THEN { -- Short Number a: BYTE = Get[self]; b: BYTE = Get[self]; token.number _ a*256+b-shortNumberBias; token.type _ number; } ELSE IF peek<300B THEN { -- Op ev: EncodingValue _ nil; IF peek<240B THEN { -- Short Op a: BYTE = Get[self]; ev _ LOOPHOLE[a MOD 40B]; token.op _ decode[ev]; } ELSE { -- Long Op a: BYTE = Get[self]; b: BYTE = Get[self]; ev _ LOOPHOLE[(a MOD 40B)*256+b]; IF ev<=LAST[DefinedEncodingValue] THEN token.op _ decode[ev]; }; IF token.op=nil THEN ERROR Error["undefined encoding-value"]; token.type _ op; } ELSE { -- Sequence type: SequenceType = LOOPHOLE[peek MOD 40B]; length: INT = SkipSequence[self]; token.length _ length; SELECT type FROM sequenceString => token.type _ string; sequenceInteger => token.type _ (IF length<=4 THEN int ELSE real); sequenceRational => token.type _ (IF length<=8 THEN rational ELSE real); sequenceIdentifier => token.type _ identifier; sequenceComment => token.type _ comment; sequenceContinued => ERROR Error["misplaced sequenceContinued"]; sequenceLargeVector => token.type _ largeVec; sequencePackedPixelVector => token.type _ largeVec; sequenceCompressedPixelVector => token.type _ largeVec; sequenceInsertFile => token.type _ insertFile; ENDCASE => ERROR Error["undefined sequence type"]; }; _ GetIndex[self]; RETURN[token]; }; BeginSequence: PROC[self: Reader, index: INT] RETURNS[SequenceType] = { peek: BYTE = SetIndexAndPeek[self, index]; IF peek<300B THEN ERROR; self.bytesRemaining _ GetDescriptor[self]; RETURN[LOOPHOLE[peek MOD 40B]]; }; DGet: PROC[self: Reader] RETURNS[BYTE] = { UNTIL self.bytesRemaining>0 DO self.bytesRemaining _ GetDescriptor[self] ENDLOOP; self.bytesRemaining _ self.bytesRemaining-1; RETURN[Get[self]]; }; DPeek: PROC[self: Reader] RETURNS[BYTE] = { UNTIL self.bytesRemaining>0 DO self.bytesRemaining _ GetDescriptor[self] ENDLOOP; RETURN[Peek[self]]; }; ReadInt: PROC[self: Reader, n: NAT] RETURNS[INT] = { i: INT _ 0; IF n>4 THEN ERROR Error["too many bytes for an int"]; IF DPeek[self]<128 THEN { THROUGH[0..n) DO i _ i*256+DGet[self] ENDLOOP; } ELSE { -- negative THROUGH[0..n) DO i _ i*256+(255-DGet[self]) ENDLOOP; i _ -1-i; }; RETURN[i]; }; ReadReal: PROC[self: Reader, n: NAT] RETURNS[REAL] = { r: REAL _ 0; IF DPeek[self]<128 THEN { THROUGH[0..n) DO r _ r*256+DGet[self] ENDLOOP; } ELSE { -- negative THROUGH[0..n) DO r _ r*256+(255-DGet[self]) ENDLOOP; r _ -1-r; }; RETURN[r]; }; GetInt: PROC[self: Reader, token: Token] RETURNS[INT] = { type: SequenceType = BeginSequence[self, token.index]; IF type=sequenceInteger THEN { length: NAT = token.length; int: INT = ReadInt[self, length]; RETURN[int]; } ELSE ERROR Error["wrong token type"]; }; GetRational: PROC[self: Reader, token: Token] RETURNS[Rational] = { type: SequenceType = BeginSequence[self, token.index]; IF type=sequenceRational THEN { length: NAT = token.length; IF (length MOD 2)=0 THEN { num: INT = ReadInt[self, length/2]; den: INT = ReadInt[self, length/2]; RETURN[[num, den]]; } ELSE ERROR Error["invalid length for sequenceRational"]; } ELSE ERROR Error["wrong token type"]; }; GetReal: PROC[self: Reader, token: Token] RETURNS[REAL] = { type: SequenceType = BeginSequence[self, token.index]; SELECT type FROM sequenceInteger => { length: NAT = token.length; real: REAL = ReadReal[self, length]; RETURN[real]; }; sequenceRational => { length: NAT = token.length; IF (length MOD 2)=0 THEN { num: REAL = ReadReal[self, length/2]; den: REAL = ReadReal[self, length/2]; RETURN[num/den]; } ELSE ERROR Error["invalid length for sequenceRational"]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR Error["wrong token type"]; }; GetRope: PROC[self: Reader, token: Token] RETURNS[ROPE] = { SetIndex[self, token.index]; IF token.type>number THEN RETURN[RopeFromSequence[self]] ELSE ERROR Error["wrong token type"]; }; writerProcs: REF READONLY WriterProcs = NEW[WriterProcs = [ PutOp: PutOp, PutInt: PutInt, PutRational: PutRational, PutReal: PutReal, PutRope: PutRope ]]; NewWriter: PROC[stream: STREAM] RETURNS[Writer] = { self: Writer = NEW[WriterRep _ [procs: writerProcs, stream: stream]]; RETURN[self]; }; PutByte: PROC[s: STREAM, b: BYTE] = INLINE { s.PutChar[LOOPHOLE[b]] }; PutOp: PROC[self: Writer, op: IPBasic.PrimitiveOrSymbol] = { s: STREAM =; ev: EncodingValue = encode[op]; IF ev#nil THEN { x: [0..17777B] = LOOPHOLE[ev]; IF x<40B THEN PutByte[s, 200B+x] -- Short Op ELSE { PutByte[s, 240B+x/400B]; PutByte[s, x MOD 400B] }; -- Long Op } ELSE ERROR Error["invalid op"]; }; ExtractByte: PROC[i: INT, b: NAT] RETURNS[BYTE] = { SELECT b FROM 0 => RETURN[Inline.LowByte[Inline.LowHalf[i]]]; 1 => RETURN[Inline.HighByte[Inline.LowHalf[i]]]; 2 => RETURN[Inline.LowByte[Inline.HighHalf[i]]]; 3 => RETURN[Inline.HighByte[Inline.HighHalf[i]]]; ENDCASE => RETURN[IF i<0 THEN 377B ELSE 0]; }; BytesInInt: PROC[i: INT] RETURNS[NAT] = { SELECT i FROM IN[-200B..200B) => RETURN[1]; IN[-LONG[100000B]..100000B) => RETURN[2]; IN[-40000000B..40000000B) => RETURN[3]; ENDCASE => RETURN[4]; }; WriteInt: PROC[s: STREAM, i: INT, nBytes: NAT] = { FOR k: NAT DECREASING IN[0..nBytes) DO PutByte[s, ExtractByte[i, k]]; ENDLOOP; }; PutDescriptor: PROC[s: STREAM, type: SequenceType, length: INT] = { x: [0..40B) = LOOPHOLE[type]; SELECT length FROM <0 => ERROR Error["sequence length negative"]; <=377B => { PutByte[s, 300B+x]; WriteInt[s, length, 1] }; -- Short Sequence <=77777777B => { PutByte[s, 340B+x]; WriteInt[s, length, 3] }; -- Long Sequence ENDCASE => ERROR Error["sequence length too large"]; }; PutInt: PROC[self: Writer, i: INT] = { s: STREAM =; IF i IN[-shortNumberBias..77777B-shortNumberBias] THEN { x: [0..77777B] = i+shortNumberBias; PutByte[s, x/400B]; PutByte[s, x MOD 400B]; } ELSE { b: NAT = BytesInInt[i]; PutDescriptor[s, sequenceInteger, b]; WriteInt[s, i, b]; }; }; PutRational: PROC[self: Writer, r: Rational] = { s: STREAM =; bn: NAT = BytesInInt[r.num]; bd: NAT = BytesInInt[r.den]; b: NAT = MAX[bn, bd]; PutDescriptor[s, sequenceRational, 2*b]; WriteInt[s, r.num, b]; WriteInt[s, r.den, b]; }; PowerIndex: TYPE = [0..9]; PowerArray: TYPE = ARRAY PowerIndex OF INT; power: REF READONLY PowerArray = NEW[PowerArray = [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000]]; PutReal: PROC[self: Writer, r: REAL] = { s: STREAM =; type: Real.NumberType; fr: INT; exp10: INTEGER; [type, fr, exp10] _ Real.RealToPair[r, Real.DefaultSinglePrecision]; SELECT type FROM normal => IF exp10=0 THEN PutInt[self, fr] ELSE { e: INTEGER _ -exp10; f: INT _ fr; THROUGH[0..10) WHILE (f MOD 10)=0 DO f _ f/10; e _ e-1 ENDLOOP; IF e IN PowerIndex THEN PutRational[self, [f, power[e]]] ELSE ERROR Error["PutReal failed"]; }; zero => PutInt[self, 0]; ENDCASE => ERROR Error["abnormal REAL"]; }; PutRope: PROC[self: Writer, type: TokenType, text: ROPE] = { s: STREAM =; sequenceType: SequenceType = SELECT type FROM identifier => sequenceIdentifier, string => sequenceString, comment => sequenceComment, insertFile => sequenceInsertFile, ENDCASE => ERROR Error["wrong token type for PutRope"]; length: INT = Rope.Length[text]; PutDescriptor[s, sequenceType, length]; s.PutRope[text]; }; IPEncoding.Register["Xerox", [2,0], NewReader, NewWriter]; END. RIPXeroxEncodingImpl.mesa Last edited by: Doug Wyatt, April 29, 1983 1:51 pm Κ˜headšœ™šœ™Jšœ"™"—J˜šΟk ˜ Jšœœ(˜4Jšœœœ˜$Jšœœ˜,Jšœ œp˜€JšœœF˜[Jšœœ2˜