Last edited by:
Doug Wyatt, April 11, 1983 2:56 pm
Graphics USING [Context],
IPBasic USING [Integer, Vector],
IPFont USING [FontKey],
IPImagerBasic USING [Color, Outline, Pair, PixelArray, Trajectory, Transformation],
IPOutput USING [Ref],
IPScan USING [DevicePath],
UnifiedFonts USING [FONT];
= BEGIN OPEN IPImagerBasic, IPBasic;
Imager: TYPE = REF ImagerRep;
ImagerRep: TYPE = RECORD[
vars: Vars,
path: IPScan.DevicePath,
output: IPOutput.Ref,
context: Graphics.Context,
font: UnifiedFonts.FONT
Vars: TYPE = REF VarsRep;
link: Vars, -- link to previous state
p: PersistentVars, -- persistent variables
np: NonPersistentVars, -- non-persistent variables which aren't REFs
T: Transformation, -- transformation
showVec: Vector, -- showVec (Font or Vec)
color: Color, -- color (constant or sampled)
fontList: CachedFont -- list of fonts used under current transformation
CachedFont: TYPE = REF CachedFontRep;
CachedFontRep: TYPE = RECORD[link: CachedFont,
key: IPFont.FontKey, font: UnifiedFonts.FONT];
PersistentVars: TYPE = REF PersistentVarsRep;
PersistentVarsRep: TYPE = RECORD[
cpx, cpy: REAL, -- current position
correctMX, correctMY: REAL, -- line measure
correctMaskCount: INT, -- tally CORRECTMASK calls
correctMaskX, correctMaskY: REAL, -- space to be taken up by CORRECTMASK calls
correctSumX, correctSumY: REAL, -- tally adjustable space from CORRECTSPACE calls
correctSpaceX, correctSpaceY: REAL, -- space to be taken up by CORRECTSPACE calls
correctcpx, correctcpy: REAL, -- current position at start of CORRECT
correctTargetX, correctTargetY: REAL -- where corrected text should end up
NonPersistentVars: TYPE = REF NonPersistentVarsRep;
NonPersistentVarsRep: TYPE = RECORD[
priorityImportant: Integer,
mediumXSize, mediumYSize: REAL,
fieldXMin, fieldYMin: REAL,
fieldXMax, fieldYMax: REAL,
strokeWidth: REAL,
strokeEnd: Integer,
noImage: Integer,
underlineStart: REAL,
amplifySpace: REAL,
correctPass: Integer,
correctShrink: REAL, -- allowable space shrink
correctTX, correctTY: REAL -- line tolerance
Procs: TYPE = REF READONLY ProcsRep;
ProcsRep: TYPE = RECORD[
Show: PROC[imager: Imager, s: Vector, xrel: BOOLFALSE],
MaskFill: PROC[imager: Imager, o: Outline],
MaskStroke: PROC[imager: Imager, t: Trajectory, closed: BOOLFALSE],
MaskRectangle: PROC[imager: Imager, x, y, w, h: REAL],
MaskVector: PROC[imager: Imager, p1, p2: Pair],
MaskTrapezoidX: PROC[imager: Imager, x1, y1, x2, x3, y3, x4: REAL],
MaskTrapezoidY: PROC[imager: Imager, x1, y1, y2, x3, y3, y4: REAL],
MaskPixel: PROC[imager: Imager, pa: PixelArray]