Doug Wyatt, September 16, 1983 1:47 pm
ISLCedar 4.5 Release
The purpose of this release is to make a snapshot of our software while it is still compatible with Cedar 4.4. This will give us a stable place to stand as we start to replace Graphics with the new Imager. Note that this release is not being announced to all CedarUsers^; it is intended mainly for internal use by ISLImplementors^. I will consider including the "ISL" components of this release in another release to [Indigo]<ISL>.
A copy of this message is stored on [Indigo]<ISLCedar>Documentation>ISLCedar4.5.tioga.
**** System components ****
The following is a complete list of the system components included in this release. Details about the relationship of each component to the previous release and pointers to documentation and DF files appear in the "Summary of Release Components" section, below.
The field after the package name indicates what has changed. It can take the following values:
<Cedar> component is from Cedar 4.4; obtain it from [Indigo]<Cedar>
post component is a snapshot of the most recent PostCedar version
new component is new for this release
old component is unchanged from the ISL 4.4 version
minor component only has minor bugs fixed and/or simple recompilation
major component has significant changes
gone component is omitted from this release
** Cedar packages of general interest **
AMModel  <Cedar> In boot file
AMProcess  <Cedar> In boot file
AMTypes  <Cedar> In boot file
Binder  <Cedar>
BootTool  <Cedar>
BravoToTioga  <Cedar>
BugBane  <Cedar> Partly in boot file (InterpreterPackage)
CedarReals  <Cedar> In boot file
CedarRoot  minor In boot file
CedarScanner  <Cedar> In boot file
CedarSnapshot <Cedar> In boot file
Chat  post
CIFS  <Cedar> In boot file
ClientFileTool <Cedar>
Clock  <Cedar>
CoFork  <Cedar>
Commander  <Cedar> In boot file
Compiler  <Cedar>
Cypress  <Cedar>
DateAndTime <Cedar> In boot file
DebugTool  <Cedar>
DFFiles  minor
FileTool  <Cedar>
FileTransferCommands <Cedar>
FlushUnneededTempFiles <Cedar>
FootBall  <Cedar>
Forms  post
GrapevineUser <Cedar> In boot file
Graphics  <Cedar> In boot file
IconRegistry  <Cedar>
IncludeChecker <Cedar>
Init  minor installation command files
InitHacks   post
IntervalTimer  <Cedar> In boot file
InterpreterTool <Cedar> In boot file
IO  <Cedar> In boot file
ListsAndAtoms <Cedar> In boot file
Lupine  <Cedar>
Maintain  minor
Manual  <Cedar>
MCross  <Cedar>
Modeller  <Cedar>
NewStuff  <Cedar>
OnlineMergeSort <Cedar>
PerfStats  <Cedar>
PlotPackage  <Cedar>
Poplar  <Cedar>
Print  <Cedar>
Pup  <Cedar> In boot file
Random  <Cedar>
ReadEvalPrint <Cedar> In boot file
RedBlackTree  <Cedar>
RedBlackTreeRef <Cedar>
Reminder  <Cedar>
Resource  <Cedar> In boot file
Rigging  <Cedar> In boot file
SafeStorage  <Cedar> In boot file
SampleTool  <Cedar>
Scaled  <Cedar>
Set  <Cedar>
SirPress  post
Spell  <Cedar> In boot file
Spy  <Cedar>
STP  <Cedar>
Talker  <Cedar>
Tank  <Cedar>
Tioga  <Cedar> In boot file
TIP  minor In boot file
TSetter  post
UECP  <Cedar>
Unique  <Cedar>
UserExec  <Cedar>
UserProfile  minor In boot file
Viewers  minor In boot file
ViewRec  <Cedar>
VTables  <Cedar>
Walnut  gone
Watch  <Cedar>
Waterlily  <Cedar>
** Cedar packages of special interest **
AlpineUser  <Cedar>
AMEvents  <Cedar> In boot file
BasicHeads  <Cedar> In boot file
BCD  <Cedar>
Booting  <Cedar> In boot file
BTree  <Cedar> Replaces BTrees.df
BTrees  <Cedar> Obsolete. Use BTree.df for new stuff.
CIFSCommands <Cedar>
ColorPackage  <Cedar> In boot file
Communication <Cedar> In boot file
CompatibilityPackage <Cedar> In boot file
D0Microcode  <Cedar>
DLionMicrocode <Cedar>
DoradoMicrocode <Cedar>
Germ  <Cedar>
IFSFile  <Cedar>
Inscript  <Cedar> In boot file
Lister  <Cedar>
Loader  <Cedar> In boot file
MakeBoot  <Cedar>
Othello  <Cedar> Separate boot file
Packager  <Cedar>
PGS  <Cedar>
PilotKernel  <Cedar> In boot file
Pupwatch  <Cedar>
RopeFile  post
RPCRuntime  <Cedar> In boot file
ScanZones  <Cedar>
Sequin  <Cedar>
SpaceWatch  <Cedar>
SpecialTerminal <Cedar> In boot file
Squirrel  <Cedar>
STPServer  <Cedar>
TerminalMultiplex <Cedar> In boot file
TTYIO  <Cedar> In boot file
UserCredentials <Cedar> In boot file
VersionMap  <Cedar> In boot file
VersionMapBuilder minor
WorldVM  <Cedar> In boot file
** ISL packages **
AIS  minor
BandsClient  old
Callig  old
CGBands  old
CKViewer  minor
ColorCRTTool old
ColorDemo  minor
ColorTool  new
Dither  minor
DitherAIS  old
DunnSlides  new
EncryptTool  old
ExecHacks  new
FastMouse  new
Fit  old
FontEdit  new
GL  old
GraphicsToPress old
IconEditor  old
IPDefs  old
IPOut  old
JaMObjectEdit old
Map  old
Math  minor
MonitorTool  minor
ParametricMap old
Peanut  old
PressFontIO  old
PressIP  old
PressReader  minor
Roots  gone
ShowPress  major
Sliders  old
SolidModeler  major
SolidViews  major
SplinePkg  old
StartHRM  new
StyleTool  old
TJaMGraphics old
Video  gone
**** Summary of Release Components ****
Note: In the descriptions that follow the DF file or files for a component are located on [Indigo]<ISLCedar>Top> unless otherwise specified. If the documentation file name is not a path, it is assumed to be accessible using the DF file name and BringOver, i.e.,
BringOver /o DocFileName DFFileName
In general, documentation is stored on
but there are occasional exceptions. For brevity, we do not list Component.Press if Component.Tioga exists, and we do not include [Indigo]<ISLCedar>Documentation> in the file name if that is the prefix. If not specified, the host is assumed to be [Indigo].
Components are listed below only if there has been a change for this release. Unless otherwise indicated, questions about changes in individual components should be addressed to their implementors.
DF file: AIS.df
Documentation: See interface and [Indigo]<AltoDocs>
Implementor: Stone
Bug fixes.
DF file: CedarRoot.df
Documentation: none
Implementor: last changed by Wyatt
Automatic installation gets files from <ISLCedar>.
DF file: CKViewer.df
Documentation: CKViewerDoc.tioga
Implementor: Pier
Uses Commander instead of UserExec for registration.
DF file: ColorDemo.df
Documentation: ColorDemoDoc.tioga
Implementor: Beach
ColorDemo now demonstrates color dithering and color map manipulation. Performance improvement by modifying it to run on 8-bit color display instead of 24-bits.
DF file: ColorTool.df
Documentation: See below
Implementors: Plebon, Stone
The ColorTool is a new package for manipulating the color of a patch using any of a variety of color schemes. The schemes supported are RGB (red, green, blue), HSV (hue, saturation, value), HSL (hue, saturation, lightness), and CNS (color naming scheme). The principal mode of interaction is by manipulating sliders. The color schemes are all interrelated and this tool provides a convenient means to experiment among them.
DF file: DFFiles.df
Documentation: DFFiles.tioga
Implementors: Schmidt, Atkinson, Wyatt
SModel /p now works reasonably for ReleaseAs locations other than [Indigo]<Cedar>.
DF file: Dither.df
Documentation: See implementor
Implementor: Lamming
Changed default settings for input separation filenames.
DF file: DunnSlides.df
Documentation: HowToMakeSlides.tioga
Implementor: Beach
A sample of how to make 35 mm color slides for presentations using the 1000-line color monitor and Dunn film recorder.
DF file: ExecHacks.df
Documentation: See below
Implementor: McGregor
I'm not sure who uses the Commander these days, but here are a few hacks that may make life more tolerable for those who do...
New menu buttons in each Commander window include "Compile", "Redo", and "Reset".
"Compile" works pretty much like the UserExec version except that it doesn't Bind if you click other mouse buttons and it protects you from compiling the commander if you accidently have a point selection there when you click. "Redo" is a simple replay of the last command, i.e. there is no "pointing to the command you want to redo" although that would be easy to add. "Reset" flushes the previous contents of the commander typescript (frees VM).
DF file: FastMouse.df
Documentation: See below
Implementors: Plass, Beach
A hack to accelerate the cursor motion on the display when moved by large gestures. Major refinements since Scott McGregor introduced it to the Cedar world: a continuous acceleration function and correct behavior when used with a color display.
Two user profile options are provided:
FastMouse.Threshold: the threshold speed, in dots per sample, above which cursor acceleration applies
FastMouse.AmpxTen: acceleration factor times 10, that is 10 means no acceleration, 20 means move the mouse twice as fast, and so on.
DF file: FontEdit.df
Documentation: FontEditDoc.tioga
Implementor: Plass
New package for editing Strike and KernedStrike fonts.
DF file: Init.df
Documentation: Installation command files
Implementor: Wyatt
Modified to work for <ISLCedar>.
DF file: Maintain.df
Documentation: Introduction to Cedar, [Indigo]<Grapevine>Docs>
Implementor: Birrell; last changed by Wyatt
Registers with Commander instead of UserExec; no longer includes copies of GrapevineUser and GrapevineCedar.
DF file: Math.df
Documentation: Math.tioga
Implementor: Plass
Added Polynomial.CheapRealRoots, for when the degree is five or less.
DF file: MonitorTool.df
Documentation: MonitorTool.tioga, or see implementor
Implementor: Pier
NTSC compatibility feature added to tool functions.
Uses Commander instead of UserExec for registration.
DF file: PressReader.df
Documentation: PressReader.tioga
Implementor: Plass
Performance improvement for reading press files containing large bitmaps.
Withdrawn. This component is now included in SolidModeler.df.
DF file: ShowPress.df
Documentation: ShowPress.tioga
Implementors: Plass, Beach
Performance improvement for displaying press files containing large bitmaps and incorporating ViewerBLT techniques.
DF file: SolidModeler.df
Implementor: Bier
see SolidViews
DF file: SolidViews.df (also SolidModeler.df, Roots.df)
Documentation: SolidviewsManual.tioga
Implementor: Bier
Changes announced 12 Aug 83
A number of new features have been added and a number of bugs have been fixed. In particular:
Multiple named cameras: The user can now create and edit a number of named camera settings. These settings are stored in the pic file so they can be used from session to session. The camera setting information includes the origin of the camera, a focal point to look towards, a camera slant, focal length, ray tracing resolution, a bounding frame for ray tracing, and a set of clipping planes.
As the above suggests, Solidviews now supports clipping planes in the wireframe and shaded drawing styles. However, Solidviews may not correctly ray-trace drawings where the camera is positioned in the interior of a (negative) volume.
Similarly, tilting the camera is a new feature, as is the ability to edit the size of the bounding box for ray tracing by hand.
Interface changes: File loading is now more like Tioga. Select the file name with the mouse and click Get or Store. You may use the solid viewer area labeled "Text:" as a place to type the name if you like.
Bug fixes: Most old pic files should load properly. The Clear function wires up the edittool to the new empty scene as it should. If you use the standard hither clipping plane, provided with the default camera setting, objects will no longer run into the camera, producing nasty error messages. Cylinders should not have a bite taken out of them when you ray trace them and should ray trace properly end-on.
The documentation has been updated; it is hightly recommended that you read sections:
Saving and Restoring Pictures, Editing Camera Parameters, and Shadows.
Changes announced 19 Aug 83
I highly recommend that you convert to this version. Many bugs have been fixed including: Solidviews would draw polygons on the color display, but only in black and white. The background color was not displayed in shaded drawing mode. Clear would load the NoName scene properly, but would use whatever camera was lying around.
The documentation is up to date and is stored on SolidviewsManual.tioga (not SolidviewsManual.doc as before), and I recommend that users read the Visible Assemblies and Camera Order paragraphs of the Editing Camera Parameters section, and the Dither Color Map and Half Spaces paragraphs of the Known Bugs section.
New features:
1) Visible Assemblies. You may specify a list of assemblies which are visible in a particular camera. Only these will be drawn in wireframe, shaded, and normals drawing styles.
2) Half spaces. Half spaces can be drawn in wireframe and ray tracing modes. However, they not properly clipped (i.e. with respect to a hither clipping plane) in wireframe mode, so the ray tracing results may be surprising. Ray tracing may produce strange results in complex scenes; I don't believe I have all of the special cases ironed out. Half spaces don't show up at all in shaded drawing mode (or do they blow up the world?). Caution is advised.
3) Some hardcopy buttons have gone away because they no longer work.
4) Dither automatically calls DrawDither when it is done.
5) Ray tracing tori should be a little faster.
DF file: StartHRM.df
Documentation: See below
Implementor: Pier
If you are using the Conrac monitor in high resolution mode, you can Run StartHRM instead of running MonitorTool and clicking at it.
DF file: TIP.df
Documentation: TIP.documentation, TIP.syntax
Implementor: last changed by McGregor
Bug fixes.
DF file: UserProfile.df
Documentation: UserProfileDoc.tioga
Implementor: Teitelman; last changed by Wyatt
Changed the following fields in the default User.profile:
UserCategory: Advanced (formerly Intermediate)
Hardcopy.PressPrinter: Menlo (formerly Clover)
DF file: VersionMapBuilder.df
Documentation: see interface and command files
Implementor: Atkinson; last changed by Wyatt
Slightly altered command files to make version maps for <ISLCedar>.
Withdrawn. Some of Video's functionality has moved into MonitorTool.
DF file: Viewers.df
Documentation: ViewerDoc.tioga
Implementors: McGregor, Maxwell, Pausch
Bug fixes. ViewerBLT stuff should now work correctly on the color display.