Package: CKViewer Filed on [Indigo]<PreISLCedar>Documentation>CKViewerDoc.tioga
Maintainer: Pier
Date: August 16, 1983
DF file: [Indigo]<PreISLCedar>Top>CKViewer.df
Purpose: Cedar version of ColorKinetic, used for exercising color display systems, with enhancements for testing and debugging color tables. Assumes it owns the color display. Color viewer windows should NOT be on when using CKViewer.
Tool Description:
Menu Items:
Default Menu
QUITdisconnect Display and destroy viewer.
24 BPPrun display in 24 bits per pixel if possible.
8 BPPrun display in 8 bits per pixel if possible.
4 BPPrun display in 4 bits per pixel if possible.
2 BPPrun display in 2 bits per pixel if possible.
1 BPPrun display in 1 bits per pixel if possible.
A ON/OFFToggle controller channel A, on or off.
B ON/OFFToggle controller channel B, on or off.
SLOWToggle display update rate, fast or slow.
FREEZEToggle display update, TRUE or FALSE.
SCRAMBLE Sets FREEZE. While FREEZE, scramble the color map with static display.
ROLL Sets FREEZE. While FREEZE, roll the color map with static display.
RANDOMUpdate entire screeen with Random colored and sized rectangles.
SYMMETRICMake a four quadrant symmetric display.
DIAGDiagonal lines test pattern for camera focusing.
TEST PAT8 color test pattern, static display.
COLORBARSShow colorbars and grey wedge.
CONVERGEShow convergence test pattern.
BIG RED Show RED bars from intensity 0 to intensity 255 in steps of 16.
BIG GREEN Show GREEN bars from intensity 0 to intensity 255 in steps of 16.
BIG BLUE Show BLUE bars from intensity 0 to intensity 255 in steps of 16..
SMALL RED Show RED bars from intensity 0 to intensity 15 in steps of 1.
SMALL GREEN Show GREEN bars from intensity 0 to intensity 15 in steps of 1.
SMALL BLUE Show BLUE bars from intensity 0 to intensity 15 in steps of 1.
Fill-in fields:
Fill-In fields are used to set up testing of the color table memories. There are two types of fill-ins, one which is set by the user clicking the field label then typing something, the other which is set by cycling options that appear in the labels for that field. The next option appears each time the label is clicked. Fields are:
PASSES: a pass counter for the table tests. User should not change PASSES.
Read/Write: chooses testing mode. Options are WriteReadCheck, WriteRead (no checking), WriteOnly, ReadAndCheck (writes once, then repeatedly reads and checks), ReadAndShow (writes once, then repeatedly reads, checks, and displays data read), ReadOnly, Sweep (test for addressing failures - long test).
Table: chooses table(s) to test. Options are ALL, A, B, C. ALL doesn't always make sense, depending on test mode.
PatternAction: chooses pattern modification during testing. Options are Random, Fixed (no change from original Pattern), Cycle (cycles orginal pattern), and Count (sequentially counts from original pattern; Pattern=0 is likely the most useful).
Pattern: user enters 8 OCTAL digits (e.g. 12345677B) for the original 24 bit pattern.
First Address: user enters first address in table to test.
Last Address: user enters last address in table to test. If Last Address>= table size, will test to end of table.
Address Increment: user enters constant increment to address during test. Test runs FROM First Address BY Address Increment UNTIL Last Address.
Reports: options are Long (full error messages), Short (types exclamation point for any error), and None (surpress error messages).
Contained viewer:
The lower part of the control viewer contains a typescript for control and error messages.
UserExec commands:
RunAndCall CKViewerregisters command name CKViewer and starts program. After installation, simply type CKViewer to the UserExec to restart the program.