Last edited by Ken Pier on August 3, 1983 4:04 pm
CKViewerTables: DEFINITIONS = {
Table: TYPE = {A,B,C,H}; --color tables and HRam in display hardware
Address: TYPE = CARDINAL[0..3777B]; --color table address, 11 bits
TableData: TYPE = RECORD [--all Tables input data format
red, green, blue: CARDINAL[0..377B]
InitializeTest: PROC [];
disconnect display, verify existence of M board, set table modes to tableEnable (above)
FinalizeTest: PROC [];
release HRam and sync signals
TakeTable: PROC [t: Table];
does a dummy operation to capture the table data/address paths
TakeAllTables: PROC [];
does a dummy operation to capture the table data/address paths
ReleaseTable: PROC [t: Table];
does a dummy operation to release the table data/address paths
ReleaseAllTables: PROC [];
releases all tables
LoadTableAddress: PROC [t: Table, a: Address]; --table address
loads specified table with address
WriteTableData: PROC [t: Table, d: TableData];
writes tabledata d at the current table address and increments that address; uses rgb for ATable, b for BTable, g for CTable
ReadTables: PROC [] RETURNS [d: TableData];
reads 24 bits at the current table address; does not change address
ClearTable: PROC [t: Table];
Clears the entire table to zeroes
ClearAllTables: PROC [];
clears all tables to zero
VerifyClearedTable: PROC [t: Table] RETURNS [ok: BOOLEAN, index: Address, d: TableData];
checks that entire table is zeroes; returns TRUE if OK, or FALSE and the first failed address
VerifyClearedTables: PROC [] RETURNS [ok: BOOLEAN, t: Table, index: Address, d: TableData];
checks all tables for all zeroes
Compare: PROC [t: Table, a: Address, cd: TableData] RETURNS [ok: BOOLEAN, rd: TableData];
GetSize: PROC [t: Table] RETURNS [Address];