DIRECTORY SVVector2d; SVVector3d: DEFINITIONS = BEGIN Vector: TYPE = ARRAY [1..3] OF REAL; Vector2d: TYPE = SVVector2d.Vector2d; Add: PROC [v1: Vector, v2: Vector] RETURNS [sumV: Vector]; Difference: PROC [v1: Vector, v2: Vector] RETURNS [v1Minusv2: Vector]; Scale: PROC [v: Vector, scalar: REAL] RETURNS [scaledV: Vector]; Normalize: PROC [v: Vector] RETURNS [normV: Vector]; Negate: PROC [v: Vector] RETURNS [negV: Vector]; DotProduct: PROC [v1: Vector, v2: Vector] RETURNS [scalar: REAL]; CrossProduct: PROC [v1: Vector, v2: Vector] RETURNS [prodV: Vector]; Magnitude: PROC [v: Vector] RETURNS [magnitude: REAL]; Parallel: PROC [v1, v2: Vector] RETURNS [BOOL]; Perpendicular: PROC [v1, v2: Vector] RETURNS [BOOL]; Vector2DAsXYVector: PROC [vXY: Vector2d] RETURNS [vZeroZ: Vector]; Vector2DAsYZVector: PROC [vYZ: Vector2d] RETURNS [vZeroX: Vector]; Vector2DAsZXVector: PROC [vZX: Vector2d] RETURNS [vZeroY: Vector]; ProjectOntoXYPlane: PROC [v: Vector] RETURNS [v2d: Vector2d]; ProjectOntoYZPlane: PROC [v: Vector] RETURNS [v2d: Vector2d]; ProjectOntoZXPlane: PROC [v: Vector] RETURNS [v2d: Vector2d]; END. ΒFile: SVVector3d.mesa Last edited by Bier on July 3, 1983 12:54 pm Contents: Vector addition and multiplication and stuff like that. Returns the unit vector with the same direction as v. Κή– "cedar" style˜Iheadšœ™Iprocšœ,™,LšœA™AL˜šœ ˜ Lšœ ˜ —L˜Lšœ Οk œ˜Lš˜˜Lš œœœœœ˜$Lšœ œ˜%L˜LšΟnœœœ˜:Lšž œœœ˜FLšžœœœœ˜Ašž œœ œ˜4Lšœ5™5—Lšžœœ œ˜1Lšž œœœ œ˜ALšž œœœ˜ELšž œœ œ œ˜6L˜Lšžœœœœ˜/Lšž œœœœ˜4L˜Lšžœœœ˜BLšžœœœ˜BLšžœœœ˜BL˜Lšžœœ œ˜=Lšžœœ œ˜=Lšžœœ œ˜=—L˜Lšœ˜L˜—…—b