-- File: SVPrimitive.mesa -- Last edited by Bier on December 18, 1982 1:26 am -- Author: Eric Bier on January 1, 1983 7:39 pm -- Contents: A simple function for copying most of the properties of an assembly to its corresponding csg primitive so the implementor of a master object doesn't have to do it all in his PrimitiveFromAssembly proc. DIRECTORY CSG, DisplayList3d, SVBoundBox; SVPrimitive: DEFINITIONS = BEGIN Assembly: TYPE = DisplayList3d.Assembly; BoundHedron: TYPE = SVBoundBox.BoundHedron; Primitive: TYPE = REF PrimitiveObj; PrimitiveObj: TYPE = CSG.PrimitiveObj; RayCastProc: TYPE = CSG.RayCastProc; FromAssembly: PROC [assem: Assembly] RETURNS [prim: Primitive]; PrimitiveAssemblyWithoutMO: ERROR; END. Ęk˜Jš$ĪcÕœĪk œžœ-ž œžœ žœ(žœ&žœžœ žœ žœžœžœžœĪn œžœžœ8žœ˜Ô—…—ÖG