-- File: SVBoundBox.mesa -- Last edited by Bier on December 18, 1982 1:15 am -- Author: Eric Bier on June 23, 1983 2:24 pm -- Contents: Procedures for creating bounding polyhedra of master objects, and for deriving "3-d" bounding boxes from these polyhedra. Procedures for combining these bounding boxes with union, intersection and difference operators. DIRECTORY CoordSys, CSGGraphics, Graphics, Matrix3d, SV2d, SVPolygon3d; SVBoundBox: DEFINITIONS = BEGIN Camera: TYPE = CSGGraphics.Camera; CoordSystem: TYPE = REF CoordSysObj; CoordSysObj: TYPE = CoordSys.CoordSysObj; Point2d: TYPE = SV2d.Point2d; Point3d: TYPE = Matrix3d.Point3d; Poly3d: TYPE = SVPolygon3d.Poly3d; BoundHedron: TYPE = REF BoundHedronObj; BoundHedronObj: TYPE = RECORD [ len: NAT, seq: SEQUENCE maxVerts: NAT OF Point3d]; BoundBox: TYPE = REF BoundBoxObj; BoundBoxObj: TYPE = RECORD [ minVert: Point3d, -- min x, y and z makes this lower-left-deep maxVert: Point3d]; -- max x, y and z makes this upper-right-shallow CreateBoundHedron: PROC [len: NAT] RETURNS [bh: BoundHedron]; AddBoundHedronPoint: PROC [bh: BoundHedron, point: Point3d]; AddBoundHedronPoly: PROC [bh: BoundHedron, poly: Poly3d]; RectangularBoundHedron: PROC [sx, sy, sz: REAL] RETURNS [bh: BoundHedron]; -- rectangular parallelpiped centered on the origin with dimensions given RectangularBoundHedron2: PROC [x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2: REAL] RETURNS [bh: BoundHedron]; -- like RectangularBoundHedron but use limits given instead of centering on origin PyramidBoundHedron: PROC [sx, sy, sz: REAL] RETURNS [bh: BoundHedron]; -- A pyramid with base of size sx by sz on the y=0 plane and tip at [0, sy, 0]. HexagonalBoundHedron: PROC [r, hOver2: REAL] RETURNS [bh: BoundHedron]; -- A vertical hexagonal prism, ie the shape which would be produced by sweeping the hexagon (which circumscribes the circle x^2 + z^2 = r^2) from [0, -h/2, 0] to [0, h/2, 0]. HexPyramidBoundHedron: PROC [r, h: REAL] RETURNS [bh: BoundHedron]; -- A pyramid having a hexagonal base of inner radius r on the y = 0 plane (centered on [0,0,]) and having tip at [0, h, 0] GeneralConeBoundHedron: PROC [r1, h1, r2, h2: REAL] RETURNS [bh: BoundHedron]; -- Bounds a cone slice (cone around y axis) with radius r1 at y=h1 and radius r2 at y = h2. Currently uses two hexagons. Octagons may follow. DiskBoundHedron: PROC [r, h: REAL] RETURNS [bh: BoundHedron]; -- Bounds a disk (centered on y axis) with radius r at y = h; ClearBoundHedron: PROC [bh: BoundHedron]; DrawBoundHedron: PROC [dc: Graphics.Context, bh: BoundHedron, localWRTWorld: CoordSystem, camera: Camera, screen: CoordSystem]; BoundBoxFromBoundHedron: PROC [bh: BoundHedron, camera: Camera, localCS: CoordSystem] RETURNS [boundBox: BoundBox]; BoundBoxFromValues: PROC [minX, minY, maxX, maxY: REAL] RETURNS [boundBox: BoundBox]; PointInBoundBox: PROC [cameraPoint: Point2d, boundBox: BoundBox] RETURNS [BOOL]; UnionCombineBoundBoxes: PROC [bb1, bb2: BoundBox] RETURNS [newBB: BoundBox]; IntersectionCombineBoundBoxes: PROC [bb1, bb2: BoundBox] RETURNS [newBB: BoundBox]; DifferenceCombineBoundBoxes: PROC [bb1, bb2: BoundBox] RETURNS [newBB: BoundBox]; DrawBoundBox: PROC [dc: Graphics.Context, boundBox: BoundBox, screen: CoordSystem]; ComplementBoundBox: PROC [dc: Graphics.Context, boundBox: BoundBox, screen: CoordSystem]; END. Κ°– "Mesa" style˜Iprocš»ΟcδœΟk œRž œžœ žœ$žœžœžœ"žœžœžœ%žœžœ!žœžœ žœžœ žœžœžœžœžœžœ-œ1œΟnœžœžœžœŸœžœ$Ÿœžœ"ŸœžœžœžœJŸœžœžœžœSŸœžœžœžœPŸœžœ žœžœ°Ÿœžœžœžœ{ŸœžœžœžœŸœžœžœžœ>ŸœžœŸœžœlŸœžœ9žœŸœžœžœžœŸœžœ,žœžœŸœžœžœŸœžœžœŸœžœžœŸ œžœBŸœžœCžœ˜€—…— Έ