Package: PressFontIO Filed on [Indigo]Documentation>PressFontIO.Tioga Maintainer: Michael Plass Date: December 2, 1982 DF file: [Indigo]Top>PressFontIO.DF Purpose: This package provides routines to read some of the various Press-style font formats (ac, sd, widths), and for writing .sf (spline font) format files, callable either through JaM or directly from a Cedar program. Mesa interfaces: PressFontReader - For reading ac, sd, or widths format font files. There is currently no mesa interface for the sf writing function. JaM functions: PressFontReaderJaM PressFont.Open -> . Opens a font file, and selects the first font in it. PressFont.Close -> . PressFont.DrawSplineChar -> . Executes JaM ops to draw the character. The font must be an .sd font. JaM objects called .width and .bbox are executed to give the width and bounding box. PressFont.DrawRasterChars -> . Draws the chars starting at cp, at native size. Must be an ac font. PressFont.DrawChars -> . Draws the chars, one em per unit. PressFont.CharDimensions -> . PressFont.AllocateBitmap -> . Allocates a bitmap large enough to use for the current raster font, and makes a context for it. PressFont.DrawBitmap -> . Draws the current bitmap. PressFont.GetBit -> . PressFont.StoreBit -> . PressFont.UseBitmap -> . Points TJaMGraphics at the bitmap. PressFont.UseScreen -> . Points TJaMGraphics at the screen. PressFont.WriteAISTemp -> . Writes the current bitmap on AISTemp.ais PressFont.BitmapOrigin -> . Tells the character origin of the bitmap. PressFont.BitmapSize -> . Tells the size of the bitmap. SplineFontWriterJaM SF.Open -> . SF.Family -> . sets the family for subsequent DrawChar operations. SF.Face -> . sets the face for subsequent DrawChar operations. SF.Origin -> . says what the character origins are. SF.Quad -> . says what the units are. SF.Close -> . closes .sf file. SF.Char -> . Takes the current path and writes it out as a character in .sf format. Κ0˜IunitšΟnœC˜JKš œ˜Kšœ˜Kšœ"˜)KšœΥ˜άšœ˜Itable0šœB˜BInote˜A—š œ˜head5˜ItablešœS˜SOšœ˜šœZ˜ZM˜t—Ošœl˜lOšœC˜COšœ`˜`Ošœ~˜~Ošœ4˜4Ošœ+˜+Ošœ.˜.Ošœ<˜